Web GIF glitch.

Alright, I made my first GIF today with a clipping mask and all. It shows up as this:
I tried uploading to Photobucket multiple times and Tinypic plenty times as well. 

Save the document in a PSD version including your frame set. Then upload that file so we can look at it and save an animated gif from it.
For your web gif file animates poorly with Firefox and Chrome does not animate with IE8 and  CS2 Imageready can not open it. and for some reason realplayer get involved when Chrome animates it.
I can open your gif in CS5 but in CS5 it operates as on the web I can modify it
I think what you wanted to do is somthing like this however your document had a background layer that does not support tranaparency
Perhaps with a Layer Style thrown in

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    One can still use them, I guess.  But read this article for GIF and its replacement PNG.  http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCQQFjAA&url=http%3A%2 F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FQA%2FTips%2Fpng-gif&ei=_JQTT_rOMcHjiAKF-vXtDQ&usg=AFQjCNHQ7JbGtlwXdnK5BWp 7tXEJ7IpfhQ

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    I’m not really sure; it could be a Mac problem.
    This is the Adobe statement on Lion:
    Mac OS 10.7 has some exciting new features such as Autosave, Restore, Versioning, Full Screen Mode, and more multi-touch gestures. For Adobe applications to fully support these features, additional product development is required. Adobe is working to address this issue.
    There is one other thing you could try. Open a photo in the Editor and then hold down the Cmd+Opt+Shift Keys and press the letter S
    It’s also possible to delete the save for web preferences and then re-start the program to re-build them. This involves holding down Cmd+Opt keys and clicking Save for Web under the File menu. However this may not be possible if save for web is grayed out.
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    Thanks very much.

    Curt.... you were correct.  I needed to create the new file in sRGB, not create the file in Adobe 1998 and then convert.
    Here is another test, showing that the text box has completely disappeared:
    The text box is exactly the same size as in the original page I posted.
    What I did is this:
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    I may not need 128 colors, so I'll play with that, but at least I know where the problem is.
    So... thank you Curt!
    What would we do without these forums?
    By the way... I see your message was cut off in the forum, but the full message came to my email: "I am over my head on this subject. The only thing I noticed is that you are adding the color in AdobeRGB and then converting to sRGB. Will this give a slightly different color than using sRGB for the New Image from the start?"

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    Hi Michael,
    Yes, it works fine in Chrome, Firefox and Safari for me on a Mac.
    One thing I would suggest though; instead of using an animated gif for the sign language images why not use a slide show widget and jpg images?
    It does the same thing and you would not lost the quality of the images because of the gif format.

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    Is your system allowing you to enable OpenGL?  If so have you tried disabling OpenGL or changing any of the "Advanced" modes?  Just a thought.
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    Okay, I think I know the answer, since I just fixed the same problem.
    I only have the problem at home, not at work. The problem is at home, my wireless modem was plugged into my vonage router which was directly connected to my cable modem. When I I plugged my apple airport extreme 'n' router into the cable modem first, and chained my vonage router off the airport extreme, well, everything worked just fine.
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    Hello, Have you looked at http://developer.apple.com/internet/safari/ yet as I'm not sure this forum is the best place to ask questions about development issues. I'd probably start with a thorough search on Google first.

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    Message was edited by: ga123han

    Hi and Welcome to Apple Discussions...
    It could be the web site not your browser. It would help if you told us which browser you are having problems with and which Mac client.
    If you are using Mac Mail, from the Mail Menu Bar, click Mailbox/Take All Accounts Online.
    Also, click My Settings on the right and update your profile. Which Mac do you have add 10.6.
    Thanks! Much easier to help you that way.
    Message was edited by: Carolyn Samit

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    If you go to File>Image Preview, there's a drop down menu called "palette". This is probably set to black and white or greyscale. Change it to exact or adaptive.

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    again, putting movieclip symbols on the main timeline will display the first frame of the movieclip in your animated gif.  you won't see the movieclip's other frames.  ie, the movieclip won't appear to animate.
    you may be able to place an animated graphic on the main timeline, publish your gif and you may see your graphic's animation.  try it and see.
    otherwise, all your tweens/animations will need to be on the main timeline with no nested animations.

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    "Some names of the files being saved will be truncated to 31 characters for compatibility with Macintosh browsers. To change your filename compatibility options, click the Optimize pop-up menu, choose Output Settings, and select Saving Files."
    I could not find the Optimize pop-up menu. Therefore, I did not do this step.
    After save, I simply went to the appropriate folder and changed the file name to what I originally wanted (i.e., essentially correcting the truncation).
    Big deal or not? Will all be OK?
    Thanks in advance. From a novice.
    K. Glenn Cole, President
    Wilmot Company, Inc.

    You can probably safely turn off that Macintosh compatibility setting now.
    It's a bit tricky to find those settings...  Here's how.
    First, in the Save For Web dialog, hit the little icon at the upper-right and choose Edit Output Settings.
    Then change the selector to Saving Files and look for the settings you want to change as shown here:
    I captured the above from PS CS6, but I think they're substantially the same.

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    When I run the actions with either .AI or .PDF "Save as" actions it works just fine. But, if I run them both I only end up with whichever action is first in the list.
    When I created the .JPG and .PNG "Save as" actions, they worked fine and included the file extension. When I run the Batch operation, the last one in the batch overwrites the first file format because neither have an extension.

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    This script will export the activeDocument as a jpg and gif
    function exportSFWJpg( doc, saveFile, qty ) {
         var exportOpts = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb( );
         // see guide for other options
         exportOpts.format = SaveDocumentType.JPEG
         exportOpts.includeProfile = true;//default false
         exportOpts.quality = qty;
         if ( saveFile.exists ) saveFile.remove( );
         doc.exportDocument( saveFile, ExportType.SAVEFORWEB, exportOpts );
    function exportSFWGif( doc, saveFile, qty ) {
         var exportOpts = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb( );// default format is gif
         // see guide for other options
         if ( saveFile.exists ) saveFile.remove( );
         doc.exportDocument( saveFile, ExportType.SAVEFORWEB, exportOpts );
    var doc = activeDocument;
    var docPath = decodeURI( doc.path );
    var docName = decodeURI ( doc.name );
    docName = docName.match( /(.*)(\.[^\.]+)/ ) ? docName = docName.match( /(.*)(\.[^\.]+)/ ) : docName = [ docName, docName, undefined ];
    var saveName = docName[ 1 ];
    exportSFWJpg( doc, new File( docPath + '/' + saveName + 'POWERPOINT.jpg' ), 80 );
    exportSFWGif( doc, new File( docPath + '/' + saveName + 'WEB.gif' ) );

  • Signature image for outlook

    I am trying to create a signature image for outlook but the image is loosing sharpness when the mail is delivered. What is the ideal work flow to create a signature image?

    My workflow would be as follows, as I tested it and found the most satisfying for creating signatures for emails:
    Preferably use a graphic tablet and a stylus to create a hand signature
    In Illustrator create a regular A4/Letter document
    Use the Brush tool: Caligraphic Brush, e.g. 5pt Oval
    Draw a large, comfortable signature
    Turn on Window>Pixel View and adjust the size of the signature for your final output. After scaling down the path, the 5pt brush might be too large, you can either pick smaller brush 3pt or manipulate with the path/stroke size. Keep it a bit thicker rather than thinner, it will look nicer.
    Save for web: GIF, Grayscale, Transparency
    Voila. Good luck.

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