Superdrive update issue

How do I stop the superdrive pop-up at every startup... it did its thing the first time and now I don't need it to pop up at start up anymore, how to I get this thing from popping up at start up every time?
I went to library/system/library/startupitems and I do not see anything for the superdrive startup item to delete... what is the specific thing I am looking for to delete?

I went to the location described below and deleted the updater from the utilities folder....
About SuperDrive Firmware Update 2.1
The SuperDrive Update improves readability of certain CD media. The updater application will be installed in the /Applications/Utilities folder. Please follow the instructions in the updater application to complete the update process

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  • SuperDrive update?

    I have updated the firmware 2.1 for the superdrive, I had a problem with the popup that comes up everytime I start the MBP(there's no drive to update). I seemed to have resolved that issue by deleting the update from my system preference/accounts/login items, and it doesnt come up anymore. My drive is still working! The firmware update is still in my utilities folder, were it should be, but my Questions are, A) can I delete the SuperDrive Update 2.1 safely by dragging it to the Trash, B) How can I tell if the Update took, is there a certain revision code or number that I can check, C) if it didnt take should I try the update again. Im asking these ? because I was told by someone at apple all you can really do to resolve the problem is do a Archive and Install, Ive never done this before and if I dont have to go through it, I would rather not, maybe alittle scared, I dont want to wreck my MBP or do something stupid.
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    I had the "no update available" problem on start up / login. My solution was to get rid of the updater (both the application and the updater.pkg which is located in library/receipts. This did the trick. And my DVD player works fine - I just copied a couple of DVDs and played the copied versions (old 16mm home movies that I had digitized).
    I hadn't noticed the library receipts folder and I'm wondering if there is any functional advantage to keeping the receipts. There are 122 in my receipt folder and many of them weigh in at over a MB. Does anyone know if it is okay to just trash them? They all have the .pkg appended to the file name and they all appear to be updates. -JCB

  • Why can't we get a straight answer from Apple about updater issues?

    Why are there thousands and thousands of posts from people all having the same issue? We try to update IPod software using latest updater, and it causes IPod to no longer be recognized. All we want is someone from Apple to FIX THE PROBLEM! Yet all we get are refferals to complicated articles that never seem to work for at least half the people. Clearly it is a problem with these updaters. WHY IS APPLE NOT FIXING THIS ISSUE? Can anyone give me a straight answer!?

    Hi Wolf,
    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    "thousands and thousands of posts"
    There are roughly 10,300 thread with 50,000 posts in the iPod Nano forum, and there are probably another 500,000 who don't even know it exists. I don't there there has been a thousand posts on the updater issue. It may seem like thousands upon thousands, but don't forget; you're at an Apple Support Forum.
    "All we want is someone from Apple to FIX THE PROBLEM!thousands and thousands of posts"
    There's no need to "shout". I don't think Apple is going to hear you from shouting in a user to user forum. Nor will you probably get a answer (here) from Apple for the same reason. I have a -------- (straight) answer for you. I don't know what's going on specifically (no one really knows in this forum because they are all users. Anyone who would know won't say), but I can assure you that Apple isn't ignoring the issue. They are the quickest to respond to any problem that comes their way. If you would like to get Apple's attention, I don't suggest ranting and raving in the iPod user to user forum. I suggest submitting polite feedback to Apple here.

  • Is there a consensus on how to solve security update issues?

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    more importantly, WHAT CAN I DOOOOOOOO?
    thank you

    looking at your suggestion to check /Library/Startup items in the concurrent thread ("Help needed after installing Security Update 2008-008"), i recalled that the only thing i have in this file system is 3 folders concerning Intego, NetBarrier and Virus Barrier. one of these contains the NetBarrier x4 daemon which has no image, just the apple "pencil, ruler, pen on paper" "A" image. i don't think it correctly downloaded, but this the case in every instance.
    i'm running netbarrier x4 10.4.5 updated and downloaded on installation. intego Support says that there should be nothing in my "Startup/Login items". i thought they meant Login items (users>login items) because when i take the folders out of my "/Library/Startup items", NetBarrier fails to "initialize".
    intego is now on newtbarrier x5, but they say x4 is fully compatible with Tiger???
    my baby maybe getting on, but it's strong enough, i just need to know what's bugging it!

  • 10.9.2 Update Issue (VPN) - Eclipse Perl debugger issues while connected to VPN

    This post was initially added to this discussion: 10.9.2 Mavericks update issues
    I have yet another issue related to 10.9.2 update - Eclipse Perl debugger issues while connected to VPN...
    One of the big changes introduced by 10.9.2 update - are VPN changes (security fixes). Unfortunately, whatever these changes are - they "broke" Eclipse (OpenSource IDE) debugger. I am not sure if *all* programming languages (Eclipse plugins) are affected by this, but I know for sure that 'Epic' (Perl plugin) debugger *stopped working* while system is connected through VPN.
    Here is the error that gets “popped-up” in the Eclipse:
    Timed out while waiting for Perl debugger connection
    … and here is exact exception stack that gets printed:
    Unable to connect to remote host:
    Compilation failed in require.
    at /Users/valeriy/workspace/ROBO-PROD-RA-685/src/lib/test/ line 0.
              main::BEGIN() called at /Users/valeriy/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.epic.debug/ line 0
              eval {...} called at /Users/valeriy/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.epic.debug/ line 0
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
    at /Users/valeriy/workspace/ROBO-PROD-RA-685/src/lib/test/ line 0.
    Can't use an undefined value as a symbol reference at /Users/valeriy/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.epic.debug/ line 7596.
    END failed--call queue aborted.
    at /Users/valeriy/workspace/ROBO-PROD-RA-685/src/lib/test/ line 0.
    (of course IP address changes dynamically for each VPN connection session)…
    I was able to prove that this issue is related to 10.9.2 update:
    Issue *does not* exist under 10.9.1 (I had to revert back to 10.9.1 to get it working again)
    No updates were performed around the same time 10.9.2 update occurred (I verified that using Software Update log)
    No configuration changes were introduced around the same time
    Reverting back to 10.9.1 using Time Machine (thanks god I had backup !!!) fixed the issue
    Steps to reproduce this issue:
    In Eclipse, try to use 'Epic' (Perl plugin) to debug any perl script while *not* connected through VPNEpic debugger works
    Connect to VPN
    Start Epic debugger to debug same script
    Debugger *does not* start, and "Timed out while waiting for Perl debugger connection" error pop-up comes up after some time. At the same time, exception stack (listed above) is printed in Eclipse's console
    I am programmer/software developer, I work remotely (telecommute) and thus have to rely on use of VPN to connect to company's intranet. Perl - is primary language used by my team, and we use Eclipse IDE with Epic plugin - heavily. Use of Epic's debugger - is a *very large* aspect of my work, I cannot work without it. So in essense, 10.9.2 has *entirely* disrupted my ability to work! It took me almost a week to get back to normal work environment, and I cannot afford to let it happen again... I need Apple's development team resolve this VPN related issue, as soon as possible! Because of this issue, I am *stuck* with 10.9.1 and can not upgrade my laptop to any other versions. In fact, I had to disable system updates - just so I do not run into this issue again... I contacted Apple's Tech Support on 02/28 with this issue (Ref: 582428110), asking to raise trouble ticket. Since then, I tried to follow-up on that issue, but do not get any information. Please advise on the status:
    is there a trouble ticket to track this issue?
    is there any progress?
    what's the ETA for an update that fixes this problem?
    - Val
    Message was edited by: vpogrebi

    Am I the only one experiencing this issue ???

  • MBP does not start upafter superdrive update

    I just upgraded the superdrive firmware (don't remember the release) and the macbook no longer boots up. The screen is completely dark and does not react although I removed the batery and power cord.
    Any idea?

    Same problem with me!
    I trashed the Superdrive Updater 2.1. application from the utilities folder (beforehand made a backup and created a disk image from a folder with the application). That solved the problem.
    I am very fortunate that my drive still works. Now it makes only a very short engage and disengate sound at reboot and appears to be somewhat slower.
    Apple should not post firmware upgrades that do not work or are very critical. Actually I did not want to install it, I just wanted to download the updater software, but after restart the **** thing just started all by itself.
    Apple definitely should fix that problem and N E VE R program a autorun at startup routine for a firmware updater!!!

  • My new iPod Classic will not sync with my new Mac Book. My iPhone 5 does, so does 2nd gen. iPod touch. Apple Store cannot figure it out. Tried different Classics on different Macs, same thing. iTunes update issue ?

    The iPod Classic I bought a month ago is not synching with my new Mac Book I bought 3 weeks ago. All the software was immediately updated. My iPhone 5 synchs fine, and so does my 2nd generaton iPod Touch. The original computer I synched all of these devices on was my HP latop. I bought my Mac and Classic to the Apple Store for a 'Genius Appt' and they could not figure out what the problem is. The connected my Classic to another computer and the same thing happens. It says device is not recognized. They also took other iPod Classics and connected them to my Mac and other Macs. The same thing was happening. They took notes and said it probably is an iTunes update issue.
    I can manually drag songs into my Classic but I lost all playlists because it cannot be backed up as well and they had to restore it. For now I am holding on to it but it's usless to me if I cannot use it the way I liked too. I used it for the gym and bike riding and my last iPod battery died after 6 years. A charge would last 45 miutes. I love the Classic for what I use it for but it's a $275 brick to me now. At least the renewed by receipt so I can get a full refund.
    Is anyone else seeing this issue ? The Apple Store employee said he saw a first generation iPad havng the same issue. As of now the Support Dest is unaware of this. As much as I love my new Mac I am disappointed I cannot sync my new Classic to it. Total bummer.
    Any help would be apprecated.

    By the way, I totally restored everything. It was ok. It starts to 'unrecognize' my iPod Classic when it comes to synching with iPhoto. After this happened all the menus disappeared from my iPod (music, Podcasts, movies synched fine). It seems to be a problem when synching with iPhoto. It was the same thing before.

  • Unable to Resolve Windows Update Issue in Windows 8.1

    I recently, as far back as 1 month ago, began experiencing issues with the update service under the Windows 8.1 OS platform.
    I found that I was having to repeatedly run the Windows Update Troubleshooting Tool. This appeared to fix the issue with each run of the tool, but eventually I'd have the same problem receiving updates again. My problem is as follows:
    1. Windows Update service hangs during register analysis.
    2. Unable to reset (stop or restart) wuauserv. 
    3. Unable to reset (stop or restart) Cryptserv.
    4. Unable to reset (stop or restart) BITS.
    5. Unit recently, was unable to connect to internet from Desktop GUI, but was able to connect using Metro GUI.
    I'm not sure is there was a recent update that caused this issue, but I can no longer download updates for my system, nor can I successfully run the Windows Update Fixit tool.

    Let's confirm these situations:
    Now your desktop Internet Explorer can't connect Internet.
    You receiving the same updates again and again.
    If I am right, please check that update's installation status from update history.
    Then refer to this article to troubleshoot:
    Karen Hu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Sender JDBC Adapter Select/Update Issue

    Dear All,
    We have configured a Sender JDBC Adapter to Poll data from the DB2 tables. It is working fine and both the select and the update queries written are also getting properly executed and are changing the status of the flag from Y to N once read from database.
    In the communication channel ->
    select * from <table> where flag = 'N'.
    update <table> set flag = 'Y' where flag = 'N'.
    But I have one doubt after executing the select query some new data comes into the table of status flag 'N"., then will this unselected data will also be updated to 'Y' .
    The question is while we do a select and update from XI on the DB table and at the same time there is an insert happening into the table from the other end how will the adpater behave in this case.Will it result in missing of some records during next select/update transaction from XI..
    Your inputs will be appreciated.

    Did you ever get a solution to your question ?
       Sender JDBC Adapter Select/Update Issue  
    Posted: Apr 24, 2008 2:29 PM           Reply 
    Dear All,
    We have configured a Sender JDBC Adapter to Poll data from the DB2 tables. It is working fine and both the select and the update queries written are also getting properly executed and are changing the status of the flag from Y to N once read from database.
    In the communication channel ->
    select * from <table> where flag = 'N'.
    update <table> set flag = 'Y' where flag = 'N'.
    But I have one doubt after executing the select query some new data comes into the table of status flag 'N"., then will this unselected data will also be updated to 'Y' .
    The question is while we do a select and update from XI on the DB table and at the same time there is an insert happening into the table from the other end how will the adpater behave in this case.Will it result in missing of some records during next select/update transaction from XI..
    Your inputs will be appreciated.

  • Had update issues but now my iphone is in a loop of the apple sign then the circling thing, itunes doesnt even pick it up, cant get past this point!! ? any help?

    had update issues but now my iphone is in a loop of the apple sign then the circling thing, itunes doesnt even pick it up, cant get past this point!! ? any help?

    You might want to check this thread hope this helps

  • Has anyone called about the 1st Gen Update issue?

    I was just wondering if anyone has actually called Apple about the 3.1.3 Update issue with the 1st gen iTouches. I don't want to waste my time and call when they might just respond with "there's no current solution". My iPod has been bricked on that screen with the "plug in the USB cord" symbol for a few days. Help!

    My wife had the same problem with 1st gen 32gb Touch. She uses a pc based laptop with Vista OS. Couldn't get past the Apple logo even when trying to reset. I plugged into my Mac tonight, and for the heck of it, reset the iPod using the on/off button and home screen button. It now would appear in my iTunes and allowed me to reset. It is starting from scratch again (as she doesn't appreciate my play list), but at least it is fully operational again.
    Have seen where others state they can't restore. May be able to using a Mac. Food for thoughts anyway. Hope this helps.

  • Site Manager Update Issue Continues

    It appears that the iTunes U Desktop Application update issue has not been resolved. I added new content to a collection (see attached link) on Friday. As of this morning, the tracks have not appeared in the iTunes U Desktop application (ver. 10.0.1), although they do appear in the Quick View Preview, but cannot be previewed in that window.
    The tracks have been available for preview and download all weekend on the iPad and iPhone.
    Syd Rodocker
    Tennessee Department of Education 4396

    Greetings All;
    Just checking to see what, if anything has happened with the Public Site Manager Update issue on your campus or in your office.
    I've uploaded content that still hasn't shown up in the iTunes Desktop Application in over two weeks.
    Oddly enough, I have added URL's to our site, and that information shows up within an hour of Publishing the site.
    Just wondering if anyone has experienced a resolution of the issue.
    Syd Rodocker
    Tennessee Department of Education

  • [Forum FAQ] Common steps to start troubleshooting Windows Update issues

    In this article, we provide you some common steps to quickly narrow down Windows Update issues. Before you post your question, you can follow the steps below to see whether
    the issue can be identified and resolved. If not, please post it in Windows 8/8.1 Forum with the analyzed details.
    Scenario 1: New updates can’t be checked.
    Make sure your internet connection works fine.
    Make sure you could connect to Windows Update Server or Microsoft Update.
    For more information about how to troubleshoot problems connecting to Windows Update or to Microsoft Update,
    visit the following Microsoft Web site:
    Scenario 2: Windows Update can’t be installed or configured.
    Suggestion 1: Run the
    Windows Update Troubleshooter
    WINDOWS + X combination key to open the Control Panel;
    Change its view by “Category”;
    Find and fix problems;
    System and Security entry, click Fix problems with Windows Update.
    Follow the instruction to complete it.
    Suggestion 2:
    Make sure the following services could startup automatically
    Press WINDOWS + R combination key, type “services.msc”, press
    Find out the following services and the dependent services:
    Windows Update
    Background Intelligent Transfer Service
    Windows Modules Installer
    Double click every service, on General tab, set its Startup type as “Automatic”;
    Click Apply and OK button.
    Note: If these services miss or damage, you need to use Windows 8/8.1 installation media restore them.
    Suggestion 3:
    Delete the Windows Update cache
    WINDOWS + R combination key, type “services.msc”, press
    Find out the
    Windows Update service, right click and stop it;
    Located to
    Delete the whole
    SoftwareDistribution folder.
    Suggestion 4:
    Reset the Windows Update component
    For more information about how to
    reset the Windows update component,
    visit the following Microsoft Web site:
    Suggestion 5:
    Install the Windows Update in a
    Clean Boot state
    For more information about How to perform a clean boot in Windows,
    visit the following Microsoft Web site:
    Suggestion 6:
    Reset, refresh or restore your PC, and then try to Windows Update
    Scenario 3: You might still be repeatedly offered the same update.
    You need to check its installation status and decide if it should be installed again.
    For more
    information about Windows Update or Microsoft Update repeatedly offers the same update,
    visit the following Microsoft Web site:
    Here are the solutions for some common Windows Update error codes or corresponding issues:
    1. .NET Framework update installation error: "0x80070643" or "0x643"
    2. Error 0x800B0100 when you try to install Windows Updates or Microsoft Updates
    3. Error 0x80070005 in Windows Update when you try to install updates
    4. Error message 80246008
    5. Error message 80070003
    Stop Windows Update service, rename SoftwareDistribution and catroot2 folder, then restart Windows Update service.
    6. Error message 0x80072f8f
    Check and correct PC’s Time and Date. 
    7. Automatic Windows update settings is gray out.
    Please locate to the below registry:
    Add Value name: NoAutoUpdate
    Value data: 0 or 1
    0: Automatic Updates is enabled (default).
    1: Automatic Updates is disabled.
    Windows Store app update general troubleshooting steps
    If you're unable to open the Store, try running the
    Apps troubleshooter
    If you can’t find the app update. Please consider these scenario:
    Confirm if you set the proxy which affect the Windows store update.
    For more information about using authenticated proxy servers together with Windows
    8, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
    Confirm the app is available in your current region;
    Make sure “Automatically update my apps” is set to Yes;
    Make sure the latest updates are installed on your PC and that your antivirus program isn't preventing the app from running.
    Make sure the app isn't blocked by Windows Firewall
    Sync your app licenses.
    Try to clear
    the Windows store cache on your PC:
    WINDOWS + R combination key, type “wsreset”, press
    Try to install the update again.
    Applies to: Windows 8 and Windows 8.1
    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    ADK download link is unavailable
    Working one here at the bottom of the page

  • Lumia 720 black- OS update issue and Apps download...

    I am using Lumia 720 Black, Everythings seems to be oky, but I cannot download apps from store, though I congfigured my Microsoft account. Nor I am able to download new software updates.
    Help me..

    Hi Anindya1903,
    Let us help you with this. Before we proceed with @Abi99's recommendation, take time to answer the questions below to isolate the issue:
    For the downloading of apps:
    • Are you unable to download any apps from the Windows Phone Store?
    • What exactly happens when you download them?
    • Is there any error message or code?
    • Which connection are you using? Wi-Fi or cellular data? Do you have a stable internet connection?
    • Were you able to browse any websites or access any internet-based apps using your phone? 
    For the software update issue:
    • Where are you located? See: Software Update for Nokia Lumia with Windows Phone 8 to know the Lumia Cyan update availability in your country.
    • What's the current OS version and firmware revision number of your phone?
    • Any error message or code when checking for an update?
    You can try checking the below links to further isolate the software update issue:
    • FAQ - What if I have trouble installing an update on my Lumia phone?
    • Solutions to update issues
    We look forward to your reply. Oh, glad to see you on the forum.

  • Saving\updating issue or bug in C5?

    When I update buttons or even text in captions, the changes do not seem to be taking effect after I close the project, so I have to continuously go back and make the changes either on my local mathine or if another developer opens the files from our network. Is anyone else experiencing this problem?

    Typically we use the network drive to store and pass the projects back and forth. I am checking to see if others are actually editing on the network drive. I am experiencing this on my local HD as well, with changes that I made last week not being reflected when I open the file locally today (no network drive involved). I am wondering if this is a cached project issue.
    Dewey Cooper |
    From: Captiv8r [email protected]
    Sent: Monday, January 03, 2011 12:05 PM
    To: Dewey Cooper
    Subject: Editing Saving\updating issue or bug in C5?
    Hi there
    From what you are asking it would seem that your mode of operation is to make edits to a project while the project is on the network? If so, that's a pretty awful way of operating and is fraught with issues.
    The preferred way of operating is to only edit a Captivate file while it is on your local hard drive. Then if you want it on the network for others to make edits, copy it there. When others need to edit, they copy it locally, edit and copy it back.
    This also requires careful coordination so that simultaneous edits aren't made. Then one person saves back to the network and his/her changes are saved, the person number two saves back and blows their changes away and replaces them with the changes they made.
    In other words, in this situation, whoever saved last wins. So you need to be very careful about coordinating who is making updates and when so that only one person is making and saving changes at any given time.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links

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