Virus scan, virus scan?

I would like to know how to check for malware and virusses on my MacAir ...
Facebook tells me I am infected... is this for real???

This is not real. That's probably a scam, so ignore it.
If you are worried about the MacBook safety, have a look at this website > You don't need an antivirus, and I only recommend it if you have got files you will transfer to a PC, because you may infect other PCs even if the viruses don't affect to you (OS X can't get infected by Windows viruses).
Apart from that, if you still want to use an antivirus, get Sophos

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    The good part is that you caught it right away and took action.
    There is little likelihood of infection of a Mac OS X system with a virus from a Windows system. You can go to Thomas's site, for ideas of things to do. 
    But be very cautious of any commercial Mac anti-virus software...most a very dangerous and damage Mac OS X.  Never use Norton or McAfee as they are the worst of the worst, and an all costs stay away from MacKeeper and most of the "cleaning" programs.
    You are probably ok, but if you feel you have to have something visit the Mac App store for ClamXAV, free and decent.

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    Here are a couple of ideas:
    1. (my favorite) - connect the printer to the router with an Ethernet cable for virtually the same functionality, more speed and fewer connectivity issues.
    2. Reset by turning the printer off, holding # and 6 keys while and for a few seconds after turning it back on.
    Say thanks by clicking "Kudos" "thumbs up" in the post that helped you.
    I am employed by HP

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    I seem to have solved the problem Swymer.
    I was lucky in that I had a backup of my iTunes Music Library file pre-virus scan. Check around in other folders. I had a copy in the "Previous iTunes Libraries" folder.
    Then do this:
    1) uninstall then re-install your virus software. This was a real pain, but it was the only way for me to clear the quarantine logs and start over. McAfee had the iTunes folder flagged forevermore.
    2) Delete all your old libraries, following the instructions in this document:
    3) Restart iTunes and let it do its thing.
    That's it. I've got my music back. Back to living.
    If you didn't have a library backup, don't despair. Your songs are still on your hard drive. It's only your Library files that are nuked; they're the roadmaps that tell iTunes how everything works.
    If they are zapped, you may just have to rebuild your playlists & ratings using the "add folder" option.

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    Hi LaEmperor,
    From my experience with different AV softwares, I can say that they continue scanning them as part of the filesystem, despite of being disabled.
    I am not sure about your question for the resources, but I´ll give two shots:
    1. From the system perspective: basically affects the space that the files from that profile are using. The leave also some information on the Registry hive, on .USERS\ but unless it is a large numbre, I will not be concerned.
    2. From the Antivirus perpective: Well, as usual, Disk I/O, RAM, CPU, etc...; so as much as disabled profiles, as much they will add to the usual amount of resource comsumption.
    Hope you find this informative.

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    Unless that memory card contained actual Mac malware, and you opened that malware after the memory card was connected to the Mac, you couldn't be infected with anything. If, as I'm guessing, the virus on the memory card was Windows malware, you're perfectly safe. You couldn't have opened it if you tried.

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    It's likely the "FBI Moneypak browser hijack" which works by hijacking Javascript in the web browser so you can't escapte.
    What you do is press command tab to get to the Finder, then from the Apple Menu select > Force Quit on Chrome.
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    Apple Menu select > Shutdown, restart and don't start up Chrome.
    Use Safari to find out how to disable loading of previous web pages in Chrome ( I don't use it )
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    Obvioulsy someone at ComCast did not hear you say you owned a Mac. They can be very Windows-centric. It is unlikley that a virus caused a hacked e-mail. A lot of that happens at the server level (Comcast in your case) and has nothing to do with your computer.
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    It sounds as though you have worked through this article: [[Firefox can't load websites but other browsers can]].
    Do you notice any difference between secure sites and non-secure sites in what error message you get?
    Do you use any kind of content filtering or parental control software?

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    Update the security software.
    Download and install iTunes.
    If the problem continues, either turn off or remove the obviously messed up software.
    Download and install iTunes.

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    Yes, sites like that (Adium, FaceBook, YouTube) are notorious for being the prime sources of 'scareware' and malware, most of which is aimed at Windows users and extracting unnecessary money from them with pointless, worthless software. No malware can affect your Mac unless you allow it to install, which in most cases would require your root password.
    In your case you may have acquired a 'tracker cookie' sending you to other sites than you intended.
    To get rid of them you ned MacScan:
    The appearance of Trojans and other malware that can possibly infect a Mac seems to be growing, but is a completely different issue to viruses.
    If you allow a Trojan to be installed, the user's DNS records can be modified, redirecting incoming internet traffic through the attacker's servers, where it can be hijacked and injected with malicious websites and pornographic advertisements. The trojan also installs a watchdog process that ensures the victim's (that's you!) DNS records stay modified on a minute-by-minute basis.
    SecureMac has introduced a free Trojan Detection Tool for Mac OS X. It's available here:
    The DNSChanger Removal Tool detects and removes spyware targeting Mac OS X and allows users to check to see if the trojan has been installed on their computer; if it has, the software helps to identify and remove the offending file. After a system reboot, the users' DNS records will be repaired.
    (Note that a 30 day trial version of MacScan can be downloaded free of charge from:
    and this can perform a complete scan of your entire hard disk. After 30 days the cost is $29.99. The full version permits you to scan selected files and folders only, as well as the entire hard disk. It will detect (and delete if you ask it to) all 'tracker cookies' that switch you to web sites you did not want to go to.)
    A white paper has recently been published on the subject of Trojans by SubRosaSoft, available here:
    Also, beware of MacSweeper:
    MacSweeper is malware that misleads users by exaggerating reports about spyware, adware or viruses on their computer. It is the first known "rogue" application for the Mac OS X operating system. The software was discovered by F-Secure, a Finland based computer security software company on January 17, 2008
    On June 23, 2008 this news reached Mac users:
    More information on Mac security can be found here:
    The MacScan application can be downloaded from here:
    You can download a 30 day trail copy which enables you to do a full scan of your hard disk. After that it costs $29.95.
    More on Trojans on the Mac here:
    The latest news on the subject, from July 25, 2008, is:
    Attack code that exploits flaws in the net's addressing system are starting to circulate online, say security experts.
    The code could be a boon to phishing gangs who redirect web users to fake bank sites and steal login details.
    In light of the news net firms are being urged to apply a fix for the loop-hole before attacks by hi-tech criminals become widespread.
    Net security groups say there is anecdotal evidence that small scale attacks are already happening.
    Further details here:
    A further recent development is the Koobface malware that can be picked up from Facebook (already a notorious site for malware), as reported here on December 9, 2008:
    There may be other ways of guarding against Trojans, viruses and general malware affecting the Mac, and alternatives will probably appear in the future. In the meantime the advice is: be careful where you go on the web and what you download!

  • Officejet Pro 8600 e. Problem scanning from Scan and Capture App in Win 8.1

    Officejet Pro 8600 e.  New.
    Installed on HP Envy 23 Touch. Running Windows 8.1.  
    Wireless set up. Prints fine.  Problem is scanning from the HP Scan and Capture Software App in Win 8.1  
    Using Scan and Capture App I can scan photos fine.  They come out clear.  Scanning documents in GRAY has multiple bands/lines in gray over the entire page running vertically.  Scanning documents in COLOR are fine.
    Also, if I scan from the printer directly using the touch screen on the printer, the scan output is fine.
     I did the Scan utilty to discover any errors and it did not show any.  I think it's a software error.  I am going to uninstall the HP Scan App and then reinstall.  So, I will do the uninstall/reinstall and report back.
    Also, I would like to know if there is a desktop program for scanning?  I would prefer to use that instead of the Modern HP Scan and Capture App.
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hi artrum,
    I understand you've been experiencing issues scanning from your Officejet 8600 using the Windows Scan and Capture program. I will certainly do my best to help you with this!
    From what you've explained, I believe you're correct, it does seem like it's an issue just with the Windows Scan and Capture program and as you've been able to scan from the front panel of the printer you definitely have the HP software installed. What I'd like to do is have you use the HP Scan software, where you should no longer run into issues.
    To access the HP Scan software and be able to access it easily from your desktop I'd like you to follow the steps below:
    1. Go to your start screen and just start typing File Explorer. You should be able to then open it to access your computer's files.
    2. Then open Local Disk (C: ), followed by Program Files (x86), followed by HP, then HP Officejet Pro 8600, followed finally by bin.
    3. In the bin folder you should see HPScan. You will want to right click on HPScan and go to Send To and then select Desktop.
    Now you should see HP Scan on your desktop and be able to open it and scan through that application.
    Hope this helps, have a great day!
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post resolved your issue, as it will help others find the solution faster
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP

  • I have an MX870 printer I'm using a iMAC. I can no longer scan, the scan options doesn't appear

    I have a MX870 printer. i am not able to scan. I used to be able to but now the scan option does not appear in my printer queue or in the Print Scan system preferences. I the printer is set up wirelessly. Can you help?

    Hi robnunally,
    What version of OSX are you using?  To determine this, please click the Apple in the upper left hand corner and then About This Mac.  The version will be listed in the window that appears.
    Did this answer your question? Please click the Accept as Solution button so that others may find the answer as well.

  • HP Laserjet M1319f MFP scaner not scan continues pages.

    Hi. I am using HP Laserjet M1319f MFP ALl in one printer & scanner software. Previously installed in windows 7, scanner function works, it will scan multiple docs in one pdf or one file. But now i have windows 8.1 installed. I have install the Printer / Scaneer software & firmware as suggested by HP site download. Print and scan working ok, but unable to scan the document in one file, it will not ask as previously do you want to scan another page or not? so is there any settings / software  available that i can do the continuos scan in one file. Thanks,Bhautik Shah

    Hi,While a Full Feature software was available for Windows 7, a such no longer provided for Windows 8. A basic set of drivers as offered only provide basic scan capabilities using the OS utilities, a such does not offer an HP Scan Utility and allow scanning a single file only. Try the 3rd party NAPS scan utility below, it offers PDF and multiple page scanning and offered as a freeware: Within that app you may scan multiple pages prior saving the PDF. Hope that helps,Shlomi

  • Full Table Scans / Index Scans /Index Organized Tables...

    Can anyone give me an example where an index would be the best option to query 99% of data.
    Can anyone give me an example where a FTS is the best option to query 1% of data.
    If IOT are better in terms of performance and also in terms of saving storage space then why cant we always use IOT in the database . Why do we need to follow the regular table and index to store data.
    Responses are appreciated !

    It's easiest to consider extreme cases for thought experiments:
    Can anyone give me an example where an index would
    be the best option to query 99% of data.
    The obvious case would be where you had an order by clause with a matching index. With a well-clustered table, the optimizer might decide to do an index full scan to collect 100% of the data in order rather then doing a tablescan and sort.
    In fact, with first_rows_1 optimization, and certainly with first_rows optimization before it, you would sometimes see the optimizer use such a strategy to read 100% of the data in the right order, discarding 99% of it, rather than selecting 1% of the data through a more precise index and sorting it.
    Can anyone give me an example where a FTS is the
    best option to query 1% of data.
    Consider a table in a tablespace with an 8Kb block size - with short rows (roughly 80 bytes) you can get 100 rows per block. Run a query that wants to get one row from each block (i.e. 1% of the data). A tablescan with a db_file_multiblock_read_count of just 2 would be more efficient than an indexed access. For a more realistic example consider picking one row from every 16th block when your db_file_multiblock_read_count is 128.
    In fact, if you check what Oracle does when you sample 1% of the rows using the sample clause, you may see cases where it actualy uses multiblock reads to scan the whole table, discarding the blocks it doesn't want.
    Jonathan Lewis

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