[Solved] Cannot remove Slim

So i finally installed arch linux with gnome successfully for the first time. (YAY! ) For my first install i decided to use Slim as my login manager, until i found out that i couldn't shutdown the computer using the shutdown button in gnome. So i decided in install GDM. But now when i try to remove slim in terminal using 'pacman -R slim', i get the follow error.
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: archlinux-themes-slim: requires slim
:: slim-themes: requires slim
Can anyone help me here? I already switched to using GDM already. Thanks.
Last edited by Chance (2008-12-18 02:56:01)

Chance wrote:
So i finally installed arch linux with gnome successfully for the first time. (YAY! ) For my first install i decided to use Slim as my login manager, until i found out that i couldn't shutdown the computer using the shutdown button in gnome. So i decided in install GDM. But now when i try to remove slim in terminal using 'pacman -R slim', i get the follow error.
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: archlinux-themes-slim: requires slim
:: slim-themes: requires slim
Can anyone help me here? I already switched to using GDM already. Thanks.
When you try to remove something and it doesn't work, you have some choices. Since slim-themes and archlinux-themes-slim are useless if you don't have slim installed, this command will remove slim and the things that depend on it:
pacman -Rscn slim
From pacman's remove help (pacman -R --help):
-c, --cascade        remove packages and all packages that depend on them
-s, --recursive      remove dependencies also (that won't break packages)
                       (-ss includes explicitly installed dependencies too)
-n, --nosave         remove configuration files as well
You just want to make sure that you're not removing too much stuff. Look at the list of stuff that comes up to be sure. If you're sure, it's safe to remove.
The pacman Wiki article is very helpful, as well the man page, and the help files.

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    error: no targets specified (use -h for help)
    Where is the problem?!
    Last edited by mario.torme (2011-02-16 16:57:50)

    Thank's in fact if I give sudo pacman -Qdtq i have nothing as output. I didn't remember sudo pacman -Qdtq, sorry!

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    Last edited by IMBJR (2014-09-24 07:27:07)

    This is the solution:
    sudo pacman -Rsn mate mate-extra
    which includes the n option to not save any settings.

  • I cannot remove embedded barcode from the image. Due to saving compression.

    Hi guys,
    I recreate a thread to prevent confusing on my previous one. Please only reply to this thread thanks.
    Ok, for a start I will give some general description about the application I made.
    I had some problem with the image being compressed while it is saved.
    Because saving an image will cause it to compress and had its pixel valued changed, I could not successfully remove the bardcode that is embedded inside a image(although some of the pixel value will be returned to original normally). I had placed my code below and will accept any opinion that will help me solve the removal of barcode problem.
    What my application does is actually very simple. It will take the pixel value of the area inside the image that will be embed with the barcode first, then it will take the pixel value of the barcode and use the formula (1-alpha * Image pixel value) + (alpha * barcode pixel value) = new pixel value which will contain the barcode that had been embedded inside. The formula works great but when I saved the image the pixel value will change due to compression. On the removal of barcode my application will read every pixel value from the image embedded with barcode (only the area with barcode embedded), then it will go on to read every pixel value of the barcode used for embedding and then use the formula (Embedded image pixel value - (alpha * Barcode pixel value) - (1 - alpha) = original pixel value. But due to the reason that compression will change some of the pixel inside the saved image to drop in its value, the result from the removal formula will be negative and hence caused my result image to become wierd as it will red colors instead of original color on some of its pixel. I tried saving under PNG format which people said to be lossless compression but the result is still the same.
    So I need to ask you guys for opinion or help me find the part where I actually did wrongly and caused the image pixel value to change.
    Thanks. Please proceed and read below for the codes that I used. It is messy and I will sort it out later.
    When alpha is set as 1 the barcode will appear to be overwrite onto the image. But when alpha is set as 0.1 the barcode will appear to be transparent and almost seems to be not there on the image when embedded.
    This is the code I used to retrieve image pixel when embedding:
    public static int[] getImagePixelValue(BufferedImage image, int x, int y){
              //Create an array to store image RGB value
              int[] imageRGB = new int[3];
              //Get height and width from input image
              int imageWidth = image.getWidth();
              int imageHeight = image.getHeight();
              //Get raw RGB value from image
              int imageValue = image.getRGB(x, y);
              //Convert image raw RGB value
              int imageRed = ((image.getRGB(x, y) >> 16) & 0xff);
              int imageGreen = ((image.getRGB(x, y) >> 8) & 0xff);
              int imageBlue = image.getRGB(x, y) & 0xff;
              //Input the converted RGB value into the array
              imageRGB[0] = imageRed;
              imageRGB[1] = imageGreen;
              imageRGB[2] = imageBlue;
              /*//Print out the pixel value to check
              System.out.println("Image red pixel: "+imageRGB[0]);
              System.out.println("Image green pixel: "+imageRGB[1]);
              System.out.println("Image blue pixel: "+imageRGB[2]);*/
              //Return image RGB value
              return imageRGB;
    }This is the code I used to retrieve barcode pixel for embedding:
    public static int[] getWatermarkPixelValue(BufferedImage watermark, int x, int y){
              //Create an array to store watermark RGB value
              int[] watermarkRGB = new int[3];
              //Get height and width from input watermark
              int watermarkWidth = watermark.getWidth();
              int watermarkHeight = watermark.getHeight();
              int watermarkValue = watermark.getRGB(x, y);
              //Convert watermark raw RGB value
              int watermarkRed = ((watermark.getRGB(x, y) >> 16) & 0xff);
              int watermarkGreen = ((watermark.getRGB(x, y) >> 8) & 0xff);
              int watermarkBlue = watermark.getRGB(x, y) & 0xff;
              //Input the converted RGB value into the array
              watermarkRGB[0] = watermarkRed;
              watermarkRGB[1] = watermarkGreen;
              watermarkRGB[2] = watermarkBlue;
              /*//Print out the pixel value to check
              System.out.println("Watermark red pixel: "+watermarkRGB[0]);
              System.out.println("Watermark green pixel: "+watermarkRGB[1]);
              System.out.println("Watermark blue pixel: "+watermarkRGB[2]);*/
              //Return watermark RGB value
              return watermarkRGB;
         }This is the code I used for merging the image pixel and barcode pixel to get the embedded pixel value:
    public static int[] getEmbeddedPixelValue(int[] imagePixelValue, int[] watermarkPixelValue, double alpha){
              //Create a object to hold embedded pixel value
              int[] embeddedRGBValue = new int[3];
              //Change image pixel value into double calculating equation
              double imgRedValue = (double) imagePixelValue[0];
              double imgGreenValue = (double) imagePixelValue[1];
              double imgBlueValue = (double) imagePixelValue[2];
              //Change watermark pixel value into double calculating equation
              double wmRedValue = (double) watermarkPixelValue[0];
              double wmGreenValue = (double) watermarkPixelValue[1];
              double wmBlueValue = (double) watermarkPixelValue[2];
              //Equation for embedding image and watermark together
              double embeddedRed = ((1.0 - alpha) * imgRedValue) + (alpha * wmRedValue);
              double embeddedGreen = ((1.0 - alpha) * imgGreenValue) + (alpha * wmGreenValue);
              double embeddedBlue = ((1.0 - alpha) * imgBlueValue) + (alpha * wmBlueValue);
              //Changing embedded value from double to int
              int embeddedRedValue = (int) embeddedRed;
              int embeddedGreenValue = (int) embeddedGreen;
              int embeddedBlueValue = (int) embeddedBlue;
              //input the embedded RGB value into the array
              embeddedRGBValue[0] = embeddedRedValue;
              embeddedRGBValue[1] = embeddedGreenValue;
              embeddedRGBValue[2] = embeddedBlueValue;
              //Return embedded pixel value
              return embeddedRGBValue;
         }This is the code where I used for the embedding process:
    else if(target == embedButton){
                   String xCoordinate = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(embedButton, "Enter coordinate X", "When you want to embed the watermark?", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
                   String yCoordinate = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(embedButton, "Enter coordinate Y", "When you want to embed the watermark?", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
                   int xValue = Integer.parseInt(xCoordinate);
                   int yValue = Integer.parseInt(yCoordinate);
                   int wCounter = 0;
                   int hCounter = 0;
                   //Create file object to be used in embedding and removing watermark
                   File inputImage = new File(imagePath);
                   File inputWatermark = new File(watermarkPath);
                   //Convert string into double for calculation of embedded pixel value
                   try {
                        alphaDouble = Double.valueOf(alphaValue).doubleValue();
                   catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                        System.out.println("NumberFormatException: " + nfe.getMessage());
                        //Define selected image as testPic and make java read the file selected
                        BufferedImage image= ImageIO.read(inputImage);
                        BufferedImage watermark= ImageIO.read(inputWatermark);
                        BufferedImage testing;
                        //Get height and width value from the selected image
                        int imageWidth = image.getWidth();
                        int imageHeight = image.getHeight();
                        //Get height and width value from the selected barcode
                        int watermarkWidth = watermark.getWidth();
                        int watermarkHeight = watermark.getHeight();
                        int totalWidth = watermarkWidth + xValue;
                        int totalHeight = watermarkHeight + yValue;
                        //Use nested for loop to get RGB value from every pixel that the barcode will be embedded in the selected image
                        if(totalWidth <= imageWidth && totalHeight <= imageHeight){
                             for (int h = yValue ; h < totalHeight; h++){
                                  for (int w = xValue; w < totalWidth; w++){
                                       int[] imagePixelValue = getImagePixelValue(image, w, h);
                                       int[] watermarkPixelValue = getWatermarkPixelValue(watermark, wCounter, hCounter);
                                       int[] embeddedPixelRGBValue = getEmbeddedPixelValue(imagePixelValue, watermarkPixelValue, alphaDouble);
                                       setRed(image, w, h, embeddedPixelRGBValue[0]);
                                       setGreen(image, w, h, embeddedPixelRGBValue[1]);
                                       setBlue(image, w, h, embeddedPixelRGBValue[2]);
                                       if(wCounter == watermarkWidth){
                                            wCounter = 0;
                             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(embedButton, "The watermark cannot be embedded at the coordinates.");
                        tempImage = image;
                        imageIcon = new ImageIcon(tempImage);
                        container.add(imagePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
                        System.out.println("Embedding completed");
                   catch(Exception errorEmbedding){
                        //If there is any error, the try and catch function will tell you the error
                        System.out.println("The following error occured: "+errorEmbedding);
              }This is the code I use to save the image that had been embedded with the barcode:
    else if(target == saveAction){
                   JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
                   FileNameExtensionFilter filter = new FileNameExtensionFilter("JPG & GIF Images", "jpg", "gif");
                   chooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File("."));
                   int returnVal = chooser.showSaveDialog(getParent());
                   if(returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
                        String name = chooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath();
                        //Create a string instant to hold outputImage path name
                        String saveFile = chooser.getSelectedFile().getName()+"."+fileType;
                        //Create file output to decide what name will be used to save the file
                        File outputImage = new File(saveFile);
                             //Save the file with the name used
                             ImageIO.write((RenderedImage) tempImage,fileType,outputImage);
                        catch(Exception errorSaving){
                             //If there is any error, the try and catch function will tell you the error
                             System.out.println("The following error occured: "+errorSaving);
              }This is the code I used for removal process of barcode:
    else if(target == removeButton){
                   //Create file object to be used in embedding and removing watermark
                   File inputImage = new File("removalTesting.jpg");
                   //File inputWatermark = new File(watermarkPath);
                   //Used a defined barcode for testing of removing barcode from embedded image
                   File inputWatermark = new File("barcode.jpg");
                   /*//Convert string into double for calculation of embedded pixel value
                   try {
                        alphaDouble = Double.valueOf(alphaValue).doubleValue();
                   catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                        System.out.println("NumberFormatException: " + nfe.getMessage());
                   //Used a defined alpha value for testing of removing barcode from embedded image
                   //alphaDouble = 0.5;
                   //Create x and y value for the starting coordinates of barcode embedded in the embedded image
                   int xValue = 0;
                   int yValue = 0;
                   int wCounter = 0;
                   int hCounter = 0;
                        //Define selected image as testPic and make java read the file selected
                        BufferedImage image= ImageIO.read(inputImage);
                        BufferedImage watermark= ImageIO.read(inputWatermark);
                        //Get height and width value from the selected image
                        int imageWidth = image.getWidth();
                        int imageHeight = image.getHeight();
                        //Get height and width value from the selected barcode
                        int watermarkWidth = watermark.getWidth();
                        int watermarkHeight = watermark.getHeight();
                        int totalWidth = watermarkWidth + xValue;
                        int totalHeight = watermarkHeight + yValue;
                        //Use nested for loop to get RGB value from every pixel that the barcode had been embedded in the embedded image
                        if(totalWidth <= imageWidth && totalHeight <= imageHeight){
                             for (int h = yValue ; h < totalHeight; h++){
                                  for (int w = xValue; w < totalWidth; w++){
                                       int[] imagePixelValue = getImagePixelValue(image, w, h);
                                       int[] watermarkPixelValue = getWatermarkPixelValue(watermark, wCounter, hCounter);
                                       int[] removedPixelRGBValue = getOriginalImagePixelValue(imagePixelValue, watermarkPixelValue, alphaDouble);
                                       setRed(image, w, h, removedPixelRGBValue[0]);
                                       setGreen(image, w, h, removedPixelRGBValue[1]);
                                       setBlue(image, w, h, removedPixelRGBValue[2]);
                                       if(wCounter == watermarkWidth){
                                            wCounter = 0;
                        tempImage = image;
                        imageIcon = new ImageIcon(tempImage);
                        container.add(imagePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
                        System.out.println("Embedding completed");
                   catch(Exception errorEmbedding){
                        //If there is any error, the try and catch function will tell you the error
                        System.out.println("The following error occured: "+errorEmbedding);
              }Sorry if the codes are in a mess, I did not had the time to sort it out yet but most likely do it when I got the removal of barcode done.
    Follow this link to have a look of the result I see in my application when I got the barcode embedded into the image I selected:
    Follow this link to have a look of the result I see in my application after I got the barcode removed:
    As you can see from the link, after I remove the barcode from the image. Some of the pixel actually went back to normal in the barcode area when the the barcode is embedded into the image. But some pixel in the barcode area had its value changed due to compression when I save the image file I think.
    Anyone can help me find out the problem?

    KamenRider wrote:
    I suspect the problem lies in the code when I save the image. Because people said that PNG was loseless compression but when I saved in PNG some of the pixel went back to normal while some did not. This is obviously the cause from changing of pixel value when I saved the image.You are almost certainly wrong. This is trivially easy to check. Print out the color of a certain pixel immediately before you save it. Open the saved PNG in your favorite image manipulation program and check the saved value of that same pixel. When you re-load the saved PNG, print out the color again. It should be unchanged.
    Thanks you for trying to help me spot the problem but the formula is correct. The alpha value i used in my application is used to set the transparency of the barcode that will be embedded in the image. Hence, when alpha = 1 the new pixel value should be the barcode value. ^^The formula isn't wrong, it's just not doing what you think it's doing. Remember that you're working with ints here, not floating point numbers, so they have finite precision. When you case from double to int, fractions are dropped. As morgalr pointed out, your formula is:
    (1-alpha * Image pixel value) + (alpha * barcode pixel value) = new pixel value You didn't show us the code for getOriginalImagePixelValue but I imagine it's:
    original pixel value = (new pixel value - alpha * barcode pixel value) / (1 - alpha)On a piece of paper, take alpha = 0.9, image pixel = 17 and barcode pixel = 100. Calculate out what you should get for new pixel value and then calculate what you should get for original pixel value. You will find they don't match.

  • Web service: Cannot remove WSS security setting

    i have a problem about developing web service with jdeveloper
    The problem is that ---> once i have add the security to the web service
    (through the web service wizard .. i,e, right click the web service and
    select "Secure Web Service'), i CANNOT REMOVE the security setting using
    the web service wizard...
    call the web service always say missing wsse:Security SOAP header..
    do anybody have the solution?
    thank you...

    the issue is still there in, and it must be somewhere on JDeveloper or OC4J side. Moreover, it's not limited to removing security settings, as the situation (old settings remembered) is the same when editing security settings.
    before regenerating a web service and its xml files (editing security properties), make sure you have cleaned the project and then you can try deleting the oracle-webservices.xml file from your project directory, because JDeveloper does not seem to be willing to overwrite it during regeneration.
    If this does not help and you are using embedded OC4J, you can try the following steps before running the web service again:
    - delete the embedded-oc4j/application-deployments/current-workspace-app directory, because it contains an oracle-webservices.xml file which may be outdated,
    - empty the contents of embedded-oc4j/config/wsmgmt.xml, because it contains security settings for web services you have deployed so far, which also may be outdated,
    - restart JDeveloper :)
    Note that these are just guesses to solve the problem. Unfortunately doing all of these did not solve it for me.
    So if anybody has some more ideas, we'll be happy to hear them.

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    Oftentimes, when I send an email with a large attachment, I want to keep the email text, but don't need/want the attachment (as I have it on my hard drive anyhow).  But when I select the message, Remove Attachments on the Messages menu is greyed out.  Again, it is intermittent as I sometimes can delete the attachments.
    I am using Maverics and the latest software updates.  My mail server is Exchange.
    Any ideas how to solve?

    I have the same problem (and same configuration).  Either of the following works for me:
    1) rebuild the mailbox - sometimes I have to rebuild multiple times but eventually it works
    2) find another message where the system will let you remove attachments - select both that message and the problematic message and remove attachments - it seems that if the system is able to remove messages from at least one of all the selecte messages, it will remove the attachments from all of the selected messages
    I'm getting a new laptop soon and have decided that I will give up on Apple Mail and switch back to Outlook with the new computer.  I'd had more problems with Apple Mail than I have ever had with Outlook.  (cannot remove attachments - entire message is corrupted when an attachment is removed - messages are not visible in the mailbox until after the mailbox is rebuilt - intentionally deleted messages reappear after the mailbox is rebuilt - custom stationary only produces the subject line and not the content of the message when applied to a new message - multiple copies of a single draft e-mails which cannot be deleted until I rebuild the mailbox to clean up the clutter)
    I'm now rebuilding my mailbox at least 10 times a week just to simply manage the mail, and I'm just an average user - not trying to do anything special.  It's not worth the trouble.

  • I get unwanted Custom Access on files and cannot remove them.

    Since I installed Snow on my iMac quad core, with 10.6.7 at present, I get irregular custom access permissions applied to files and cannot remove some of them. I have tried Tinker Tools System and sometimes that works and other times it does not.
    I have wiped my hard drive clean and zeroed it and reinstalled the system many times and it seems to make no difference.
    The latest occurance was my users folder had custom access applied to it for no obvious reason. I was able to remove it from the user folder but not able to remove it from my home folder.
    I have worked with Dr. Howard Oakley from Mac User magazine and he was unablr to solve my problem also. He has helped me on others with great success.

    Are you using a machine with only one account (which then of course is the account with administrator authority)?  Rather than completely rebuilding the system, did you use Disk Utility to Repair Disk Permissions?
    To repair permissions, boot from the Install DVD while holding down the ‘C’ key. 
    Select your Language preference and when the OS Install screen appears, go to the Tools menu in the Apple menu at the top of the screen and select Disk Utility. 
    From there click on First Aid and then run Repair Disk Permissions a few times in succession.  There will be some error or warning messages left, but they usually can be ignored. 
    Did that help?

  • Cannot remove file menu from split screen monitors.

    Hello, I installed the latest update from Apple which was the new Safari 7. I run 2 added monitors with my iMac being the primary. After update installed, both of my split monitors have the file menu on the top of the monitors. I went into the system menu under display and everything is as it should be yet I cannot remove the file menu from my secondary monitors....

    Thanks for the info however this still didnt solve the issue. I unselected and closed window but no changes were detected. I re opened the mission control and the box was selected again. I still have the file menues on both secondary monitiors. After i installed the latest update from apple, the one with the new safari update, is when i started having this issue. Everything worked fine before. My computer seems to be runing much slower now and when i click to open safri, it takes about 40 seconds to open safari..On both secondary monitiors, the file menues operate as if they are the main monitor, which my imac should be operating as the main....This is anoying...

  • Weird App in the Startmenu, cannot remove

    I have a weird app on my Nokia N9
    see screenshot
    it has no name, If i click it, it turns into a green button and after several seconds it goes back
    i cannot remove it it says its not possible because the programm is not available..
    What have i done wrong?
    Go to Solution.
    20120411234433.png ‏124 KB

    Not sure what that is. Restart the phone and see if its there. Did you install any application recently?
    If a reply has solved your problem click Accept as solution button, doing it will help others know the solution. Thanks.

  • Install Oracle 11gR2 RAC : Cannot remove directory bootstrap under /tmp

    Hello. I am installing Oracle 11gR2 RAC using 2 Virtual Machines (rac1 and rac2 whose OS are Oracle Linux 5.6) in VMPlayer and according to the tutorial
    I am installing Grid infrastructure. I am on step 7 of 10 (verify Grid installation enviroment) and get this error:
    "Free Space: Rac2: /tmp
    Cause: Could not determine mount point for location specified.
    Action: Ensure location specified is available.
    Expected value: n/a
    Actual value: n/a "
    In order to fix the above error, I run "cluster verification utility" according to
    http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E14072_01/rac.112/e10717/cvu.htm I run the following command:
    [ora11g@rac1 \]$ /home_grid/runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n rac1,rac2 -verbose
    /bin/rm: cannot remove directory '/tmp/bootstrap': Operation not permitted
    ./runcluvfy.sh:line 99:/tmp/bootstrap/ouibootstrap.log: permission denied
    From the above output, we can see the directory bootstrap under /tmp causes the problem. The solution is to remove the directory bootstrap. I run the 2 commands:
    [ora11g@rac1 tmp]$ rmdir bootstrap
    Output: Operation not permitted
    [ora11g@rac1 tmp]$ rm -rf bootstrap
    Output: cannot remove bootstrap: Operation not permitted.
    [ora11g@rac2 tmp]$ ls
    Output: there is no 'bootstrap' directory.
    My questions are:
    First, does "cannot remove boostrap in rac1" cause that /tmp in rac2 could not be determine mount point ?
    Second, can any folk help to remove the directory bootstrap under /tmp ?

    Hello. Thanks a lot for replying. I have just run the 2 commands:
    [root@rac2 \]# chown -R ora11g:dba /u01
    [root@rac2 \]# chmod -R 775 /u01
    ora11g is the user who installs the Grid and /u01 is the directory where Grid is installed and dba is the group.
    I go back to Grid Installer Step 7 of 10 in rac1 and check again and see as below:
    Free Space: Rac2 : /tmp
    Cause: Could not determine mount point for location specified.
    Action: Ensure location specified is available
    Expected Value: n/a
    Actual Value: n/a
    The problem is not solved after run the above 2 commands in rac2.
    In addition, I have run Cluster Verification Utility using the command:
    [ora11g@rac1 grid]./runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n rac1,rac2 -r 11gR2 -orainv ora11g -verbose
    Output: All of items for rac2 are passed. There is only one item for rac1 is failed as below:
    Check default user file creation mask:
    NodeName: rac1
    Available: 0002
    Required: 0022
    Comment: failed
    As we see above, the result of CVU command is not the same with Grid Installer step 7 of 10 (Installation Environment Verification):
    CVU command doesn't find /tmp mount point problem for rac2 that Grid Installer does.
    Grid Installer step 7 of 10 doesn't find user file creation mask problem for rac1 that CVU command does.
    I have tried to find out whether creation mask failed for rac1 causes /tmp problem for rac2. I have changed the line "umask 002" to "umask 0022" for rac1 in each of the 3 files below and run CVU command each time for each file:
    But chang the line "umask 002" to "umask 0022" for rac1 in each of the above 3 files does not solve the problem.
    My questions are:
    First, why is the result of CVU command not the same with that of Grid Installer step 7 of 10 ?
    Second, why change the line "umask 002" to "umask 0022" in 3 files can't solve creation mask problem for rac1 ?
    Third, how to solve /tmp problem for rac2 and creation mask problem for rac1 ?

  • Downloaded Firefox 4--computer asks over and over to restart, Firefox will not load, cannot remove it!!

    I received an update message after my system had installed the newest Firefox 3. something, approximately 4 days ago. (Today is 3/22, so about 3/17--18) The newest update , when started, took me to the Mozilla homepage, where It was suggested I download and comment on the new Firefox 4---I do not normally do this, but am so impressed with Firefox versus most others, that I did, now, I cannot open Firefox at all, the older version, 3. something, is not in my system, only 4, but my system/PC upon trying to open the new Firefox, prompts me over and over to restart the system, (which I have done 3 times) I figured I would then simply remove it, (Firefox 4) and either try it again, or re-install the newest 3. something---I cannot remove it, even using my anti-virus program to do so, it simply prompts over and over to restart, wether I try to open, remove, or access it in any way---I do not wish to use system restore, but that seems my only option, please help!!!

    I had the same problem and the solution is quite simple:
    - delete all data that has to do with Firefox and Mozilla
    - Reinstall the new version Firefox 4
    You have to make sure that everything is deleted and well yes you will lose your profile data but at least it works again without any problem.

  • How do I remove an old phone number from my macbook imessage. My apple ID does not show the number anymore but I cannot remove it from the imessage accounts. Its driving me mad !

    Can someone please help me to remove an iphone telephone number from my imessage application. I no longer have a phone which I registered on my apple ID as a second phone. I have been on my apple ID and it does not seem to be there but cannot remove it from imessage, which still has it as an option to connect to. I am concerned that someone else who inherite this old phone will see my messages if I accidentally enable it again. I have read and re-read various postings and tried all options given but no luck, the **** thing stays there.....

    Hey Chappers64!
    Here is an article that will help you with this issue:
    iOS: Deactivating iMessage
    If you have already tried these steps, you will want to utilize the information at the end of the article:
    If you can't deactivate iMessage after you perform the steps above or you can't access the iPhone, please contact Apple Support.
    Thanks for coming to the Apple Support Communities!

  • How do i solve - cannot access web server - error message when creating a project in 4.5 with PHP

    How do i solve - cannot access web server - error message when creating a project in 4.5 with PHP

    Screenshot of how it looks when i try to show a ms access form inside a iframe:

  • ITunes on my phone is no longer playing some songs, even those I have purchased with my phone.  They will play fine on my pc itunes.  I also cannot remove the audio books that are on my phone and add others and the audio books on my phone will not play.

    I am unable to play new songs purchased on my phone and some old songs on my ipod/iphone.  They all work fine in iTunes on my computer.  I also cannot remove the audiobooks from my phone when I sync even though I have unchecked said books, and I cannot play them either.

    C Mawle wrote:
    Thanks.  I have followed all the instructions as recommended and nothing has worked so it looks like the restore/update may have been interrupted - would loss of internet connection do this?
    Yes it would, possibly even brick it.
    Have successfully connected my ipod nano with iTunes so looks like the device driver is working.
    Can I use my ipod nano USB connector to check?
    It is not much help to you, since the device that you need still not recognized.
    Anyway looks like I may have to swallow the loss of data.  Have set-up a call for tomorrow with Apple support so will wait until after this before doing the factory restore!
    Good luck, but if you expect miracle from that call good luck again.

  • Error message: cannot remove older versions of apple software update

    I recently got a 30 gb ipod, and i cant install itunes 7. I originally tried installing it at first, and it said cannot remove older applications of Apple Software Update. So i installed itunes 4 to put music on my ipod. Then i tried again to install itunes 7 and i keep getting the same error message. Anyone else having this problem? Can anyone give me some suggestions please?

    I would first try and remove both iTunes and Quicktime prior to doing the install of iTunes. The following link will show you how to remove both programs. Make sure you do Step 16 as it is usually Quicktime that causes problems with the upgrade.
    If it will not let you remove the programs, you can try using the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility. The download is about 1/4 of the way down the page. Good luck.

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