Tips for DME - WM Server Streaming Configuration

Hey pros,
Here i am again, seeking for your advice!
So,we have implemented the DMS and we have reached the point were we need to configure the DME and WM Server.
As far as i can understand, the relation between the later should be :
DME:push configuration and the WMS to announce to a publishing point the stream.
So, the tips i'm asking for lay over here:
On the DME,while configuring the Push configuration, i'am asked to input the following:
Description,name,format: ok
Streaming server URL(inc port): http://<server's ip-OK>: <port> --> is it referring the the mms ports on the WMS?
Name of Publishing point: ok.
So actually the issue begins while starting the DME in push configuration mode.It starts for 2-3 seconds and then stops.So i suspect that it is related with the "Streaming server url" settings.
What do you suggest?

Thanks for sharing this info. It leaves me a little confused, because when my firm's I.S. guys set me up (this afternoon), they definitely did not install any certificate on my iPhone. (I know, because they never took the phone out of my office -- just went away, did some stuff, and then came back and told me what info to enter to set up the account on the phone.)
Does the fact that they did not install a certificate explain why I keep getting a message that my certificate could not be verified? (Notwithstanding that message, everything seems to be working pretty much fine.)

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    Agree with Willard Martin. If you want to a DAG member, you need to remove database copies first, then you can remove the Mailbox Server from the DAG.
    Here is a related article for your reference. Even though this article is for Exchange 2013, it also applies to Exchange 2010.
    Best regards,
    Belinda Ma
    TechNet Community Support

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    Some additional information:
    $ uname -s -r -v -m
    Linux 2.6.32-350-ec2 #59-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jan 7 14:20:59 UTC 2013 x86_64
    $ lsb_release -a
    No LSB modules are available.
    Distributor ID: Ubuntu
    Description:    Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS
    Release:        10.04
    Codename:       lucid
    $ dpkg -l | grep tomcat
    ii  libtomcat6-java                                             6.0.24-2ubuntu1.12                Servlet and JSP engine -- core libraries
    ii  tomcat6                                                     6.0.24-2ubuntu1.12                Servlet and JSP engine
    ii  tomcat6-common                                              6.0.24-2ubuntu1.12                Servlet and JSP engine -- common files
    $ dpkg -l | grep jdk
    ii  openjdk-6-jre-headless                                      6b24-1.11.5-0ubuntu1~10.04.2      OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT (hea
    ii  openjdk-6-jre-lib                                           6b24-1.11.5-0ubuntu1~10.04.2      OpenJDK Java runtime (architecture independe
    $ md5sum AdobeAccessProSDK_4_0_LS1_java.exe
    73068d8348cbdc1c29211a463a58b8df  AdobeAccessProSDK_4_0_LS1_java.exe

    I found the problem. 
    Certificates/KeyServer/File[@path] needs to be set your license file, but it must be in the ".cer" format.  The server won't start without this fileand it was not mentioned anywhere in the quick start guide but is mentioned in the protected streaming document.

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    Dear sir or madam,
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    Have a nice day!

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    From your description, you want to achieve the following goal:
    Configure Exchange to filter the attachments if the size is over 10 MB and store it in a public folder, and then forward the email to Salesforce.
    Based on my knowledge, I'm afraid that it can't be achieved. Exchange can filter messages with attachments, but it couldn't store these attachments on public folder automatically. Also, I don't see any transport rule can do it.
    Hope my clarification is helpful.
    Best regards,
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

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    AJ MCTS: SP 2010 Configuration MCSA: Windows 7 If you find this post useful kindly please mark it as an answer :) TY
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    at Source)
    at Source)

    I am seeing similar behaviour with JRE 1.4.2 and it appears to be a bug as it does not take the value specified in https.protocols.
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    Modules (mods) which showed in the welcome page
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    components such as mod_plsql, etc.
    Does it need to be configured or anything else to use the links like in Oracle9i?
    Or the new Oracle HTTP server does not support for this thing?
    Please, can anybody help me to solve this problem.

    look at
    hope this helps

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    4. Logged into Sun Java System Server Console as per instructions after install.
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    domain name
    ++Server Group [desc: Directory Server 6.0 /opt/SUNWdsee/ds6]
    ++Server Group (1) [var/mps/serverroot]
    +++Administration Server
    +++Identity Synchronization for Windows [details are totally blank... even icon is an empty blue square!]
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    Please, if anyone has any hints or suggestions, I would love to hear them. Like I said, I configured all this while following the installation guides, but I am worried I missed something or misunderstood something.
    Thanks in advance,
    Edited by: newtmonkey on May 25, 2009 2:05 AM

    Hello wlier, thanks for all your help with this! I really appreciate it.
    Reinstalled this whole thing, and at least I got everything under one server group... still can't access ISW though... it is listed in the leftside pane, but when I click on it the rightside pane goes completely blank.
    ~status of idsnyc is:
    -no connectors were found
    -System Manager Status: Started
    next step is "1. create an initial configuration using the product's console..."
    ~installed/configured everything as root
    ~no errors generated when I login to the console, but when I expand the hostname in the leftside pane I get the following error:
    Exception in thread "Thread-2" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /usr/lib/mps/ java: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory
    at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
    at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
    at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
    at org.mozilla.jss.CryptoManager.loadNativeLibraries(
    at org.mozilla.jss.CryptoManager.initialize(
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
    at Source)
    at$ Source)
    ~If "run the Administration Server from the Server Group" means what I think it means, I can do that with no problem. I can double click on the Administration Server and configure various options, start/stop the server, etc.
    ~I just have one interface/hostname configured, and the Server Console shows the correct name
    It's like it's not making the connection to the ISW server (btw, it is listed as "isw-solaris1"... is this okay? "solaris1" is the hostname for this server). From what I understand after logging in to Server Console as Directory Manager, it should be asking me for a password to access ISW, but I don't any kind of login/password prompt.
    I should be logging in to Server Console on the port I configured during ISW installation, right? In my case, port 1390.
    We don't have a service plan and I doubt my company would want to spring the cash for it, so I'm pretty much stuck!!

  • Help Configuring Transparent Gateway for Ms Sql Server

    I have Installed Oracle with Transparent Gateway for Ms Sql Server.
    Followed the configuration furnished therein the Documents for Tnsnames.ora & Listener.ora.
    Connection to Sql Server 2000 is NOT SUCCESSFUL. Trace File contents from Tg4sql is furnished below :
    Oracle Corporation --- WEDNESDAY DEC 18 2002 22:32:50.625
    Heterogeneous Agent Release
    HS Agent diagnosed error on initial communication,
    probable cause is an error in network administration
    Network error 2: NCR-00002: NCR: Invalid usage
    Note :- Sql Server & Oracle Server are on the same Machine running of Windows 2000 Server.
    Am i missing something !!!

    Please guide me, would appreciate your suggestions to solve this heck....


    제품 : GATEWAY
    작성날짜 : 1999-04-27
    configure gateway for ms sql server
    1. ODBC 환경 설정
    a: odbc driver install
    b: system data source 설정
    2. Gateway 설정
    a. gateway SID 를 선택 ( 제약 조건 : 문자와 숫자로 이루어진 4개의 문자 길이)
    sid 기본값은 MSQL 임
    b. Gateway 초기화 file 을 환경에 맞게 수정
    초기 환경 화일을 수정한다
    c. 새로운 gateway service 를 생성
    ( gateway service 를 gateway sid 값을 MSQl 로 install 할시에는 이미
    생성이 됨 )
    d. gateway service 를 시작
    Control Panel -> Services Icon -> OracleTGServices<GATEWAY_SID> 를
    선택하여 시작
    3. SQL*NET 설정
    a. gateway service 를 위한 listener 설정
    <GATEWAY_HOME>\TGMSQL80\ADMIN directory 에 listener.ora file
    b. Listener Service 시작
    4. Gateway 접근을 위한 oracle db 쪽 설정
    a. Net8 설정
    tnsnames.ora file 에 gateway 에 대한 항목을 추가
    5. 기타
    sql server 에서 data dictionary table ( dualmsql ) 을 생성
    DUALMSQL 은 oracle data dicationnary 에 mapping 되어 있음
    > isql -U<username> -P<password> -iTGMSQLDU.sql
    6. Gateway 이용
    a. Logon to the Oracle Server
    b. SQL Server Database 에 대한 database link 생성
    SQL> create database link MSQL connect to <MSQL_USERNAME> identified
    by <MSQL_PASSWORD> using 'MSQL';

    제품 : GATEWAY
    작성날짜 : 1999-04-27
    configure gateway for ms sql server
    1. ODBC 환경 설정
    a: odbc driver install
    b: system data source 설정
    2. Gateway 설정
    a. gateway SID 를 선택 ( 제약 조건 : 문자와 숫자로 이루어진 4개의 문자 길이)
    sid 기본값은 MSQL 임
    b. Gateway 초기화 file 을 환경에 맞게 수정
    초기 환경 화일을 수정한다
    c. 새로운 gateway service 를 생성
    ( gateway service 를 gateway sid 값을 MSQl 로 install 할시에는 이미
    생성이 됨 )
    d. gateway service 를 시작
    Control Panel -> Services Icon -> OracleTGServices<GATEWAY_SID> 를
    선택하여 시작
    3. SQL*NET 설정
    a. gateway service 를 위한 listener 설정
    <GATEWAY_HOME>\TGMSQL80\ADMIN directory 에 listener.ora file
    b. Listener Service 시작
    4. Gateway 접근을 위한 oracle db 쪽 설정
    a. Net8 설정
    tnsnames.ora file 에 gateway 에 대한 항목을 추가
    5. 기타
    sql server 에서 data dictionary table ( dualmsql ) 을 생성
    DUALMSQL 은 oracle data dicationnary 에 mapping 되어 있음
    > isql -U<username> -P<password> -iTGMSQLDU.sql
    6. Gateway 이용
    a. Logon to the Oracle Server
    b. SQL Server Database 에 대한 database link 생성
    SQL> create database link MSQL connect to <MSQL_USERNAME> identified
    by <MSQL_PASSWORD> using 'MSQL';

  • Logon rejected for Unable to obtain Terminal Server User Configuration. Error: Not enough resources are available to complete this operation.

    Error: Logon rejected for  Unable to obtain Terminal Server User Configuration. Error: Not enough resources are available to complete this operation.
    The problem is that the SharePoint server will
    function just fine for a week or so and then suddenly when a new user tries
    to log on they get an error message indicating that not enough resources areavailable to
    log them on and also user will to credential prompt while accessing share point site . 

    According to the error message, please use performance monitor to diagnose if it is a memory-related bottleneck and you can use the counters of the memory part in the article below:
    In addition, it may be due to thousands of open connections to the server are in a TIME_WAIT state. You can run "netstat -an" command on the affected server and client. If you see mutiple connections in the TIME_WAIT state, you can follow the article
    to increase the number of TCP/IP connections:
    Furthermore, if you are running windows server 2003, please make sure that you have installed the KB 948496 and stop all services that you don't need.
    Best regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

  • The e-mail message cannot be sent. Make sure the outgoing e-mail settings for the server are configured correctly.

    I have SP 2013, and it was working properly. and workflows send emails perfectly. yesterday, i decided to build a fresh site collection so i deleted the old one and created a new one. now, workflows are unable to send emails. i'm sure it has nothing to do
    with my mail server cuz no changes happened to it. i'm sure about the settings for outgoing mail on central admin. all i did, was to enter mail server IP in outgoing mail field and email below it.
    in the workflow status the status says "error" followed by this message: "The e-mail message cannot be sent. Make sure the outgoing e-mail settings for the server are configured correctly."
    Any help please?

    According to your post, my understanding is that you failed to send email after building a fresh site collection.
    I recommend to verify that you have entered your SMTP server name correctly.
    You can add it as FQDN e.g. ServerName.DomainName.
    Here are a similar articles for your reference:
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • The email message cannot be sent. Make sure the outgoing email settings for the server are configured properly

    i have an issue when loading a workflow. it gives me a following error "The email message cannot be sent. Make sure the outgoing email settings for the server are configured properly". it doesnt send me any alerts and worlflow fails at the end
    with the above error message.

    I agree with Bistesh. But after Outgoing e-mail settings are configured properly, if the issue still exists,
    It may result from your Anti-Virus. Please refer to the following steps:
    Open MCAfee Console and go to Access Protection window.
    Click Anti-Virus Standard Protection and edit “prevent mass mailing 
    worms from sending emails” rule.
    Now we need to know which processes are being blocked therefore we need to check the MCAfee Log located at
    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\McAfee\DesktopProtection\AccessProtectionLog.txt
    you may find entries of DtExec , DtExecUI and DatabaseMail90, now these processes need to be entered in the exclusion list of selected rule .
    Reset the IIS And SharePoint Timer service to check if this works for you.
    Here are some similar issues with you, you can use as a reference:
    Best Regards,
    Lisa chen

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