Start Transaction

Hi Experts,
Im New to work flow.
What is the use of Start transaction in Version Independent tab.
Thanks in advance.
Points will be rewarded for all helpful Answers.

Hi padmam and Kiran,
Thanks for your quick Reply.
Actually my doubt is when I create the Start Form, the Start transaction created automatically.
But Its not displayed in "Start transaction" Tab. It displays only at "Start form".
So My Question is what is the Significance of Start transaction Tab?

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              WLS 8.1
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    This looks like bug 1622021. This bug has been fixed in v9.0.1 of the gateway.

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    I would check/try the following:
    1)Does the transaction exist and does it need to be published to the ITS?
    2)Does the user have the appropriate security profile to run the report - try with SAP_ALL and SAP_NEW as a test?
    3)Run the transaction directly in R/3 SAPGui with your test user ID, what happens?
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          JCO.ParameterList input = function.getImportParameterList();
           // Obtain table for function
           JCO.Table BDCtable = function.getTableParameterList().getTable("BDCTABLE");     
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          BDCtable.setValue("0102", "DYNPRO");
          BDCtable.setValue("X", "DYNBEGIN");
          BDCtable.setValue("BDC_CURSOR", "FNAM");
          BDCtable.setValue("RSRD1-TBMA_VAL", "FVAL");
          BDCtable.setValue("BDC_OKCODE", "FNAM");
          BDCtable.setValue("=SHOW", "FVAL");
          BDCtable.setValue("RSRD1-TBMA", "FNAM");
          BDCtable.setValue("X", "FVAL");
          BDCtable.setValue("RSRD1-TBMA_VAL", "FNAM");
          BDCtable.setValue("BUKRS", "FVAL");
          BDCtable.setValue("SAPMSRD0", "PROGRAM");
          BDCtable.setValue("0102", "DYNPRO");
          BDCtable.setValue("X", "DYNBEGIN");
          // Pass function parameters
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          //input.setValue(daneKlienta, "DANE_KLIENTA");
          conn.execute(function, conn.createTID());
    Regards Artur
    Message was edited by: Artur Welke

    Hi Artur,
    This answer is in relation to BSP but i think concept is same, it will give you an idea. This answer is taken from
    Brain's <a href="/people/brian.mckellar/blog/2003/10/23/bsp-trouble-shooting-frequently-asked-short-questions weblog.
    <i>Typical question: "We have developed a BSP application and we're trying to call some function. It doesn't work. However, if we execute the BSP application in debug mode, everything works fine. Why?"
    When you log onto a WebAS system the Dynpro engine is started that contains all the logic to handle interaction with the SAPGUI. For example, things such as rendering controls and doing file upload/download are all available.
    When you run an HTTP request into Web AS, a very special "dark" (or background) Dynpro is started. A minimal Dynpro is required to get ABAP up and running. But now there is no SAPGUI available, so no SAPGUI-based service will work. Also little things such as popup windows do not work.
    So why does the code work in the debugger? Because, once the debugger is triggered,it realizes that a normal Dynpro is required for the debugger and not the "dark" one. So the full-blown Dynpro engine is started, making all SAPGUI services available.
    You can consider finding the code that causes the error and bracket it with IF-statements in this function, so that no SAPGUI interaction is required in the context of a HTTP call.</i>
    Also visit this <a href="">thread</a>, this will certainly help you.
    Narinder Hartala

  • Error HRWPC_FC_EXEC - could not start transaction

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    thanks in advance.

    Please set parameter  ~webgui_theme with value "sl" in the HRWPC_FC_EXEC service under GUI configuration. That you will find in the interactive options of service data.  After saving this service please also run the transaction SITSPMON -> Templates and Mimes -> go to "Invalidate cache" and select System wide/Application server.
    Hope it helps,

  • TPETRAN - error starting transaction" gwerrno(402017)

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    LIBGW_CAT:1029: ERROR: Service request not forwarded to remote site:"TPETRAN -
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    DOMAINID = "oonst1_domain"
    DMTLOGDEV = "/apptest/obsoon/oonst1/bin/DMTLOG"
    DOMAINID = "websvc1"
    DOM1 NWADDR = "\\localhost:19217"
    RDOM5 NWADDR = "\\localhost:7004"
    CONFIG.XML on WLS8.1
    <WTCServer Name="WTCsimpapp" Targets="ObsoonServer">
    <WTCLocalTuxDom AccessPoint="MyLclAccessPt"
    AccessPointId="websvc1" NWAddr="//local:7004" Name="myLoclTuxDom"/>
    <WTCRemoteTuxDom AccessPoint="MyRemoteAccessPt"
    NWAddr="//localhost:19217" Name="myRTuxDom"/>
    <WTCImport LocalAccessPoint="MyLclAccessPt"
    RemoteAccessPointList="MyRemoteAccessPt" ResourceName="TOUPPER"/>
    <WTCExport EJBName=""
    LocalAccessPoint="MyLclAccessPt" Name="myExportedResources" ResourceName="changeCase"/>
    <WTCtBridgeGlobal JmsFactory="weblogic.jms.ConnectionFactory"
    Name="tBridge" TuxFactory="" WlsErrorDestination="weblogic.jms.tBerrorQueue"/>
    <WTCtBridgeRedirect Direction="JmsQ2TuxS" Name="JMSQ2TuxS"
    TargetAccessPoint="MyRemoteAccessPt" TargetName="TOUPPER"/>
    Looking forward to ur response!
    Thanks * Regards

    Please see my responses in the WTC newsgroup.

  • Bea.jolt.pool.ServiceException: TPETRAN - error starting transaction

    I am ctreating the transaction object and try to operate
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    bea.jolt.pool.ServiceException: TPETRAN - error starting transaction
    at, Compiled Code)
    weblogic.rmi.extensions.BasicServerObjectAdapter.invoke(BasicServerObjectAda, Compiled Code)
    at, Compiled
    My configuration: WebLogic 5.1, Jolt 1.2, Tuxedo 6.4.

    I am ctreating the transaction object and try to operate
    with the transaction object as parameter. The call fails with the following
    bea.jolt.pool.ServiceException: TPETRAN - error starting transaction
    at, Compiled Code)
    weblogic.rmi.extensions.BasicServerObjectAdapter.invoke(BasicServerObjectAda, Compiled Code)
    at, Compiled
    My configuration: WebLogic 5.1, Jolt 1.2, Tuxedo 6.4.

  • Multiple Start Transactions

    This may be a long shot, but I'm aware that you can set your start transaction in the first screen (Extras >> Set start transaction) so that when you log on you are automatically in the required screen instead of the SAP Easy Access screen.
    But if there are 2 transactions you always use, is it possible to get SAP to load up one transaction and open up a new session in another transaction as soon as you log on?
    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Kellis
    We cant have multiple sessions to be triggered during login. I would suggest you to set one of the transation as the 'Start transaction' and add the other one to your Favourites (right click on favouties icon, choose Insert transaction).
    Once you login to the start transaction, press Ctrl+ and a new session will be created. Double clcik on the other tcode in favourites.
    Sorry, couldnt think of any other options with less keystrokes and clicks
    Best Regards
    Sathees Gopalan

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    Does anyone know of a way to do this?

    When connect to the BTM main console as Administrator you can navigate to Explorer ---> SLA Policies
    Next, from the 'Create' menu you can create a SLA Policy --> Transaction SLA
    Is that what you are looking for?

  • ESS - Cannot Start Transaction

    After maintaining infotyp 0105 and subtyp 0001, I'm getting and error message as folows (after clicking on almost all the functions, e.g. Personal Data):
    Cannot Start Transaction
    The Internet Transaction Server could not start the Transaction "pzxx" because of the following error. You are not authorized to use Transaction PZXX.
    Appreciate if someone could help me on this. Thank you.
    Best Regards,
    Hapizorr Rozi Alias

    Dear Srinivasa,
    I found your blog "What is UDDI?". I liked!
    I have a question about UDDI.
    I had configured the UDDI on server host XXXXX and can access it though
    the links (the UDDI works):
    - http://<host>:50100/uddiclient
    - http://<host>:50100/uddi/api/inquiry
    - http://<host>:50100/uddi/api/publish
    But when I try to enter virtual URL http://uddi.<domain>.net/publish I
    receive the message error "HTTP 404 - File not found Internet
    Information Services"
    Could you help me?
    Thanks a lot!

  • Cannot start transaction SMEN

    Hi ,
       When we try to execute any transaction after loggging in to our system we are getting a message "    Cannot start transaction SMEN".Any idea to what may be wrong .Please help.

    This is normal. SMEN cannot be started by giving transaction code in CMD field. When you execute it you will a pop up with message. There is question mark icon in the pop up which explains the same. Only if you check it !!

  • SRM portal: Cannot start transaction for shopping cart -wizard

    Hello All,
    User is not able to access the Shopping cart-wizard in EB portal, user has updated the internet  explorer to internet explorer V7 still he is not able to access.
    When user clicks on Shopping cart-wizard he gets the following error "Cannot Start Transaction**
    *The internet transaction server could not start the transaction "BBPSC02"* .
    Please let me know how can I resolve this issue.
    Have checked the attributes for this user it is maintained to access portal, all roles are properly assigned.

    Service BBPSC02 is only not started from portal or you cannot start it as well when using the ITS link?
    Are you able to test the service via transaction SICF?

  • Start forms and start transaction?

    Hi friends,
    I am new to workflow, and can anybody just explain me the concept of start transaction and start forms in the basic data of the workflow definition?
    Thank u,

    hi  Poorani Davidraj    .
    start form mean , whenever form( eg : absence form ) as has been accessed workflow will be triggered .
    forms can be created on u r own .
    steps for creating forms.
    1) define a wf container element withe a structure for which u want to create  eg: ekko.
    2) goto basic data > start forms complete the form wizard .
    3) when ever the form will be accessed   , wf will be triggered .

  • IE HTTP Plugin - no response after click on "Start Transaction"

    I try to record some portal performance traces with the E2E Trace Tool and IE HTTP Plugin. I'm able to start the plugin (using latest version) but when I click on "Start Transaction" the IE or the plugin window is no longer responding to further input. The process is also busy with 100 %.
    Looks like a classic app crash.
    Has someony successfully used the IE Plugin for E2E trace and a solution for my problem?
    Best regards,

    Hi Frank,
    I am also facing same issue. Did you got solution for this issue? I tried HTTP plugin with SP18 from my laptop but even that is also not working.
    Do we need to start this plug in from remote terminals (like Jump server so there wont be firewall in-between SAP server and remote desktop). Please let me know about this.

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