I have this doubt , what we will get from this view and how it will help us to tune the size of DBBC sizing .
Iam digging into this for long time but i cant , please help some one.

826854 wrote:
I have this doubt , what we will get from this view and how it will help us to tune the size of DBBC sizing .
Iam digging into this for long time but i cant , please help some one.
So in the long time search period, did you encounter this link ?

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    I have this doubt , what we will get from this view and how it will help us to tune the size of DBBC sizing .
    Iam digging into this for long time but i cant , please help some one.
    So in the long time search period, did you encounter this link ?

  • Package.......StatsPack...Error..

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    create or replace package body STATSPACK as
    /* Define package variables.
    Variables prefixed with p_ are package variables.
    p_snap_id integer; /* snapshot id */
    p_instance_number number; /* instance number */
    p_instance_name varchar2(16); /* instance name */
    p_startup_time date; /* instance startup time */
    p_parallel varchar2(3); /* parallel server */
    p_version varchar2(17); /* Oracle release */
    p_dbid number; /* database id */
    p_host_name varchar2(64); /* host instance is on */
    p_name varchar2(9); /* database name */
    p_new_sga integer; /* Instance bounced since last snap? */
    tmp_int integer; /* initialise defaults */
    p_def_snap_level number default 5; /* default snapshot lvl */
    p_def_session_id number default 0; /* default session id */
    p_def_ucomment varchar2(160) default null;
    p_def_pin_statspack varchar2(10) default 'TRUE';
    p_def_last_modified date default SYSDATE;
    /* Below are the default threshold (_th) values for choosing SQL statements
    to store in the stats$sqlsummary table - these statements will typically
    be the statements using the most resources.
    p_def_num_sql number default 50; /* Num. SQL statements */
    p_def_executions_th number default 100; /* Num. executions */
    p_def_parse_calls_th number default 1000; /* Num. parse calls */
    p_def_disk_reads_th number default 1000; /* Num. disk reads */
    p_def_buffer_gets_th number default 10000; /* Num. buf gets */
    p_def_sharable_mem_th number default 1048576; /* Sharable memory */
    p_def_version_count_th number default 20; /* Child Cursors */
    p_def_all_init varchar2(10) default 'FALSE';
    cursor get_instance is
    select instance_number, instance_name
    , startup_time, parallel, version
    , host_name
    from v$instance;
    cursor get_db is
    select dbid, name
    from v$database;
    procedure SNAP
    (i_snap_level in number default null
    ,i_session_id in number default null
    ,i_ucomment in varchar2 default null
    ,i_num_sql in number default null
    ,i_executions_th in number default null
    ,i_parse_calls_th in number default null
    ,i_disk_reads_th in number default null
    ,i_buffer_gets_th in number default null
    ,i_sharable_mem_th in number default null
    ,i_version_count_th in number default null
    ,i_all_init in varchar2 default null
    ,i_pin_statspack in varchar2 default null
    ,i_modify_parameter in varchar2 default 'FALSE'
    /* Takes a snapshot by calling the SNAP function, and discards
    the snapshot id. This is useful when automating taking
    snapshots from dbms_job
    l_snap_id number;
    l_snap_id := statspack.snap ( i_snap_level, i_session_id, i_ucomment
    , i_num_sql
    , i_executions_th
    , i_parse_calls_th
    , i_disk_reads_th
    , i_buffer_gets_th
    , i_sharable_mem_th
    , i_version_count_th
    , i_all_init
    , i_pin_statspack
    , i_modify_parameter);
    end SNAP;
    ( i_dbid in number default null
    , i_instance_number in number default null
    , i_snap_level in number default null
    , i_session_id in number default null
    , i_ucomment in varchar2 default null
    , i_num_sql in number default null
    , i_executions_th in number default null
    , i_parse_calls_th in number default null
    , i_disk_reads_th in number default null
    , i_buffer_gets_th in number default null
    , i_sharable_mem_th in number default null
    , i_version_count_th in number default null
    , i_all_init in varchar2 default null
    , i_pin_statspack in varchar2 default null
    , i_modify_parameter in varchar2 default 'TRUE'
    /* Calls QAM with the modify flag, and discards the
    output variables
    l_snap_level number;
    l_session_id number;
    l_ucomment varchar2(160);
    l_num_sql number;
    l_executions_th number;
    l_parse_calls_th number;
    l_disk_reads_th number;
    l_buffer_gets_th number;
    l_sharable_mem_th number;
    l_version_count_th number;
    l_all_init varchar2(5);
    l_pin_statspack varchar2(10);
    statspack.qam_statspack_parameter( i_dbid
    , i_instance_number
    , i_snap_level
    , i_session_id
    , i_ucomment
    , i_num_sql
    , i_executions_th
    , i_parse_calls_th
    , i_disk_reads_th
    , i_buffer_gets_th
    , i_sharable_mem_th
    , i_version_count_th
    , i_all_init
    , i_pin_statspack
    , 'TRUE'
    , l_snap_level
    , l_session_id
    , l_ucomment
    , l_num_sql
    , l_executions_th
    , l_parse_calls_th
    , l_disk_reads_th
    , l_buffer_gets_th
    , l_sharable_mem_th
    , l_version_count_th
    , l_all_init
    , l_pin_statspack);
    /* As we have explicity been requested to change the parameters,
    independently of taking a snapshot, commit
    ( i_dbid in number default null
    , i_instance_number in number default null
    , i_snap_level in number default null
    , i_session_id in number default null
    , i_ucomment in varchar2 default null
    , i_num_sql in number default null
    , i_executions_th in number default null
    , i_parse_calls_th in number default null
    , i_disk_reads_th in number default null
    , i_buffer_gets_th in number default null
    , i_sharable_mem_th in number default null
    , i_version_count_th in number default null
    , i_all_init in varchar2 default null
    , i_pin_statspack in varchar2 default null
    , i_modify_parameter in varchar2 default 'FALSE'
    , o_snap_level out number
    , o_session_id out number
    , o_ucomment out varchar2
    , o_num_sql out number
    , o_executions_th out number
    , o_parse_calls_th out number
    , o_disk_reads_th out number
    , o_buffer_gets_th out number
    , o_sharable_mem_th out number
    , o_version_count_th out number
    , o_all_init out varchar2
    , o_pin_statspack out varchar2
    /* Query And Modify statspack parameter procedure, allows query
    and/or user modification of the statistics collection parameters
    for an instance. If there are no pre-existing parameters for
    an instance, insert the Oracle defaults.
    l_instance_number number;
    l_dbid number;
    ui_all_init varchar2(5);
    l_params_exist varchar2(1);
    if ((i_dbid is null ) or (i_instance_number is null)) then
    l_dbid := p_dbid;
    l_instance_number := p_instance_number;
    l_dbid := i_dbid;
    l_instance_number := i_instance_number;
    end if;
    /* Upper case any input vars which are inserted */
    ui_all_init := upper(i_all_init);
    if ( (i_modify_parameter is null)
    or (upper(i_modify_parameter) = 'FALSE') ) then
    /* Query values, if none exist, insert the defaults tempered
    with variables supplied */
    select nvl(i_session_id, session_id)
    , nvl(i_snap_level, snap_level)
    , nvl(i_ucomment, ucomment)
    , nvl(i_num_sql, num_sql)
    , nvl(i_executions_th, executions_th)
    , nvl(i_parse_calls_th, parse_calls_th)
    , nvl(i_disk_reads_th, disk_reads_th)
    , nvl(i_buffer_gets_th, buffer_gets_th)
    , nvl(i_sharable_mem_th, sharable_mem_th)
    , nvl(i_version_count_th, version_count_th)
    , nvl(ui_all_init, all_init)
    , nvl(i_pin_statspack, pin_statspack)
    into o_session_id
    , o_snap_level
    , o_ucomment
    , o_num_sql
    , o_executions_th
    , o_parse_calls_th
    , o_disk_reads_th
    , o_buffer_gets_th
    , o_sharable_mem_th
    , o_version_count_th
    , o_all_init
    , o_pin_statspack
    from stats$statspack_parameter
    where instance_number = l_instance_number
    and dbid = l_dbid;
    when NO_DATA_FOUND then
    insert into stats$statspack_parameter
    ( dbid
    , instance_number
    , session_id
    , snap_level
    , ucomment
    , num_sql
    , executions_th
    , parse_calls_th
    , disk_reads_th
    , buffer_gets_th
    , sharable_mem_th
    , version_count_th
    , all_init
    , pin_statspack
    , last_modified
    ( l_dbid
    , l_instance_number
    , p_def_session_id
    , p_def_snap_level
    , p_def_ucomment
    , p_def_num_sql
    , p_def_executions_th
    , p_def_parse_calls_th
    , p_def_disk_reads_th
    , p_def_buffer_gets_th
    , p_def_sharable_mem_th
    , p_def_version_count_th
    , p_def_all_init
    , p_def_pin_statspack
    returning nvl(i_session_id, p_def_session_id)
    , nvl(i_snap_level, p_def_snap_level)
    , nvl(i_ucomment, p_def_ucomment)
    , nvl(i_num_sql, p_def_num_sql)
    , nvl(i_executions_th, p_def_executions_th)
    , nvl(i_parse_calls_th, p_def_parse_calls_th)
    , nvl(i_disk_reads_th, p_def_disk_reads_th)
    , nvl(i_buffer_gets_th, p_def_buffer_gets_th)
    , nvl(i_sharable_mem_th, p_def_sharable_mem_th)
    , nvl(i_version_count_th, p_def_version_count_th)
    , nvl(ui_all_init, p_def_all_init)
    , nvl(i_pin_statspack, p_def_pin_statspack)
    into o_session_id
    , o_snap_level
    , o_ucomment
    , o_num_sql
    , o_executions_th
    , o_parse_calls_th
    , o_disk_reads_th
    , o_buffer_gets_th
    , o_sharable_mem_th
    , o_version_count_th
    , o_all_init
    , o_pin_statspack;
    end; /* don't modify parameter values */
    elsif upper(i_modify_parameter) = 'TRUE' then
    /* modify values, if none exist, insert the defaults tempered
    with the variables supplied */
    update stats$statspack_parameter
    set session_id = nvl(i_session_id, session_id)
    , snap_level = nvl(i_snap_level, snap_level)
    , ucomment = nvl(i_ucomment, ucomment)
    , num_sql = nvl(i_num_sql, num_sql)
    , executions_th = nvl(i_executions_th, executions_th)
    , parse_calls_th = nvl(i_parse_calls_th, parse_calls_th)
    , disk_reads_th = nvl(i_disk_reads_th, disk_reads_th)
    , buffer_gets_th = nvl(i_buffer_gets_th, buffer_gets_th)
    , sharable_mem_th = nvl(i_sharable_mem_th, sharable_mem_th)
    , version_count_th = nvl(i_version_count_th, version_count_th)
    , all_init = nvl(ui_all_init, all_init)
    , pin_statspack = nvl(i_pin_statspack, pin_statspack)
    where instance_number = l_instance_number
    and dbid = l_dbid
    returning session_id
    , snap_level
    , ucomment
    , num_sql
    , executions_th
    , parse_calls_th
    , disk_reads_th
    , buffer_gets_th
    , sharable_mem_th
    , version_count_th
    , all_init
    , pin_statspack
    into o_session_id
    , o_snap_level
    , o_ucomment
    , o_num_sql
    , o_executions_th
    , o_parse_calls_th
    , o_disk_reads_th
    , o_buffer_gets_th
    , o_sharable_mem_th
    , o_version_count_th
    , o_all_init
    , o_pin_statspack;
    if SQL%ROWCOUNT = 0 then
    insert into stats$statspack_parameter
    ( dbid
    , instance_number
    , session_id
    , snap_level
    , ucomment
    , num_sql
    , executions_th
    , parse_calls_th
    , disk_reads_th
    , buffer_gets_th
    , sharable_mem_th
    , version_count_th
    , all_init
    , pin_statspack
    , last_modified
    ( l_dbid
    , l_instance_number
    , nvl(i_session_id, p_def_session_id)
    , nvl(i_snap_level, p_def_snap_level)
    , nvl(i_ucomment, p_def_ucomment)
    , nvl(i_num_sql, p_def_num_sql)
    , nvl(i_executions_th, p_def_executions_th)
    , nvl(i_parse_calls_th, p_def_parse_calls_th)
    , nvl(i_disk_reads_th, p_def_disk_reads_th)
    , nvl(i_buffer_gets_th, p_def_buffer_gets_th)
    , nvl(i_sharable_mem_th, p_def_sharable_mem_th)
    , nvl(i_version_count_th, p_def_version_count_th)
    , nvl(ui_all_init, p_def_all_init)
    , nvl(i_pin_statspack, p_def_pin_statspack)
    returning session_id
    , snap_level
    , ucomment
    , num_sql
    , executions_th
    , parse_calls_th
    , disk_reads_th
    , buffer_gets_th
    , sharable_mem_th
    , version_count_th
    , all_init
    , pin_statspack
    into o_session_id
    , o_snap_level
    , o_ucomment
    , o_num_sql
    , o_executions_th
    , o_parse_calls_th
    , o_disk_reads_th
    , o_buffer_gets_th
    , o_sharable_mem_th
    , o_version_count_th
    , o_all_init
    , o_pin_statspack;
    end if;
    end; /* modify values */
    /* error */
    (-20100,'QAM_STATSPACK_PARAMETER i_modify_parameter value is invalid');
    end if; /* modify */
    procedure STAT_CHANGES
    /* Returns a set of differences of the values from corresponding pairs
    based on the begin and end (bid, eid) snapshot id's specified.
    This procedure is the only call to STATSPACK made by the statsrep
    Modified to include multi-db support.
    ( bid IN number
    , eid IN number
    , db_ident IN number
    , inst_num IN number
    , parallel IN varchar2
    , lhtr OUT number, bfwt OUT number
    , tran OUT number, chng OUT number
    , ucal OUT number, urol OUT number
    , rsiz OUT number
    , phyr OUT number, phyrd OUT number
    , phyrdl OUT number
    , phyw OUT number, ucom OUT number
    , prse OUT number, hprse OUT number
    , recr OUT number, gets OUT number
    , rlsr OUT number, rent OUT number
    , srtm OUT number, srtd OUT number
    , srtr OUT number, strn OUT number
    , lhr OUT number, bc OUT varchar2
    , sp OUT varchar2, lb OUT varchar2
    , bs OUT varchar2, twt OUT number
    , logc OUT number, prscpu OUT number
    , tcpu OUT number, exe OUT number
    , prsela OUT number
    , bspm OUT number, espm OUT number
    , bfrm OUT number, efrm OUT number
    , blog OUT number, elog OUT number
    , bocur OUT number, eocur OUT number
    , dmsd OUT number, dmfc OUT number -- begin OPS
    , dfcms OUT number, dfcmr OUT number
    , dmsi OUT number, dmrv OUT number
    , dynal OUT number, dynares OUT number
    , pmrv OUT number, pmpt OUT number
    , npmrv OUT number, npmpt OUT number
    , scma OUT number, scml OUT number
    , pinc OUT number, picrnc OUT number
    , picc OUT number, picrcc OUT number
    , pbc OUT number, pbcrc OUT number
    , pcba OUT number, pccrba OUT number
    , pcrbpi OUT number
    , dynapres OUT number, dynapshl OUT number
    , prcma OUT number, prcml OUT number
    , pwrm OUT number, pfpim OUT number
    , pwnm OUT number
    , dpms OUT number, dnpms OUT number
    , glsg OUT number, glag OUT number
    , glgt OUT number, glsc OUT number
    , glac OUT number, glct OUT number
    , glrl OUT number
    , gcge OUT number, gcgt OUT number
    , gccv OUT number, gcct OUT number
    , gccrrv OUT number, gccrrt OUT number
    , gccurv OUT number, gccurt OUT number
    , gccrsv OUT number
    , gccrbt OUT number, gccrft OUT number
    , gccrst OUT number, gccusv OUT number
    , gccupt OUT number, gccuft OUT number
    , gccust OUT number -- end OPS
    ) is
    bval number;
    eval number;
    l_b_session_id number; /* begin session id */
    l_b_serial# number; /* begin serial# */
    l_e_session_id number; /* end session id */
    l_e_serial# number; /* end serial# */
    /* Returns Library cache hit ratio for the begin and end (bid, eid)
    snapshot id's specified
    cursor LH (i_snap_id number) is
    select sum(pins), sum(pinhits)
    from stats$librarycache
    where snap_id = i_snap_id
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num;
    bpsum number;
    bhsum number;
    epsum number;
    ehsum number;
    if not LH%ISOPEN then open LH (bid); end if;
    fetch LH into bpsum, bhsum;
    if LH%NOTFOUND then
    (-20100,'Missing start value for stats$librarycache');
    end if; close LH;
    if not LH%ISOPEN then open LH (eid); end if;
    fetch LH into epsum, ehsum;
    if LH%NOTFOUND then
    (-20100,'Missing end value for stats$librarycache');
    end if; close LH;
    return (ehsum - bhsum) / (epsum - bpsum);
    function GET_PARAM (i_name varchar2) RETURN varchar2 is
    /* Returns the value for the init.ora parameter for the snapshot
    cursor PARAMETER is
    select value
    from stats$parameter
    where snap_id = eid
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num
    and name = i_name;
    par_value varchar2(512);
    if not PARAMETER%ISOPEN then open PARAMETER; end if;
    fetch PARAMETER into par_value;
    (-20100,'Missing Init.ora parameter '|| i_name);
    end if; close PARAMETER;
    return par_value;
    end GET_PARAM;
    function GET_SYSSTAT (i_name varchar2, i_beid number) RETURN number is
    /* Returns the value for the System Statistic for the snapshot
    cursor SYSSTAT is
    select value
    from stats$sysstat
    where snap_id = i_beid
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num
    and name = i_name;
    stat_value varchar2(512);
    if not SYSSTAT%ISOPEN then open SYSSTAT; end if;
    fetch SYSSTAT into stat_value;
    (-20100,'Missing System Statistic '|| i_name);
    end if; close SYSSTAT;
    return stat_value;
    end GET_SYSSTAT;
    function BUFFER_WAITS RETURN number is
    /* Returns the total number of waits for all buffers in the interval
    specified by the begin and end snapshot id's (bid, eid)
    cursor BW (i_snap_id number) is
    select sum(wait_count)
    from stats$waitstat
    where snap_id = i_snap_id
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num;
    bbwsum number; ebwsum number;
    if not BW%ISOPEN then open BW (bid); end if;
    fetch BW into bbwsum;
    if BW%NOTFOUND then
    (-20100,'Missing start value for stats$waitstat');
    end if; close BW;
    if not BW%ISOPEN then open BW (eid); end if;
    fetch BW into ebwsum;
    if BW%NOTFOUND then
    (-20100,'Missing end value for stats$waitstat');
    end if; close BW;
    return ebwsum - bbwsum;
    function TOTAL_EVENT_TIME RETURN number is
    /* Returns the total amount of time waited for events for
    the interval specified by the begin and end snapshot id's
    (bid, eid) by foreground processes. This excludes idle
    wait events.
    cursor WAITS (i_snap_id number) is
    select sum(time_waited_micro)
    from stats$system_event
    where snap_id = i_snap_id
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num
    and event not in (select event from stats$idle_event);
    bwaittime number;
    ewaittime number;
    if not WAITS%ISOPEN then open WAITS (bid); end if;
    fetch WAITS into bwaittime;
    if WAITS%NOTFOUND then
    (-20100,'Missing start value for stats$system_event');
    end if; close WAITS;
    if not WAITS%ISOPEN then open WAITS (eid); end if;
    fetch WAITS into ewaittime;
    if WAITS%NOTFOUND then
    (-20100,'Missing end value for stats$system_event');
    end if; close WAITS;
    return ewaittime - bwaittime;
    function LATCH_HITRATIO return NUMBER is
    /* Returns the latch hit ratio specified by the begin and
    end snapshot id's (bid, eid)
    cursor GETS_MISSES (i_snap_id number) is
    select sum(gets), sum(misses)
    from stats$latch
    where snap_id = i_snap_id
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num;
    blget number; -- beginning latch gets
    blmis number; -- beginning latch misses
    elget number; -- end latch gets
    elmis number; -- end latch misses
    if not GETS_MISSES%ISOPEN then open GETS_MISSES (bid); end if;
    fetch GETS_MISSES into blget, blmis;
    (-20100,'Missing start value for STATS$LATCH gets and misses');
    end if; close GETS_MISSES;
    if not GETS_MISSES%ISOPEN then open GETS_MISSES (eid); end if;
    fetch GETS_MISSES into elget, elmis;
    (-20100,'Missing end value for STATS$LATCH gets and misses');
    end if; close GETS_MISSES;
    return ( ( elmis - blmis ) / ( elget - blget ) );
    function SGASTAT (i_name varchar2, i_beid number) RETURN number is
    /* Returns the bytes used by i_name in the shared pool
    for the begin or end snapshot (bid, eid) specified
    cursor bytes_used is
    select bytes
    from stats$sgastat
    where snap_id = i_beid
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num
    and pool in ('shared pool', 'all pools')
    and name = i_name;
    total_bytes number;
    if i_name = 'total_shared_pool' then
    select sum(bytes)
    into total_bytes
    from stats$sgastat
    where snap_id = i_beid
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num
    and pool in ('shared pool','all pools');
    open bytes_used; fetch bytes_used into total_bytes;
    if bytes_used%notfound then
    (-20100,'Missing value for SGASTAT: '||i_name);
    end if;
    close bytes_used;
    end if;
    return total_bytes;
    end SGASTAT;
    function SYSDIF (i_name varchar2) RETURN number is
    /* Returns the difference between statistics for the statistic
    name specified for the interval between the begin and end
    snapshot id's (bid, eid)
    cursor SY (i_snap_id number) is
    select value
    from stats$sysstat
    where snap_id = i_snap_id
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num
    and name = i_name;
    /* Get start value */
    open SY (bid); fetch SY into bval;
    if SY%notfound then
    (-20100,'Missing start value for statistic: '||i_name);
    end if; close SY;
    /* Get end value */
    open SY (eid); fetch SY into eval;
    if SY%notfound then
    (-20100,'Missing end value for statistic: '||i_name);
    end if; close SY;
    /* Return difference */
    return eval - bval;
    end SYSDIF;
    function SESDIF (st_name varchar2) RETURN number is
    /* Returns the difference between statistics values for the
    statistic name specified for the interval between the begin and end
    snapshot id's (bid, eid), for the session monitored for that
    cursor SE (i_snap_id number) is
    select ses.value
    from stats$sysstat sys
    , stats$sesstat ses
    where sys.snap_id = i_snap_id
    and ses.snap_id = i_snap_id
    and ses.dbid = db_ident
    and sys.dbid = db_ident
    and ses.instance_number = inst_num
    and sys.instance_number = inst_num
    and ses.statistic# = sys.statistic#
    and sys.name = st_name;
    /* Get start value */
    open SE (bid); fetch SE into bval;
    if SE%notfound then
    eval :=0;
    end if; close SE;
    /* Get end value */
    open SE (eid); fetch SE into eval;
    if SE%notfound then
    eval :=0;
    end if; close SE;
    /* Return difference */
    return eval - bval;
    end SESDIF;
    function DLMDIF (i_name varchar2) RETURN number is
    /* Returns the difference between statistics for the statistic
    name specified for the interval between the begin and end
    snapshot id's (bid, eid)
    cursor DLM (i_snap_id number) is
    select value
    from stats$dlm_misc
    where snap_id = i_snap_id
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num
    and name = i_name;
    /* Get start value */
    open DLM (bid); fetch DLM into bval;
    if DLM%notfound then
    (-20100,'Missing start value for statistic: '||i_name);
    end if; close DLM;
    /* Get end value */
    open DLM (eid); fetch DLM into eval;
    if DLM%notfound then
    (-20100,'Missing end value for statistic: '||i_name);
    end if; close DLM;
    /* Return difference */
    return eval - bval;
    end DLMDIF;
    begin /* main procedure body of STAT_CHANGES */
    bfwt := BUFFER_WAITS;
    lhr := LATCH_HITRATIO;
    chng := SYSDIF('db block changes');
    ucal := SYSDIF('user calls');
    urol := SYSDIF('user rollbacks');
    ucom := SYSDIF('user commits');
    tran := ucom + urol;
    rsiz := SYSDIF('redo size');
    phyr := SYSDIF('physical reads');
    phyrd := SYSDIF('physical reads direct');
    phyrdl := SYSDIF('physical reads direct (lob)');
    phyw := SYSDIF('physical writes');
    hprse := SYSDIF('parse count (hard)');
    prse := SYSDIF('parse count (total)');
    gets := SYSDIF('session logical reads');
    recr := SYSDIF('recursive calls');
    rlsr := SYSDIF('redo log space requests');
    rent := SYSDIF('redo entries');
    srtm := SYSDIF('sorts (memory)');
    srtd := SYSDIF('sorts (disk)');
    srtr := SYSDIF('sorts (rows)');
    logc := SYSDIF('logons cumulative');
    prscpu := SYSDIF('parse time cpu');
    prsela := SYSDIF('parse time elapsed');
    tcpu := SYSDIF('CPU used by this session');
    exe := SYSDIF('execute count');
    bs := GET_PARAM('db_block_size');
    bc := GET_PARAM('db_block_buffers') * bs;
    if bc = 0 then
    bc := GET_PARAM('db_cache_size')
    + GET_PARAM('db_keep_cache_size')
    + GET_PARAM('db_recycle_cache_size')
    + GET_PARAM('db_2k_cache_size')
    + GET_PARAM('db_4k_cache_size')
    + GET_PARAM('db_8k_cache_size')
    + GET_PARAM('db_16k_cache_size')
    + GET_PARAM('db_32k_cache_size');
    end if;
    sp := GET_PARAM('shared_pool_size');
    lb := GET_PARAM('log_buffer');
    twt := TOTAL_EVENT_TIME; -- total wait time for all non-idle events
    bspm := SGASTAT('total_shared_pool', bid);
    espm := SGASTAT('total_shared_pool', eid);
    bfrm := SGASTAT('free memory', bid);
    efrm := SGASTAT('free memory', eid);
    blog := GET_SYSSTAT('logons current', bid);
    elog := GET_SYSSTAT('logons current', eid);
    bocur := GET_SYSSTAT('opened cursors current', bid);
    eocur := GET_SYSSTAT('opened cursors current', eid);
    /* Do we want to report on cluster-specific statistics? Check
    in procedure variable "parallel".
    if parallel = 'YES' then
    dmsd := DLMDIF('messages sent directly');
    dmfc := DLMDIF('messages flow controlled');
    dmsi := DLMDIF('messages sent indirectly');
    dmrv := DLMDIF('messages received');
    dfcms := DLMDIF('flow control messages sent');
    dfcmr := DLMDIF('flow control messages received');
    dynal := DLMDIF('dynamically allocated enqueues');
    dynares := DLMDIF('dynamically allocated resources');
    pmrv := DLMDIF('gcs msgs received');
    pmpt := DLMDIF('gcs msgs process time(ms)');
    npmrv := DLMDIF('ges msgs received');
    npmpt := DLMDIF('ges msgs process time(ms)');
    scma := DLMDIF('gcs side channel msgs actual');
    scml := DLMDIF('gcs side channel msgs logical');
    pinc := DLMDIF('gcs immediate (null) converts');
    picrnc := DLMDIF('gcs immediate cr (null) converts');
    picc := DLMDIF('gcs immediate (compatible) converts');
    picrcc := DLMDIF('gcs immediate cr (compatible) converts');
    pbc := DLMDIF('gcs blocked converts');
    pbcrc := DLMDIF('gcs blocked cr converts');
    pcba := DLMDIF('gcs compatible basts');
    pccrba := DLMDIF('gcs compatible cr basts');
    pcrbpi := DLMDIF('gcs cr basts to PIs');
    dynapres := DLMDIF('dynamically allocated gcs resources');
    dynapshl := DLMDIF('dynamically allocated gcs shadows');
    prcma := DLMDIF('gcs recovery claim msgs actual');
    prcml := DLMDIF('gcs recovery claim msgs logical');
    pwrm := DLMDIF('gcs write request msgs');
    pfpim := DLMDIF('gcs flush pi msgs');
    pwnm := DLMDIF('gcs write notification msgs');
    dpms := SYSDIF('gcs messages sent');
    dnpms := SYSDIF('ges messages sent');
    glsg := SYSDIF('global lock sync gets');
    glag := SYSDIF('global lock async gets');
    glgt := SYSDIF('global lock get time');
    glsc := SYSDIF('global lock sync converts');
    glac := SYSDIF('global lock async converts');
    glct := SYSDIF('global lock convert time');
    glrl := SYSDIF('global lock releases');
    gcge := SYSDIF('global cache gets');
    gcgt := SYSDIF('global cache get time');
    gccv := SYSDIF('global cache converts');
    gcct := SYSDIF('global cache convert time');
    gccrrv := SYSDIF('global cache cr blocks received');
    gccrrt := SYSDIF('global cache cr block receive time');
    gccurv := SYSDIF('global cache current blocks received');
    gccurt := SYSDIF('global cache current block receive time');
    gccrsv := SYSDIF('global cache cr blocks served');
    gccrbt := SYSDIF('global cache cr block build time');
    gccrft := SYSDIF('global cache cr block flush time');
    gccrst := SYSDIF('global cache cr block send time');
    gccusv := SYSDIF('global cache current blocks served');
    gccupt := SYSDIF('global cache current block pin time');
    gccuft := SYSDIF('global cache current block flush time');
    gccust := SYSDIF('global cache current block send time');
    end if;
    /* Determine if we want to report on session-specific statistics.
    Check that the session is the same one for both snapshots.
    select session_id
    , serial#
    into l_b_session_id
    , l_b_serial#
    from stats$snapshot
    where snap_id = bid
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num;
    select session_id
    , serial#
    into l_e_session_id
    , l_e_serial#
    from stats$snapshot
    where snap_id = eid
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num;
    if ( (l_b_session_id = l_e_session_id)
    and (l_b_serial# = l_e_serial#)
    and (l_b_session_id != 0) ) then
    /* we have a valid comparison - it is the
    same session - get number of tx performed
    by this session */
    strn := SESDIF('user rollbacks') + SESDIF('user commits');
    if strn = 0 then
    /* No new transactions */
    strn := 1;
    end if;
    /* No valid comparison can be made */
    strn :=1;
    end if;
    function SNAP
    (i_snap_level in number default null
    ,i_session_id in number default null
    ,i_ucomment in varchar2 default null
    ,i_num_sql in number default null
    ,i_executions_th in number default null
    ,i_parse_calls_th in number default null
    ,i_disk_reads_th in number default null
    ,i_buffer_gets_th in number default null
    ,i_sharable_mem_th in number default null
    ,i_version_count_th in number default null
    ,i_all_init in varchar2 default null
    ,i_pin_statspack in varchar2 default null
    ,i_modify_parameter in varchar2 default 'FALSE'
    RETURN integer IS
    /* This function performs a snapshot of the v$ views into the
    stats$ tables, and returns the snapshot id.
    If parameters are passed, these are the values used, otherwise
    the values stored in the stats$statspack_parameter table are used.
    l_snap_id integer;
    l_snap_level number;
    l_session_id number;
    l_serial# number;
    l_ucomment varchar2(160);
    l_num_sql number;
    l_executions_th number;
    l_parse_calls_th number;
    l_disk_reads_th number;
    l_buffer_gets_th number;
    l_sharable_mem_th number;
    l_version_count_th number;
    l_all_init varchar2(5);
    l_pin_statspack varchar2(10);
    l_sql_stmt varchar2(3000);
    l_slarti varchar2(20);
    l_threshold number;
    l_total_sql number := 0;
    l_total_sql_mem number := 0;
    l_single_use_sql number := 0;
    l_single_use_sql_mem number := 0;
    l_text_subset varchar2(31);
    l_sharable_mem number;
    l_version_count number;
    l_sorts number;
    l_module varchar2(64);
    l_loaded_versions number;
    l_executions number;
    l_loads number;
    l_invalidations number;
    l_parse_calls number;
    l_disk_reads number;
    l_buffer_gets number;
    l_rows_processed number;
    l_address raw(8);
    l_hash_value number;
    l_version_count number;
    l_max_begin_time date;
    cursor GETSERIAL is
    select serial#
    from v$session
    where sid = l_session_id;
    PROCEDURE snap_sql IS
    /* Gather summary statistics */
    insert into stats$sql_statistics
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , total_sql
    , total_sql_mem
    , single_use_sql
    , single_use_sql_mem
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , count(1)
    , sum(sharable_mem)
    , sum(decode(executions, 1, 1, 0))
    , sum(decode(executions, 1, sharable_mem, 0))
    from stats$v$sqlxs
    where is_obsolete = 'N';
    /* Gather SQL statements which exceed any threshold,
    excluding obsolete parent cursors
    insert into stats$sql_summary
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , text_subset
    , sharable_mem
    , sorts
    , module
    , loaded_versions
    , executions
    , loads
    , invalidations
    , parse_calls
    , disk_reads
    , buffer_gets
    , rows_processed
    , command_type
    , address
    , hash_value
    , version_count
    , cpu_time
    , elapsed_time
    , outline_sid
    , outline_category
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , substr(sql_text,1,31)
    , sharable_mem
    , sorts
    , module
    , loaded_versions
    , executions
    , loads
    , invalidations
    , parse_calls
    , disk_reads
    , buffer_gets
    , rows_processed
    , command_type
    , address
    , hash_value
    , version_count
    , cpu_time
    , elapsed_time
    , outline_sid
    , outline_category
    from stats$v$sqlxs
    where is_obsolete = 'N'
    and ( buffer_gets > l_buffer_gets_th
    or disk_reads > l_disk_reads_th
    or parse_calls > l_parse_calls_th
    or executions > l_executions_th
    or sharable_mem > l_sharable_mem_th
    or version_count > l_version_count_th
    /* Insert the SQL Text for hash_values captured in the snapshot
    into stats$sqltext if it's not already there. Identify SQL which
    execeeded the threshold by querying stats$sql_summary for this
    snapid and database instance
    insert into stats$sqltext
    ( hash_value
    , text_subset
    , piece
    , sql_text
    , address
    , command_type
    , last_snap_id
    select st1.hash_value
    , ss.text_subset
    , st1.piece
    , st1.sql_text
    , st1.address
    , st1.command_type
    , ss.snap_id
    from v$sqltext st1
    , stats$sql_summary ss
    where ss.snap_id = l_snap_id
    and ss.dbid = p_dbid
    and ss.instance_number = p_instance_number
    and st1.hash_value = ss.hash_value
    and st1.address = ss.address
    and not exists (select 1
    from stats$sqltext st2
    where st2.hash_value = ss.hash_value
    and st2.text_subset = ss.text_subset
    IF l_snap_level >= 6 THEN
    /* Identify SQL which execeeded the threshold by querying
    stats$sql_summary for this snapid and database instance.
    Capture the plans which were used for the high-load SQL if
    don't already have this data.
    Omit capturing plan usage information for cursors which
    have a zero plan hash value.
    Currently this is captured in a level 6 (or greater)
    snapshot, however this may be integrated into level 5
    snapshot at a later date.
    hl - high load
    insert into stats$sql_plan_usage
    ( hash_value
    , text_subset
    , plan_hash_value
    , cost
    , snap_id
    , address
    , optimizer
    select hl.hash_value
    , hl.text_subset
    , hl.plan_hash_value
    , hl.cost
    , max(hl.snap_id)
    , max(hl.address)
    , max(hl.optimizer)
    from (select /*+ ordered use_nl(sq) index(sq) */
    , ss.text_subset
    , sq.plan_hash_value
    , nvl(sq.optimizer_cost,-9) cost
    , ss.snap_id snap_id
    , ss.address
    , sq.optimizer_mode optimizer
    from stats$sql_summary ss
    , v$sql sq
    where ss.snap_id = l_snap_id
    and ss.dbid = p_dbid
    and ss.instance_number = p_instance_number
    and sq.hash_value = ss.hash_value
    and sq.address = ss.address
    and sq.plan_hash_value > 0
    ) hl
    where not exists (select /*+ no_unnest */
    from stats$sql_plan_usage spu
    where spu.hash_value = hl.hash_value
    and spu.text_subset = hl.text_subset
    and spu.plan_hash_value
    = hl.plan_hash_value
    and spu.cost = hl.cost
    group by hl.hash_value
    , hl.text_subset
    , hl.plan_hash_value
    , hl.cost
    , hl.optimizer;
    /* For all new hash_value, plan_hash_value, cost combinations
    just captured, get the optimizer plans, if we don't already
    have them. Note that the plan (and hence the plan hash value)
    comprises the access path and the join order (and not
    variable factors such as the cardinality).
    insert into stats$sql_plan
    ( plan_hash_value
    , id
    , operation
    , options
    , object_node
    , object#
    , object_owner
    , object_name
    , optimizer
    , parent_id
    , depth
    , position
    , cost
    , cardinality
    , bytes
    , other_tag
    , partition_start
    , partition_stop
    , partition_id
    , other
    , distribution
    , cpu_cost
    , io_cost
    , temp_space
    , snap_id
    select /*+ ordered use_nl(s) use_nl(sp.p) */
    , sp.id
    , max(sp.operation)
    , max(sp.options)
    , max(sp.object_node)
    , max(sp.object#)
    , max(sp.object_owner)
    , max(sp.object_name)
    , max(sp.optimizer)
    , max(sp.parent_id)
    , max(sp.depth)
    , max(sp.position)
    , max(sp.cost)
    , max(sp.cardinality)
    , max(sp.bytes)
    , max(sp.other_tag)
    , max(sp.partition_start)
    , max(sp.partition_stop)
    , max(sp.partition_id)
    , max(sp.other)
    , max(sp.distribution)
    , max(sp.cpu_cost)
    , max(sp.io_cost)
    , max(sp.temp_space)
    , max(new_plan.snap_id)
    from (select /*+ index(spu) */
    , spu.hash_value
    , spu.address
    , spu.text_subset
    , spu.snap_id
    from stats$sql_plan_usage spu
    where spu.snap_id = l_snap_id
    and not exists (select /*+ nl_aj */ *
    from stats$sql_plan ssp
    where ssp.plan_hash_value
    = spu.plan_hash_value
    ) new_plan
    , v$sql s
    , v$sql_plan sp
    where sp.hash_value = new_plan.hash_value
    and sp.address = new_plan.address
    and s.hash_value = new_plan.hash_value
    and s.address = new_plan.address
    and s.hash_value = sp.hash_value
    and s.address = sp.address
    and s.child_number = sp.child_number
    group by
    , sp.id;
    END IF; /* snap level >=6 */
    END snap_sql;
    begin /* Function SNAP */
    /* Get instance parameter defaults from stats$statspack_parameter,
    or use supplied parameters.
    If all parameters are specified, use them, otherwise get values
    from the parameters not specified from stats$statspack_parameter.
    ( p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , i_snap_level, i_session_id, i_ucomment, i_num_sql
    , i_executions_th, i_parse_calls_th
    , i_disk_reads_th, i_buffer_gets_th, i_sharable_mem_th
    , i_version_count_th, i_all_init
    , i_pin_statspack
    , i_modify_parameter
    , l_snap_level, l_session_id, l_ucomment, l_num_sql
    , l_executions_th, l_parse_calls_th
    , l_disk_reads_th, l_buffer_gets_th, l_sharable_mem_th
    , l_version_count_th, l_all_init
    , l_pin_statspack);
    /* Generate a snapshot id */
    select stats$snapshot_id.nextval
    into l_snap_id
    from dual
    where rownum = 1;
    /* Determine the serial# of the session to maintain stats for,
    if this was requested.
    if l_session_id > 0 then
    if not GETSERIAL%ISOPEN then open GETSERIAL; end if;
    fetch GETSERIAL into l_serial#;
    /* Session has already disappeared - don't gather
    statistics for this session in this snapshot */
    l_session_id := 0;
    l_serial# := 0;
    end if; close GETSERIAL;
    l_serial# := 0;
    end if;
    /* The instance has been restarted since the last snapshot */
    if p_new_sga = 0
    p_new_sga := 1;
    /* Get the instance startup time, and other characteristics */
    insert into stats$database_instance
    ( dbid
    , instance_number
    , startup_time
    , snap_id
    , parallel
    , version
    , db_name
    , instance_name
    , host_name
    select p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , p_startup_time
    , l_snap_id
    , p_parallel
    , p_version
    , p_name
    , p_instance_name
    , p_host_name
    from sys.dual;
    end if; /* new SGA */
    /* Work out the max undo stat time, used for gathering undo stat data */
    select nvl(max(begin_time), to_date('01011900','DDMMYYYY'))
    into l_max_begin_time
    from stats$undostat
    where dbid = p_dbid
    and instance_number = p_instance_number;
    /* Save the snapshot characteristics */
    insert into stats$snapshot
    ( snap_id, dbid, instance_number
    , snap_time, startup_time
    , session_id, snap_level, ucomment
    , executions_th, parse_calls_th, disk_reads_th
    , buffer_gets_th, sharable_mem_th
    , version_count_th, serial#, all_init)
    ( l_snap_id, p_dbid, p_instance_number
    , SYSDATE, p_startup_time
    , l_session_id, l_snap_level, l_ucomment
    , l_executions_th, l_parse_calls_th, l_disk_reads_th
    , l_buffer_gets_th, l_sharable_mem_th
    , l_version_count_th, l_serial#, l_all_init);
    /* Begin gathering statistics */
    insert into stats$filestatxs
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , tsname
    , filename
    , phyrds
    , phywrts
    , singleblkrds
    , readtim
    , writetim
    , singleblkrdtim
    , phyblkrd
    , phyblkwrt
    , wait_count
    , time
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , tsname
    , filename
    , phyrds
    , phywrts
    , singleblkrds
    , readtim
    , writetim
    , singleblkrdtim
    , phyblkrd
    , phyblkwrt
    , wait_count
    , time
    from stats$v$filestatxs;
    insert into stats$tempstatxs
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , tsname
    , filename
    , phyrds
    , phywrts
    , singleblkrds
    , readtim
    , writetim
    , singleblkrdtim
    , phyblkrd
    , phyblkwrt
    , wait_count
    , time
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , tsname
    , filename
    , phyrds
    , phywrts
    , singleblkrds
    , readtim
    , writetim
    , singleblkrdtim
    , phyblkrd
    , phyblkwrt
    , wait_count
    , time
    from stats$v$tempstatxs;
    insert into stats$librarycache
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , namespace
    , gets
    , gethits
    , pins
    , pinhits
    , reloads
    , invalidations
    , dlm_lock_requests
    , dlm_pin_requests
    , dlm_pin_releases
    , dlm_invalidation_requests
    , dlm_invalidations
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , namespace
    , gets
    , gethits
    , pins
    , pinhits
    , reloads
    , invalidations
    , dlm_lock_requests
    , dlm_pin_requests
    , dlm_pin_releases
    , dlm_invalidation_requests
    , dlm_invalidations
    from v$librarycache;
    insert into stats$buffer_pool_statistics
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , id
    , name
    , block_size
    , set_msize
    , cnum_repl
    , cnum_write
    , cnum_set
    , buf_got
    , sum_write
    , sum_scan
    , free_buffer_wait
    , write_complete_wait
    , buffer_busy_wait
    , free_buffer_inspected
    , dirty_buffers_inspected
    , db_block_change
    , db_block_gets
    , consistent_gets
    , physical_reads
    , physical_writes
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , id
    , name
    , block_size
    , set_msize
    , cnum_repl
    , cnum_write
    , cnum_set
    , buf_got
    , sum_write
    , sum_scan
    , free_buffer_wait
    , write_complete_wait
    , buffer_busy_wait
    , free_buffer_inspected
    , dirty_buffers_inspected
    , db_block_change
    , db_block_gets
    , consistent_gets
    , physical_reads
    , physical_writes
    from v$buffer_pool_statistics;
    insert into stats$rollstat
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , usn
    , extents
    , rssize
    , writes
    , xacts
    , gets
    , waits
    , optsize
    , hwmsize
    , shrinks
    , wraps
    , extends
    , aveshrink
    , aveactive
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , usn
    , extents
    , rssize
    , writes
    , xacts
    , gets
    , waits
    , optsize
    , hwmsize
    , shrinks
    , wraps
    , extends
    , aveshrink
    , aveactive
    from v$rollstat;
    insert into stats$rowcache_summary
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , parameter
    , total_usage
    , usage
    , gets
    , getmisses
    , scans
    , scanmisses
    , scancompletes
    , modifications
    , flushes
    , dlm_requests
    , dlm_conflicts
    , dlm_releases
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , parameter
    , sum("COUNT")
    , sum(usage)
    , sum(gets)
    , sum(getmisses)
    , sum(scans)
    , sum(scanmisses)
    , sum(scancompletes)
    , sum(modifications)
    , sum(flushes)
    , sum(dlm_requests)
    , sum(dlm_conflicts)
    , sum(dlm_releases)
    from v$rowcache
    group by l_snap_id, p_dbid, p_instance_number, parameter;
    /* Collect parameters every snapshot, to cater for dynamic
    parameters changable while instance is running
    if l_all_init = 'FALSE' then
    insert into stats$parameter
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , name
    , value
    , isdefault
    , ismodified
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , name
    , value
    , isdefault
    , ismodified
    from v$system_parameter;
    insert into stats$parameter
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , name
    , value
    , isdefault
    , ismodified
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , i.ksppinm
    , sv.ksppstvl
    , sv.ksppstdf
    , decode(bitand(sv.ksppstvf,7),1,'MODIFIED',4,'SYSTEM_MOD','FALSE')
    from stats$x$ksppi i
    , stats$x$ksppsv sv
    where i.indx = sv.indx;
    end if;
    /* To cater for variable size SGA - insert on each snapshot */
    insert into stats$sga
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , name
    , value
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , name
    , value
    from v$sga;
    /* Get current allocation of memory in the SGA */
    insert into stats$sgastat
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , pool
    , name
    , bytes
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , pool
    , name
    , bytes
    from v$sgastat;
    insert into stats$system_event
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , event
    , total_waits
    , total_timeouts
    , time_waited_micro
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , event
    , total_waits
    , total_timeouts
    , time_waited_micro
    from v$system_event;
    insert into stats$bg_event_summary
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , event
    , total_waits
    , total_timeouts
    , time_waited_micro
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , e.event
    , sum(e.total_waits)
    , sum(e.total_timeouts)
    , sum(e.time_waited_micro)
    from v$session_event e
    where e.sid in (select s.sid from v$session s where s.type = 'BACKGROUND')
    group by l_snap_id, p_dbid, p_instance_number, e.event;
    insert into stats$sysstat
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , statistic#
    , name
    , value
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , statistic#
    , name
    , value
    from v$sysstat;
    insert into stats$waitstat
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , class
    , wait_count
    , time
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , class
    , "COUNT"
    , time
    from v$waitstat;
    insert into stats$enqueue_stat
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , eq_type
    , total_req#
    , total_wait#
    , succ_req#
    , failed_req#
    , cum_wait_time
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , eq_type
    , total_req#
    , total_wait#
    , succ_req#
    , failed_req#
    , cum_wait_time
    from v$enqueue_stat
    where total_req# != 0;
    insert into stats$latch
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , name
    , latch#
    , level#
    , gets
    , misses
    , sleeps
    , immediate_gets
    , immediate_misses
    , spin_gets
    , sleep1
    , sleep2
    , sleep3
    , sleep4
    , wait_time
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , name
    , latch#
    , level#
    , gets
    , misses
    , sleeps
    , immediate_gets
    , immediate_misses
    , spin_gets
    , sleep1
    , sleep2
    , sleep3
    , sleep4
    , wait_time
    from v$latch;
    insert into stats$latch_misses_summary
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , parent_name
    , where_in_code
    , nwfail_count
    , sleep_count
    , wtr_slp_count
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , parent_name
    , "WHERE"
    , sum(nwfail_count)
    , sum(sleep_count)
    , sum(wtr_slp_count)
    from v$latch_misses
    where sleep_count > 0
    group by l_snap_id, p_dbid, p_instance_number
    , parent_name, "WHERE";
    insert into stats$resource_limit
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , resource_name
    , current_utilization
    , max_utilization
    , initial_allocation
    , limit_value
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , resource_name
    , current_utilization
    , max_utilization
    , initial_allocation
    , limit_value
    from v$resource_limit
    where limit_value != ' UNLIMITED'
    and max_utilization > 0;
    insert into stats$undostat
    ( begin_time
    , end_time
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , snap_id
    , undotsn
    , undoblks
    , txncount
    , maxquerylen
    , maxconcurrency
    , unxpstealcnt
    , unxpblkrelcnt
    , unxpblkreucnt
    , expstealcnt
    , expblkrelcnt
    , expblkreucnt
    , ssolderrcnt
    , nospaceerrcnt
    select begin_time
    , end_time
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , l_snap_id
    , undotsn
    , undoblks
    , txncount
    , maxquerylen
    , maxconcurrency
    , unxpstealcnt
    , unxpblkrelcnt
    , unxpblkreucnt
    , expstealcnt
    , expblkrelcnt
    , expblkreucnt
    , ssolderrcnt
    , nospaceerrcnt
    from v$undostat
    where begin_time > l_max_begin_time
    and begin_time + (1/(24*6)) <= end_time;
    insert into stats$db_cache_advice
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , id
    , name
    , block_size
    , buffers_for_estimate
    , advice_status
    , size_for_estimate
    , estd_physical_read_factor
    , estd_physical_reads
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , id
    , name
    , block_size
    , buffers_for_estimate
    , advice_status
    , size_for_estimate
    , estd_physical_read_factor
    , estd_physical_reads
    from v$db_cache_advice
    where advice_status = 'ON';
    insert into stats$pgastat
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , name
    , value
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , name
    , value
    from v$pgastat;
    insert into stats$instance_recovery
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , recovery_estimated_ios
    , actual_redo_blks
    , target_redo_blks
    , log_file_size_redo_blks
    , log_chkpt_timeout_redo_blks
    , log_chkpt_interval_redo_blks
    , fast_start_io_target_redo_blks
    , target_mttr
    , estimated_mttr
    , ckpt_block_writes
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , recovery_estimated_ios
    , actual_redo_blks
    , target_redo_blks
    , log_file_size_redo_blks
    , log_chkpt_timeout_redo_blks
    , log_chkpt_interval_redo_blks
    , fast_start_io_target_redo_blks
    , target_mttr
    , estimated_mttr
    , ckpt_block_writes
    from v$instance_recovery;
    if p_parallel = 'YES' then
    insert into stats$dlm_misc
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , statistic#
    , name
    , value
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , statistic#
    , name
    , value
    from v$dlm_misc;
    end if; /* parallel */
    /* Begin gathering Extended Statistics */
    IF l_snap_level >= 5 THEN
    END IF; /* snap level >=5 */
    IF l_snap_level >= 10 THEN
    insert into stats$latch_children
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , latch#
    , child#
    , gets
    , misses
    , sleeps
    , immediate_gets
    , immediate_misses
    , spin_gets
    , sleep1
    , sleep2
    , sleep3
    , sleep4
    , wait_time
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , latch#
    , child#
    , gets
    , misses
    , sleeps
    , immediate_gets
    , immediate_misses
    , spin_gets
    , sleep1
    , sleep2
    , sleep3
    , sleep4
    , wait_time
    from v$latch_children;
    insert into stats$latch_parent
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , latch#
    , level#
    , gets
    , misses
    , sleeps
    , immediate_gets
    , immediate_misses
    , spin_gets
    , sleep1
    , sleep2
    , sleep3
    , sleep4
    , wait_time
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , latch#
    , level#
    , gets
    , misses
    , sleeps
    , immediate_gets
    , immediate_misses
    , spin_gets
    , sleep1
    , sleep2
    , sleep3
    , sleep4
    , wait_time
    from v$latch_parent;
    END IF; /* snap level >=10 */
    /* Record level session-granular statistics if a specific session
    has been requested
    if l_session_id > 0
    insert into stats$sesstat
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , statistic#
    , value
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , statistic#
    , value
    from v$sesstat
    where sid = l_session_id;
    insert into stats$session_event
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , event
    , total_waits
    , total_timeouts
    , time_waited_micro
    , max_wait
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , event
    , total_waits
    , total_timeouts
    , time_waited_micro
    , max_wait
    from v$session_event
    where sid = l_session_id;
    end if;
    commit work;
    RETURN l_snap_id;
    end SNAP; /* Function SNAP */
    begin /* STATSPACK body */
    /* Query the database id, instance_number, database name, instance
    name and startup time for the instance we are working on
    /* Get information about the current instance */
    open get_instance;
    fetch get_instance into
    p_instance_number, p_instance_name
    , p_startup_time, p_parallel, p_version
    , p_host_name;
    close get_instance;
    /* Select the database info for the db connected to */
    open get_db;
    fetch get_db into p_dbid, p_name;
    close get_db;
    /* Keep the package
    sys.dbms_shared_pool.keep('PERFSTAT.STATSPACK', 'P');
    /* Determine if the instance has been restarted since the previous snapshot
    select 1
    into p_new_sga
    from stats$database_instance
    where startup_time = p_startup_time
    and dbid = p_dbid
    and instance_number = p_instance_number;
    when NO_DATA_FOUND then
    p_new_sga := 0;
    end STATSPACK;
    Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
    SQL> show error
    2045/3 PLS-00201: identifier 'SYS.DBMS_SHARED_POOL' must be declared
    2045/3 PL/SQL: Statement ignored

    When i compiled the package, it compiled with following error.
    Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
    SQL> show error
    2045/3 PLS-00201: identifier 'SYS.DBMS_SHARED_POOL' must be declared
    2045/3 PL/SQL: Statement ignored

  • Help needed for hash_area_size setting for Datawarehouse environment

    We have an Oracle 10g Datawarehousing environment , running on 3 - node RAC
    with 16 GB RAM & 4 CPUs each and roughly we have 200 users and night jobs running on this D/W .
    We find that query performance of all ETL Processes & joins are quite slow .
    How much should we increase the value of hash_area_size parameter for this Datawarehouse environment ? This is a Production database, with Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release
    We use OWB 10g Tool for this D/W and we need to change the hash_area_size to increase the performance of the ETL Processes.
    This is the Oracle init parameter settings used, as shown below : -
    Kindly suggest ,
    Thanks & best regards ,
    __db_cache_size     1073741824
    __java_pool_size     67108864
    __large_pool_size     318767104
    __shared_pool_size     1744830464
    optimizercost_based_transformation     OFF
    aq_tm_processes     1
    archive_lag_target     0
    asm_power_limit     1
    audit_file_dest     /dboracle/orabase/product/10.1.0/rdbms/audit
    audit_sys_operations     FALSE
    audit_trail     NONE
    background_core_dump     partial
    background_dump_dest     /dborafiles/orbit/ORBIT01/admin/bdump
    backup_tape_io_slaves     TRUE
    bitmap_merge_area_size     1048576
    blank_trimming     FALSE
    cluster_database     TRUE
    cluster_database_instances     3
    commit_point_strength     1
    compatible     10.1.0
    control_file_record_keep_time     90
    control_files     #NAME?
    core_dump_dest     /dborafiles/orbit/ORBIT01/admin/cdump
    cpu_count     4
    create_bitmap_area_size     8388608
    cursor_sharing     EXACT
    cursor_space_for_time     FALSE
    db_16k_cache_size     0
    db_2k_cache_size     0
    db_32k_cache_size     0
    db_4k_cache_size     0
    db_8k_cache_size     0
    db_block_buffers     0
    db_block_checking     FALSE
    db_block_checksum     TRUE
    db_block_size     8192
    db_cache_advice     ON
    db_cache_size     1073741824
    db_create_file_dest     #NAME?
    db_create_online_log_dest_1     #NAME?
    db_create_online_log_dest_2     #NAME?
    db_file_multiblock_read_count     64
    db_files     999
    db_flashback_retention_target     1440
    db_keep_cache_size     0
    db_name     ORBIT
    db_recovery_file_dest     #NAME?
    db_recovery_file_dest_size     2.62144E+11
    db_recycle_cache_size     0
    db_unique_name     ORBIT
    db_writer_processes     1
    dbwr_io_slaves     0
    ddl_wait_for_locks     FALSE
    dg_broker_config_file1     /dboracle/orabase/product/10.1.0/dbs/dr1ORBIT.dat
    dg_broker_config_file2     /dboracle/orabase/product/10.1.0/dbs/dr2ORBIT.dat
    dg_broker_start     FALSE
    disk_asynch_io     TRUE
    distributed_lock_timeout     60
    dml_locks     9700
    drs_start     FALSE
    enqueue_resources     10719
    fast_start_io_target     0
    fast_start_mttr_target     0
    fast_start_parallel_rollback     LOW
    file_mapping     FALSE
    filesystemio_options     asynch
    gcs_server_processes     2
    global_names     FALSE
    hash_area_size     131072
    hi_shared_memory_address     0
    hpux_sched_noage     0
    hs_autoregister     TRUE
    instance_name     ORBIT01
    instance_number     1
    instance_type     RDBMS
    java_max_sessionspace_size     0
    java_pool_size     67108864
    java_soft_sessionspace_limit     0
    job_queue_processes     10
    large_pool_size     318767104
    ldap_directory_access     NONE
    license_max_sessions     0
    license_max_users     0
    license_sessions_warning     0
    lock_sga     FALSE
    log_archive_dest_1     LOCATION=+ORBT_A06635_DATA1_ASM/ORBIT/ARCHIVELOG/
    log_archive_dest_state_1     enable
    log_archive_dest_state_10     enable
    log_archive_dest_state_2     enable
    log_archive_dest_state_3     enable
    log_archive_dest_state_4     enable
    log_archive_dest_state_5     enable
    log_archive_dest_state_6     enable
    log_archive_dest_state_7     enable
    log_archive_dest_state_8     enable
    log_archive_dest_state_9     enable
    log_archive_format     %t_%s_%r.arc
    log_archive_local_first     TRUE
    log_archive_max_processes     2
    log_archive_min_succeed_dest     1
    log_archive_start     FALSE
    log_archive_trace     0
    log_buffer     1167360
    log_checkpoint_interval     0
    log_checkpoint_timeout     1800
    log_checkpoints_to_alert     FALSE
    logmnr_max_persistent_sessions     1
    max_commit_propagation_delay     700
    max_dump_file_size     UNLIMITED
    max_enabled_roles     150
    nls_currency     #
    nls_date_format     DD-MON-RRRR
    nls_date_language     ENGLISH
    nls_dual_currency     ?
    nls_iso_currency     UNITED KINGDOM
    nls_language     ENGLISH
    nls_length_semantics     BYTE
    nls_nchar_conv_excp     FALSE
    nls_territory     UNITED KINGDOM
    nls_time_format     HH24.MI.SSXFF
    nls_time_tz_format     HH24.MI.SSXFF TZR
    nls_timestamp_format     DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SSXFF
    nls_timestamp_tz_format     DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SSXFF TZR
    object_cache_max_size_percent     10
    object_cache_optimal_size     102400
    olap_page_pool_size     0
    open_cursors     1024
    open_links     4
    open_links_per_instance     4
    optimizer_dynamic_sampling     2
    optimizer_index_caching     0
    optimizer_index_cost_adj     100
    optimizer_mode     ALL_ROWS
    os_authent_prefix     ops$
    os_roles     FALSE
    parallel_adaptive_multi_user     TRUE
    parallel_automatic_tuning     TRUE
    parallel_execution_message_size     4096
    parallel_max_servers     80
    parallel_min_percent     0
    parallel_min_servers     0
    parallel_server     TRUE
    parallel_server_instances     3
    parallel_threads_per_cpu     2
    pga_aggregate_target     8589934592
    plsql_code_type     INTERPRETED
    plsql_compiler_flags     INTERPRETED
    plsql_debug     FALSE
    plsql_native_library_subdir_count     0
    plsql_optimize_level     2
    plsql_v2_compatibility     FALSE
    plsql_warnings     DISABLE:ALL
    pre_page_sga     FALSE
    processes     600
    query_rewrite_enabled     TRUE
    query_rewrite_integrity     enforced
    read_only_open_delayed     FALSE
    recovery_parallelism     0
    remote_archive_enable     TRUE
    remote_dependencies_mode     TIMESTAMP
    remote_login_passwordfile     EXCLUSIVE
    remote_os_authent     FALSE
    remote_os_roles     FALSE
    replication_dependency_tracking     TRUE
    resource_limit     FALSE
    resumable_timeout     0
    serial_reuse     disable
    service_names     ORBIT
    session_cached_cursors     0
    session_max_open_files     10
    sessions     2205
    sga_max_size     3221225472
    sga_target     3221225472
    shadow_core_dump     partial
    shared_memory_address     0
    shared_pool_reserved_size     102760448
    shared_pool_size     318767104
    shared_servers     0
    skip_unusable_indexes     TRUE
    sort_area_retained_size     0
    sort_area_size     65536
    sp_name     ORBIT
    spfile     #NAME?
    sql_trace     FALSE
    sql_version     NATIVE
    sql92_security     FALSE
    sqltune_category     DEFAULT
    standby_archive_dest     ?/dbs/arch
    standby_file_management     MANUAL
    star_transformation_enabled     TRUE
    statistics_level     TYPICAL
    streams_pool_size     0
    tape_asynch_io     TRUE
    thread     1
    timed_os_statistics     0
    timed_statistics     TRUE
    trace_enabled     TRUE
    transactions     2425
    transactions_per_rollback_segment     5
    undo_management     AUTO
    undo_retention     7200
    undo_tablespace     UNDOTBS1
    use_indirect_data_buffers     FALSE
    user_dump_dest     /dborafiles/orbit/ORBIT01/admin/udump
    utl_file_dir     /orbit_serial/oracle/utl_out
    workarea_size_policy     AUTO

    The parameters are already unset in the environment, but do show up in v$parameter, much like shared_pool_size is visible in v$parameter despite only sga_target being set.
    SQL> show parameter sort
    sortelimination_cost_ratio integer 5
    nls_sort string binary
    sort_area_retained_size integer 0
    sort_area_size integer 65536
    SQL> show parameter hash
    hash_area_size integer 131072
    SQL> exit
    Only set hash_area_size and sort_area_size should only be set when not using automatic undo, which is not supported in EBS databases.
    Database Initialization Parameters for Oracle Applications 11i

  • Unable to resync dataguard

    Hi everybody!
    I have a problem. Some weeks ago I opened a post related to this issue. We have two dataguards with dataguard broker. One of them is resync (thanks to mseberg and this forum) and now I have problems with the other.
    Once I have learned how to configure and start/stop dataguard broker, I have a more basic problem, which is to resync it. I follow a process, where I backup the primary with RMAN, I copy the rman files to the other server with the controlfile, at once, I recover with rman again.
    The problem is that it is too big, 2 hours for backing it up more or less, and when I restore it, no archivelog list appears being syncronized.
    I have followed the same process than the other one and I can't resync it. I think there is something at my params or something new at 11g version...
    SQL> show parameters
    active_instance_count integer
    aq_tm_processes integer 0
    archive_lag_target integer 0
    asm_diskgroups string
    asm_diskstring string
    asm_power_limit integer 1
    asm_preferred_read_failure_groups string
    audit_file_dest string /opt/oracle/admin/MN122010P/ad
    audit_sys_operations boolean FALSE
    audit_syslog_level string
    audit_trail string DB
    background_core_dump string partial
    background_dump_dest string /opt/oracle/diag/rdbms/mn12201
    backup_tape_io_slaves boolean FALSE
    bitmap_merge_area_size integer 1048576
    blank_trimming boolean FALSE
    buffer_pool_keep string
    buffer_pool_recycle string
    cell_offload_compaction string ADAPTIVE
    cell_offload_parameters string
    cell_offload_plan_display string AUTO
    cell_offload_processing boolean TRUE
    cell_partition_large_extents string DEFAULT
    circuits integer
    client_result_cache_lag big integer 3000
    client_result_cache_size big integer 0
    cluster_database boolean FALSE
    cluster_database_instances integer 1
    cluster_interconnects string
    commit_logging string
    commit_point_strength integer 1
    commit_wait string
    commit_write string
    compatible string
    control_file_record_keep_time integer 7
    control_files string /opt/oracle/oradata/MN122010P/
    controlfile/control01.ctl, /op
    control_management_pack_access string DIAGNOSTIC+TUNING
    core_dump_dest string /opt/oracle/diag/rdbms/mn12201
    cpu_count integer 4
    create_bitmap_area_size integer 8388608
    create_stored_outlines string
    cursor_sharing string EXACT
    cursor_space_for_time boolean FALSE
    db_16k_cache_size big integer 0
    db_2k_cache_size big integer 0
    db_32k_cache_size big integer 0
    db_4k_cache_size big integer 0
    db_8k_cache_size big integer 0
    db_block_buffers integer 0
    db_block_checking string FALSE
    db_block_checksum string TYPICAL
    db_block_size integer 8192
    db_cache_advice string ON
    db_cache_size big integer 0
    db_create_file_dest string /opt/oracle/oradata
    db_create_online_log_dest_1 string /opt/oracle/oradata
    db_create_online_log_dest_2 string /opt/oracle/oradata1
    db_create_online_log_dest_3 string
    db_create_online_log_dest_4 string
    db_create_online_log_dest_5 string
    db_domain string domain.es
    db_file_multiblock_read_count integer 69
    db_file_name_convert string
    db_files integer 200
    db_flashback_retention_target integer 1440
    db_keep_cache_size big integer 0
    db_lost_write_protect string NONE
    db_name string MN122010
    db_recovery_file_dest string /opt/oracle/oradata/flash_reco
    db_recovery_file_dest_size big integer 100G
    db_recycle_cache_size big integer 0
    db_securefile string PERMITTED
    db_ultra_safe string OFF
    db_unique_name string MN122010P
    db_writer_processes integer 1
    dbwr_io_slaves integer 0
    ddl_lock_timeout integer 0
    dg_broker_config_file1 string /opt/oracle/product/db111/dbs/
    dg_broker_config_file2 string /opt/oracle/product/db111/dbs/
    dg_broker_start boolean FALSE
    diagnostic_dest string /opt/oracle
    disk_asynch_io boolean TRUE
    dispatchers string (PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=MN1220
    distributed_lock_timeout integer 60
    dml_locks integer 844
    drs_start boolean FALSE
    enable_ddl_logging boolean FALSE
    event string
    fal_client string
    fal_server string
    fast_start_io_target integer 0
    fast_start_mttr_target integer 0
    fast_start_parallel_rollback string LOW
    file_mapping boolean FALSE
    fileio_network_adapters string
    filesystemio_options string none
    fixed_date string
    gc_files_to_locks string
    gcs_server_processes integer 0
    global_context_pool_size string
    global_names boolean FALSE
    global_txn_processes integer 1
    hash_area_size integer 131072
    hi_shared_memory_address integer 0
    hs_autoregister boolean TRUE
    ifile file
    instance_groups string
    instance_name string MN122010P
    instance_number integer 0
    instance_type string RDBMS
    java_jit_enabled boolean TRUE
    java_max_sessionspace_size integer 0
    java_pool_size big integer 0
    java_soft_sessionspace_limit integer 0
    job_queue_processes integer 1000
    large_pool_size big integer 0
    ldap_directory_access string NONE
    ldap_directory_sysauth string no
    license_max_sessions integer 0
    license_max_users integer 0
    license_sessions_warning integer 0
    local_listener string LISTENER_MN122010P
    lock_name_space string
    lock_sga boolean FALSE
    log_archive_config string dg_config=(MN122010P,MN122010R
    log_archive_dest string
    log_archive_dest_1 string location="USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE
    _DEST", valid_for=(ALL_LOGFIL
    log_archive_dest_10 string
    log_archive_dest_2 string service=MN12201R, LGWR SYNC AF
    FIRM delay=0 OPTIONAL compress
    ion=DISABLE max_failure=0 max_
    connections=1 reopen=300 db_
    unique_name=MN12201R net_timeo
    ut=30 valid_for=(online_logfi
    log_archive_dest_3 string
    log_archive_dest_4 string
    log_archive_dest_5 string
    log_archive_dest_6 string
    log_archive_dest_7 string
    log_archive_dest_8 string
    log_archive_dest_9 string
    log_archive_dest_state_1 string ENABLE
    log_archive_dest_state_10 string enable
    log_archive_dest_state_2 string ENABLE
    log_archive_dest_state_3 string ENABLE
    log_archive_dest_state_4 string enable
    log_archive_dest_state_5 string enable
    log_archive_dest_state_6 string enable
    log_archive_dest_state_7 string enable
    log_archive_dest_state_8 string enable
    log_archive_dest_state_9 string enable
    log_archive_duplex_dest string
    log_archive_format string %t_%s_%r.dbf
    log_archive_local_first boolean TRUE
    log_archive_max_processes integer 4
    log_archive_min_succeed_dest integer 1
    log_archive_start boolean FALSE
    log_archive_trace integer 0
    log_buffer integer 7668736
    log_checkpoint_interval integer 0
    log_checkpoint_timeout integer 1800
    log_checkpoints_to_alert boolean FALSE
    log_file_name_convert string
    max_commit_propagation_delay integer 0
    max_dispatchers integer
    max_dump_file_size string unlimited
    max_enabled_roles integer 150
    max_shared_servers integer
    memory_max_target big integer 512M
    memory_target big integer 512M
    nls_calendar string
    nls_comp string BINARY
    nls_currency string
    nls_date_format string
    nls_date_language string
    nls_dual_currency string
    nls_iso_currency string
    nls_language string AMERICAN
    nls_length_semantics string BYTE
    nls_nchar_conv_excp string FALSE
    nls_numeric_characters string
    nls_sort string
    nls_territory string AMERICA
    nls_time_format string
    nls_time_tz_format string
    nls_timestamp_format string
    nls_timestamp_tz_format string
    object_cache_max_size_percent integer 10
    object_cache_optimal_size integer 102400
    olap_page_pool_size big integer 0
    open_cursors integer 300
    open_links integer 4
    open_links_per_instance integer 4
    optimizer_capture_sql_plan_baselines boolean FALSE
    optimizer_dynamic_sampling integer 2
    optimizer_features_enable string
    optimizer_index_caching integer 0
    optimizer_index_cost_adj integer 100
    optimizer_mode string ALL_ROWS
    optimizer_secure_view_merging boolean TRUE
    optimizer_use_invisible_indexes boolean FALSE
    optimizer_use_pending_statistics boolean FALSE
    optimizer_use_sql_plan_baselines boolean TRUE
    os_authent_prefix string ops$
    os_roles boolean FALSE
    parallel_adaptive_multi_user boolean TRUE
    parallel_automatic_tuning boolean FALSE
    parallel_execution_message_size integer 2152
    parallel_instance_group string
    parallel_io_cap_enabled boolean FALSE
    parallel_max_servers integer 40
    parallel_min_percent integer 0
    parallel_min_servers integer 0
    parallel_server boolean FALSE
    parallel_server_instances integer 1
    parallel_threads_per_cpu integer 2
    pga_aggregate_target big integer 0
    plscope_settings string IDENTIFIERS:NONE
    plsql_ccflags string
    plsql_code_type string INTERPRETED
    plsql_debug boolean FALSE
    plsql_native_library_dir string
    plsql_native_library_subdir_count integer 0
    plsql_optimize_level integer 2
    plsql_v2_compatibility boolean FALSE
    plsql_warnings string DISABLE:ALL
    pre_page_sga boolean FALSE
    processes integer 170
    query_rewrite_enabled string TRUE
    query_rewrite_integrity string enforced
    rdbms_server_dn string
    read_only_open_delayed boolean FALSE
    recovery_parallelism integer 0
    recyclebin string on
    redo_transport_user string
    remote_dependencies_mode string TIMESTAMP
    remote_listener string
    remote_login_passwordfile string EXCLUSIVE
    remote_os_authent boolean FALSE
    remote_os_roles boolean FALSE
    replication_dependency_tracking boolean TRUE
    resource_limit boolean FALSE
    resource_manager_cpu_allocation integer 4
    resource_manager_plan string
    result_cache_max_result integer 5
    result_cache_max_size big integer 1312K
    result_cache_mode string MANUAL
    result_cache_remote_expiration integer 0
    resumable_timeout integer 0
    rollback_segments string
    sec_case_sensitive_logon boolean TRUE
    sec_max_failed_login_attempts integer 10
    sec_protocol_error_further_action string CONTINUE
    sec_protocol_error_trace_action string TRACE
    sec_return_server_release_banner boolean FALSE
    serial_reuse string disable
    service_names string MN122010P.domain.es
    session_cached_cursors integer 50
    session_max_open_files integer 10
    sessions integer 192
    sga_max_size big integer 512M
    sga_target big integer 0
    shadow_core_dump string partial
    shared_memory_address integer 0
    shared_pool_reserved_size big integer 10066329
    shared_pool_size big integer 0
    shared_server_sessions integer
    shared_servers integer 1
    skip_unusable_indexes boolean TRUE
    smtp_out_server string
    sort_area_retained_size integer 0
    sort_area_size integer 65536
    spfile string /opt/oracle/product/db111/dbs/
    sql92_security boolean FALSE
    sql_trace boolean FALSE
    sql_version string NATIVE
    sqltune_category string DEFAULT
    standby_archive_dest string ?/dbs/arch
    standby_file_management string AUTO
    star_transformation_enabled string FALSE
    statistics_level string TYPICAL
    streams_pool_size big integer 0
    tape_asynch_io boolean TRUE
    thread integer 0
    timed_os_statistics integer 0
    timed_statistics boolean TRUE
    trace_enabled boolean TRUE
    tracefile_identifier string
    transactions integer 211
    transactions_per_rollback_segment integer 5
    undo_management string AUTO
    undo_retention integer 900
    undo_tablespace string UNDOTBS1
    use_indirect_data_buffers boolean FALSE
    user_dump_dest string /opt/oracle/diag/rdbms/mn12201
    utl_file_dir string
    workarea_size_policy string AUTO
    xml_db_events string enable
    I have tested the connectivity between them and it's ok, I recreated the password file
    [oracle@servername01 MN122010P]$ sqlplus "sys/[email protected] as sysdba"
    SQL> select * from v$instance;
    1 MN122010P
    servername01 09-OCT-11 OPEN NO 1 STARTED
    [oracle@servername01 MN122010P]$ sqlplus "sys/[email protected] as sysdba"
    SQL> select * from v$instance;
    1 MN12201R
    servername02 28-NOV-11 MOUNTED NO 1 STARTED
    Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Thu Dec 1 10:16:23 2011
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    RMAN> connect target /
    connected to target database: MN122010 (DBID=2440111267)
    RMAN> run{
    ALLOCATE CHANNEL d1 DEVICE TYPE DISK FORMAT '/opt/oracle/oradata/BACKUPS_01/MN122010P/backup_%d_t%t_s%s_p%p';
    2> 3> 4>
    using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
    allocated channel: d1
    channel d1: SID=140 device type=DISK
    Starting backup at 01-DEC-11
    current log archived
    channel d1: starting archived log backup set
    channel d1: specifying archived log(s) in backup set
    input archived log thread=1 sequence=4117 RECID=7260 STAMP=766935608
    input archived log thread=1 sequence=4118 RECID=7261 STAMP=766935619
    input archived log thread=1 sequence=4119 RECID=7262 STAMP=766935630
    input archived log thread=1 sequence=4120 RECID=7263 STAMP=766935635
    ....List of archives....
    Starting backup at 01-DEC-11
    channel d1: starting full datafile backup set
    channel d1: specifying datafile(s) in backup set
    input datafile file number=00010 name=/opt/oracle/oradata/MN122010P/TBCESPANDM_01.DBF
    input datafile file number=00009 name=/opt/oracle/oradata/MN122010P/CESPAROUTING_01.DBF
    input datafile file number=00007 name=/opt/oracle/oradata/MN122010P/TBCESPACALLEJERO_01.DBF
    input datafile file number=00008 name=/opt/oracle/oradata/MN122010P/CESPAGEOCODER_01.DBF
    input datafile file number=00001 name=/opt/oracle/oradata/MN122010P/system01.dbf
    input datafile file number=00002 name=/opt/oracle/oradata/MN122010P/sysaux01.dbf
    input datafile file number=00003 name=/opt/oracle/oradata/MN122010P/undotbs01.dbf
    input datafile file number=00006 name=/opt/oracle/oradata/MN122010P/TBCESPAFONDO_01.DBF
    input datafile file number=00005 name=/opt/oracle/oradata/MN122010P/TBCESPAPOIS_01.DBF
    input datafile file number=00004 name=/opt/oracle/oradata/MN122010P/users01.dbf
    channel d1: starting piece 1 at 01-DEC-11
    channel d1: finished piece 1 at 01-DEC-11
    piece handle=/opt/oracle/oradata/BACKUPS_01/MN122010P/backup_MN122010_t768739341_s768_p1 tag=TAG20111201T104221 comment=NONE
    channel d1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:39:26
    Finished backup at 01-DEC-11
    Starting backup at 01-DEC-11
    current log archived
    channel d1: starting archived log backup set
    channel d1: specifying archived log(s) in backup set
    input archived log thread=1 sequence=4256 RECID=7399 STAMP=768741707
    channel d1: starting piece 1 at 01-DEC-11
    channel d1: finished piece 1 at 01-DEC-11
    piece handle=/opt/oracle/oradata/BACKUPS_01/MN122010P/backup_MN122010_t768741708_s769_p1 tag=TAG20111201T112148 comment=NONE
    channel d1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
    Finished backup at 01-DEC-11
    Starting Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 01-DEC-11
    piece handle=/opt/oracle/product/db111/dbs/c-2440111267-20111201-00 comment=NONE
    Finished Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 01-DEC-11
    released channel: d1
    I made a alter database create standby controlfile as at Primary and at Standby:
    SQL> shutdown immediate;
    ORA-01109: base de datos sin abrir
    Base de datos desmontada.
    Instancia ORACLE cerrada.
    SQL> startup nomount;
    Instancia ORACLE iniciada.
    Total System Global Area 2937555928 bytes
    Fixed Size 744408 bytes
    Variable Size 1862270976 bytes
    Database Buffers 1073741824 bytes
    Redo Buffers 798720 bytes
    copy the controlfile to standby controlfile locations
    startup standby
    And restoring with rman
    List of Archived Logs in backup set 616
    Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
    1 4256 27049296 01-DEC-11 27052551 01-DEC-11
    RMAN> run{
    2> allocate channel c1 type disk format '/opt/oracle/oradata/BACKUPS_01/MN122010P/backup_%d_t%t_s%s_p%p';
    3> restore database;
    4> recover database until sequence 4256 thread 1;
    5> sql 'alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session';
    6> release channel c1;
    7> }
    allocated channel: c1
    channel c1: SID=164 device type=DISK
    Starting restore at 01-DEC-11
    Starting implicit crosscheck backup at 01-DEC-11
    Crosschecked 115 objects
    Finished implicit crosscheck backup at 01-DEC-11
    Starting implicit crosscheck copy at 01-DEC-11
    Crosschecked 24 objects
    Finished implicit crosscheck copy at 01-DEC-11
    searching for all files in the recovery area
    cataloging files...
    no files cataloged
    channel c1: starting datafile backup set restore
    channel c1: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set
    channel c1: restoring datafile 00001 to /opt/oracle/oradata/MN122010P/system01.dbf
    channel c1: restoring datafile 00002 to /opt/oracle/oradata/MN122010P/sysaux01.dbf
    channel c1: restoring datafile 00003 to /opt/oracle/oradata/MN122010P/undotbs01.dbf
    channel c1: restoring datafile 00004 to /opt/oracle/oradata/MN122010P/users01.dbf
    channel c1: restoring datafile 00005 to /opt/oracle/oradata/MN122010P/TBCESPAPOIS_01.DBF
    channel c1: restoring datafile 00006 to /opt/oracle/oradata/MN122010P/TBCESPAFONDO_01.DBF
    channel c1: restoring datafile 00007 to /opt/oracle/oradata/MN122010P/TBCESPACALLEJERO_01.DBF
    channel c1: restoring datafile 00008 to /opt/oracle/oradata/MN122010P/CESPAGEOCODER_01.DBF
    channel c1: restoring datafile 00009 to /opt/oracle/oradata/MN122010P/CESPAROUTING_01.DBF
    channel c1: restoring datafile 00010 to /opt/oracle/oradata/MN122010P/TBCESPANDM_01.DBF
    channel c1: reading from backup piece /opt/oracle/oradata/BACKUPS_01/MN122010P/backup_MN122010_t768739341_s768_p1
    After the restoring I found at standby that no archives have been applied:
    / 2 3
    no rows selected
    SQL> select * from v$Instance;
    1 MN12201R
    server02 01-DEC-11 MOUNTED NO 1 STARTED
    SQL> select message from v$dataguard_status;
    ARC0: Archival started
    ARC1: Archival started
    ARC2: Archival started
    ARC3: Archival started
    ARC0: Becoming the 'no FAL' ARCH
    ARC0: Becoming the 'no SRL' ARCH
    ARC1: Becoming the heartbeat ARCH
    7 rows selected.
    On primary
    ARC3: Beginning to archive thread 1 sequence 4258 (27056314-27064244)
    ARC3: Completed archiving thread 1 sequence 4258 (27056314-27064244)
    ARC0: Beginning to archive thread 1 sequence 4259 (27064244-27064251)
    ARC0: Completed archiving thread 1 sequence 4259 (27064244-27064251)
    ARC2: Beginning to archive thread 1 sequence 4260 (27064251-27064328)
    ARC2: Completed archiving thread 1 sequence 4260 (27064251-27064328)
    ARC3: Beginning to archive thread 1 sequence 4261 (27064328-27064654)
    ARC3: Completed archiving thread 1 sequence 4261 (27064328-27064654)
    Edited by: user8898355 on 01-dic-2011 7:02

    I'm seeing those errors at primary
    LNSb started with pid=20, OS id=30141
    LGWR: Attempting destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 network reconnect (16086)
    LGWR: Destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 network reconnect abandoned
    trace file:
    *** 2011-12-02 09:52:17.164
    *** SESSION ID:(183.1) 2011-12-02 09:52:17.164
    *** CLIENT ID:() 2011-12-02 09:52:17.164
    *** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$BACKGROUND) 2011-12-02 09:52:17.164
    *** MODULE NAME:() 2011-12-02 09:52:17.164
    *** ACTION NAME:() 2011-12-02 09:52:17.164
    *** 2011-12-02 09:52:17.164 6465 krsu.c
    Initializing NetServer[LNSb] for dest=MN12201R.domain.es mode SYNC
    LNSb is not running anymore.
    New SYNC LNSb needs to be started
    Waiting for subscriber count on LGWR-LNSb channel to go to zero
    Subscriber count went to zero - time now is <12/02/2011 09:52:17>
    Starting LNSb ...
    Waiting for LNSb [pid 30141] to initialize itself
    *** 2011-12-02 09:52:17.164 6465 krsu.c
    Initializing NetServer[LNSb] for dest=MN12201R.domain.es mode SYNC
    LNSb is not running anymore.
    New SYNC LNSb needs to be started
    Waiting for subscriber count on LGWR-LNSb channel to go to zero
    Subscriber count went to zero - time now is <12/02/2011 09:52:17>
    Starting LNSb ...
    Waiting for LNSb [pid 30141] to initialize itself
    *** 2011-12-02 09:52:20.185
    *** 2011-12-02 09:52:20.185 6828 krsu.c
    Netserver LNSb [pid 30141] for mode SYNC has been initialized
    Performing a channel reset to ignore previous responses
    Successfully started LNSb [pid 30141] for dest MN12201R.domain.es mode SYNC ocis=0x2ba2cb1fece8
    *** 2011-12-02 09:52:20.185 2880 krsu.c
    Making upiahm request to LNSb [pid 30141]: Begin Time is <12/02/2011 09:52:17>. NET_TIMEOUT = <30> seconds
    Waiting for LNSb to respond to upiahm
    *** 2011-12-02 09:52:20.262 3044 krsu.c
    upiahm connect done status is 0
    Receiving message from LNSb
    Receiving message from LNSb
    LGWR: Failed
    rfsp: 0x2ba2ca55c328
    rfsmod: 2
    rfsver: 3
    rfsflag: 0x24882

  • How to update Portal 10.1.2 to 10.1.4 under multiportal environment ?

    I install two portal and one infra.
    And Configuring Multiple Middle Tiers with a Load Balancing Router successfully.
    The origin portal virsion is 10.1.2.
    Now i want to update to 10.1.4 but have somthing wrong after I enter the update commond.
    Error message is java.SQLException: IO Exception : connection is reset.
    Then I run de upgrade command again , get the different error message
    ### ERROR: OracleAS Portal 10.1.4 upgrade precheck failed. See /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/precheck.log for details.
    Error: Component upgrade failed PORTAL
    Error: PORTAL component version is: INVALID
    FAILURE: Some OracleAS plug-ins report failure during upgrade.
    The Portal Upgrade precheck log is follow:
    -- Portal Upgrade release information: 10.1.4 Release 1
    Upgrade Started in -precheck -force mode at Wed Oct 18 21:22:19 2006
    ### PHASE 1: Initial setup
    Existing temporary directory /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/prechktmp renamed to /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/prechktmp.Wed-Oct-18-21.14.10-2006
    Existing log file /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/precheck.log renamed to /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/precheck.log.Wed-Oct-18-21.14.10-2006
    Creating /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/prechktmp directory
    Creating /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/prechktmp/gen directory
    Welcome to the Oracle Portal Production Upgrade
    The script will lead you through the upgrade step by step.
    For questions asked in this script that have appropriate defaults
    those defaults will be shown in square brackets after the question.
    To accept a default value, simply hit the Return key.
    ### Set New Variables and Validate Environment Variables
    Step started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:19 2006
    PERL5LIB set to ../../../perl/lib/site_perl/5.6.1/i686-linux:../../../perl/lib:../../../perl/lib/5.6.1
    Check SQL*Plus version
    Running upg/frwk/upchkpls.sql### Log shared and environment variables
    Step started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:19 2006
    Log file: /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/precheck.log
    Log dir: /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/prechktmp
    Profile dir: /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/prechktmp/gen
    Verbose flag: 0
    Debug mode: 0
    Force flag: 1
    Nosave flag: 0
    Save flag: 1
    Repos flag: 0
    Compile flag: 0
    Oldver flag: 0
    isPatch flag: 0
    Will save Tables: 1
    Environment variables:
    DISPLAY: :0
    HISTSIZE: 1000
    HOME: /home/oracle
    HOSTNAME: portal1.bizmatch.com.cn
    IBPATH: /usr/bin
    INPUTRC: /etc/inputrc
    KDEDIR: /usr
    LANG: en_US.UTF-8
    LC_CTYPE: en_US.UTF-8
    LD_ASSUME_KERNEL: 2.4.19
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /raid/product/OraHome_1/lib32:/raid/product/OraHome_1/lib:/raid/tmp/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client:/raid/tmp/jdk/jre/lib/i386:/raid/tmp/jdk/jre/../lib/i386:/raid/product/OraHome_1/lib32:/raid/product/OraHome_1/network/lib32:/raid/product/OraHome_1/lib:/raid/product/OraHome_1/network/lib:/raid/product/OraHome_1/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64: /raid/product/OraHome_1/lib:/raid/product/OraHome_1/lib32:/raid/product/OraHome_1/network/lib32:/raid/product/OraHome_1/lib:/raid/product/OraHome_1/network/lib:
    LESSOPEN: |/usr/bin/lesspipe.sh %s
    LIBPATH: /raid/product/OraHome_1/lib32:/raid/product/OraHome_1/lib
    LOGNAME: oracle
    LS_COLORS: no=00:fi=00:di=00;34:ln=00;36:pi=40;33:so=00;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=01;05;37;41:mi=01;05;37;41:ex=00;32:*.cmd=00;32:*.exe=00;32:*.com=00;32:*.btm=00;32:*.bat=00;32:*.sh=00;32:*.csh=00;32:*.tar=00;31:*.tgz=00;31:*.arj=00;31:*.taz=00;31:*.lzh=00;31:*.zip=00;31:*.z=00;31:*.Z=00;31:*.gz=00;31:*.bz2=00;31:*.bz=00;31:*.tz=00;31:*.rpm=00;31:*.cpio=00;31:*.jpg=00;35:*.gif=00;35:*.bmp=00;35:*.xbm=00;35:*.xpm=00;35:*.png=00;35:*.tif=00;35:
    MAIL: /var/spool/mail/oracle
    NLSPATH: /usr/dt/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N.cat
    ORACLE_BASE: /raid/product
    ORACLE_HOME: /raid/product/OraHome_1
    PATH: /raid/product/OraHome_1/bin:../../../perl/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/home/oracle/bin:/raid/product/OraHome_1/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/X11R6/bin:/home/oracle/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin
    PERL5LIB: ../../../perl/lib/site_perl/5.6.1/i686-linux:../../../perl/lib:../../../perl/lib/5.6.1
    PWD: /raid/tmp/mrua
    QTDIR: /usr/lib/qt-3.3
    REPCA_ORACLE_HOME: /raid/tmp
    SHELL: /bin/bash
    SHLIB_PATH: /raid/product/OraHome_1/lib32:/raid/product/OraHome_1/lib
    SHLVL: 3
    SQLPATH: .:owa:/raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/prechktmp/gen:upg/frwk:sql:wwc
    SSH_ASKPASS: /usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass
    TERM: xterm
    USER: oracle
    XAUTHORITY: /root/.Xauthority
    XFILESEARCHPATH: /usr/dt/app-defaults/%L/Dt
    _: /raid/tmp/jdk/bin/java
    ### PHASE 2: User inputs
    Upgrade phase started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:19 2006
    Processing Metadata File: upg/common/inputchk/inputchk.met Running upg/common/inputchk/inputchk.pl ### Verify that the database has been backed up
    Step started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:19 2006
    Before beginning the upgrade, it is important that you backup your database.
    Have you backed up your database (y/n)? [y]: y
    Ask user for schema and database details
    Enter the name of schema that you would like to upgrade [PORTAL]: portal
    Enter the password for the schema that you would like to upgrade [portal]:
    Enter the password for the SYS user of your database [CHANGE_ON_INSTALL]:
    Enter the TNS connect string to connect to the database [ORCL]: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=portaldb.bizmatch.com.cn)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME=IASDB.bizmatch.com.cn)))
    Responses to the above questions will now be recorded in the file
    upgrade.in. Placeholders are recorded instead of actual passwords,
    for security reasons. If you wish, this file can be edited and used
    as the standard input for a subsequent run of upgrade.pl.
    ### Verify database connection information.
    Step started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:19 2006
    Validating the connection information supplied by the user
    Running CheckConnections()Check connection to the Portal repository.
    Check connection as SYS to the Portal repository.
    Ending CheckConnections() Wed Oct 18 21:22:19 2006
    ### PHASE 3: Setup
    Upgrade phase started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:19 2006
    Processing Metadata File: upg/common/setup/setup.met Running upg/common/setup/setup.pl Analyzing the product schema
    Running upg/common/setup/upgettbs.sqlPortal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:19 2006
    ### Install messaging framework
    Step started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:19 2006
    Portal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:19 2006
    No errors.
    No errors.
    Creating sequence 'wwpof_output_id_seq'
    Creating sequence 'wwpof_output_script_run_id_seq'
    Creating table 'wwpof_output$'
    Creating table 'wwpof_msg$'
    Creating index 'wwpof_output_idx1' in tablespace PORTAL
    Creating index 'wwpof_output_idx2' in tablespace PORTAL
    Creating index 'wwpof_output_idx3' in tablespace PORTAL
    Creating index 'wwpof_msg_uk1' in tablespace PORTAL
    No errors.
    No errors.
    Granting privileges on POF objects to SYS
    Loading /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/prechktmp/upgus.ctl using sqlldr
    Copying scripts to de-install message objects.
    Get Portal version and determine upgrade sequence
    Running upg/common/setup/upgetver.sqlPortal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:22 2006
    Upgrading to version
    Version directories to be traversed: upg/10140
    Running upg/common/setup/setseq.pl Set the correct Traversal Sequence
    ### PHASE 4: Pre upgrade checks
    Upgrade phase started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:22 2006
    Processing Metadata File: upg/common/prechk/prechk.met Running upg/common/prechk/prechk.pl Set up subscriber iteration
    Running upg/common/prechk/upgetsub.sqlPortal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:22 2006
    ### Perform pre upgrade checks
    Step started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:22 2006
    Running upg/frwk/utlchvpd.sqlPortal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:22 2006
    Calling DoPreChecks()Starting precheck at Wed Oct 18 21:22:23 2006
    Calling upg/common/prechk/sysuppre.sql
    Running upg/common/prechk/upgtabs.sqlPortal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:23 2006
    ### ERROR: WWU-00013: Tables with UPG_ prefix were found in the OracleAS Portal
    ### schema.
    ### Table Name
    ### CAUSE: The upgrade is terminated when UPG_ prefix tables are present in the
    ### OracleAS Portal schema.
    ### ACTION: Back up all tables with the UPG_ prefix, then delete them from the
    ### OracleAS Portal schema. The script
    ### /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/prechktmp/dropupg.sql can
    ### be used for this purpose.
    ### Check Failed at Wed Oct 18 21:22:23 2006 Continuing as PreCheck mode is specified
    Calling upg/common/prechk/wwvcheck.sql
    Portal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:23 2006
    # Beginning outer script: prechk/wwvcheck
    # Check for invalid Portlet Builder (webview) components.
    # Checking if there are too many archive components.
    # Checking for missing application schemas.
    # Ending outer script: prechk/wwvcheck, 0.31 seconds
    Ending precheck at Wed Oct 18 21:22:24 2006
    Running upg/common/prechk/upchkobj.sqlPortal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:24 2006
    Running upg/common/prechk/chkmrreg.sqlPortal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:24 2006
    # Beginning outer script: prechk/chkmrreg
    # Pre-check to determine that OracleAS Portal is registered with OracleAS Internet Directory
    # OracleAS Portal has been wired with OracleAS Internet Directory
    # Ending outer script: prechk/chkmrreg, 0.10 seconds
    ### Connect to OID as Application Entry
    Running upg/common/prechk/bindapp.sql . Portal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:24 2006
    # Beginning outer script: prechk/bindapp
    #-- Beginning inner script: prechk/bindapp
    # Pre-check to test bind to OracleAS Internet Directory Server
    # Connecting to OracleAS Internet Directory as the Application Entry
    # Connecting to OracleAS Internet Directory as the Application Entry was successful
    #-- Ending inner script: prechk/bindapp, 0.14 seconds
    # Ending outer script: prechk/bindapp, 0.20 seconds
    ### Display Tablespace and Parameter Settings
    Running upg/common/prechk/../../frwk/upshoset.sql .
    Subscriber independent Processing.
    Portal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:24 2006
    # Beginning outer script: prechk/upshoset
    Tablespace Usage
    B2B_DT     63766528     20054016 83886080          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     10240     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/b2b_dt.dbf
    B2B_IDX 14942208     26935296 41943040          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     5120     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/b2b_idx.dbf
    B2B_LOB 11141120     30736384 41943040          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     5120     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/b2b_lob.dbf
    B2B_RT     39780352     12582912 52428800          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     6400     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/b2b_rt.dbf
    BAM     6553600     3866624 10485760          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     1280     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/bam.dbf
    DCM     237174784     20709376 257949696          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     31488     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/dcm.dbf
    DISCO_PTM5 1310720     1769472 3145728          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     384     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/discopltc1.dbf
    DISCO_PTM5 1310720     1769472 3145728          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     384     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/discopltm1.dbf
    DSGATEWAY_ 5701632     1572864 7340032          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     896     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/oss_sys01.dbf
    IAS_META 210567168     30539776 241172480          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     29440     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/ias_meta01.dbf
    OCATS     1769472     5505024 7340032          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     896     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/oca.dbf
    OLTS_ATTRS 2555904     917504 3538944          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     432     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/attrs1_oid.dbf
    OLTS_BATTR 262144     131072 516096          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     63     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/battrs1_oid.dbf
    OLTS_DEFAU 3997696     851968 4915200          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     600     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/gdefault1_oid.dbf
    ORABPEL 11993088     29884416 41943040          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     5120     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/orabpel.dbf
    PORTAL     74383360     6946816 78643200          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     9600     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/portal.dbf
    PORTAL_DOC 851968     3276800 4194304          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     512     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/ptldoc.dbf
    PORTAL_IDX 11206656     41156608 52428800          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     6400     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/ptlidx.dbf
    PORTAL_LOG 262144     3866624 4194304          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     512     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/ptllog.dbf
    SYSAUX     235732992     5373952 241172480          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     29440     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/sysaux01.dbf
    SYSTEM     834404352     4390912 838860800          0 YES AVAILABLE SYSTEM     READ WRITE 102400     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/system01.dbf
    TEMP     6291456     18874368 25165824     25165824 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     3072     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/temp01.dbf
    UDDISYS_TS 19988480     28180480 48234496          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     5888     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/uddisys01.dbf
    UNDOTBS1 247201792     4390912 251658240          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     30720     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/undotbs01.dbf
    USERS     327680     4849664 5242880          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     640     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/users01.dbf
    WCRSYS_TS 1703936     15007744 16777216          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     2048     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/wcrsys01.dbf
    Sort Segment Data
    TEMP          128          5          0     5          1
    SGA Allocation Stats
    POOL     NAME                    BYTES
    java pool free memory               67108864
    Total                              67108864
    SGA Allocation Stats
    POOL     NAME                    BYTES
    large pool free memory               8388608
    Total                              8388608
    SGA Allocation Stats
    POOL     NAME                    BYTES
    shared pool fixed allocation callback               344
    shared pool pl/sql source               1156
    shared pool table definiti               1712
    shared pool alert threshol               2648
    shared pool trigger inform               3048
    shared pool joxs heap                    4220
    shared pool policy hash ta               4220
    shared pool trigger defini               5980
    shared pool KQR S SO                    7176
    shared pool PLS non-lib hp               12208
    shared pool trigger source               18652
    shared pool KQR L SO                    44032
    shared pool repository                76264
    shared pool KQR M SO                    81408
    shared pool parameters                105696
    shared pool type object de               194164
    shared pool KQR S PO                    207136
    shared pool VIRTUAL CIRCUITS               649340
    shared pool FileOpenBlock               746704
    shared pool kmgsb circular statistics          821248
    shared pool KSXR pending messages que          841036
    shared pool KSXR receive buffers          1032500
    shared pool KQR M PO                    1675892
    shared pool sessions                    1835204
    shared pool PL/SQL DIANA               2910560
    shared pool private strands               2928640
    shared pool KTI-UNDO                    3019632
    shared pool KGLS heap                    3105320
    shared pool PL/SQL MPCODE               3705484
    shared pool row cache                    3707272
    shared pool ASH buffers               4194304
    shared pool event statistics per sess          9094400
    shared pool sql area                    9234624
    shared pool library cache               10361688
    shared pool miscellaneous               15820288
    shared pool free memory               74540744
    Total                              150994944
    SGA Allocation Stats
    POOL     NAME                    BYTES
         log_buffer                524288
         fixed_sga                    778968
         buffer_cache               50331648
    Total                              51634904
    Database Parameters
    NAME                    VALUE
    aq_tm_processes           1
    archive_lag_target          0
    asm_power_limit           1
    audit_file_dest           /raid/product/OraHome_1/rdbms/audit
    audit_sys_operations          FALSE
    audit_trail               NONE
    background_core_dump          partial
    background_dump_dest          /raid/product/admin/IASDB/bdump
    backup_tape_io_slaves          FALSE
    bitmap_merge_area_size          1048576
    blank_trimming               FALSE
    cluster_database          FALSE
    cluster_database_instances     1
    commit_point_strength          1
    control_file_record_keep_time     7
    control_files               /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/control01.ctl, /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/control02
                        .ctl, /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/control03.ctl
    core_dump_dest               /raid/product/admin/IASDB/cdump
    cpu_count               2
    create_bitmap_area_size      8388608
    cursor_sharing               EXACT
    cursor_space_for_time          FALSE
    db_16k_cache_size          0
    db_2k_cache_size          0
    db_32k_cache_size          0
    db_4k_cache_size          0
    db_8k_cache_size          0
    db_block_buffers          0
    db_block_checking          FALSE
    db_block_checksum          TRUE
    db_block_size               8192
    db_cache_advice           ON
    db_cache_size               50331648
    db_domain               bizmatch.com.cn
    db_file_multiblock_read_count     16
    db_files               200
    db_flashback_retention_target     1440
    db_keep_cache_size          0
    db_name                IASDB
    db_recovery_file_dest          /raid/product/flash_recovery_area
    db_recovery_file_dest_size     2147483648
    db_recycle_cache_size          0
    db_unique_name               IASDB
    db_writer_processes          1
    dbwr_io_slaves               0
    ddl_wait_for_locks          FALSE
    dg_broker_config_file1          /raid/product/OraHome_1/dbs/dr1IASDB.dat
    dg_broker_config_file2          /raid/product/OraHome_1/dbs/dr2IASDB.dat
    dg_broker_start           FALSE
    disk_asynch_io               TRUE
    dispatchers               (PROTOCOL=TCP)(PRE=oracle.aurora.server.GiopServer), (PROTOCOL=TCP)(PRE=oracle.a
    distributed_lock_timeout     60
    dml_locks               1760
    drs_start               FALSE
    enqueue_resources          1980
    fast_start_io_target          0
    fast_start_mttr_target          0
    fast_start_parallel_rollback     LOW
    file_mapping               FALSE
    filesystemio_options          none
    gcs_server_processes          0
    global_names               FALSE
    hash_area_size               131072
    hi_shared_memory_address     0
    hs_autoregister           TRUE
    instance_name               IASDB
    instance_number           0
    instance_type               RDBMS
    java_max_sessionspace_size     0
    java_pool_size               67108864
    java_soft_sessionspace_limit     0
    job_queue_processes          5
    large_pool_size           8388608
    ldap_directory_access          NONE
    license_max_sessions          0
    license_max_users          0
    license_sessions_warning     0
    lock_sga               FALSE
    log_archive_dest_state_1     enable
    log_archive_dest_state_10     enable
    log_archive_dest_state_2     enable
    log_archive_dest_state_3     enable
    log_archive_dest_state_4     enable
    log_archive_dest_state_5     enable
    log_archive_dest_state_6     enable
    log_archive_dest_state_7     enable
    log_archive_dest_state_8     enable
    log_archive_dest_state_9     enable
    log_archive_format          %t_%s_%r.dbf
    log_archive_local_first      TRUE
    log_archive_max_processes     2
    log_archive_min_succeed_dest     1
    log_archive_start          FALSE
    log_archive_trace          0
    log_buffer               524288
    log_checkpoint_interval      0
    log_checkpoint_timeout          1800
    log_checkpoints_to_alert     FALSE
    logmnr_max_persistent_sessions     1
    max_commit_propagation_delay     0
    max_dump_file_size          UNLIMITED
    max_enabled_roles          150
    nls_language               AMERICAN
    nls_length_semantics          BYTE
    nls_nchar_conv_excp          FALSE
    nls_territory               AMERICA
    object_cache_max_size_percent     10
    object_cache_optimal_size     102400
    olap_page_pool_size          0
    open_cursors               300
    open_links               4
    open_links_per_instance      4
    optimizer_dynamic_sampling     2
    optimizer_index_caching      0
    optimizer_index_cost_adj     100
    optimizer_mode               ALL_ROWS
    os_authent_prefix          ops$
    os_roles               FALSE
    parallel_adaptive_multi_user     TRUE
    parallel_automatic_tuning     FALSE
    parallel_execution_message_size 2148
    parallel_max_servers          40
    parallel_min_percent          0
    parallel_min_servers          0
    parallel_server           FALSE
    parallel_server_instances     1
    parallel_threads_per_cpu     2
    pga_aggregate_target          33554432
    plsql_code_type           INTERPRETED
    plsql_compiler_flags          INTERPRETED, NON_DEBUG
    plsql_debug               FALSE
    plsql_native_library_subdir_count 0
    plsql_optimize_level          2
    plsql_v2_compatibility          FALSE
    plsql_warnings               DISABLE:ALL
    pre_page_sga               FALSE
    processes               150
    query_rewrite_enabled          TRUE
    query_rewrite_integrity      enforced
    read_only_open_delayed          FALSE
    recovery_parallelism          0
    remote_archive_enable          true
    remote_dependencies_mode     TIMESTAMP
    remote_login_passwordfile     EXCLUSIVE
    remote_os_authent          FALSE
    remote_os_roles           FALSE
    replication_dependency_tracking TRUE
    resource_limit               FALSE
    resumable_timeout          0
    serial_reuse               disable
    service_names               IASDB.bizmatch.com.cn
    session_cached_cursors          0
    session_max_open_files          10
    sessions               400
    sga_max_size               281018368
    sga_target               0
    shadow_core_dump          partial
    shared_memory_address          0
    shared_pool_reserved_size     7549747
    shared_pool_size          150994944
    shared_servers               1
    skip_unusable_indexes          TRUE
    sort_area_retained_size      0
    sort_area_size               65536
    sp_name                IASDB
    spfile                    /raid/product/OraHome_1/dbs/spfileIASDB.ora
    sql92_security               FALSE
    sql_trace               FALSE
    sql_version               NATIVE
    sqltune_category          DEFAULT
    standby_archive_dest          ?/dbs/arch
    standby_file_management      MANUAL
    star_transformation_enabled     FALSE
    statistics_level          TYPICAL
    streams_pool_size          0
    tape_asynch_io               TRUE
    thread                    0
    timed_os_statistics          0
    timed_statistics          TRUE
    trace_enabled               TRUE
    transactions               440
    transactions_per_rollback_segment 5
    undo_management           AUTO
    undo_retention               900
    undo_tablespace           UNDOTBS1
    use_indirect_data_buffers     FALSE
    user_dump_dest               /raid/product/admin/IASDB/udump
    workarea_size_policy          AUTO
    All Portal DBMS jobs
         17 PORTAL          PORTAL          PORTAL
         18 PORTAL          PORTAL          PORTAL
         27 PORTAL          PORTAL          PORTAL
         28 PORTAL          PORTAL          PORTAL
         43 PORTAL          PORTAL          PORTAL
    Details of all Portal DBMS jobs
         17 begin execute immediate     'begin wwctx_sso.cleanup_sessions(
         p_hours_old => 168     ); end;'     ; exception     when others then
         null; end;
         18 wwsec_api_private.rename_users;
         27 wwv_context.sync;
         28 wwv_context.optimize(CTX_DDL.OPTLEVEL_FULL,1440,null);
         43 begin execute immediate     'begin wwutl_cache_sys.process_background_inv
         al;     end;'     ; exception     when others then     wwlog_api.log(p_
         domain=>'utl',     p_subdomain=>'cache',          p_name=>'background
         ',          p_action=>'process_background_inval',      p_information =
         > 'Error in process_background_inval '||          sqlerrm);end;
    Database version details
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE     Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    # Ending outer script: prechk/upshoset, 1.83 seconds
    ### Log invalid DB objects in the temporary directory.
    List count of invalid objects in the database in /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/prechktmp/dbinvob1.log
    Running upg/frwk/dbinvobj.sqlPortal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:26 2006
    ### Install Schema Validation Utility
    Running upg/common/prechk/svuver.sql . Portal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:26 2006
    # Beginning outer script: prechk/svuver
    #-- Beginning inner script: prechk/svuver
    # Portal Schema Version =
    # Version of schema validation utility being installed = 101202
    # Load the Schema Validation Utility
    Installed version of schema validation utility:
    Schema Validation Utility version: will be installed.
    No errors.
    No errors.
    No errors.
    No errors.
    No errors.
    No errors.
    No errors.
    No errors.
    No errors.
    No errors.
    No errors.
    No errors.
    No errors.
    No errors.
    No errors.
    No errors.
    No errors.
    Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
    44/9     PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    44/16     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_SITE_DB is invalid
    70/9     PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    70/17     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWPOB_API_PAGE is invalid
    96/10     PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    96/18     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWV_THINGDB is invalid
    122/10     PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    122/18     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWV_THINGDB is invalid
    No errors.
    Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
    740/9     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    778/26     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
         invalid state
    Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
    366/9     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    372/31     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
         invalid state
    1447/13 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    1458/28 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
         invalid state
    1624/13 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    1635/28 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
         invalid state
    1783/13 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    1794/28 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
         invalid state
    1896/13 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    1907/28 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
         invalid state
    2009/13 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    2020/28 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
         invalid state
    2126/13 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    2137/28 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
         invalid state
    No errors.
    No errors.
    Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
    137/9     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    144/53     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
         invalid state
    258/21     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    260/43     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
         invalid state
    277/17     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    279/39     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
         invalid state
    322/9     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    327/25     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
         invalid state
    353/25     PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    353/40     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWPOB_API_PAGE is invalid
    362/29     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    369/42     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWPOB_API_PAGE is in an
         invalid state
    376/33     PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    376/48     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWPOB_API_PAGE is invalid
    385/21     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    388/39     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
         invalid state
    1214/21 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    1216/42 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
         invalid state
    1262/9     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    1266/30 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWPOB_API_PAGE is in an
         invalid state
    Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
    237/9     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    249/41     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
         invalid state
    Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
    414/9     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    424/44     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
         invalid state
    584/21     PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    584/52     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_SITE_DB is invalid
    Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
    2129/32 PL/SQL: Item ignored
    2130/13 PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_THING_TYPES is invalid
    2131/32 PL/SQL: Item ignored
    2132/13 PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_THING_TYPES is invalid
    2133/32 PL/SQL: Item ignored
    2134/13 PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_THING_TYPES is invalid
    2135/31 PL/SQL: Item ignored
    2136/13 PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_THING_TYPES is invalid
    2137/31 PL/SQL: Item ignored
    2138/13 PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_THING_TYPES is invalid
    2139/31 PL/SQL: Item ignored
    2140/13 PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_THING_TYPES is invalid
    2151/32 PL/SQL: Item ignored
    2151/42 PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
         incomplete or malformed
    2152/32 PL/SQL: Item ignored
    2152/42 PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
         incomplete or malformed
    2153/32 PL/SQL: Item ignored
    2153/42 PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
         incomplete or malformed
    2202/17 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    2212/27 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_THING_TYPES is in an
         invalid state
    Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
    322/9     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    338/30     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWPOB_API_PAGE is in an
         invalid state
    Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
    155/13     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    163/36     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
         invalid state
    170/13     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    178/36     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
         invalid state
    459/9     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    467/31     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITEBUILDER_PROVIDER
         is in an invalid state
    581/9     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    584/21     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITEBUILDER_PROVIDER
         is in an invalid state
    588/9     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    591/29     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITEBUILDER_PROVIDER
         is in an invalid state
    Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
    341/25     PL/SQL: Item ignored
    341/45     PLS-00302: component 'URL' must be declared
    559/17     PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    559/17     PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
         incomplete or malformed
    562/17     PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    564/40     PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
         incomplete or malformed
    No errors.
    No errors.
    ### Invoke Schema Validation Utility in Report Mode
    Running upg/common/prechk/../../frwk/svurun.sql . Portal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:31 2006
    # Beginning outer script: prechk/svurun
    #-- Beginning inner script: frwk/svurun
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWPOF", line 440
    ORA-06512: at line 45
    ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWPOF", line 440
    ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWUTL_SCHEMA_VALIDATION", line 263
    ORA-04063: package body "PORTAL.WWUTL_PAGE_GROUP_VALIDATION" has errors
    ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called
    # Run the report mode of the schema validation utility
    #---- Beginning inner script: wwutl_schema_validation.validate_all
    # Running the validation in report mode
    # Schema Validation Utility Version =
    # Validate Page Groups
    # Handling exception
    # ERROR: When executing schema validation utility
    # ERROR: ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called
    # ----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----
    object line object
    handle number name
    0x5c4fef28     434 package body PORTAL.WWPOF
    0x5bb96e20     263 package body PORTAL.WWUTL_SCHEMA_VALIDATION
    0x5bb96e20     297 package body PORTAL.WWUTL_SCHEMA_VALIDATION
    0x5b885fe4     18 anonymous block
    # Handling exception
    # ERROR: When running the schema validation utility
    # ERROR: ORA-20000:
    ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWPOF", line 440
    ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWUTL_SCHEMA_VALIDATION", line 263
    ORA-04063: package body "PORTAL.WWUTL_PAGE_GROUP_VALIDATION" has errors
    ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called
    # ----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----
    object line object
    handle number name
    0x5c4fef28     434 package body PORTAL.WWPOF
    0x5b885fe4     45 anonymous block
    ### ERROR: Exception Executing upg/common/prechk/../../frwk/svurun.sql REPORT PRECHK for Subscriber: 1
    ### Check Failed at Wed Oct 18 21:22:31 2006 Continuing as PreCheck mode is specified
    ### PHASE 5: Version specific user inputs
    Upgrade phase started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:31 2006
    Processing Metadata File: upg/10140/inputchk/inputchk.met ###
    ### PHASE 6: Version specific pre upgrade checks
    Upgrade phase started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:31 2006
    Processing Metadata File: upg/10140/prechk/prechk.met ###
    ### PHASE 7: Pre upgrade common information gathering
    Upgrade phase started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:31 2006
    Processing Metadata File: upg/common/info/info.met ### Log portal configuration info in the temporary directory.
    Running upg/common/info/ptlinfo.sql . Portal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:31 2006
    # Beginning outer script: info/ptlinfo
    # Ending outer script: info/ptlinfo, 0.13 seconds
    Metadata File upg/10140/info/info.met does not exist.
    ### PHASE 8: Verify user inputs
    Upgrade phase started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:32 2006
    Processing Metadata File: upg/common/verfyinp/verfyinp.met Running upg/common/verfyinp/verfyinp.pl The following details have been determined:
    General Details
    Log File Name : /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/precheck.log
    RDBMS Version : 10.1.0
    Product Version :
    Oracle PL/SQL Toolkit Schema : SYS
    Oracle PL/SQL Toolkit version :
    O7 accessibility : FALSE
    Schema Details
    Name : portal
    Connect String : (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=portaldb.bizmatch.com.cn)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME=IASDB.bizmatch.com.cn)))
    Tablespace Details
    Default Tablespace : PORTAL
    Temporary Tablespace : TEMP
    Document Tablespace : PORTAL_DOC
    Logging Tablespace : PORTAL_LOG
    Index Tablespace : PORTAL
    ### ERROR: WWU-00030: Pre-Check mode encountered the following errors:
    ### 184 : ### ERROR: WWU-00013: Tables with UPG_ prefix were found in the OracleAS Portal
    ### 706 : 44/16     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_SITE_DB is invalid
    ### 708 : 70/17     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWPOB_API_PAGE is invalid
    ### 710 : 96/18     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWV_THINGDB is invalid
    ### 712 : 122/18     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWV_THINGDB is invalid
    ### 719 : 778/26     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
    ### 727 : 372/31     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
    ### 731 : 1458/28 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
    ### 735 : 1635/28 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
    ### 739 : 1794/28 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
    ### 743 : 1907/28 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
    ### 747 : 2020/28 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
    ### 751 : 2137/28 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
    ### 761 : 144/53     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
    ### 765 : 260/43     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
    ### 769 : 279/39     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
    ### 773 : 327/25     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
    ### 777 : 353/40     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWPOB_API_PAGE is invalid
    ### 779 : 369/42     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWPOB_API_PAGE is in an
    ### 783 : 376/48     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWPOB_API_PAGE is invalid
    ### 785 : 388/39     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
    ### 789 : 1216/42 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
    ### 793 : 1266/30 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWPOB_API_PAGE is in an
    ### 801 : 249/41     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
    ### 809 : 424/44     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
    ### 813 : 584/52     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_SITE_DB is invalid
    ### 819 : 2130/13 PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_THING_TYPES is invalid
    ### 821 : 2132/13 PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_THING_TYPES is invalid
    ### 823 : 2134/13 PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_THING_TYPES is invalid
    ### 825 : 2136/13 PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_THING_TYPES is invalid
    ### 827 : 2138/13 PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_THING_TYPES is invalid
    ### 829 : 2140/13 PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_THING_TYPES is invalid
    ### 831 : 2151/42 PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
    ### 835 : 2152/42 PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
    ### 839 : 2153/42 PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
    ### 843 : 2212/27 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_THING_TYPES is in an
    ### 851 : 338/30     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWPOB_API_PAGE is in an
    ### 859 : 163/36     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
    ### 863 : 178/36     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
    ### 867 : 467/31     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITEBUILDER_PROVIDER
    ### 871 : 584/21     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITEBUILDER_PROVIDER
    ### 875 : 591/29     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITEBUILDER_PROVIDER
    ### 883 : 341/45     PLS-00302: component 'URL' must be declared
    ### 885 : 559/17     PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
    ### 889 : 564/40     PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
    ### 904 : ERROR at line 1:
    ### 905 : ORA-20000:
    ### 906 : ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWPOF", line 440
    ### 907 : ORA-06512: at line 45
    ### 908 : ORA-20000:
    ### 909 : ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWPOF", line 440
    ### 910 : ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWUTL_SCHEMA_VALIDATION", line 263
    ### 911 : ORA-04063: package body "PORTAL.WWUTL_PAGE_GROUP_VALIDATION" has errors
    ### 912 : ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called
    ### 922 : # ERROR: When executing schema validation utility
    ### 923 : # ERROR: ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called
    ### 933 : # ERROR: When running the schema validation utility
    ### 934 : # ERROR: ORA-20000:
    ### 935 : ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWPOF", line 440
    ### 936 : ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWUTL_SCHEMA_VALIDATION", line 263
    ### 937 : ORA-04063: package body "PORTAL.WWUTL_PAGE_GROUP_VALIDATION" has errors
    ### 938 : ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called
    ### 947 : ### ERROR: Exception Executing upg/common/prechk/../../frwk/svurun.sql REPORT PRECHK for Subscriber: 1
    ### Check Failed at Wed Oct 18 21:22:32 2006 Continuing as PreCheck mode is specified
    Pre-Check Completed at Wed Oct 18 21:22:32 2006

    Its good that u pasted the complete log file. In your environment you have to run this upgrade tool only once from any of the middle tier.
    And with respect to your error that u got in precheck is quite simple. All u have to do is just run this script from by connecting to portal schema using sqlplus.
    Run dropupg.sql
    Location-------- /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/prechktmp/dropupg.sql
    Later you re-run the upgrade tool and let me know the status.
    Good luck

  • Oracle Connection Pool failure in COM+

    I am having some trouble trying to get a specific database to work with an application that makes use of a COM+ Application. When we point the application at the UAT database everything seems fine, but when we point it to the production database after a few successful calls it ends up failing at the COM+ application recycles. The event viewer provides the following information:
    Event Type:     Error
    Event Source:     COM+
    Event Category:     Unknown
    Event ID:     4786
    Date:          8/5/2007
    Time:          12:54:46 PM
    User:          N/A
    Computer:     APPL_SERVER
    The system has called a custom component and that component has failed and generated an exception. This indicates a problem with the custom component. Notify the developer of this component that a failure has occurred and provide them with the information below.
    Component Prog ID: Oracle Connection Pool - tnsnames_alias
    Method Name: IDispenserDriver::CreateResource
    Server Application ID: {30A93CB3-25EB-4258-8C88-5AE103B7B86F}
    Server Application Instance ID:
    Server Application Name: COM+ Application Name
    The serious nature of this error has caused the process to terminate.
    Exception: C0000005
    Address: 0x7C8327F9
    Call Stack:
    + 0x7c8327f9
    ntdll!RtlFindActivationContextSectionGuid + 0x7d2
    ntdll!RtlInitializeSListHead + 0x175
    ntdll!RtlFindActivationContextSectionGuid + 0x1b7
    msvcrt!malloc + 0x6c
    oracommon9!sktsfMalloc + 0x14
    orageneric9!kpummapg + 0x58
    orageneric9!kghalo + 0xabb
    orageneric9!kghalf + 0x102
    orageneric9!kopo2cpc + 0x61
    orageneric9!kopeini + 0x1d
    orageneric9!kopo2cpc + 0xd2
    orageneric9!kopopgi + 0x117
    OraClient9!koudpnp + 0x712
    OraClient9!koudpnp + 0x101
    OraClient9!kpuinit0 + 0xb19
    OraClient9!kpuinit + 0x38
    OraClient9!OCIEnvInit + 0x1c
    oramts!kpntsrvr::kpntsrvr(class kpntdbid *) + 0x80
    oramts!kpntdbid::allocNewSrvr(struct SIDAND_ATTRIBUTES *) + 0x138
    oramts!kpntdbid::GetSrvr(class kpntsvrl * *,unsigned long) + 0x7df
    oramts!kpntdisp::getNet8conn(class kpntsvrl * *,unsigned long) + 0x41
    oramts!kpntsess::initOCI(void) + 0xec
    oramts!kpntsess::sessionBegin(void) + 0x17b
    oramts!kpntdisp::CreateResource(unsigned long,unsigned long *,long *) + 0xc4
    COMSVCS!DispManGetContext + 0xa3d
    COMSVCS!DispManGetContext + 0x1fee
    oramts!kpntdisp::allocateConnection(class kpntsess * *,unsigned long,class kpntrtyp *) + 0x3c4
    oramts!_kpntsvcgetex + 0x183
    oramts!_kpntsvcget + 0x25
    oramts!kpntctra::getConnectionAndHandles(class kpntrtyp *,struct OCISvcCtx * *,struct OCITrans * *,struct OCIError * *) + 0x87
    oramts!kpntctra::abortBranch(struct xid_t &,class kpntbrnch *,struct BOID *,int,struct BOID *) + 0x15a
    oramts!kpntctra::doAbort(struct BOID *,int,struct BOID *) + 0x454
    oramts!kpntajob::doJob(void) + 0x27
    oramts!kpntjobq::serviceRequest(class kpntjob *) + 0x3e
    oramts!workerThread(void *) + 0xd0
    msvcrt!_endthreadex + 0xa3
    kernel32!GetModuleFileNameA + 0xeb
    Not being an expert in Oracle, I have been able to dig up a little bit of information that might be of use ...
    a) Our tnsnames.ora indicates that the connections are to be DEDICATED and running Toad bares this out -- dllhost ends up with a single connection.
    b) most of the database initial set of parameters seem to be very similar. The only difference I noticed was that the archive log mode and db_cache_advice are ON for production.
    c) We have little control over how the connection strings are being created internally in this COM+ application, but however they are created it works for UAT and doesn't for PROD.
    d) When we go into our web application and hit a page that makes use of the COM+ component to render, it will work the first time but when I do a simple browser refresh it will usually fail on the 2nd or 3rd time. Almost like it is trying to expand the connection pool size and the oracle server is throwing up.
    If I didn't mention earlier the two database instances run on different servers but the application server is exactly the same. We only change the alias we are using for the database (both are defined in tnsnames) and the password used to make its connection.
    Does anyone have any clues on this one? I am really spinning my wheels trying to figure out what could cause this type of situation. Anything at all would be very helpful.

    It appeared to us that the problem was with the Oracle server and that it might have been failing when we were trying to expand our application connection pool size or basically obtain more connections.
    The biggest indicator of this is that we run the same application code against two different databases and one works and one does not work. Having said this, I suppose the problem could be rooted in a data error instead of an oracle server error ...
    Is there a specific trace file on the oracle server that would help me point to any error that is truly an oracle server error? Sorry I am very new to Oracle.

  • Statpack analyzing of 9i database.

    hi Expertise
    Please help me for sorting the statpack report of my production DB in 9i. Also advise some recommendation after analyzing my statpack view.
    Elapsed:     3.75 (min)     225 (sec)
    DB Time:     7.84 (min)     470.65 (sec)
    Cache:     10,016 MB     
    Block Size:     8,192 bytes     
    Transactions:     2.01 per second     
    Performance Summary
    Physical Reads:     15,666/sec          MB per second:     122.39 MB/sec     
    Physical Writes:     22/sec          MB per second:     0.17 MB/sec     
    Single-block Reads:     1,412.69/sec          Avg wait:     0.03 ms     
    Multi-block Reads:     1,916.26/sec          Avg wait:     0.05 ms     
    Tablespace Reads:     3,346/sec          Writes:     22/sec     
    Top 5 Events
    Event     Percentage of Total Timed Events
    CPU time     79.89%
    PX Deq: Execute Reply     6.38%
    db file scattered read     4.32%
    SQL*Net more data from dblink     4.29%
    db file sequential read     2.00%
    Tablespace I/O Stats
    Tablespace     Read/s     Av Rd(ms)     Blks/Rd     Writes/s     Read%     % Total IO
    TS_CCPS     3,117      0     2.5      0      100%     92.5%
    TS_OTHERS     204      0.2     26.2      1      99%     6.09%
    TS_AC_POSTED03     19      1.9     127      2      89%     0.63%
    Load Profile
    Logical reads:     42,976/s          Parses:     39.41/s     
    Physical reads:     15,666/s          Hard parses:     5.43/s     
    Physical writes:     22/s          Transactions:     2.01/s     
    Rollback per transaction:     0%          Buffer Nowait:     100%     
    4 Recommendations:
    Your database has relatively high logical I/O at 42,976 reads per second. Logical Reads includes data block reads from both memory and disk. High LIO is sometimes associated with high CPU activity. CPU bottlenecks occur when the CPU run queue exceeds the number of CPUs on the database server, and this can be seen by looking at the "r" column in the vmstat UNIX/Linux utility or within the Windows performance manager. Consider tuning your application to reduce unnecessary data buffer touches (SQL Tuning or PL/SQL bulking), using faster CPUs or adding more CPUs to your system.
    You are performing more than 15,666 disk reads per second. High disk latency can be caused by too-few physical disk spindles. Compare your read times across multiple datafiles to see which datafiles are slower than others. Disk read times may be improved if contention is reduced on the datafile, even though read times may be high due to the file residing on a slow disk. You should identify whether the SQL accessing the file can be tuned, as well as the underlying characteristics of the hardware devices.
    Check your average disk read speed later in this report and ensure that it is under 7ms. Assuming that the SQL is optimized, the only remaining solutions are the addition of RAM for the data buffers or a switch to solid state disks. Give careful consideration these tablespaces with high read I/O: TS_CCPS, TS_OTHERS, TS_AC_POSTED03, TS_RATING, TS_GP.
    You have more than 1,222 unique SQL statements entering your shared pool, with the resulting overhead of continuous RAM allocation and freeing within the shared pool. A hard parse is expensive because each incoming SQL statement must be re-loaded into the shared pool; with the associated overhead involved in shared pool RAM allocation and memory management. Once loaded, the SQL must then be completely re-checked for syntax & semantics and an executable generated. Excessive hard parsing can occur when your shared_pool_size is too small (and reentrant SQL is paged out) or when you have non-reusable SQL statements without host variables. See the cursor_sharing parameter for an easy way to make SQL reentrant and remember that you should always use host variables in you SQL so that they can be reentrant.
    Instance Efficiency
    Buffer Hit:     69.13%          In-memory Sort:     100%     
    Library Hit:     96.4%          Latch Hit:     99.99%     
    Memory Usage:     95.04%          Memory for SQL:     64.19%     
    2 Recommendations:
    Your Buffer Hit ratio is 69.13%. The buffer hit ratio measures the probability that a data block will be in the buffer cache upon a re-read of the data block. If your database has a large number of frequently referenced table rows (a large working set), then investigate increasing your db_cache_size. For specific recommendations, see the output from the data buffer cache advisory utility (using the v$db_cache_advice utility). Also, a low buffer hit ratio is normal for applications that do not frequently re-read the same data blocks. Moving to SSD will alleviate the need for a large data buffer cache.
    Your shared pool maybe filled with non-reusable SQL with 95.04% memory usage. The Oracle shared poolcontains Oracle´s library cache, which is responsible for collecting, parsing, interpreting, and executing all of the SQL statements that go against the Oracle database. You can check the dba_hist_librarycache table in Oracle10g to see your historical library cache RAM usage.
    SQL Statistics
    Click here to see all SQL data
    Wait Events
    Event     Waits     Wait Time (s)     Avg Wait (ms)     Waits/txn
    PX Deq: Execute Reply     137     30     219     0.3
    db file scattered read     431,159     20     0     951.8
    SQL*Net more data from dblin     51,140     20     0     112.9
    db file sequential read     317,856     9     0     701.7
    io done     6,842     5     1     15.1
    db file parallel read     21     1     52     0.0
    local write wait     250     1     4     0.6
    db file parallel write     825     1     1     1.8
    SQL*Net message from dblink     208     1     3     0.5
    log file parallel write     2,854     1     0     6.3
    0 Recommendations:
    Instance Activity Stats
    Statistic     Total     per Second     per Trans
    SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client     87,889     390.6     194.0
    consistent gets     10,141,287     45,072.4     22,387.0
    consistent gets - examination     884,579     3,931.5     1,952.7
    db block changes     100,342     446.0     221.5
    execute count     18,913     84.1     41.8
    parse count (hard)     1,222     5.4     2.7
    parse count (total)     8,868     39.4     19.6
    physical reads     3,525,003     15,666.7     7,781.5
    physical reads direct     539,879     2,399.5     1,191.8
    physical writes     5,132     22.8     11.3
    physical writes direct     29     0.1     0.1
    redo writes     1,598     7.1     3.5
    session cursor cache hits     4,378     19.5     9.7
    sorts (disk)     0     0.0     0.0
    sorts (memory)     4,988     22.2     11.0
    table fetch continued row     310     1.4     0.7
    table scans (long tables)     82     0.4     0.2
    table scans (short tables)     18,369     81.6     40.6
    workarea executions - onepass     0     0.0     0.0
    5 Recommendations:
    You have high network activity with 390.6 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client per second, which is a high amount of traffic. Review your application to reduce the number of calls to Oracle by encapsulating data requests into larger pieces (i.e. make a single SQL request to populate all online screen items). In addition, check your application to see if it might benefit from bulk collection by using PL/SQL "forall" or "bulk collect" operators.
    You have 3,931.5 consistent gets examination per second. "Consistent gets - examination" is different than regular consistent gets. It is used to read undo blocks for consistent read purposes, but also for the first part of an index read and hash cluster I/O. To reduce logical I/O, you may consider moving your indexes to a large blocksize tablespace. Because index splitting and spawning are controlled at the block level, a larger blocksize will result in a flatter index tree structure.
    You have high update activity with 446.0 db block changes per second. The DB block changes are a rough indication of total database work. This statistic indicates (on a per-transaction level) the rate at which buffers are being dirtied and you may want to optimize your database writer (DBWR) process. You can determine which sessions and SQL statements have the highest db block changes by querying the v$session and v$sessatst views.
    You have high disk reads with 15,666.7 per second. Reduce disk reads by increasing your data buffer size or speed up your disk read speed by moving to SSD storage. You can monitor your physical disk reads by hour of the day using AWR to see when the database has the highest disk activity.
    You have high small table full-table scans, at 81.6 per second. Verify that your KEEP pool is sized properly to cache frequently referenced tables and indexes. Moving frequently-referenced tables and indexes to SSD or theWriteAccelerator will significantly increase the speed of small-table full-table scans.
    Buffer Pool Advisory
    Current:     3,599,469,418 disk reads     
    Optimized:     1,207,668,233 disk reads     
    Improvement:     66.45% fewer     
    The Oracle buffer cache advisory utility indicates 3,599,469,418 disk reads during the sample interval. Oracle estimates that doubling the data buffer size (by increasing db_cache_size) will reduce disk reads to 1,207,668,233, a 66.45% decrease.
    Init.ora Parameters     
    Parameter     Value     
    cursor_sharing     similar     
    db_block_size     8,192     
    db_cache_size     8GB     
    db_file_multiblock_read_count     32     
    db_keep_cache_size     1GB     
    hash_join_enabled     true     
    log_archive_start     true     
    optimizer_index_caching     90     
    optimizer_index_cost_adj     25     
    parallel_automatic_tuning     false     
    pga_aggregate_target     2GB     
    query_rewrite_enabled     true     
    session_cached_cursors     300     
    shared_pool_size     2.5GB     
    optimizercost_model     choose     
    1 Recommendations:
    You are not using large blocksizes for your index tablespaces. Oracle research proves that indexes will build flatter tree structures in larger blocksizes.

    Systemwide Tuning using STATSPACK Reports [ID 228913.1] and http://jonathanlewis.wordpress.com/statspack-examples/ should be useful.

  • I/O Write Performance

    Hello ,
    we are currently experiencing heavy I/O problmes perfoming prrof of concept
    testig for one of our customers. Our setup is as follows:
    HP ProLiant DL380 with 24GB Ram and 8 15k 72GB SAS drives
    An HP P400 Raid controller with 256MB cache in RAID0 mode was used.
    Win 2k8r2 was installed on c (a physical Drive) and the database on E
    (= two physical drives in RAID0 128k Strip Size)
    With the remaining 5 drives read and write tests were performed using raid 0 with variing number of drives.
    I/O performance, as measured with ATTO Disk benchmark, increased as expected linear with the number of drives used.
    We expected to see this increased performance in the database, too and performed the following tests:
    - with 3 different tables the full table scan (FTS) (Hint: /*+ FULL (s) NOCACHE (s) */)
    - a CTAS statement.
    The system was used exclusively for testing.
    The used tables:
    Table 1: 312 col, 12,248 MB, 11,138,561 rows, avg len 621 bytes
    Table 2: 159 col, 4288 MB, 5,441,171 rows, avg len 529 bytes
    Table 3: 118 col, 360MB, 820,259 rows, avg len 266 bytes
    The FTS has improved as expected. With 5 physical drives in a RAID0, a performance of
    420MB/s was achieved.
    In the write test on the other hand we were not able to archieve any improvement.
    The CTAS statement always works with about 5000 - 6000 BLOCK/s (80MB/s)
    But when we tried running several CTAS statements in different sessions, the overall speed increased as expected.
    Further tests showed that the write speed seems to depend also on the number of columns. 80MB/s were only
    possible with Tables 2 and 3. With Table 1, however only 30MB/s were measured.
    Is this maybe just an incorrectly set parameter?
    What we already tried:
    - change the number of db_writer_processes 4 and then to 8
    - Manual configuration of PGA and SGA size
    - setting DB_BLOCK_SIZE to 16k
    - FILESYSTEMIO_OPTIONS set to setall
    - checking that Resource Manager are really disabled
    Thanks for any help.
    1     lock_name_space     
    2     processes     150
    3     sessions     248
    4     timed_statistics     TRUE
    5     timed_os_statistics     0
    6     resource_limit     FALSE
    7     license_max_sessions     0
    8     license_sessions_warning     0
    9     cpu_count     8
    10     instance_groups     
    11     event     
    12     sga_max_size     14495514624
    13     use_large_pages     TRUE
    14     pre_page_sga     FALSE
    15     shared_memory_address     0
    16     hi_shared_memory_address     0
    17     use_indirect_data_buffers     FALSE
    18     lock_sga     FALSE
    19     processor_group_name     
    20     shared_pool_size     0
    21     large_pool_size     0
    22     java_pool_size     0
    23     streams_pool_size     0
    24     shared_pool_reserved_size     93952409
    25     java_soft_sessionspace_limit     0
    26     java_max_sessionspace_size     0
    28     instance_type     RDBMS
    29     nls_language     AMERICAN
    30     nls_territory     AMERICA
    31     nls_sort     
    32     nls_date_language     
    33     nls_date_format     
    34     nls_currency     
    35     nls_numeric_characters     
    36     nls_iso_currency     
    37     nls_calendar     
    38     nls_time_format     
    39     nls_timestamp_format     
    40     nls_time_tz_format     
    41     nls_timestamp_tz_format     
    42     nls_dual_currency     
    43     nls_comp     BINARY
    44     nls_length_semantics     BYTE
    45     nls_nchar_conv_excp     FALSE
    46     fileio_network_adapters     
    47     filesystemio_options     
    48     clonedb     FALSE
    49     disk_asynch_io     TRUE
    50     tape_asynch_io     TRUE
    51     dbwr_io_slaves     0
    52     backup_tape_io_slaves     FALSE
    53     resource_manager_cpu_allocation     8
    54     resource_manager_plan     
    55     cluster_interconnects     
    56     file_mapping     FALSE
    57     gcs_server_processes     0
    58     active_instance_count     
    59     sga_target     14495514624
    60     memory_target     0
    61     memory_max_target     0
    63     db_file_name_convert     
    64     log_file_name_convert     
    65     control_file_record_keep_time     7
    66     db_block_buffers     0
    67     db_block_checksum     TYPICAL
    68     db_ultra_safe     OFF
    69     db_block_size     8192
    70     db_cache_size     0
    71     db_2k_cache_size     0
    72     db_4k_cache_size     0
    73     db_8k_cache_size     0
    74     db_16k_cache_size     0
    75     db_32k_cache_size     0
    76     db_keep_cache_size     0
    77     db_recycle_cache_size     0
    78     db_writer_processes     1
    79     buffer_pool_keep     
    80     buffer_pool_recycle     
    81     db_flash_cache_file     
    82     db_flash_cache_size     0
    83     db_cache_advice     ON
    84     compatible
    85     log_archive_dest_1     
    86     log_archive_dest_2     
    87     log_archive_dest_3     
    88     log_archive_dest_4     
    89     log_archive_dest_5     
    90     log_archive_dest_6     
    91     log_archive_dest_7     
    92     log_archive_dest_8     
    93     log_archive_dest_9     
    94     log_archive_dest_10     
    95     log_archive_dest_11     
    96     log_archive_dest_12     
    97     log_archive_dest_13     
    98     log_archive_dest_14     
    99     log_archive_dest_15     
    100     log_archive_dest_16     
    101     log_archive_dest_17     
    102     log_archive_dest_18     
    103     log_archive_dest_19     
    104     log_archive_dest_20     
    105     log_archive_dest_21     
    106     log_archive_dest_22     
    107     log_archive_dest_23     
    108     log_archive_dest_24     
    109     log_archive_dest_25     
    110     log_archive_dest_26     
    111     log_archive_dest_27     
    112     log_archive_dest_28     
    113     log_archive_dest_29     
    114     log_archive_dest_30     
    115     log_archive_dest_31     
    116     log_archive_dest_state_1     enable
    117     log_archive_dest_state_2     enable
    118     log_archive_dest_state_3     enable
    119     log_archive_dest_state_4     enable
    120     log_archive_dest_state_5     enable
    121     log_archive_dest_state_6     enable
    122     log_archive_dest_state_7     enable
    123     log_archive_dest_state_8     enable
    124     log_archive_dest_state_9     enable
    125     log_archive_dest_state_10     enable
    126     log_archive_dest_state_11     enable
    127     log_archive_dest_state_12     enable
    128     log_archive_dest_state_13     enable
    129     log_archive_dest_state_14     enable
    130     log_archive_dest_state_15     enable
    131     log_archive_dest_state_16     enable
    132     log_archive_dest_state_17     enable
    133     log_archive_dest_state_18     enable
    134     log_archive_dest_state_19     enable
    135     log_archive_dest_state_20     enable
    136     log_archive_dest_state_21     enable
    137     log_archive_dest_state_22     enable
    138     log_archive_dest_state_23     enable
    139     log_archive_dest_state_24     enable
    140     log_archive_dest_state_25     enable
    141     log_archive_dest_state_26     enable
    142     log_archive_dest_state_27     enable
    143     log_archive_dest_state_28     enable
    144     log_archive_dest_state_29     enable
    145     log_archive_dest_state_30     enable
    146     log_archive_dest_state_31     enable
    147     log_archive_start     FALSE
    148     log_archive_dest     
    149     log_archive_duplex_dest     
    150     log_archive_min_succeed_dest     1
    151     standby_archive_dest     %ORACLE_HOME%\RDBMS
    152     fal_client     
    153     fal_server     
    154     log_archive_trace     0
    155     log_archive_config     
    156     log_archive_local_first     TRUE
    157     log_archive_format     ARC%S_%R.%T
    158     redo_transport_user     
    159     log_archive_max_processes     4
    160     log_buffer     32546816
    161     log_checkpoint_interval     0
    162     log_checkpoint_timeout     1800
    163     archive_lag_target     0
    164     db_files     200
    165     db_file_multiblock_read_count     128
    166     read_only_open_delayed     FALSE
    167     cluster_database     FALSE
    168     parallel_server     FALSE
    169     parallel_server_instances     1
    170     cluster_database_instances     1
    171     db_create_file_dest     
    172     db_create_online_log_dest_1     
    173     db_create_online_log_dest_2     
    174     db_create_online_log_dest_3     
    175     db_create_online_log_dest_4     
    176     db_create_online_log_dest_5     
    177     db_recovery_file_dest     c:\oracle\fast_recovery_area
    178     db_recovery_file_dest_size     4322230272
    179     standby_file_management     MANUAL
    180     db_unrecoverable_scn_tracking     TRUE
    181     thread     0
    182     fast_start_io_target     0
    183     fast_start_mttr_target     0
    184     log_checkpoints_to_alert     FALSE
    185     db_lost_write_protect     NONE
    186     recovery_parallelism     0
    187     db_flashback_retention_target     1440
    188     dml_locks     1088
    189     replication_dependency_tracking     TRUE
    190     transactions     272
    191     transactions_per_rollback_segment     5
    192     rollback_segments     
    193     undo_management     AUTO
    194     undo_tablespace     UNDOTBS1
    195     undo_retention     900
    196     fast_start_parallel_rollback     LOW
    197     resumable_timeout     0
    198     instance_number     0
    199     db_block_checking     FALSE
    200     recyclebin     on
    201     db_securefile     PERMITTED
    202     create_stored_outlines     
    203     serial_reuse     disable
    204     ldap_directory_access     NONE
    205     ldap_directory_sysauth     no
    206     os_roles     FALSE
    207     rdbms_server_dn     
    208     max_enabled_roles     150
    209     remote_os_authent     FALSE
    210     remote_os_roles     FALSE
    211     sec_case_sensitive_logon     TRUE
    213     remote_login_passwordfile     EXCLUSIVE
    214     license_max_users     0
    215     audit_sys_operations     FALSE
    216     global_context_pool_size     
    217     db_domain     
    218     global_names     FALSE
    219     distributed_lock_timeout     60
    220     commit_point_strength     1
    221     global_txn_processes     1
    222     instance_name     oratest
    223     service_names     ORATEST
    224     dispatchers     (PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=ORATESTXDB)
    225     shared_servers     1
    226     max_shared_servers     
    227     max_dispatchers     
    228     circuits     
    229     shared_server_sessions     
    230     local_listener     
    231     remote_listener     
    232     listener_networks     
    233     cursor_space_for_time     FALSE
    234     session_cached_cursors     50
    235     remote_dependencies_mode     TIMESTAMP
    236     utl_file_dir     
    237     smtp_out_server     
    238     plsql_v2_compatibility     FALSE
    239     plsql_warnings     DISABLE:ALL
    240     plsql_code_type     INTERPRETED
    241     plsql_debug     FALSE
    242     plsql_optimize_level     2
    243     plsql_ccflags     
    244     plscope_settings     identifiers:none
    245     permit_92_wrap_format     TRUE
    246     java_jit_enabled     TRUE
    247     job_queue_processes     1000
    248     parallel_min_percent     0
    249     create_bitmap_area_size     8388608
    250     bitmap_merge_area_size     1048576
    251     cursor_sharing     EXACT
    252     result_cache_mode     MANUAL
    253     parallel_min_servers     0
    254     parallel_max_servers     135
    255     parallel_instance_group     
    256     parallel_execution_message_size     16384
    257     hash_area_size     131072
    258     result_cache_max_size     72482816
    259     result_cache_max_result     5
    260     result_cache_remote_expiration     0
    261     audit_file_dest     C:\ORACLE\ADMIN\ORATEST\ADUMP
    262     shadow_core_dump     none
    263     background_core_dump     partial
    264     background_dump_dest     c:\oracle\diag\rdbms\oratest\oratest\trace
    265     user_dump_dest     c:\oracle\diag\rdbms\oratest\oratest\trace
    266     core_dump_dest     c:\oracle\diag\rdbms\oratest\oratest\cdump
    267     object_cache_optimal_size     102400
    268     object_cache_max_size_percent     10
    269     session_max_open_files     10
    270     open_links     4
    271     open_links_per_instance     4
    272     commit_write     
    273     commit_wait     
    274     commit_logging     
    275     optimizer_features_enable
    276     fixed_date     
    277     audit_trail     DB
    278     sort_area_size     65536
    279     sort_area_retained_size     0
    280     cell_offload_processing     TRUE
    281     cell_offload_decryption     TRUE
    282     cell_offload_parameters     
    283     cell_offload_compaction     ADAPTIVE
    284     cell_offload_plan_display     AUTO
    285     db_name     ORATEST
    286     db_unique_name     ORATEST
    287     open_cursors     300
    288     ifile     
    289     sql_trace     FALSE
    290     os_authent_prefix     OPS$
    291     optimizer_mode     ALL_ROWS
    292     sql92_security     FALSE
    293     blank_trimming     FALSE
    294     star_transformation_enabled     TRUE
    295     parallel_degree_policy     MANUAL
    296     parallel_adaptive_multi_user     TRUE
    297     parallel_threads_per_cpu     2
    298     parallel_automatic_tuning     FALSE
    299     parallel_io_cap_enabled     FALSE
    300     optimizer_index_cost_adj     100
    301     optimizer_index_caching     0
    302     query_rewrite_enabled     TRUE
    303     query_rewrite_integrity     enforced
    304     pga_aggregate_target     4831838208
    305     workarea_size_policy     AUTO
    306     optimizer_dynamic_sampling     2
    307     statistics_level     TYPICAL
    308     cursor_bind_capture_destination     memory+disk
    309     skip_unusable_indexes     TRUE
    310     optimizer_secure_view_merging     TRUE
    311     ddl_lock_timeout     0
    312     deferred_segment_creation     TRUE
    313     optimizer_use_pending_statistics     FALSE
    314     optimizer_capture_sql_plan_baselines     FALSE
    315     optimizer_use_sql_plan_baselines     TRUE
    316     parallel_min_time_threshold     AUTO
    317     parallel_degree_limit     CPU
    318     parallel_force_local     FALSE
    319     optimizer_use_invisible_indexes     FALSE
    320     dst_upgrade_insert_conv     TRUE
    321     parallel_servers_target     128
    322     sec_protocol_error_trace_action     TRACE
    323     sec_protocol_error_further_action     CONTINUE
    324     sec_max_failed_login_attempts     10
    325     sec_return_server_release_banner     FALSE
    326     enable_ddl_logging     FALSE
    327     client_result_cache_size     0
    328     client_result_cache_lag     3000
    329     aq_tm_processes     1
    330     hs_autoregister     TRUE
    331     xml_db_events     enable
    332     dg_broker_start     FALSE
    333     dg_broker_config_file1     C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\11.2.0\DBHOME_1\DATABASE\DR1ORATEST.DAT
    334     dg_broker_config_file2     C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\11.2.0\DBHOME_1\DATABASE\DR2ORATEST.DAT
    335     olap_page_pool_size     0
    336     asm_diskstring     
    337     asm_preferred_read_failure_groups     
    338     asm_diskgroups     
    339     asm_power_limit     1
    340     control_management_pack_access     DIAGNOSTIC+TUNING
    341     awr_snapshot_time_offset     0
    342     sqltune_category     DEFAULT
    343     diagnostic_dest     C:\ORACLE
    344     tracefile_identifier     
    345     max_dump_file_size     unlimited
    346     trace_enabled     TRUE

    961262 wrote:
    The used tables:
    Table 1: 312 col, 12,248 MB, 11,138,561 rows, avg len 621 bytes
    Table 2: 159 col, 4288 MB, 5,441,171 rows, avg len 529 bytes
    Table 3: 118 col, 360MB, 820,259 rows, avg len 266 bytes
    The FTS has improved as expected. With 5 physical drives in a RAID0, a performance of
    420MB/s was achieved.
    In the write test on the other hand we were not able to archieve any improvement.
    The CTAS statement always works with about 5000 - 6000 BLOCK/s (80MB/s)
    But when we tried running several CTAS statements in different sessions, the overall speed increased as expected.
    Further tests showed that the write speed seems to depend also on the number of columns. 80MB/s were only
    possible with Tables 2 and 3. With Table 1, however only 30MB/s were measured.
    If multiple CTAS can produce higher throughput on writes this tells you that it is the production of the data that is the limit, not the writing. Notice in your example that nearly 75% of the time of the CTAS as CPU, not I/O.
    The thing about number of columns is that table 1 has exceeded the critical 254 limit - this means Oracle has chained all the rows internally into two pieces; this introduces lots of extra CPU-intensive operations (consistent gets, table access by rowid, heap block compress) so that the CPU time could have gone up significantly, resulting in a lower throughput that you are interpreting as a write problem.
    One other thought - if you are currently doing CTAS by "create as select from {real SAP table}" there may be other side effects that you're not going to see. I would do "create test clone of real SAP table", then "create as select from clone" to try and eliminate any such anomalies.
    Jonathan Lewis
    Author: <b><em>Oracle Core</em></b>

  • Database Performace Is Very Poor On IBM AIX Compared To Windows NT

    Recently we have migrated Our Oracle 10g DataBase from Windows NT to IBM AIX Box. Unfortunately, the Database Performance is gone down when compared to Windows NT environment. Since been a week we are working to pick the problem. We have altered the init.ora parameters to see the database behaviour., But there no Improvement is been observerd.
    Below are the Init.Ora Parameters ,
    Name      Value      Description
    tracefile_identifier     null     trace file custom identifier
    lock_name_space     null     lock name space used for generating lock names for standby/clone database
    processes     395     user processes
    sessions     439     user and system sessions
    timed_statistics     TRUE     maintain internal timing statistics
    timed_os_statistics     0     internal os statistic gathering interval in seconds
    resource_limit     TRUE     master switch for resource limit
    license_max_sessions     0     maximum number of non-system user sessions allowed
    license_sessions_warning     0     warning level for number of non-system user sessions
    cpu_count     16     number of CPUs for this instance
    instance_groups     null     list of instance group names
    event     null     debug event control - default null string
    sga_max_size     15032385536     max total SGA size
    pre_page_sga     FALSE     pre-page sga for process
    shared_memory_address     0     SGA starting address (low order 32-bits on 64-bit platforms)
    hi_shared_memory_address     0     SGA starting address (high order 32-bits on 64-bit platforms)
    use_indirect_data_buffers     FALSE     Enable indirect data buffers (very large SGA on 32-bit platforms)
    lock_sga     TRUE     Lock entire SGA in physical memory
    shared_pool_size     0     size in bytes of shared pool
    large_pool_size     0     size in bytes of large pool
    java_pool_size     0     size in bytes of java pool
    streams_pool_size     50331648     size in bytes of the streams pool
    shared_pool_reserved_size     84724940     size in bytes of reserved area of shared pool
    java_soft_sessionspace_limit     0     warning limit on size in bytes of a Java sessionspace
    java_max_sessionspace_size     0     max allowed size in bytes of a Java sessionspace
    spfile     /oracle/app/product/     server parameter file
    instance_type     RDBMS     type of instance to be executed
    trace_enabled     FALSE     enable KST tracing
    nls_language     AMERICAN     NLS language name
    nls_territory     AMERICA     NLS territory name
    nls_sort     null     NLS linguistic definition name
    nls_date_language     null     NLS date language name
    nls_date_format     null     NLS Oracle date format
    nls_currency     null     NLS local currency symbol
    nls_numeric_characters     null     NLS numeric characters
    nls_iso_currency     null     NLS ISO currency territory name
    nls_calendar     null     NLS calendar system name
    nls_time_format     null     time format
    nls_timestamp_format     null     time stamp format
    nls_time_tz_format     null     time with timezone format
    nls_timestamp_tz_format     null     timestampe with timezone format
    nls_dual_currency     null     Dual currency symbol
    nls_comp     null     NLS comparison
    nls_length_semantics     BYTE     create columns using byte or char semantics by default
    nls_nchar_conv_excp     FALSE     NLS raise an exception instead of allowing implicit conversion
    fileio_network_adapters     null     Network Adapters for File I/O
    filesystemio_options     asynch     IO operations on filesystem files
    disk_asynch_io     FALSE     Use asynch I/O for random access devices
    tape_asynch_io     TRUE     Use asynch I/O requests for tape devices
    dbwr_io_slaves     0     DBWR I/O slaves
    backup_tape_io_slaves     FALSE     BACKUP Tape I/O slaves
    resource_manager_plan     null     resource mgr top plan
    cluster_interconnects     null     interconnects for RAC use
    file_mapping     FALSE     enable file mapping
    gcs_server_processes     0     number of background gcs server processes to start
    active_instance_count     null     number of active instances in the cluster database
    sga_target     15032385536     Target size of SGA
    control_files     /oradata10/oradata/CALMDB/control/CONTROL02.CTL     control file names list
    db_file_name_convert     null     datafile name convert patterns and strings for standby/clone db
    log_file_name_convert     null     logfile name convert patterns and strings for standby/clone db
    control_file_record_keep_time     0     control file record keep time in days
    db_block_buffers     0     Number of database blocks cached in memory
    db_block_checksum     TRUE     store checksum in db blocks and check during reads
    db_block_size     8192     Size of database block in bytes
    db_cache_size     2147483648     Size of DEFAULT buffer pool for standard block size buffers
    db_2k_cache_size     0     Size of cache for 2K buffers
    db_4k_cache_size     0     Size of cache for 4K buffers
    db_8k_cache_size     0     Size of cache for 8K buffers
    db_16k_cache_size     0     Size of cache for 16K buffers
    db_32k_cache_size     0     Size of cache for 32K buffers
    db_keep_cache_size     0     Size of KEEP buffer pool for standard block size buffers
    db_recycle_cache_size     0     Size of RECYCLE buffer pool for standard block size buffers
    db_writer_processes     6     number of background database writer  processes to start
    buffer_pool_keep     null     Number of database blocks/latches in keep buffer pool
    buffer_pool_recycle     null     Number of database blocks/latches in recycle buffer pool
    db_cache_advice     ON     Buffer cache sizing advisory
    max_commit_propagation_delay     0     Max age of new snapshot in .01 seconds
    compatible     Database will be completely compatible with this software version
    remote_archive_enable     TRUE     remote archival enable setting
    log_archive_config     null     log archive config parameter
    log_archive_start     FALSE     start archival process on SGA initialization
    log_archive_dest     null     archival destination text string
    log_archive_duplex_dest     null     duplex archival destination text string
    log_archive_dest_1     null     archival destination #1 text string
    log_archive_dest_2     null     archival destination #2 text string
    log_archive_dest_3     null     archival destination #3 text string
    log_archive_dest_4     null     archival destination #4 text string
    log_archive_dest_5     null     archival destination #5 text string
    log_archive_dest_6     null     archival destination #6 text string
    log_archive_dest_7     null     archival destination #7 text string
    log_archive_dest_8     null     archival destination #8 text string
    log_archive_dest_9     null     archival destination #9 text string
    log_archive_dest_10     null     archival destination #10 text string
    log_archive_dest_state_1     enable     archival destination #1 state text string
    log_archive_dest_state_2     enable     archival destination #2 state text string
    log_archive_dest_state_3     enable     archival destination #3 state text string
    log_archive_dest_state_4     enable     archival destination #4 state text string
    log_archive_dest_state_5     enable     archival destination #5 state text string
    log_archive_dest_state_6     enable     archival destination #6 state text string
    log_archive_dest_state_7     enable     archival destination #7 state text string
    log_archive_dest_state_8     enable     archival destination #8 state text string
    log_archive_dest_state_9     enable     archival destination #9 state text string
    log_archive_dest_state_10     enable     archival destination #10 state text string
    log_archive_max_processes     2     maximum number of active ARCH processes
    log_archive_min_succeed_dest     1     minimum number of archive destinations that must succeed
    standby_archive_dest     ?/dbs/arch     standby database archivelog destination text string
    log_archive_trace     0     Establish archivelog operation tracing level
    log_archive_local_first     TRUE     Establish EXPEDITE attribute default value
    log_archive_format     %t_%s_%r.dbf     archival destination format
    fal_client     null     FAL client
    fal_server     null     FAL server list
    log_buffer     176918528     redo circular buffer size
    log_checkpoint_interval     0     # redo blocks checkpoint threshold
    log_checkpoint_timeout     0     Maximum time interval between checkpoints in seconds
    archive_lag_target     0     Maximum number of seconds of redos the standby could lose
    db_files     200     max allowable # db files
    db_file_multiblock_read_count     128     db block to be read each IO
    read_only_open_delayed     FALSE     if TRUE delay opening of read only files until first access
    cluster_database     FALSE     if TRUE startup in cluster database mode
    parallel_server     FALSE     if TRUE startup in parallel server mode
    parallel_server_instances     1     number of instances to use for sizing OPS SGA structures
    cluster_database_instances     1     number of instances to use for sizing cluster db SGA structures
    db_create_file_dest     null     default database location
    db_create_online_log_dest_1     null     online log/controlfile destination #1
    db_create_online_log_dest_2     null     online log/controlfile destination #2
    db_create_online_log_dest_3     null     online log/controlfile destination #3
    db_create_online_log_dest_4     null     online log/controlfile destination #4
    db_create_online_log_dest_5     null     online log/controlfile  destination #5
    db_recovery_file_dest     null     default database recovery file location
    db_recovery_file_dest_size     0     database recovery files size limit
    standby_file_management     MANUAL     if auto then files are created/dropped automatically on standby
    gc_files_to_locks     null     mapping between file numbers and global cache locks
    thread     0     Redo thread to mount
    fast_start_io_target     0     Upper bound on recovery reads
    fast_start_mttr_target     0     MTTR target of forward crash recovery in seconds
    log_checkpoints_to_alert     FALSE     log checkpoint begin/end to alert file
    recovery_parallelism     0     number of server processes to use for parallel recovery
    logmnr_max_persistent_sessions     1     maximum number of threads to mine
    db_flashback_retention_target     1440     Maximum Flashback Database log retention time in minutes.
    dml_locks     1000     dml locks - one for each table modified in a transaction
    ddl_wait_for_locks     FALSE     Disable NOWAIT DML lock acquisitions
    replication_dependency_tracking     TRUE     tracking dependency for Replication parallel propagation
    instance_number     0     instance number
    transactions     482     max. number of concurrent active transactions
    transactions_per_rollback_segment     5     number of active transactions per rollback segment
    rollback_segments     null     undo segment list
    undo_management     AUTO     instance runs in SMU mode if TRUE, else in RBU mode
    undo_tablespace     UNDOTBS1     use/switch undo tablespace
    undo_retention     10800     undo retention in seconds
    fast_start_parallel_rollback     LOW     max number of parallel recovery slaves that may be used
    resumable_timeout     0     set resumable_timeout
    db_block_checking     FALSE     header checking and data and index block checking
    recyclebin     off     recyclebin processing
    create_stored_outlines     null     create stored outlines for DML statements
    serial_reuse     disable     reuse the frame segments
    ldap_directory_access     NONE     RDBMS's LDAP access option
    os_roles     FALSE     retrieve roles from the operating system
    rdbms_server_dn     null     RDBMS's Distinguished Name
    max_enabled_roles     150     max number of roles a user can have enabled
    remote_os_authent     FALSE     allow non-secure remote clients to use auto-logon accounts
    remote_os_roles     FALSE     allow non-secure remote clients to use os roles
    O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY     FALSE     Version 7 Dictionary Accessibility Support
    remote_login_passwordfile     NONE     password file usage parameter
    license_max_users     0     maximum number of named users that can be created in the database
    audit_sys_operations     TRUE     enable sys auditing
    global_context_pool_size     null     Global Application Context Pool Size in Bytes
    db_domain     null     directory part of global database name stored with CREATE DATABASE
    global_names     TRUE     enforce that database links have same name as remote database
    distributed_lock_timeout     60     number of seconds a distributed transaction waits for a lock
    commit_point_strength     1     Bias this node has toward not preparing in a two-phase commit
    instance_name     CALMDB     instance name supported by the instance
    service_names     CALMDB     service names supported by the instance
    dispatchers     (PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=CALMDB)     specifications of dispatchers
    shared_servers     1     number of shared servers to start up
    max_shared_servers     null     max number of shared servers
    max_dispatchers     null     max number of dispatchers
    circuits     null     max number of circuits
    shared_server_sessions     null     max number of shared server sessions
    local_listener     null     local listener
    remote_listener     null     remote listener
    cursor_space_for_time     FALSE     use more memory in order to get faster execution
    session_cached_cursors     200     Number of cursors to cache in a session.
    remote_dependencies_mode     TIMESTAMP     remote-procedure-call dependencies mode parameter
    utl_file_dir     null     utl_file accessible directories list
    smtp_out_server     null     utl_smtp server and port configuration parameter
    plsql_v2_compatibility     FALSE     PL/SQL version 2.x compatibility flag
    plsql_compiler_flags     INTERPRETED, NON_DEBUG     PL/SQL compiler flags
    plsql_native_library_dir     null     plsql native library dir
    plsql_native_library_subdir_count     0     plsql native library number of subdirectories
    plsql_warnings     DISABLE:ALL     PL/SQL compiler warnings settings
    plsql_code_type     INTERPRETED     PL/SQL code-type
    plsql_debug     FALSE     PL/SQL debug
    plsql_optimize_level     2     PL/SQL optimize level
    plsql_ccflags     null     PL/SQL ccflags
    job_queue_processes     10     number of job queue slave processes
    parallel_min_percent     0     minimum percent of threads required for parallel query
    create_bitmap_area_size     8388608     size of create bitmap buffer for bitmap index
    bitmap_merge_area_size     1048576     maximum memory allow for BITMAP MERGE
    cursor_sharing     FORCE     cursor sharing mode
    parallel_min_servers     10     minimum parallel query servers per instance
    parallel_max_servers     320     maximum parallel query servers per instance
    parallel_instance_group     null     instance group to use for all parallel operations
    parallel_execution_message_size     4096     message buffer size for parallel execution
    hash_area_size     62914560     size of in-memory hash work area
    shadow_core_dump     partial     Core Size for Shadow Processes
    background_core_dump     partial     Core Size for Background Processes
    background_dump_dest     /oradata28/oradata/CALMDB/bdump     Detached process dump directory
    user_dump_dest     /oradata28/oradata/CALMDB/udump     User process dump directory
    max_dump_file_size     10M     Maximum size (blocks) of dump file
    core_dump_dest     /oradata28/oradata/CALMDB/cdump     Core dump directory
    use_sigio     TRUE     Use SIGIO signal
    audit_file_dest     /oracle/app/product/     Directory in which auditing files are to reside
    audit_syslog_level     null     Syslog facility and level
    object_cache_optimal_size     102400     optimal size of the user session's object cache in bytes
    object_cache_max_size_percent     10     percentage of maximum size over optimal of the user session's object cache
    session_max_open_files     20     maximum number of open files allowed per session
    open_links     4     max # open links per session
    open_links_per_instance     4     max # open links per instance
    commit_write     null     transaction commit log write behaviour
    optimizer_features_enable     optimizer plan compatibility parameter
    fixed_date     null     fixed SYSDATE value
    audit_trail     DB     enable system auditing
    sort_area_size     31457280     size of in-memory sort work area
    sort_area_retained_size     3145728     size of in-memory sort work area retained between fetch calls
    db_name     TESTDB     database name specified in CREATE DATABASE
    db_unique_name     TESTDB     Database Unique Name
    open_cursors     2000     max # cursors per session
    ifile     null     include file in init.ora
    sql_trace     FALSE     enable SQL trace
    os_authent_prefix     ops$     prefix for auto-logon accounts
    optimizer_mode     ALL_ROWS     optimizer mode
    sql92_security     FALSE     require select privilege for searched update/delete
    blank_trimming     FALSE     blank trimming semantics parameter
    star_transformation_enabled     FALSE     enable the use of star transformation
    parallel_adaptive_multi_user     TRUE     enable adaptive setting of degree for multiple user streams
    parallel_threads_per_cpu     2     number of parallel execution threads per CPU
    parallel_automatic_tuning     TRUE     enable intelligent defaults for parallel execution parameters
    optimizer_index_cost_adj     250     optimizer index cost adjustment
    optimizer_index_caching     0     optimizer percent index caching
    query_rewrite_enabled     TRUE     allow rewrite of queries using materialized views if enabled
    query_rewrite_integrity     enforced     perform rewrite using materialized views with desired integrity
    sql_version     NATIVE     sql language version parameter for compatibility issues
    pga_aggregate_target     3221225472     Target size for the aggregate PGA memory consumed by the instance
    workarea_size_policy     AUTO     policy used to size SQL working areas (MANUAL/AUTO)
    optimizer_dynamic_sampling     2     optimizer dynamic sampling
    statistics_level     TYPICAL     statistics level
    skip_unusable_indexes     TRUE     skip unusable indexes if set to TRUE
    optimizer_secure_view_merging     TRUE     optimizer secure view merging and predicate pushdown/movearound
    aq_tm_processes     1     number of AQ Time Managers to start
    hs_autoregister     TRUE     enable automatic server DD updates in HS agent self-registration
    dg_broker_start     FALSE     start Data Guard broker framework (DMON process)
    drs_start     FALSE     start DG Broker monitor (DMON process)
    dg_broker_config_file1     /oracle/app/product/     data guard broker configuration file #1
    dg_broker_config_file2     /oracle/app/product/     data guard broker configuration file #2
    olap_page_pool_size     0     size of the olap page pool in bytes
    asm_diskstring     null     disk set locations for discovery
    asm_diskgroups     null     disk groups to mount automatically
    asm_power_limit     1     number of processes for disk rebalancing
    sqltune_category     DEFAULT     Category qualifier for applying hintsets pls suggest

    We have examined the AWR Reports, That shows ,
    Snap Id     Snap Time     Sessions     Cursors/Session       
    Begin Snap:     1074     27-Jul-09 13:00:03     147     16.7       
    End Snap:     1075     27-Jul-09 14:01:00     150     22.3       
    Elapsed:          60.96 (mins)                 
    DB Time:          9.63 (mins)               
    Report Summary
    Cache Sizes
         Begin     End                 
    Buffer Cache:     12,368M     12,368M     Std Block Size:     8K       
    Shared Pool Size:     1,696M     1,696M     Log Buffer:     178,172K     
    Load Profile
         Per Second     Per Transaction       
    Redo size:     12,787.87     24,786.41       
    Logical reads:     7,409.85     14,362.33       
    Block changes:     61.17     118.57       
    Physical reads:     0.51     0.98       
    Physical writes:     4.08     7.90       
    User calls:     60.11     116.50       
    Parses:     19.38     37.56       
    Hard parses:     0.36     0.69       
    Sorts:     7.87     15.25       
    Logons:     0.07     0.14       
    Executes:     50.34     97.57       
    Transactions:     0.52          
    % Blocks changed per Read:     0.83     Recursive Call %:     74.53       
    Rollback per transaction %:     3.29     Rows per Sort:     292.67     
    Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)
    Buffer Nowait %:     100.00     Redo NoWait %:     100.00       
    Buffer Hit %:     99.99     In-memory Sort %:     100.00       
    Library Hit %:     98.40     Soft Parse %:     98.15       
    Execute to Parse %:     61.51     Latch Hit %:     99.96       
    Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %:     24.44     % Non-Parse CPU:     98.99     
    Shared Pool Statistics
         Begin     End       
    Memory Usage %:     72.35     72.86       
    % SQL with executions>1:     98.69     96.86       
    % Memory for SQL w/exec>1:     96.72     87.64     
    Top 5 Timed Events
    Event     Waits     Time(s)     Avg Wait(ms)     % Total Call Time     Wait Class       
    CPU time          535          92.5            
    db file parallel write     596     106     177     18.3     System I/O       
    log file parallel write     3,844     40     10     6.9     System I/O       
    control file parallel write     1,689     29     17     5.0     System I/O       
    log file sync     2,357     29     12     5.0     Commit     
    Time Model Statistics
    Total time in database user-calls (DB Time): 578s
    Statistics including the word "background" measure background process time, and so do not contribute to the DB time statistic
    Ordered by % or DB time desc, Statistic name
    Statistic Name     Time (s)     % of DB Time       
    sql execute elapsed time     560.61     96.99       
    DB CPU     534.91     92.55       
    parse time elapsed     24.16     4.18       
    hard parse elapsed time     17.90     3.10       
    PL/SQL execution elapsed time     7.65     1.32       
    connection management call elapsed time     0.89     0.15       
    repeated bind elapsed time     0.49     0.08       
    hard parse (sharing criteria) elapsed time     0.28     0.05       
    sequence load elapsed time     0.05     0.01       
    PL/SQL compilation elapsed time     0.03     0.00       
    failed parse elapsed time     0.02     0.00       
    hard parse (bind mismatch) elapsed time     0.00     0.00       
    DB time     577.98            
    background elapsed time     190.39            
    background cpu time     15.49          
    Wait Class
    s - second
    cs - centisecond - 100th of a second
    ms - millisecond - 1000th of a second
    us - microsecond - 1000000th of a second
    ordered by wait time desc, waits desc
    Wait Class     Waits     %Time -outs     Total Wait Time (s)     Avg wait (ms)     Waits /txn       
    System I/O     8,117     0.00     175     22     4.30       
    Commit     2,357     0.00     29     12     1.25       
    Network     226,127     0.00     7     0     119.83       
    User I/O     1,004     0.00     4     4     0.53       
    Application     91     0.00     2     27     0.05       
    Other     269     0.00     1     4     0.14       
    Concurrency     32     0.00     0     7     0.02       
    Configuration     59     0.00     0     3     0.03     
    Wait Events
    s - second
    cs - centisecond - 100th of a second
    ms - millisecond - 1000th of a second
    us - microsecond - 1000000th of a second
    ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)
    Event     Waits     %Time -outs     Total Wait Time (s)     Avg wait (ms)     Waits /txn       
    db file parallel write     596     0.00     106     177     0.32       
    log file parallel write     3,844     0.00     40     10     2.04       
    control file parallel write     1,689     0.00     29     17     0.90       
    log file sync     2,357     0.00     29     12     1.25       
    SQL*Net more data from client     4,197     0.00     7     2     2.22       
    db file sequential read     689     0.00     4     5     0.37       
    enq: RO - fast object reuse     32     0.00     2     50     0.02       
    rdbms ipc reply     32     0.00     1     34     0.02       
    db file scattered read     289     0.00     1     2     0.15       
    enq: KO - fast object checkpoint     47     0.00     1     14     0.02       
    control file sequential read     1,988     0.00     0     0     1.05       
    SQL*Net message to client     218,154     0.00     0     0     115.61       
    os thread startup     6     0.00     0     34     0.00       
    SQL*Net break/reset to client     12     0.00     0     15     0.01       
    log buffer space     59     0.00     0     3     0.03       
    latch free     10     0.00     0     8     0.01       
    SQL*Net more data to client     3,776     0.00     0     0     2.00       
    latch: shared pool     5     0.00     0     5     0.00       
    reliable message     79     0.00     0     0     0.04       
    LGWR wait for redo copy     148     0.00     0     0     0.08       
    buffer busy waits     19     0.00     0     0     0.01       
    direct path write temp     24     0.00     0     0     0.01       
    latch: cache buffers chains     2     0.00     0     0     0.00       
    direct path write     2     0.00     0     0     0.00       
    SQL*Net message from client     218,149     0.00     136,803     627     115.61       
    PX Idle Wait     18,013     100.06     35,184     1953     9.55       
    virtual circuit status     67,690     0.01     3,825     57     35.87       
    Streams AQ: qmn slave idle wait     130     0.00     3,563     27404     0.07       
    Streams AQ: qmn coordinator idle wait     264     50.76     3,563     13494     0.14       
    class slave wait     3     0.00     0     0     0.00     
    Back to Wait Events Statistics
    Back to Top
    Background Wait Events
    ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)
    Event     Waits     %Time -outs     Total Wait Time (s)     Avg wait (ms)     Waits /txn       
    db file parallel write     596     0.00     106     177     0.32       
    log file parallel write     3,843     0.00     40     10     2.04       
    control file parallel write     1,689     0.00     29     17     0.90       
    os thread startup     6     0.00     0     34     0.00       
    log buffer space     59     0.00     0     3     0.03       
    control file sequential read     474     0.00     0     0     0.25       
    log file sync     1     0.00     0     11     0.00       
    events in waitclass Other     148     0.00     0     0     0.08       
    rdbms ipc message     32,384     54.67     49,367     1524     17.16       
    pmon timer     1,265     100.00     3,568     2821     0.67       
    Streams AQ: qmn slave idle wait     130     0.00     3,563     27404     0.07       
    Streams AQ: qmn coordinator idle wait     264     50.76     3,563     13494     0.14       
    smon timer     63     11.11     3,493     55447     0.03     
    SQL ordered by Gets
    Resources reported for PL/SQL code includes the resources used by all SQL statements called by the code.
    Total Buffer Gets: 27,101,711
    Captured SQL account for 81.1% of Total
    Buffer Gets      Executions      Gets per Exec      %Total     CPU Time (s)     Elapsed Time (s)     SQL Id     SQL Module     SQL Text       
    11,889,257     3     3,963,085.67     43.87     145.36     149.62     8hr7mrcqpvw7n          Begin Pkg_Pg_consolidation.Pro...       
    5,877,417     17,784     330.49     21.69     59.94     62.30     3mw7tf64wzgv4          SELECT TOTALVOL.PERIOD_NUMBER ...       
    5,877,303     17,784     330.48     21.69     62.01     63.54     g3vhvg8cz6yu3          SELECT TOTALVOL.PERIOD_NUMBER ...       
    3,423,336     0          12.63     200.67     200.67     6jrnq2ua8cjnq          SELECT ROWNUM , first , sec...       
    2,810,100     2,465     1,140.00     10.37     19.29     19.29     7f4y1a3k1tzjn          SELECT /*+CLUSTER(VA_STATIC_CC...       
    1,529,253     230     6,648.93     5.64     15.92     16.97     6trp3txn7rh1q          SELECT /*+ index(va_gap_irlc_P...       
    1,523,043     230     6,621.93     5.62     16.22     17.18     3fu81ar131nj9          SELECT /*+ index(va_gap_irla_P...       
    855,620     358     2,390.00     3.16     11.49     13.31     a3g12c11x7yd0          SELECT FX_DATE, FX_RATE, CCY...       
    689,979     708     974.55     2.55     4.37     4.43     b7znr5szwjrtx          SELECT /*+RULE*/ YIELD_CURVE_C...       
    603,631     2,110     286.08     2.23     11.03     13.40     3c2gyz9fhswxx          SELECT ASSET_LIABILITY_GAP, AL...       
    554,080     5     110,816.00     2.04     2.37     2.44     9w1b11p6baqat          SELECT DISTINCT consolidation_...       
    318,378     624     510.22     1.17     3.20     3.45     1auhbw1rd5yn2          SELECT /*+ index(va_gap_irla_P...       
    318,378     624     510.22     1.17     3.19     3.42     6gq9rj96p9aq0          SELECT /*+ index(va_gap_irlc_P...       
    313,923     3     104,641.00     1.16     2.38     2.38     7vsznt4tvh1b5          ...     
    SQL ordered by Reads
    Total Disk Reads: 1,857
    Captured SQL account for 2.1% of Total
    Physical Reads     Executions     Reads per Exec      %Total     CPU Time (s)     Elapsed Time (s)     SQL Id     SQL Module     SQL Text       
    57     36     1.58     3.07     3.55     5.81     c6vdhsbw1t03d          BEGIN citidba.proc_analyze_tab...       
    32     507     0.06     1.72     0.22     0.40     c49tbx3qqrtm4          insert into dependency$(d_obj#...       
    28     8     3.50     1.51     0.76     3.02     4crh3z5ya2r27          BEGIN PROC_DELETE_PACK_TABLES(...       
    20     3     6.67     1.08     145.36     149.62     8hr7mrcqpvw7n          Begin Pkg_Pg_consolidation.Pro...       
    10     1     10.00     0.54     6.21     18.11     4m9ts1b1b27sv          BEGIN domain.create_tables(:1,...       
    7     23     0.30     0.38     1.56     2.22     4vw03w673b9k7          BEGIN PROC_CREATE_PACK_TABLES(...       
    4     4     1.00     0.22     0.29     1.06     1vw6carbvp4z0          BEGIN Proc_ReCreate_Gap_temp_t...       
    2     182     0.01     0.11     0.06     0.08     2h0gb24h6zpnu          insert into access$(d_obj#, or...       
    2     596     0.00     0.11     0.26     0.29     5fbmafvm27kfm          insert into obj$(owner#, name,...       
    1     1     1.00     0.05     0.01     0.02     7jsrvff8hnqft          UPDATE VA_PRR_IRUT_POL_IBCB_R...     
    SQL ordered by Executions
    Total Executions: 184,109
    Captured SQL account for 71.6% of Total
    Executions      Rows Processed     Rows per Exec     CPU per Exec (s)     Elap per Exec (s)      SQL Id     SQL Module     SQL Text       
    43,255     43,255     1.00     0.00     0.00     4m94ckmu16f9k     JDBC Thin Client      select count(*) from dual       
    25,964     24,769     0.95     0.00     0.00     2kxdq3m953pst          SELECT SURROGATE_KEY FROM TB_P...       
    17,784     54,585     3.07     0.00     0.00     3mw7tf64wzgv4          SELECT TOTALVOL.PERIOD_NUMBER ...       
    17,784     54,585     3.07     0.00     0.00     g3vhvg8cz6yu3          SELECT TOTALVOL.PERIOD_NUMBER ...       
    2,631     2,631     1.00     0.00     0.00     60uw2vh6q9vn2          insert into col$(obj#, name, i...       
    2,465     924,375     375.00     0.01     0.01     7f4y1a3k1tzjn          SELECT /*+CLUSTER(VA_STATIC_CC...       
    2,202     36     0.02     0.00     0.00     96g93hntrzjtr          select /*+ rule */ bucket_cnt,...       
    2,110     206,464     97.85     0.01     0.01     3c2gyz9fhswxx          SELECT ASSET_LIABILITY_GAP, AL...       
    2,043     2,043     1.00     0.00     0.00     28dvpph9k610y          SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TB_TECH_S...       
    842     35     0.04     0.00     0.00     04xtrk7uyhknh          select obj#, type#, ctime, mti...     
    SQL ordered by Parse Calls
    Total Parse Calls: 70,872
    Captured SQL account for 69.7% of Total
    Parse Calls     Executions      % Total Parses     SQL Id     SQL Module     SQL Text       
    17,784     17,784     25.09     3mw7tf64wzgv4          SELECT TOTALVOL.PERIOD_NUMBER ...       
    17,784     17,784     25.09     g3vhvg8cz6yu3          SELECT TOTALVOL.PERIOD_NUMBER ...       
    2,110     2,110     2.98     3c2gyz9fhswxx          SELECT ASSET_LIABILITY_GAP, AL...       
    786     786     1.11     2s6amyv4qz2h2     exp@PSLDB03 (TNS V1-V3)      SELECT INIEXT, SEXT, MINEXT,...       
    596     596     0.84     5fbmafvm27kfm          insert into obj$(owner#, name,...       
    590     590     0.83     2ym6hhaq30r73          select type#, blocks, extents,...       
    550     550     0.78     7gtztzv329wg0          select c.name, u.name from co...       
    512     512     0.72     9qgtwh66xg6nz          update seg$ set type#=:4, bloc...       
    480     480     0.68     6x2cz59yrxz3a     exp@PSLDB03 (TNS V1-V3)      SELECT NAME, OBJID, OWNER, ...       
    457     457     0.64     bsa0wjtftg3uw          select file# from file$ where ...     
    Instance Activity Stats
    Statistic     Total     per Second     per Trans       
    CPU used by this session     54,051     14.78     28.64       
    CPU used when call started     53,326     14.58     28.26       
    CR blocks created     1,114     0.30     0.59       
    Cached Commit SCN referenced     755,322     206.51     400.28       
    Commit SCN cached     29     0.01     0.02       
    DB time     62,190     17.00     32.96       
    DBWR checkpoint buffers written     3,247     0.89     1.72       
    DBWR checkpoints     79     0.02     0.04       
    DBWR object drop buffers written     118     0.03     0.06       
    DBWR parallel query checkpoint buffers written     0     0.00     0.00       
    DBWR revisited being-written buffer     0     0.00     0.00       
    DBWR tablespace checkpoint buffers written     169     0.05     0.09       
    DBWR thread checkpoint buffers written     3,078     0.84     1.63       
    DBWR transaction table writes     0     0.00     0.00       
    DBWR undo block writes     11,245     3.07     5.96       
    DFO trees parallelized     0     0.00     0.00       
    DML statements parallelized     0     0.00     0.00       
    IMU CR rollbacks     29     0.01     0.02       
    IMU Flushes     982     0.27     0.52       
    IMU Redo allocation size     1,593,112     435.57     844.26       
    IMU commits     991     0.27     0.53       
    IMU contention     3     0.00     0.00       
    IMU ktichg flush     3     0.00     0.00       
    IMU pool not allocated     0     0.00     0.00       
    IMU recursive-transaction flush     1     0.00     0.00       
    IMU undo allocation size     3,280,968     897.05     1,738.72       
    IMU- failed to get a private strand     0     0.00     0.00       
    Misses for writing mapping     0     0.00     0.00       
    OS Integral shared text size     0     0.00     0.00       
    OS Integral unshared data size     0     0.00     0.00       
    OS Involuntary context switches     0     0.00     0.00       
    OS Maximum resident set size     0     0.00     0.00       
    OS Page faults     0     0.00     0.00       
    OS Page reclaims     0     0.00     0.00       
    OS System time used     0     0.00     0.00       
    OS User time used     0     0.00     0.00       
    OS Voluntary context switches     0     0.00     0.00       
    PX local messages recv'd     0     0.00     0.00       
    PX local messages sent     0     0.00     0.00       
    Parallel operations downgraded to serial     0     0.00     0.00       
    Parallel operations not downgraded     0     0.00     0.00       
    SMON posted for dropping temp segment     0     0.00     0.00       
    SMON posted for undo segment shrink     0     0.00     0.00       
    SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client     266,339     72.82     141.14       
    active txn count during cleanout     677     0.19     0.36       
    application wait time     243     0.07     0.13       
    background checkpoints completed     0     0.00     0.00       
    background checkpoints started     0     0.00     0.00       
    background timeouts     17,769     4.86     9.42       
    branch node splits     0     0.00     0.00       
    buffer is not pinned count     11,606,002     3,173.19     6,150.50       
    buffer is pinned count     65,043,685     17,783.53     34,469.36       
    bytes received via SQL*Net from client     27,009,252     7,384.57     14,313.33       
    bytes sent via SQL*Net to client     ###############     69,310,703.02     134,343,168.92       
    calls to get snapshot scn: kcmgss     382,084     104.47     202.48       
    calls to kcmgas     15,558     4.25     8.24       
    calls to kcmgcs     1,886     0.52     1.00       
    change write time     488     0.13     0.26       
    cleanout - number of ktugct calls     628     0.17     0.33       
    cleanouts and rollbacks - consistent read gets     3     0.00     0.00       
    cleanouts only - consistent read gets     53     0.01     0.03       
    cluster key scan block gets     77,478     21.18     41.06       
    cluster key scans     41,479     11.34     21.98       
    commit batch/immediate performed     550     0.15     0.29       
    commit batch/immediate requested     550     0.15     0.29       
    commit cleanout failures: block lost     0     0.00     0.00       
    commit cleanout failures: buffer being written     0     0.00     0.00       
    commit cleanout failures: callback failure     29     0.01     0.02       
    commit cleanout failures: cannot pin     0     0.00     0.00       
    commit cleanouts     19,562     5.35     10.37       
    commit cleanouts successfully completed     19,533     5.34     10.35       
    commit immediate performed     550     0.15     0.29       
    commit immediate requested     550     0.15     0.29       
    commit txn count during cleanout     396     0.11     0.21       
    concurrency wait time     23     0.01     0.01       
    consistent changes     1,803     0.49     0.96       
    consistent gets     26,887,134     7,351.18     14,248.61       
    consistent gets - examination     1,524,222     416.74     807.75       
    consistent gets direct     0     0.00     0.00       
    consistent gets from cache     26,887,134     7,351.18     14,248.61       
    cursor authentications     773     0.21     0.41       
    data blocks consistent reads - undo records applied     1,682     0.46     0.89       
    db block changes     223,743     61.17     118.57       
    db block gets     214,573     58.67     113.71       
    db block gets direct     74     0.02     0.04       
    db block gets from cache     214,499     58.65     113.67       
    deferred (CURRENT) block cleanout applications     9,723     2.66     5.15       
    dirty buffers inspected     5,106     1.40     2.71       
    enqueue conversions     1,130     0.31     0.60       
    enqueue releases     49,151     13.44     26.05       
    enqueue requests     49,151     13.44     26.05       
    enqueue timeouts     0     0.00     0.00       
    enqueue waits     79     0.02     0.04       
    exchange deadlocks     0     0.00     0.00       
    execute count     184,109     50.34     97.57       
    failed probes on index block reclamation     1     0.00     0.00       
    free buffer inspected     6,521     1.78     3.46       
    free buffer requested     8,656     2.37     4.59       
    global undo segment hints helped     0     0.00     0.00       
    global undo segment hints were stale     0     0.00     0.00       
    heap block compress     457     0.12     0.24       
    hot buffers moved to head of LRU     5,016     1.37     2.66       
    immediate (CR) block cleanout applications     56     0.02     0.03       
    immediate (CURRENT) block cleanout applications     4,230     1.16     2.24       
    index crx upgrade (found)     0     0.00     0.00       
    index crx upgrade (positioned)     8,362     2.29     4.43       
    index fast full scans (full)     3,845     1.05     2.04       
    index fast full scans (rowid ranges)     0     0.00     0.00       
    index fetch by key     842,761     230.42     446.61       
    index scans kdiixs1     376,413     102.91     199.48       
    leaf node 90-10 splits     42     0.01     0.02       
    leaf node splits     89     0.02     0.05       
    lob reads     6,759,932     1,848.23     3,582.37       
    lob writes     11,788     3.22     6.25       
    lob writes unaligned     11,788     3.22     6.25       
    logons cumulative     272     0.07     0.14       
    messages received     133,602     36.53     70.80       
    messages sent     133,602     36.53     70.80       
    no buffer to keep pinned count     219     0.06     0.12       
    no work - consistent read gets     18,462,318     5,047.76     9,783.95       
    opened cursors cumulative     77,042     21.06     40.83       
    parse count (failures)     57     0.02     0.03       
    parse count (hard)     1,311     0.36     0.69       
    parse count (total)     70,872     19.38     37.56       
    parse time cpu     542     0.15     0.29       
    parse time elapsed     2,218     0.61     1.18       
    physical read IO requests     821     0.22     0.44       
    physical read bytes     15,212,544     4,159.25     8,061.76       
    physical read total IO requests     2,953     0.81     1.56       
    physical read total bytes     48,963,584     13,387.08     25,947.85       
    physical read total multi block requests     289     0.08     0.15       
    physical reads     1,857     0.51     0.98       
    physical reads cache     1,857     0.51     0.98       
    physical reads cache prefetch     1,036     0.28     0.55       
    physical reads direct     0     0.00     0.00       
    physical reads direct (lob)     0     0.00     0.00       
    physical reads direct temporary tablespace     0     0.00     0.00       
    physical reads prefetch warmup     0     0.00     0.00       
    physical write IO requests     6,054     1.66     3.21       
    physical write bytes     122,142,720     33,394.92     64,728.52       
    physical write total IO requests     11,533     3.15     6.11       
    physical write total bytes     199,223,808     54,469.58     105,577.00       
    physical write total multi block requests     5,894     1.61     3.12       
    physical writes     14,910     4.08     7.90       
    physical writes direct     74     0.02     0.04       
    physical writes direct (lob)     0     0.00     0.00       
    physical writes direct temporary tablespace     72     0.02     0.04       
    physical writes from cache     14,836     4.06     7.86       
    physical writes non checkpoint     14,691     4.02     7.79       
    pinned buffers inspected     4     0.00     0.00       
    prefetch clients - default     0     0.00     0.00       
    prefetch warmup blocks aged out before use     0     0.00     0.00       
    prefetch warmup blocks flushed out before use     0     0.00     0.00       
    prefetched blocks aged out before use     0     0.00     0.00       
    process last non-idle time     2,370     0.65     1.26       
    queries parallelized     0     0.00     0.00       
    recovery blocks read     0     0.00     0.00       
    recursive aborts on index block reclamation     0     0.00     0.00       
    recursive calls     643,220     175.86     340.87       
    recursive cpu usage     15,900     4.35     8.43       
    redo blocks read for recovery     0     0.00     0.00       
    redo blocks written     96,501     26.38     51.14       
    redo buffer allocation retries     0     0.00     0.00       
    redo entries     115,246     31.51     61.07       
    redo log space requests     0     0.00     0.00       
    redo log space wait time     0     0.00     0.00       
    redo ordering marks     3,605     0.99     1.91       

  • Performance issue possibly due to wrong parameters??

    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit.
    We have a program that runs every two weeks to process 3million records in our Oracle 10g database. Processing normally takes about 6 hours. With no change to the program (which is a java client program), the processing time has gotten longer and longer over the last few weeks. The processor on the database server was upgraded to iTanium and during this upgrade the databases were striped to fix a read/write issue that occurred due to poor configuration (it wasn't using multiple channels for processing so everything ran super slow) when the server hardware was upgraded. Since the last upgrade to the processor, we've noticed many errors being generated on the server when our program runs (java null reference errors). these errors never occurred before the upgrade. The upgrade was in July. In August we noticed the beginning of a degradation in performance - the process went from 6 hours to 10 hours. This month, it is taking 20 hours. Next month I fear it will be 40 hours.
    The program launches multiple sessions that work at once doing an update against the same table. The last time it ran it started at 6AM and by 1PM it was only 11% done. I looked at the session stats and saw the top 5 wait events:
    SQL*Net message from client-->
    enq: TX - row lock contention-->
    timewaited 65,614
    latch:cache buffers chains-->
    db file sequential read-->
    log file sync-->
    It looks like all of these values are way too high and I'm wondering what parameters we could change on the database/server side that might improve performance in these areas.
    Are these viable solutions? Changing the program is not an option right now. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Rakesh jayappa wrote:
    sorry i am not getting your question, i am guessing your question, you can reduce the log file sync by
    The disks or I/O subsystems where the redologs are placed may be too busy.
    - Reduce other I/O activity on the disks containing the redo logs, or use dedicated disks.
    - Move the redo logs to faster disks or a faster I/O subsystem.
    - Move the redolog files from RAID 5 devices. RAID 5 is not efficient for writes.
    - Alternate redo logs on different disks to minimize the effect of the archiver on the log writer.
    Kind Regards,
    Rakesh JayappaMy point is that even if you eliminate it completely you have only eliminated a tiny fraction of the total wait time -- it may look like low hanging fruit, but it's a very small piece of fruit indeed.

  • Ora-00604:error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 and Ora-04023

    hi all
    i am using oracle linux 5.5 and oracle Database 11g R2 while shutingdown the database i am getting
    the following errors.
    SQL> shutdown immediate;
    Ora-00604:error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    Ora-04023: object select count(*) from reg$SQL>plz can anyone help me out?

    Couple of questions related to this issue:
    1.Is there anything in alert log. Post last 50 lines from alert log.
    2.Is there any trace / log generated by Oracle ?
    3.What is Memory_Target parameter value ?
    4.What is value of statistics_level parameter ?
    5.Did you perform any failed upgradation ?
    6.Are there any invalid objects in database ?
    Generally ORA-00604 is related to insufficient size of shared pool. Now, i am googling how to get a proper value of shared pool size ? I got that there is a view v$shared_pool_advice which will tell me the answer of this question. Ok, it means now question is how do i get the proper value of shared pool from v$shared_pool_advice; i mean how do i interpret this v$shared_pool_advice view ?
    No problem docs are there to answer this question : (How i got this link ? Open a new page---http://tahiti.oracle.com---selected 11.2 docs--in the left hand sided there is a search text box i entered v$shared_pool_advice and i got couple of links)
    I will read these links and now i will query this and DBA_HIST_SHARED_POOL_ADVICE views, interpret the values. Ok, but what about my original question i.e. ORA-00604 and 4023 ? If i am at this stage, understood all the values, it means now i can understand the meaning / sense of resizing of shared pool.
    You can monitor V$SGA_RESIZE_OPS to identify the range of values that Oracle is automatically resizing the DB_CACHE_SIZE and SHARED_POOL_SIZE components to. Then, pick an appropriate minimum value based on the range. There's no "magic formula". But V$SGA_RESIZE_OPS shows the sizes that Oracle has been automatically been resizing the SGA components to. The Buffer Cache Advisory section of the AWR report or V$DB_CACHE_ADVICE, V$SHARED_POOL_ADVICE, V$SGA_TARGET_ADVICE and DBA_HIST_SGA_TARGET_ADVICE are views that provide advisory information as well. Hemant @ SGA_MAX_SIZE and SGA_TARGET how to set minimum for pools
    So, these are the baby steps if i ever gets ORA-00604 and ORA-04023 on my test database. Do all these and feel free to post the next doubt, i am sure you will get the correct answer.
    Girish Sharma

  • Datafile size minor than 4 Gb: is this a bug?

    Hi all! I have a tablespace made up by 1 datafile (size = 4 Gb). Oracle (on Win2k server) seems incapable of managing this; in fact, I receive ora-04031: unable to allocate 8192 bytes of shared memory but the memory of Oracle is configured correctly. Resizing this tablespace and adding a new datafile so that every datafile is 2 Gb large, I don't receive the error any longer. what do you think about this?
    Bye. Ste.

    Hello everybody;
    The Buffer Cache Advisory feature enables and disables statistics gathering for predicting behavior with different cache sizes. The information provided by these statistics can help you size the Database Buffer Cache optimally for a given workload. The Buffer Cache Advisory information is collected and displayed through the V$DB_CACHE_ADVICE view.
    The Buffer Cache Advisory is enabled via the DB_CACHE_ADVICE initialization parameter. It is a dynamic parameter, and can be altered using ALTER SYSTEM. Three values (OFF, ON, READY) are available.
    DB_CACHE_ADVICE Parameter Values
    OFF: Advisory is turned off and the memory for the advisory is not allocated.
    ON: Advisory is turned on and both cpu and memory overhead is incurred.
    Attempting to set the parameter to the ON state when it is in the OFF state may lead to the following error: ORA-4031 Inability to allocate from the Shared Pool when the parameter is switched to ON. If the parameter is in a READY state it can be set to ON without error because the memory is already allocated.
    READY: Advisory is turned off but the memory for the advisory remains allocated. Allocating the memory before the advisory is actually turned on will avoid the risk of ORA-4031. If the parameter is switched to this state from OFF, it is possible that an ORA-4031 will be raised.
    Make sure too that you dont need to use RMAN program to make backup...baceuse the large pool is used to this too.
    Regards to everybody

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