Too Nervous to upgrade to 3.0

After reading posts regarding the troubles with upgrading to 3.0, I'm too nervous to try it. As much as I'd like some of the new features, so many seem to be having problems that I'm not sure I want to deal with. Maybe all the bugs and kinks will get worked out over the next few days and then I'll upgrade... maybe!

I'm waiting a few days but not because of 3.0 problems - I'm waiting for the servers to lighten up and the activation process to settle down. Plus, I get to read about all the problems and subsequent fixes that might apply when I upgrade.
The 3.0 update will be the same in a few days as it is now and will be the same until Apple releases 3.xx - they certainly won't change anything in the next few days.
This forum is often referred to the ER for iPhones so all you'll see here are problems.

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  • Too Afraid To Upgrade!

    So what's the deal with all of these Apple commercials about how, +"it just works,"+ when I read endless posts about how Leopard seems to be bottoming out a whole bunch of savvy Mac users with the latest hardware to boot (pun intended)?
    I mean the poor Vista guy getting castigated by the pretty OS guru while Mr. Leopard (Drew Barrymore's boyfriend) there is just cruising along with no mention about all of the incompatibilities and other issues that seem to be plaguing Mac user after Mac user after running the upgrade, is just the latest disavowal by the Apple marketing people of some real problems that are going on with this latest release.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm all for creative marketing campaigns and Apple has some of the best, starting with the 1984 Orwellian commercial that started the whole phenomenon. But after reading post after post about how Leopard is causing all kinds of problems -- especially with users who have similar hardware as mine -- I'm left with a sense of being: Too Afraid To Upgrade.
    I purchased a retail copy of Leopard just after it came out in Nov. of '07, and was expecting to throw on the upgrade like I've done in the past (both client and server versions) and watch it do its thing and get rolling with a new and improved "hot" OS on my bad a*s MacBook Pro. And like a diligent former UNIX Sys Admin and a former member of the Apple Consultants Network, I did a lot of reading up first before the upgrade was to commence and that's what stopped me "butt cold."
    I mean when you're reading things like the user accounts no longer have administrative permissions after the upgrade, or the built-in Airport stops working with 802.11g wireless networks, or all kinds of software including Parallels (which is what I've got running on my system) tank or stop functioning, and let's not forget peripherals stop working after the we come up to Leopard, that's just freaks me out.
    Also, all of the extraneous ways proposed by very learned users on how to upgrade that involve the old archive and install, clean install, or even the more radical target disk install, seem to me to *totally defeat* the "it just works" slogan and years of simple and easy upgrades that I've been doing since System 7.6! Even going from 9.2.2 to OS X was a snap on my old G4 500MHz AGP Sawtooth. Actually, I've thrown a number of upgrades and wacky configurations on that system including bumping it up to OS X Panther Server which runs just fine (except for the known USB 2.0 upgrade card/sleep issue that is intermittent and I've learned to live with).
    So why is Leopard totally "off the rails" here? And more importantly for me, what the h*ll do I do now?
    I really don't want to go the archive and install route because that would entail reinstalling a ton of my software (fully licensed), and trying to get Windows XP/Parallels back on there and hope the Microsoft activation protection doesn't kill my reinstall. Also, I really don't have the darn time to spend a whole weekend trying to get both mine and my wife's user accounts back to the same state as they were with Tiger before the upgrade. Sure backing up is fine with me and I'm hoping that Apple's backup software will do the trick, but going the +"whole nine yards"+ with the thing seems a little too excessive for me; I'm not that 30 year old Mac guru I used to be, I'm in my forties now and I just want the thing to work, you know? Which is why I'm all about Apple and the Mac to begin with.
    So are there any success stories out there? Or is Justin Long and Steve Jobs pulling my leg?
    My other question is, if I go "commando" and say "forget it" and just slap on that upgrade, and then attempt to pump it up from 10.5.0 (which is the retail DVD that I got, like most people) to 10.5.2, am I just fooling myself into thinking that all will be well and when the computer restarts I won't get the evil WINDOWS Blue Screen Of Death?
    What should I do? Just wait for 10.5.3? or, wait for OS X Lion (if that's what they're going to call it)? Should I just use the DVD of 10.5.0 for a coaster? Should I let the geniuses at the Apple Store handle this one for me at a cost that I shouldn't have to pay over and above buying the software? I've been in the Mac game for many years and always come to this discussion board first when I need answers and I usually find them (and have given a few of my own); however, this time I'm at a total loss and am +stopped dead in my tracks+ before I've even begun.
    _You all scared me!_
    I need some reassurance that upgrading to Leopard is worth it and that I can do it without having to rebuild my whole system.
    As Pink Floyd once said, "is there anybody out there?"
    Thanks a bunch,
    Nick from Boston

    Nick, I see you're running OS X 10.4.11. Working OK for you I assume? Try going back at least a year in the forum posts and you will see the very same posts about the very same problems in the version of OS X you are running now. Go back farther and you will the very same posts about the very same issues for EVERY version of OS X that was ever released. Some people have issues with anything they attempt to do and they post here about it for help. Think about it for a second. If Leopard were really "off the rails" you wouldn't be able to login to this forum because it would be overloaded.
    Apple's commercials are indeed correct. Macs "just work" for 99% of users. You know all the voodoo people post abut here? Repair permissions, don't do an upgrade, do an archive/install instead, do this, don't do that? Most of it is pure baloney. My Mac shipped with OS X 10.3.6 in 2004 and I have applied every single update, every patch, every security update since then. I installed OS X 10.4 Tiger right over the top of 10.3 with no issues what-so-ever and have applied all patched and updates since then. This past weekend I installed OS X 10.5 right over the top of 10.3 and 10.4. Then I applied ALL of the updates since then in one massive Software Update session. I came up on a fully patched Leopard installation without ANY issues. I can even type upper case letters in Google Mail (which some people claim was broken by the latest security update. It wasn't).
    Luck? Not hardly. Those of us who seem never to have many problems or issues have several things in common. We know precisely what we have installed on our systems at all times. We tend to stay away from most of the little add-on "thingies" that are supposed to enhance OS X because we know they almost always break when a new update comes out. And most importantly we do our homework before applying any update. We check to make sure our hardware and software is in absolutely perfect condition. We make backups. We check with third party developers.
    Yes, if you took to heart all the wailing and gnashing of teeth around here you'd be afraid to update anything. Most of the heartache is self-inflicted however. Know what you have going on before you upgrade and you will not have a problem. Trust those who know.

  • My Mac is a 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 OS X 10.6.8 - wanting to download Mavericks but instal goes to pause with no status info.  Is my Mac too old for upgrade?

    My Mac is a 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 OS X 10.6.8 - wanting to download Mavericks but install goes to pause with no status info.  Is my Mac too old for upgrade?

    If it were too old, the App Store wouldn't download it.
    Check that your computer is compatible with Mountain Lion/Mavericks.
    To check the model number hold down the option/alt key, go to the Apple menu and select System Information.
    iMac (Mid 2007 or newer) model number 7,1 or higher
    Check to make sure your applications are compatible. PowerPC applications are no longer supported after 10.6.      
    Application Compatibility
    Applications Compatibility (2)

  • Library TOO BIG for upgrade!

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    No such thing as “too many songs”. :-D
    See: How to Transfer Music Between the Computer and iPod
    The iPod offers three ways to transfer music from your computer. You can select one of the following update modes from the iPod Preferences menu in iTunes (Edit=>Preferences=>'iPod' tab):
    1) Automatically update all songs and playlists. This is the default mode, in which your entire music library, including playlists, is automatically synced to your iPod. If the music library on your computer exceeds the iPod storage capacity, you are prompted to select a different update method.
    2) Automatically update selected playlists only. With this option, iTunes automatically copies the playlists you have selected to the iPod when you connect it to the computer.
    3) Manually manage songs and playlists. You can also choose to transfer music to the iPod manually. This allows you to drag and drop individual songs and playlists from iTunes to the iPod.
    Manage the iPod either Manually or via Selected Playlists.
    Transfer music manually
    How to Create a Smart Playlist
    Deleting Songs or Playlists from your iPod

  • Epson r1900 Prints too dark after upgrading to cs5 from cs3

    Ok this one has got me stumped.  While still in photoshop CS3 my epson r1900 was printing photo's just fine.  After upgrading cs3 to Photoshop cs5  it now prints everything too blue.  Nothing else has changed. My monitor is still calibrated, my printer paper profiles are still the same, the only change was upgrading to cs5.  To me it looks all the world like ICM is being applied twice (in photoshop and the printer) but in photoshop I have selected "photoshop manages colors" just like I did in cs3, and in the print dialog box for the printer, I have selected no ICM again just like I did in CS3.  But now the prints come out with a, to my eye, dark blue tint.  Very very frusterating.  I have deleted the color prefs file and let that recreate, but that did not help either.  I am out of tricks.  Any suggestions?

    There were a lot of reports of "double profiling" with Epson printers when Photoshop CS5 was first released.  I believe many people were seeing magenta-looking prints at that time.
    Unfortunately, I don't think there was ever a resolution or even a good workaround...  I recall at least one person bought a new printer to be able to continue to work.
    Of course, double check to see whether Epson has released any updated printer drivers.
    As I don't have an Epson myself, I can only suggest that you'll want to experiment with your settings to see if you can find a way to disable color management in the printer driver, so that only Photoshop does it - or disable color-management in Photoshop so that only the printer driver will do it.

  • Too Late to Upgrade?

    Hey, guys. I'd like to upgrade the operating system on my macbook but after hearing about OS 10.6, with a supposed 2009 release date, I'm hesitant to purchase Leopard. Can I assume there will be a discount in upgrading to Snow Leopard from Leopard? Information regarding the date and price of the OS 10.6 release you guys have would be appreciated.

    Well, you won't hear anything here on this forum that you can't google, no one here will know a release date for 10.6 and we can only assume they will continue the tradition of charging $129 for the latest version of OS X. 10.6 is likely for 2009 sometime, possibly in the first quarter. However jumping to a new operating system, especially one like 10.6 which is introducing some very new elements might not be especially wise. I personally wait for OS X releases to mature a little before I switch platforms, yet have not been disappointed with each release of OS X. Do you have an Intel Mac? 10.6 will likely be Intel only, though who knows, that's just what I'm hoping. I was an avid Tiger supporter, and switched to Leopard to early, and had too many problems with it, including many major 3rd party software problems (Adobe CS3 being the worst.) This is something to consider when thinking about waiting for 10.6 which will introduce some very new core elements.

  • Too worried to upgrade software. The pros and cons

    From a NOkia lover to others, 
    I am all for making improvements and fully understand that we can't always get it right first time every time but atm I am too concerned with the fact that updating my software will create problems that are non-existent in my eyes.
    My girlfriend updated her (my old) N70 software last week and now her phone is in the repair shop. This could just be a coincidence but....
    I had an N95 (on orange) and was stung when the "unlucky for some" version 13 was installed on the handset. See the epic thread here "N95 firmware upgrade affects battery life" (couldn't post link) 
    I carried out the full back up to my card as instructed but the games I purchased would no longer work so had to re-buy them. The battery life was killed in eight hours due to the wlan making a connection attempt as long as the battery would allow it to happen. The point is... all of this was not happening before the update. 
    It was that bad that in the end I was forced to upgrade / get a new contract before I was entitled to one from Orange and had to fork out for two contracts to get the handset spec I needed.
    I now have an N95 8GB and have no qualms with it what so ever. It has version 20 atm and pc suite informs me there is an update every time I boot the program up. So far.. I have declined to update.
    So what are the pros and cons and is it more of a risk to chance losing the licenses I have paid for and update if nothing is wrong?
    Best Regards
    The swordsman that goes to war thinking of saving himself had better not go to war at all.

    I myself am also worried. A friend of mine told me if there is no porblem with your current version of firmware for your phone then why update? It is not a assurance that after updating there would be no problems/bugs with the new version.My friend has a point. Why would we update if there is no problem with your current firmware version? Some would say it would be faster, there would be more improvements to the music ( which I know would be depending with your hardware and not the software).
    I am thinking of updating my firmware with a Nokia Service Center here in my country (Philippines). It is for free at the moment because my phone ins under 1 year Warranty. But I am thinking twice after what my friend told me.
    I hope my opinion helps you all out here.

  • MB too hot when upgrade to 1.2GB

    befor upgrade, my MB temp about 50, then after put more 1GB and still keep 256mb, MB too hot, fan run all the time, chip run at Maximun 1,83. What can i do?

    Take the 1GB stick out and put the stock memory back in. If the problem has gone away then the 1GB memory is probably bad.

  • Upgraded iPad 2 to iOS6 - asking me to connect to iTunes - when I do, my Mac is saying 'detected an iPad in recovery mode but need to upgrade iTunes to a newer version (our Mac too old to upgrade). How do I restore iPad so I can use it again?

    I upgraded my iPad 2 to iOS6 following a prompt from the application icon. 
    Once that was complete, my iPad asked me to connect to iTunes which I did.  iTunes then told me that it detected an iPad/iPod in recovery mode and I needed to have a newer version of iTunes to restore.
    I've tried before to upgrade to a new version of iTunes but was advised my Mac was unable to support this due to the Mac's age and old operating system.
    How, therefore, do I get back onto using my iPad 'cos at the moment, all I get when I switch it on is the 'connect to iTunes' symbols.
    Help please, I'm getting withdrawal symptoms!

    During a normal install of iOS 7.0.6 this does not happen but something clearly went wrong in your installation.
    To fix this, connect to iTunes and restore to Factory. Hopefully your iPad will be working again and you can restore your iCloud backup during Setup.

  • Once again: prints too dark after upgrading CS3 to CS5

    Hi, I know this has been discussed before, but I haven't found a solution to my issue in the existing threads. I am most likely missing something obvious, and perhpas someone here can point it out to me.
    I recently upgraded from CS3 to CS5. In both editions of photoshop I followed Eric Chan's recipe for setting up the print workflow: In CS3 everything works as expected, i.e., the print matches the soft proof. Printing the same image from the same computer/monitor in CS5 produces a print that is much darker than the softproof or the CS3 print.
    In case this is relevant, my psd files are all in Adobe RGB 1998, I use the Epson supplied print diver (v5.51) for the Stylus 3800. I use the icc profile for Epson's Exhibition Fiber paper, which is what I am printing on. The conversion method is Relative Calorimetric with Blackpoint Compensation checked. Photoshop runs on a 32bit Windows XP SP3 machine.
    Any suggestions? Are there any settings that are not mentioned in Eric Chan's write-up that I should look at to find the source of the difference? Is there anything else that could account for the different prints?
    Thank you!

    Thank you for the help! Here are the screen shots. I printed the wacked image from CS3 and CS5. In CS3 everything looks right, i.e. the soft proof matches the print. In CS5 the soft proof looks the same as in CS3, but the print is dark. A photo of the printout is attached at the end.

  • Printer output incorrect/too small after upgrading to VS 2010 Crystal

    I have a Windows Form application that was originally written using .net 3.5 and the version of Crystal Reports that came with Visual Studio 2008. When the VS 2010 release of Crystal Reports came out, I upgraded the application to .net 4/VS 2010 and the new Crystal release.
    This application prints checks on blank check stock, so alignment of the output has to be very exact to print the checks correctly. It prints the reports using the PrintToPrinter() method of the ReportDocument class.
    In the original version of the program, I had everything aligned correctly in the check report. After updating the application to the latest Crystal release,but making no changes to the report itself, I noticed that the alignment of the checks report was incorrect.
    After comparing the output, I was able to determine that the new output is slightly shrunk compared to old output, almost as if it is scaling the report in some way.
    I opened the report in the new report designer and verified that all page size and margin settings were correct/the same as before, and they were. The printed output is smaller than it should be based on how the report is designed. I tried adjusted the paper size, and also tried the "Dissociate Formatting Page Size and Printer Paper Size" to see if I could somehow adjust for the scaling, but nothing I tried was successful.
    Our check printer is a HP LaserJet 5Si. During my investigation into the problem I discovered that if I printed the report to a pdf printer (PDFCreator) the resulting pdf did not have the same scaling/shrinking problem that I get when the report is sent directly to the LaserJet. I also printed a page from the pdf to the LaserJet using Acrobat Reader, and the output was as I expected it to be.
    I only seem to be seeing the scaling/shrinking problem when I send the report directly to the LaserJet. Is there some new setting that I'm overlooking that would be applying some sort of report-wide scaling? Any other ideas as to why this is happening?

    Looking for HP LaserJet 5Si at the HP website:
    I notice that there are several different types (hm, mx, nx, ...). Also, there are different drivers, depending on the OS.
    Ensure that you are using the correct driver (hm, mx, nx, ...) for your printer and for your OS and that the driver has the latest updates from HP.
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  • Is my "creative suite" too old to upgrade?

    I bought the CS4 standard design suite upgrade for an educational version I bought 6-7 years ago. I told the online support guy I talked to that I didn't know what my version was called, but that I bought it as a suite and that InDesign was version 2. I have the suite in front of me now. It includes Photoshop 7.0, Illustrator 10, InDesign 2.0, and Acrobat 5.0. There is nothing on the box to indicate what the suite was called....just a black box with an Adobe logo.
    Long story short I have "installed" the upgrade, entered the upgrade's serial number, and then run in to problems when it asks for my previous version's serial number. (1) Each disk has a separate number and (2) I don't know what the suite version is called. I called tech support and that guy said that I could pick anyone of them (of the CS names and of the serial numbers)and it wouldn't matter. No go. Also, I'm installing this on Vista 64...
    I have not installed the previous version (my existing educational version) as the Vista 64 comp is brand new.
    Any ideas? Do I have a non-upgradeable version? Have I wasted $600?
    Thanks for any help

    At the very least you should be able to return the version you bought, though that won't help much with the cost for the full suite.

  • Itunes window too large after upgrade!

    After upgrading to itunes 8.2, the the itunes window opens so that the bottom of it is below the bottom of my display. I can't get to the "handle" on the bottom corner to make it smaller, and I can't get to any commands on the bottom of the screen (can't add playlists!!) Any suggestions?

    Go to System Prefs and change your screen resolution. Resize the window, then change the resolution back.

  • Too old to upgrade?

    After researching upgrades for my iMac on these discussions, I took the advice to max out my RAM (1 gig), buy a new external hard drive (because the old one was dieing) and then leave the software. Now due to the problems with importing in Final Cut Express 2 (frame drops) after upgrading to 10.4.9, I am wondering if I should upgrade Final Cut Express. Will my iMac flat panel 800 take the program? Will the number of problems I am having continue to accelerate (I used to have no problem; now I have trouble getting clean "print to video" and I cannot load new footage on the hard drive due to dropped frames)?

    That should be fine, but rendering might be a little slow. If you want to speed it up, I sugest you install a dual-boot system that has OS X 10.3 for FCE, as it requires less resources, and therefore make it faster for you. You could even install it on the externel drive (if it is firewire).
    - Craig

  • A1000 phase taking too long while upgrading from R12.2.0 to R12.2.4

    I am running the final R12.2.4 upgrade patch (patch# 17919161), and it is presently running the A1000 phase. Its been over 10 hours now it is stuck at the same phase. I have installed R12.2.4 a couple of times now but this is the first time it is taking so long to finish.
    Looking at the workers using adctrl, it gives the following output. Anyone knows how to expedite this processing?
    Worker  Code      Context            Filename                    Status
         1  Run       Generic R120       QPXCONAT.pll                Running
         2  Run       Generic R120       QPXPTMAP.pll                Running
         3  Run       Generic R120       QPXFMLMT.pll                Running
         4  Run       Generic R120       QPXQPCDT.pll                Running
         5  Run       Generic R120       QOTLNSRF.pll                Running
         6  Run       Generic R120       QPXQPCUR.pll                Running

    Never mind. Here's the resolution:
    Step1. Use adcrtl utility to quit all the workers in 'running' status
    Step2. Drop table applsys.FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES
    Step3. Restart patch application using ADOP utiloty with parameter "restart=yes"
    So now the patch application has resumed.
    Kabeer Khan

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