Strange clock problems

I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this, but here goes. I have an aluminum iMac (24"/2.8 GHz) running 10.4.11, and the clock seems to acting strangely. The menubar clock displays the correct time, and when I check the date, it is correct. However, I have the Backup set to do various backups at about 5 in the afternoon, and instead, they are doing them about noon. Furthermore, I do a full user backup on Wednesdays, but Backup decided to do it at noon today. Finally, when I have Word insert the date in a file, it lists the date as March 3, 3 days ago. Anyone have any ideas of what is going on?
Dave Fritzinger

I suggest you check the battery in your iMac. If you have set up date and time being obtained from a time server you will always see the correct values after booting. The wake-up schedule however depends on the battery if line power is disconnected.

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    Thanks for your note. Yes, I’ve tried all the options in Clock’s menu.
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    The answer is very simple: You were not the original owner of the phone. Target sold you a phone that had been returned. You can verify the date of the original sale here: Apple - Support - Check Your Service and Support Coverage. I suspect you will find that the warranty expiration date is not one year from the date that you bought it.

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    -when I press the search icon on the Home screen and type C the only applications shown are Calculator & Calendar.
    Anybody have any idea what is going on and how I can get the clock / alarm clock function to work again?

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    -when I tap the clock part of the clock and weather widget nothing happens.
    -tapping on the weather part of the clock and weather widget works like it should.
    -the lock screen shows that my alarm is set for my weekday alarm, but the alarm never goes off.
    -when I open the app drawer there is no clock or alarm clock icon.
    -when I press the search icon on the Home screen and type C the only applications shown are Calculator & Calendar.
    I tried your suggestion:
    -when I go to settings>applications>manage applications>clock the button to forceclose, clear data, clear cache are all grayed out and can't be pushed.
    Is this a known problem?
    Is there any date when it might be fixed?
    Is there any less drastic way to solve this problem besides a factory reset?
    The factory reset worked, but I really don't want to continually have to do that. 

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    Thanks in advance,
    Dave Fritzinger
    Honolulu, HI

    Hi Dave,
    By the sound of it your computer has "hung" during the shutdown process, but at a point in the process where the system's temperature control mechanisms were still operating (otherwise the fans would be running flat out). My guess in this case is that it was probably actually a finder crash.
    Various things can prevent proper shutdown. Often USB or FW devices are to blame. USB adsl modems , some scanners and hubs and the occasional printer driver seem to be common causes. Software can be responsible too, though - background virus or drive checkers are probably the most common, but far from the only possible causes ( I seem to remember "SpringCleaning" causing this problem when people moved to Tiger 10.4.2 for example) .
    New software or hardware are therefore the first things to look for.
    If you haven't installed anything completely new then one possibility may be that something you are using is not compatible with the latest OS update, and needs an upgrade to a driver. Its also possible that this is a "one off" glitch caused by a temporary problem , but if it happens again I'd be taking careful note of anything that you were using in the previous session.
    You might also want to use the Console (in Utilities folder) to look at your system and crash logs.

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    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Have you Zapped the PRAM?
    Restart and when your screen fades black hold down Command, Option, P and R.
    Keep these keys pressed until you hear the Startup chime 3 times. It may take a minute or so between chimes, so be patient.
    If that doesn't work try a PMU reset,
    Turn off the iBook, press Shift, Control, Option and Power simultaneously and hold them down for 5 seconds.
    Scrap the part about resetting the PMU and see this link insted,

  • Strange major problem with 975X PowerUp Intel MOBO

    I’m suddenly having a strange major problem with a MSI 975X Platinum PowerUP Edition V2.1 MS-7246 Intel socket 775 motherboard. Previously, it had given me no problems at all.
    It went like this:
    Powered on system in the morning, booting from a cold start.
    Hit DEL key to get into the BIOS.
    Missed the window and the system booted into Windows normally.
    Re-started the system from within Windows.
    Hit DEL key to get into the BIOS and was successful the second time.
    Hit the ENTER key on the first item “Standard CMOS Features”.
    The DATE, TIME and other information was displayed on the next screen, but at this point, the BIOS screen became completely unresponsive to any keyboard input.
    The only thing I could do at that point was to power off.
    Subsequent power on boot-ups resulted in the system always freezing at the BIOS splash screen after the video card sign-on.
    I have switched power supplies, hard drives, keyboards and video cards. I have disconnected everything except the video card, keyboard and one RAM module. I have switched the four RAM modules around and then reduced the RAM to one 256MB module in the proper slot. I even changed the battery on the MOBO, in case it had shorted out and removed and re-seated the BIOS chip. It still halts at the BIOS splash screen.
    The BIOS chip can’t be completely dead, because I powered off and pushed the BIOS reset button on the MOBO to reset the BIOS to the factory defaults. When I re-booted, I could tell that it had actually reset to the factory defaults because I had previously set the BIOS to reboot the system on resumption of power and the factory default was to remain off until the power button was pushed, which was now the default.
    I’m stumped! All I can think of is to get a new pre-programmed BIOS chip and see if that makes any difference, but I’m not sure this system is even worth the expense with no guarantee of success. Any suggestions on how I might get past the BIOS splash screen or do I for sure have a corrupt BIOS chip?

    System specs as per the posting guidelines -
    Board: MSI 975X Platinum PowerUP Edition V2.1 MS-7246 Intel socket 775
    Bios: Version (can’t recall & can’t check since it won’t go past the BIOS splash screen)
    VGA: ASUS EN7600GS nVidia GeForce 7600GS PCI-e 256MB DDR2 (also tried new XFX nVidia
             Geforce 210 PCI-e 2.0 512MB DDR3)
    PSU: Chiefmax 680W ATX (also tried new OCZ 700W ATX)
    CPU: Intel 2.8GHz LGA-775 Core2 Duo Dual-Core Processor
    MEM: 4 x Samsung 512MB 1Rx8 PC2-5300U (2GB total)
    HDD: Seagate Barracuda 250GB SATA2 (also tried Seagate Barracuda 500GB SATA2)
    COOLER: Intel OEM LGA 775 fan/heatsink C25897-001
    OC: No
    OS: Vista Home Premium 32-bit
    I have been through the BIOS reset procedure several times and pretty much as outlined. As I said before, I could tell that it had taken a reset to the factory defaults, because the power on option had changed.

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    The clips are clean. I can transfer clips to Protools and output clean. It seems to just be an output to DVCPRO HD issue.
    I'm confused
    Any thought or help will be appreciated,
    Thanks Bill

    I don't know where you got the idea I was using MP3s, but thanks for a response.
    To clarify, I am ingesting audioand video clips from a Panasonic AJ 1400(HD deck with firewire). The files are in the DVCPRO HD codec (1080i 30p, 16bit, 48K).

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    Any thoughts, and thanks in advance.

    I tried it all but still the same but I did find this, when I take then computer in the back of the house or outside the signal goes up to excellent and stays there even if i take it back in the front of the house where I previously only had a good signal. But the only way to get a excellent signal is to take it far off from the router but once it does get a excellent signal it will stay there even when I take back around the router, crazy I know.
    Any more advise or thoughts?

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    1. the pages will periodically stop loading, or will take forever to load a few final images.
    2. the page will load with a different format (completely unformatted, like a throwback to Mosaic!).
    3. the page won't load at all, and will instead give me either a "DNS error" message, or will default to my ISP's "We couldn't resolve your page" message.
    4. Nothing out of the ordinary happens.
    Throughout this process, the connection strength is 100%.
    It seems this happens with both Firefox and Safari. Is this an issue with driver software, or is my Airport Card giving out? My computer is about 3 years old.

    I have been having intermittent connection problems on several computers over many years now. We have 12 eMacs, all purchased within a few months of each other, all with 10.4.11. Some computers have almost perfect internet connection, but some are constantly losing connection. If the user just waits a few minutes, the network just comes back or if they open system preferences and renew the DHCP lease it comes back as well. We have tried replacing cables, reloading the operating system, repairing permissions, reseting safari... We are all connecting through ethernet cables through wall jacks then to a switch that is connected to our router. Our DSL provider claims it can't be wiring or a problem on their end or they would see it and we would all have problems. I am not super computer literate... Any suggestions for what I should check on the 4 or so computers that are having lots of connection problems?
    Thanks for any words of wisdom!!!

  • Post Moved Strange-wifi-problem-laptops-work-fine...

    If you want to say thanks for a helpful answer,please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side If the reply answers your question then please mark as ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

    Have never heard of that problem before so can only give you an idea of some things to check.
    Check in the Homehub management that it is not set to block access to the mobile devices. If you did a factory reset of the hub then it should have cleared any settings but it might be worth checking.
    Have you checked that they are connecting to your Homehub and not to BTWifi which would require further log on to get internet access.
    What exactly is happening with the devices when you try to connect to the internet. Is it all things to do with the internet or can you connect by 3g?
    Have you tried to connect using another router such as at a friends house?  

  • Strange math-problem with LabVIEW 7.1

    I am using LabVIEW 7.1 and I came to this strange math-problem. Could it be that it is a problem of LabVIEW 7.1?
    Ok try this with LabVIEW 7.1:
    open a new VI
    place a subtract-VI (pallet numerical) on the block diagram and try to subtract 0.2 from 1.6
    place a less-VI (pallet compare) on the block diagram and wire a numerical constant 1.4 to input x
    wire the result of the subtraction to input y of the comparison
    place an LED to the output of the comparison
    and start this.
    What does it say?
    The LED should turn on and this means here that 1.4 would be less than 1.4 .
    But I would have expected that 1.4 is not less than 1.4 .
    This works also if you add or subtract upto 0.2 to/from the values 1.4 and 1.6 (or equivalent with 0.2) .
    If you change the inputs of the comparison then the result is as expected and 1.4 is reported not to be less than 1.4 .
    If you compare two constants with the same value 1.4 you will not get the same strange result.
    Does anybody have an explanation for this?

    For floating point math: Rounding to multiples of 0.1 is problematic as
    those numbers are infinite fractions in base2 representation...
    So maybe you should change your numbers to integers using fixed point math. If all your input values are in the range of 1.4 to 1.8 you can multiply by 10000 and round to next integer. Then do your comparison on that integer (there's also an 'InRange' function in the comparison palette).
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

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