Time Machine(Time Capsule) crashes...

I am trying to restore  some of the photos in my iphoto (7.1.5), but when I try to restore them using time machine it crashes....what can I do ??
It all worked fine before.....

I have  OS X 10.6.7

Similar Messages

  • Time Capsule crashes when Time Machine starts a backup

    I've not searched through the postings here to see if other people have seen a similar problem. I've not attempted to repeat the problem I've seen here so I'm not very clear about the cause.
    I'm using a MacBook Pro with OS 10.5.4 connected via a network cabled directly to a Time Capsule which is connected to a DSL/Cable modem. The Time Capsule is updated with v 7.3.2 of the firmware. I've got Time Machine enabled but I'm also using the Time Capsule disk (1TB) to store photos that I've previously archived to CD. I'm in the process of copying all the data from CD to the Time Capsule.
    Having copied some photo data to the Time Capsule I was trying out some photo cataloguing SW to see if it was any good (iPhoto is no good to me as I don't want to store photos on the local drive of my machine) - Kodak EasyShare v6.1. Having loaded some images into EasyShare I tried to use finder to search for the file names of some of the images to check that EasyShare was not copying images to my local drive. While I was doing this I think Time Machine tried to kick in and start doing a backup. I believe that Time Capsule crashed at this point. Finder froze and after I restarted it (via Force Quit not a re-boot) I discovered that I had no network connection and Mac OS couldn't see the Time Capsule under FInder or via AirPort Utility (the Time Machine backup also timed out and failed). Time Capsule just sat there with the disk spinning and a green light on the front as if all was OK. Actually - the disk just kept spinning (Time Capsule normally shuts down the drive after it is idle for a while). Because of this I'm pretty sure that Time Capsule had crashed.
    I experimented with re-booting my Mac but still no network etc so I tried power cycling the Time Capsule and everything came back to life.
    I'm guessing that my doing a search (or some other drive activity on Time Capsule) at the same time as Time Machine kicking in with a backup caused Time Capsule to crash.
    Perhaps this is not a very interesting point if this problem is not repeatable but - well, I'd be interested to know if others have seen similar behavior...

    I'm having a very similar problem and it is detrimental.
    Here is the scenario: I have a 1TB Time Capsule as my primary router. I am able to perform backups on all but one of my machines. My iMac backs up via 1GB ethernet to the TC, my MacBookAir (60GB,SS) backs up via wireless N (270mb) and my other MacBookAir (80GB,IDE) also backs up via wireless N without any problems.
    I used to use a 500mb external drive to backup my iMac but outgrew it, so I started backing up to the TC instead. No problems at all.
    I also used to back up my Intel MacMini running Mac OS X Server 10.5.5 to a similar external hard-drive but haven't in a while.
    I decided it finally made sense to backup ALL my Mac's to the same 1TB TimeCapsule but it's just not working out!
    On the MacMini; I turn on TimeMachine, the TimeCapsule has been chosen as a backup location, it prepares backup for a moment, mounts the backup drive and then appears to begin backup up... No...! First I get a message the the TimeCapsule closed the connection, next I lose Internet connection across my entire network both wired and wireless and then the TimeCapsule light turns amber, flashes and essentially does a completel crash / reset and then comes back to life a few moments later. I can backup any other computer except the MacMini to the TimeCapsule without "crashing" it and it makes no sense! Every computer is completely up to date with all the latest patches and the TimeCapsule is running 7.3.2
    I sure hope this gets resolved, seems like other people are pretty disgusted with the performance of the TimeCapsule with problems that have no resolution.

  • Time capsule crash when copying files from it

    Hi, I'm trying to copy files from a time capsule to a windows 7 pc. When I do that the time capsule crashes. I can copy files from the windows 7 pc to the time capsule without problems. Has anybody got a clue? I just bought the time capsule, so it has the latest versions.

    What do you see that you interpret as a Time Capsule crash?  You can use AirPort Utility to look at the log file of the Time Capsule.  Go into "Manual Setup", then invoke Base Station > Logs and Statistics.  There might be a message in the log that helps explain the problem.

  • Time Machine/Time Capsule crashes my computer

    My MacBook Pro started crashing, the dark curtain descending over my screen, on Saturday. I have finally determined that the automatic backup in Time Machine is causing the crashes. I turned off the automatic backup. When I initialize a backup my computer crashes. I am using a Time Capsule as my backup disk. Any suggestions?

    Well, it's at least some comfort to know that we're not alone. :-\
    In our Apple Certified Consulting Business, we're having the same problem. I've done just about everything in book and discussed it with other colleagues in the biz. As far as any of us can tell, the sparse disk images are becoming corrupt and the Kernel Panics and screen freezes are a direct result of the failed backup process. Sometimes this will take the form of a backup that only seems to move at 1k per 2-3 minutes, and other times it will be "preparing" or "finishing" a backup for (literally) hours. Although I cannot confirm this, one of the theories has to do with tiny (or otherwise) network interruptions that cause the corruption of the sparse disk image.
    Either way, I hope Apple IS monitoring these boards and I encourage everyone to always send in the crash report to Apple EVERY time it happens. I'm guessing this is why the regular Airport Base Stations have not yet been fully sanctioned with Air Disks for Time Machine backups either. I know that Apple wanted to get this software out there ASAP, but there is still a ways to go before it's truly ready for primetime.
    If anyone learns anything else about this or has a link to another thread, I'd be grateful if they'd post here and I'll subscribe to this thread. With that initial backup taking 12 hours over Cat5e, continually deleting and remaking sparse disk images is not a solution.
    Time Machine and Time Capsule are very much needed, brilliant ideas for consumer backups. Please Apple. Pay some serious overtime for the team and give them whatever they need to make this as solid as Apple products can be.

  • Time Capsule crashes my MacBook Pro

    I have just got back from a shopping trip with my shiny new Time Capsule. I have it set up as my wireless base station and am connected to the net. Problem I am having is that when Time Machine starts preparing to back up my MacBook Pro crashes and will not relaunch finder so I have to hold the power button down to turn off.
    Why is it doing this??? Has anyone else had this problem??? How can I get my new shiny toy to work???
    Any info greatly received!

    My time capsule worked great up until the May 1st update Time Capsule Update. A grey curtain comes down on the screen and a warning in several languages shows up and I have turn off my MBP. I am very frustrated with this problem and I can see I am not the only one:

  • Time Capsule crashing; not appearing in AirPort Utility

    Hi all
    My Time Capsule keeps on crashing, and is currently not appearing in the AirPort Utility window. I restarting it by unplugging it and plugging it back in again, but it will randomly crash again, or the sessions will be interrupted on the TC drive and the additional HDD that's plugged into it. I'm not really sure what's going on here. It's not like I'm sitting too far away from the Time Capsule (less than 3m, in fact).
    The only thing that's going on that could be causing this, as far as I can see, is my attempting to migrate my files and folders from my old PowerBook to my new MacBook Pro (a procedure that is not, in all honestly, going all that well).
    Thanks in advance

    If you don't mind a few more suggestions...
    *_Time Capsule Weak Signal Strength / Dropped Connections_*
    Forgive the size of the post, but the suggestions below have helped others with similar issues. Try each topic individually and see if things improve, If not move on to the next one.
    *Keep the Time Capsule Cool*
    Some posters have observed that when they positioned the Time Capsule for better ventilation and cooling, their network connectivity issues resolved themselves. Also avoid locating the devise within poorly ventilated cabinets or piling items around or on top of it.
    *Time Capsule Orientation*
    While the location you chose to setup your Time Capsule may be acceptable, but the direction it is oriented can have an effect on signal strength. It appears that the signal of the Time Capsule does not radiate equally from all sides of the devise.
    The antennas within the devise are positioned along the 3 smooth sides. That is, there is no antenna on the side bearing the ports and cables. As a result, position the devise with the ports and cables AWAY from the direction of most of the clients that will be connecting to it.
    *Cordless Phones*
    Some users have discovered that the cordless phones they have in the home occupy or are near the same bandwidth as their wireless network (2.4Ghz or 5Ghz). Try temporarily disabling the handsets and their bases and see if network connectivity improves. If so you may need to change the channel that the phone uses or purchase phones that occupy a different bandwidth.
    *Proximity To Other Devices*
    One poster observed: “Finally have full access, full speed, and full functionality. Initially I installed the Time Capsule at the location of my cable, cable modem... which of course was next to my HDTV, DVD, Apple TV, Amplifier, etc. Get the picture? After about 4 weeks of starts and stops, resets and repeated initial backups, I moved the unit to another location, closer to my Mac, and in an area where there are no other electronics. Now, it runs perfect.” [http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1734818&tstart=0]
    *Change Firewall Settings* #
    Go to System Preferences --> Security.
    Click the Firewall tab.
    Change setting to “Set access for specific services and applications”.
    The System will now ask you when each process wants to penetrate the firewall. Once you click “Allow” each time you are asked, it will be saved in the pane at the bottom of this window and it should never ask you again.
    One poster observed, “Since I made this change, my wireless has been strong and Time Machine works like a champ and the impact on my network performance is minimal. I speculate that the change in performance is due to security protocols or services that run in the 'allow all incoming connections' and 'allow only essential services' modes. Whatever the reason this fix has worked for me for over 2 months without resetting my airport connection or time capsule.” [http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=8348496#8348496]
    *Change Time Capsules’ Channel*
    Launch Airport Utility.
    Select the device on the left.
    Click "Manual Setup."
    Select “Airport” in the toolbar.
    Click the "Wireless" tab.
    If “Channel” is set to “Automatic” try changing to a different one. Holding the Option key down and clicking the drop-down menu should provide more channels to choose from. If you have another wireless router operating, ensure that each devices’ channels are as far apart as possible.
    Click “Update”.
    Close Airport Utility.
    *Preferred Networks & Airport Services*
    You may be experiencing interference from other networks in your neighborhood. When you click the Airport menu are there other networks listed other than your own?
    If so, is your network at the top of the list? It should be.
    Go to System Preferences --> Network --> Select Airport on the left.
    Click "Advanced". In the “Airport” tab note the various local wireless networks that Airport detects. Is the network you prefer to connect to at the top of the list? If not drag it to the top. Are there other networks you never intend to connect to (an old work network, or a neighbors network)? Then highlight them and click the "-" button.
    Make sure “Remember any network this computer has joined” is checked.
    Click "OK".
    For "Network Name" be sure your network is selected and then click "Apply".
    Is Airport (wireless) your primary means of connecting to your network? If so, is Airport at the top of the list of services on the left? It should be.
    Click the small “Gear” button at the bottom of the window and select “Set Service Order”.
    Now drag Airport to the top of the list.
    Click “OK”. Click “Apply”.
    Now see if network connectivity has improved.
    *Transmit Power & Wide Channels*
    If you are using the 802.11n only (5GHz) radio mode, you can also select to use wide channels, which provide higher data throughput in your network.
    Launch Airport Utility
    Select your Time Capsule on the left.
    Click “Manual Setup”.
    Select “Airport” in the toolbar.
    Click the “Wireless” tab.
    Click “Wireless Options...” at the bottom of the window.
    Adjust the “Transmit Power” to 100%.
    Put a check mark in the box labeled “Use Wide Channels”. (If you are using a 802.11a/b/g (2.4GHz) radio mode then select “Interference Robustness”)
    Click “Done”.
    Click “Update” in the lower right hand corner.
    Wait for the Time Capsule to restart and then see if your network speeds improve.
    *Faulty Airport Card*
    One poster reported: “I reckoned the fault must be with the Macbook’s hardware so took the plunge and got a new airport card fitted to my Macbook and now everything is working fine. At last I have a working Macbook!” [http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1719326&tstart=0]
    If you think this might be the case, follow the steps outlined in this KB article to determine if your Airport card is still being detected by your system:
    Let us know if any of the above helped improve your situation.

  • Time Capsule Crashing When Trying to Access External HDD

    Hi, I have a MBP and an iMac backing up successfully to a 1TB Time Capsule. I recently bought a 1 TB WD My Book external HDD which I attached to the USB port of the Time Capsule to archive all my digital media so that the TC could be used exclusively for backups.
    The external HDD showed up under Airport Utility as well as as a partition under Time Capsule in the finder. The problem is whenever I tried to access the HDD it would freeze and crash the Time capsule which needed to be rebooted and restarted to work again. The funny thing is that on occasion I actually got the disk to work and I copied a few files across but within like a couple of minutes the Time Capsule hung and I got messaged that the file server in the Time Capsule and the External HDD was disconnected. Reconnection was only possible by powering off and restarting.
    Any suggestions? Much appreciated.

    I have the same problem.
    My Setup:
    Time Capsule 500 GB
    15" MBP 1.83 GHz
    WD 250 GB USB Drive (Powered)
    I run Time Machine backups to TC. This works without any problems and very quick I might add.
    My problem is when I try to copy files to and from the External USB Drive to my MBP. The files will start to copy, then I lose the connection to the USB drive and the TC (no Internet connection as well).
    To get the TC to work again, I need to power it down and power it back up.
    Any help would be appreciated.

  • Time Capsule crash

    So, I haven't been thrilled with Time Capsule. Had some odd glitches here and there and (Windows) computers that were able to connect to our previous Linksys are unable to even see the Time Capsule. But, the worst part is the ability to crash the TC at will. I took an external USB drive that I had been using as a random collection plus Time Machine backup before. After I had it hooked up, I mounted it and was trying to clean up the old cruft. As soon as I start accessing (but especially deleting) any part of the previous Time Machine backup, it would start acting odd and then I'd get reports from the Finder that the TC had unexpectedly gone away. At that point, both wired and wireless connections are dead. I can't do anything except unplug the darn thing. Super ... super ... super frustrating.
    I don't know if it provides any further info, but doing a Get Info on the Backup.db folder would report totally erroneous info. Wrong number of files, wrong size. Also, right before the TC would disconnect unexpectedly, I would always get a random (different every single time) report that some file or folder was either in use or unavailable.
    I hope that someone can shed some light on this. So far, I am pretty unhappy. I thought this device was going to make my life a tiny bit simpler, but it has only added stress -- time consuming stress.
    Oh, and just to let anyone know that was wondering, hooking the external drive back up to any of my computers worked just fine ... so it's not some error happening on the drive ... and even if it were, there's no way it should crash the whole base station!!!

    More and more issues. Now I am getting messages about the built-in drive having errors and only mounting read only. At that point, the Time Machine backup failed and now I can't get it to remount.
    I have a feeling this product was moved out way ahead of schedule. This is just ridiculous.
    Oh, also, besides my wife's Windows machine not being able to even see the base station, an older iBook G3 was unable to connect. It saw it just fine and recognized it needed a WPA Personal password, but just times out eventually.
    This has been hugely disappointing so far. One of the worst Apple products I have ever owned ... and I've been buying their products since 1985.

  • Time capsule crashing when working directly from it

    I use time capsule as a hard drive and back up disk. When working on a file that is saved on the time capsule, especially Adobe Photoshop, it freezes on spinning wheel and I have to do a hard restart.
    The whole point in using time capsule as a hard drive is to free up as much space on my mac hard drive. I don't want to keep dragging and dropping whole folders to the desktop just to do small amendments.
    Why is it doing this? Please help!

    I am afraid that you will not like the answer here, so maybe some other users will offer different opinions.
    The Time Capsule is designed for your backups. It will not function well if you try to make it an everyday hard drive since it is a network drive. Access is much slower with this type of drive.
    When working on a file that is saved on the time capsule, especially Adobe Photoshop, it freezes on spinning wheel and I have to do a hard restart.
    Hopefully, these are not your "original" files. If so, can we ask how you are making backups of these files?
    I don't know about Photoshop, but the experts in the iPhoto forum strongly warn against storing any "original" files on the Time Capsule disk because of the slow access and chances of corruption errors, which can damage the entire image library.
    I do use Photoshop Elements, and would simply not consider locating the image library on my Time Capsule for the same reasons.
    The whole point in using time capsule as a hard drive is to free up as much space on my mac hard drive.
    Again, this unfortunately sounds like you have moved "original" files on your Mac over the Time Capsule drive.
    When....not if...the Time Capsule drive has a problem, you will lose all of these files unless you are making backups of them on yet another hard drive.
    But, since you need to have another hard drive anyway, you might consider this plan:
    Move all of the image files and other data that you need for "everyday" use to the hard drive that is connected directly to your Mac. Access will be much faster and the errors will go away.
    Plus....you can configure Time Machine to backup both your Mac and the hard drive.....so you have "originals" on one drive and backups on another.  That would be a safe backup strategy.

  • Time Capsule crashes my computer!

    Hey, well, I've had a time capsule for a while now, and for the first couple of months it was working just fine... then one day my dad asks me if I could put the windows XP SP2 on the TC, and it stopped in the middle of the transferring process, and ever since then, every time I try to access it it completely crashes the computer.
    Luckily, the most important files are also present on our computers.
    Is there any way to reset the time capsule so that I can start from a clean disk again?

    My time capsule has not worked since the May 1st update. A grey curtain comes down on the screen and a warning in several languages shows up and I have turn off my MBP. I am very frustrated with this problem and I can see I am not the only one:

  • Time capsule Crash /Mounting Point / share not found

    I have a home network with Imac's, Appel Tv and use the Time Capsule (TC) as the router. Attached to the TC are several airport expresses. I use the TC as for time machine backups and attached is an axternal HD for media.
    All was working fine.
    For some reason all in  sudden, halfway through working on the external data through one of the iMac's the system stops responding and it seems like the whole network is down. Checked it and seems like the TC does not give a wifi signal though the front led is green. All airport expresses were fine green and gave wifi, but (logically) no Internet.
    Reboot the TC and all worked again, BUT....
    I can see both the backup and external disc on the TC biut the computers cannot acces it. It give's a warning " it cannot find the original part from the HD"
    I have no idea what to do now....
    Any support or idea's?
    I must admit that this is the first time the HD error appears, it is not the first time the TC decides for no reason that it must stop working...

    As this is a fairly complex setup.. let me encourage you to use 5.6 utility.
    This has access to the log, completely lost on v6.. you also have more fine control of what is going on.. not that it can solve it.
    Apple made 5.6 available to Lion but not ML but the fact is, it works fine.
    Some of your computers may have it installed from previous OS.. but here is how to do it from scratch.
    How to load 5.6 into ML.
    1. Download 5.6 for Lion.
    Click to open the dmg but do not attempt to install the pkg.. it won't work anyway.
    2. Download and install unpkg.
    Run unpkg on the desktop.. it is very simple.. drag the AirPortUtility56.pkg file over to unpkg.. and it will create a new directory of the same name on the desktop.. drill down.. applications utilities .. there lo and behold is Airport utility 5.6 .. drag it to your main utilities directory or just run it from current location.
    You cannot uninstall 6.1 so don't try.. and you cannot or should not run them both at the same time.. so just ignore the toyland version.. the plastic hammer.. and start using 5.6.. a real tool.

  • TM backup to Time Capsule crashes my iMac

    When Time Machine starts to backup to my Time Capsule it starts to calculate how many files are on my iMac (10.6.5) and then at some point it causes a panic kernel failure. When I hook an external had drive via USB port TM works successfully. The following is information found in Console.
    Any suggestions on what is causing the problem is appreciated.
    1/5/11 3:12:58 PM kernel jnl: disk3s2: replay_journal: from: 78737408 to: 79134720 (joffset 0x3a2b000)
    1/5/11 3:12:59 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (IDriveDaemon) Throttling respawn: Will start in 6 seconds
    1/5/11 3:12:59 PM kernel jnl: disk3s2: journal replay done.
    1/5/11 3:13:00 PM fseventsd[46] event logs in /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/.fseventsd out of sync with volume. destroying old logs. (109251 2 624439)
    1/5/11 3:13:00 PM fseventsd[46] log dir: /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/.fseventsd getting new uuid: 8BB5B06B-738E-415A-8B68-CAB37AB843D7
    1/5/11 3:13:00 PM com.apple.backupd[71877] Disk image /Volumes/Data/Whiskey.sparsebundle mounted at: /Volumes/Time Machine Backups
    1/5/11 3:13:00 PM com.apple.backupd[71877] Backing up to: /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb
    1/5/11 3:13:04 PM com.apple.backupd[71877] Event store UUIDs don't match for volume: Macintosh HD
    1/5/11 3:13:04 PM com.apple.backupd[71877] Node requires deep traversal:/ reason:must scan subdirs|new event db|
    1/5/11 3:13:05 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (IDriveDaemon[71939]) posix_spawn("/Applications/IDriveforMac/IDriveDaemon.app/Contents/MacOS/IDriveD aemon", ...): No such file or directory
    1/5/11 3:13:05 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (IDriveDaemon[71939]) Exited with exit code: 1
    1/5/11 3:13:05 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (IDriveDaemon) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
    1/5/11 3:15:04 PM kernel npvhash=4095
    1/5/11 3:13:15 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (IDriveDaemon[71940]) posix_spawn("/Applications/IDriveforMac/IDriveDaemon.app/Contents/MacOS/IDriveD aemon", ...): No such file or directory
    1/5/11 3:15:04 PM kernel PAE enabled
    1/5/11 3:15:04 PM kernel 64 bit mode enabled

    brainwave1989 wrote:
    When Time Machine starts to backup to my Time Capsule it starts to calculate how many files are on my iMac (10.6.5) and then at some point it causes a panic kernel failure. When I hook an external had drive via USB port TM works successfully.
    1/5/11 3:12:59 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (IDriveDaemon) Throttling respawn: Will start in 6 seconds
    1/5/11 3:13:05 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (IDriveDaemon[71939]) posix_spawn("/Applications/IDriveforMac/IDriveDaemon.app/Contents/MacOS/IDriveD aemon", ...): No such file or directory
    1/5/11 3:13:05 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (IDriveDaemon[71939]) Exited with exit code: 1
    1/5/11 3:13:05 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (IDriveDaemon) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
    1/5/11 3:13:15 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (IDriveDaemon[71940]) posix_spawn("/Applications/IDriveforMac/IDriveDaemon.app/Contents/MacOS/IDriveD aemon", ...): No such file or directory
    You have (or had) an app named IDrive, some sort of backup tool. That's what's causing most of the trouble. Apparently it was not installed completely, or not removed completely.
    Contact the maker for removal instructions.
    It's hard to tell whether there's also a problem with Time Machine or your Time Capsule's internal HD, but that seems doubtful. Post back if the problem continues after you solve the IDrive mess.

  • Severe Time Capsule crash + Mac OS X bug (repeatable)

    Greetings to all.
    I seem to have stumbled on a bit of an obscure bug with a Time Capsule, and a computer running Mac OS X 10.6.4 (32-bit kernel). The TC is the latest shipping version, 1TB- all Airport software is up to date.
    Simply attempting to unzip any file over ~100MB (possibly smaller, I haven't tried) and then cancelling the operation in Archive Utility will cause the Time Capsule LED to go amber and totally lock up. Internet access is blocked, the WLAN network disappears, and the AFP file share becomes unresponsive.
    Furthermore, the computer that was previously connected to the TC (the one that cancelled the unzipping operation) goes a bit wonkey- Archive Utility will perma-hang, and you can't force quit it. Attempting to relaunch the Finder causes the finder to terminate- but not relaunch (the Dock never comes back, nor does the top taskbar).
    The system can still be rebooted, but the reboot process takes about 2-3 minutes longer then usual- I'm presuming something is going on in the background here that has to timeout before the system goes down and resets.
    The Time Capsule will NOT come back up until the effected OS X system has rebooted. Once this happens, the TC will eventually reboot and the LED will go green again. Operation resumes as normal after that.
    Again, I can repeat this indefinitely. I have tested this on multiple systems all running 10.6.4 (on the same Time Capsule). I've even reset and formatted the TC itself. The moment I attempt to unzip a file on a Time Capsule AFP share, the unzip operation will take forever to complete- and cancelling it will cause the TC to "crash" and totally bug out the host OS X system.
    What should I do to notify Apple of this?
    And/or does anyone else dare to confirm this bug? All you need to do is upload a sufficiently large ZIP file to any Time Capsule AFP share, double-click on it while it's on the share, then click the Cancel button in Archive Manager. AM will immediately hang and the TC LED will go amber in a few seconds.
    It doesn't seem to cause any data loss (as far as I can tell), but it's bloody annoying and I'm not to thrilled with the way it glitches out Mac OS X when it does happen. Navigating Time Capsule shares with user data on them is basically a minefield- one wrong double-click on a ZIP archive, and you'll take down the whole TC.

    Keven Tipping wrote:
    What should I do to notify Apple of this?
    See [Reporting a Problem to Apple|http://web.me.com/pondini/AppleTips/BugReport.html].

  • Time capsule crash when i add external drive

    Hi all:
    I have a time capsule that is running out of disk space. When I plug in a usb external drive, the time cap turns amber and all the wireless functions go off line.
    Time capsule firm ware is up to date. Does anyone know what is wrong?

    Is the drive 3 TB or less?
    Is the external hard drive formatted correctly in Mac OS Exended (Journaled) or FAT32? 
    (Your Mac can read other formats, but the Time Capsule USB port will only read and write to the Mac format and FAT32).
    If yes to both questions above, have you tried using a powered USB hub with the drive?

  • Total Time Capsule Crash - All iTunes Lost?

    I've tried all the resetting methods and everything. The Time Capsule had ALL of my iTunes music and TV Shows and movies on it, and when I reset it, it only stays connected for about 4 minutes, hardly enough time to move 110 gigs of music and video back to the computer.
    I can't return it to BestBuy because I know they'll just swap it out. Can Apple Support possibly exchange/repair it without deleting ALL of my files? This is 4 years worth of stuff I'm looking at losing here.

    Is the drive 3 TB or less?
    Is the external hard drive formatted correctly in Mac OS Exended (Journaled) or FAT32? 
    (Your Mac can read other formats, but the Time Capsule USB port will only read and write to the Mac format and FAT32).
    If yes to both questions above, have you tried using a powered USB hub with the drive?

  • Time Capsule crashing daily: internet connection loss

    I recently bought a 1 TB Time Capsule and started using it as the primary router in the house. My wife and I have laptops (2006 MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo, MacBook Pro Unibody, Windows laptop) that use the connection.
    What would happen is that my laptop (2006 MacBook Pro) and my Windows laptop would lose connection to the internet, but my wife's (Unibody MacBook Pro) would stay connected for awhile before losing the connection.
    The Time Capsule, when it would get into this state, would show a green light. I can connect to the Time Capsule's wireless network ok, but I wouldn't be able to connect to the internet. When I try using the AirPort Utility, it can detect the Time Capsule, but it wouldn't be able to fetch the settings (the progress circle would spin endlessly).
    If I unplug and plug the power cord back in, it works again, but I've had to do this once/twice a day. I shouldn't have to do this, though - does anyone have this problem? Any solutions?
    I'm on the latest firmware (7.4.1).

    Same problem here. Had to restart (tearing out the powercord...) the time capsule and my Airport Express everyday.
    Just went back to 7.3.2. Apple has released major ******** with 7.4.1...

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