Workforce management course

What is the name of the SAP workforce management course? Could you please recommend me any source for SAP courses?
Edited by: patranton on Dec 2, 2010 2:54 PM
Edited by: patranton on Dec 2, 2010 2:55 PM

There used to be a course in SAP Workforce Management 3.0 by SAP which I attended 3 years back however there is no certifications for the same. I am not too sure SAP has any course on SAP WFM 3.1 or not. IS-Retail training just has an overview of SAP WFM features. If you need training we have experienced consultants to come take the training for you.
Drop me a mail if you are interested.
Suhail Shaik
mohamed.suhail.shaik.mohamed <at>

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  • Integrating CC&B & Mobile Workforce Management

    I am trying to do CC&B integration with Mobile Workforce Management.
    Steps followed by me:
    I created a FA with dispatch group, CI_MWM(Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management )
    As soon as the FA is created a record is created in the NDS table(CI_NT_DWN).
    As per the flow, the MPL processes the NDS record by calling an XAI service to extract FA information from the system. The message in the format expected by Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management system is stored on the XAI Download Staging Table (CI_XAI_DWN).
    But I am not able to see any record created in the XAI Download Staging Table table. I am writing the details of few things which are involved in the process.
    CI_NT_DWN data created…….
    NT_DWN_ID = 9014848337780
    VERSION = 4
    Notification Download Type Details:
    Type : CI_FACREATE
    XAI Inbound Service Name : ExtractFAInfo
    External System Details
    External System Name : CI_SPLMWM
    Our Name in the System: Customer Care & Billing
    W/F Process Profile: ESP REQUEST
    No value is given in the Notification Download Profile.
    As per my understanding, the MPL server should pick data from the NDS, Call ExtractFAInfo and populate the data in the XAI Download staging table(CI_XAI_DWN), from where , the sender defined in “Route type “ calls the Web service in MWM. But as there is no data getting created in the XAI Download staging table
    As there is no value in the Notification Download Profile , there is no route type.Can this be a reason.
    Also what is the Outbound message type to be defined for MWM external system. Do I need to create it.If yes , how to do so.
    Also, I could se the role of the Reciever here , as the data is not being picked from the NDS table……how should I configure the receiver for the same.
    Kindly suggest me the solution so that I can atleast create a record in the XAI Download Staging table that shows a column with SOAP request created.
    Edited by: user652581 on May 5, 2009 4:10 AM
    Edited by: user652581 on May 5, 2009 4:11 AM

    U were correct..I had put the context value wrong.
    I havent yet set the XAI sender to JMS queue, but atleast my mpl.trc file creates a SOAP message with FA data:
    My mpl.trc file:
    MPL Trace started at 11/05/2009 10:02:00
    ***Request Id="20090511100202175000" Source="DOWNLOADSTG" Status="Sent ok" Execution status="Executed ok" traced at 11/05/2009 10:02:39
    Request data:
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:envelope">
    <ExtractFAInfo><ExtractFAInfoService><ExtractFAInfoHeader FieldActivityID="8254362466"></ExtractFAInfoHeader>
    Sending summary: Sending status="Sent ok"
    Sender="DOWNLOADSTG" Sending status="OK"
    Response data:
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:envelope">
    <SOAP-ENV:Body >
    <ExtractFAInfo xmlns=""><ExtractFAInfoService><ExtractFAInfoHeader FieldActivityID=""/><ExtractFAInfoDetails MsgDatetime="2009-05-11-" MsgDate="2009-05-11" MsgDateYyyy="2009" MsgDateDel1="-" MsgDateMm="05" MsgDateDel2="-" MsgDateDd="11" Filler="" MsgTime="" MsgTimeHh="10" MsgTimeDlm1="." MsgTimeMi="02" MsgTimeDlm2="." MsgTimeSs="07" MsgTimeDlm3="." MsgTimeFs="000000" ActivityType="M-EXCHAN" EligibleforDispatch="true" FieldServiceClass="METER" FieldActivityPriority="50" DisplayasAlert="false" Version="2" NbrDaysAlertActive="0" AppointmentSetup="APOP" Language="ENG" Description="Meter - exchange" AlertInformation="" FieldActivityID="8254362466" FaTypeCd2="M-EXCHAN" ServicePointID="8254362974" FaPriorityFlg2="50" CreatedBy="US" ScheduleDateTimeStart="2009-06-05-00.00.00" FieldActivityStatus="P" EligDispatchSw2="true" DispatchGroup="CI_MWM" FieldOrderID="" CreateDateTime="2009-05-08-12.13.21" TestSelectionID="" User="SYSUSER" Instructions="" LongDescription="" CancelReasonCode="" ApptPeriodID="" Version2="1" ExternalID="" IntermediateStatus="" FieldworkRescheduleReason="" FATYPECHANGESW="false" FaStatusDescription="Pending" FaCanRsnDescription="" AppSchedId2="" DispGrpCd2="" MaximumAppointments="0" Version3="0" SPType="E-COM" ServiceType="E" TrendClass="I" SubType="M" FieldActivityTypeProfile="METERED" Version4="15" AllowMRRoute="true" IdentifyingGeographicType="UID" MultipleRouteUsage="C1NA" LanguageCode2="ENG" DESCR2="Electric - commercial" ServicepointId2="8254362974" ServicepointTypeCd2="E-COM" PremiseID="8254362902" ServicePointStatus="R" InstallDate="2000-01-05" ServicePointSourceStatus="C" DisconnectLocation="" ReadCycle="M-D1" ReadRoute="1" ReadCycleRouteSequence="1214" MeterLocation="" LocationDetails="" FacilityLevel1="" Version5="2" FacilityLevel2="" FacilityLevel3="" Descr2542="" ServicepointStatusDescription="In Service" ServicepointSrcStatusDescription="Connected" ServicepointDiscLocDescription="" ServicepointLocDescription="" FacLvlName1="" FacLvlName2="" FacLvlName3="" ServicepointId3="8254362974" FsClCd2="METER" OperationsArea="NORTH" Version6="1" ServicepointOpAreaDescription="Northern operations area" PremiseId2="8254362902" PremiseType="COM-SMA" CISDivision="CA" LandlordAgreementID="" Key="false" KeyID="" OKtoEnter="false" OverridePremiseFieldInformation="N" MeterReadInstructionCode="" InstructionDetails="" MeterReadWarning="" MeterreadWarnCd2="" TrendArea="SF" Address="80 Post Street" Address2="" Address3="" AddressLine4="" MailingAddress="true" City="San Francisco" PremiseNumber="" Number2="" County="San Francisco" Postal="94104" HouseType="" TaxVendorGeographicalCode="" InCityLimit="false" State="CA" Country="USA" Version7="1" TimeZone="" LifeSupportSensitiveLoad="N" LSSLDescription="" ParentPremiseID="" AddressUppercase="80 POST STREET" CityUppercase="SAN FRANCISCO" PREMTYPEDESCRDescription="Commercial - small" MeterreadWarnDescription="" MeterreadInstrDescription="" LsSlFlagDescription="None" LandlordDescription="" LandlordEntityName="" MeterID="5706658023" BadgeNumber="cm68" MeterType="E-SIMPLE" MeterStatus="A" Manufacturer="GE" Model="E-3" SerialNumber="cm68" DateReceived="2000-01-01" Descr2543="" Version8="1" RetireReasonCode="" DeviceTypeDescription="Electric - simple kWh" MeterStatusDescription="Active" MeterMfgDescription="General electric" MeterModelDescription="GE simple kWh" MeterConfigurationID="" MeterId2="" MeterConfigurationType="ELECDFLT" Version9="0" MeterInstallDatetime="2000-01-05-" MeterReadID="" MeterConfigId2="" UseOnBill="false" Version10="0" MeterReadSource="" METERREADER="" ItemID="" BadgeNbr2="" ItemType="" Status="" MfgCd2="" ModelCd2="" SerialNbr2="" Descr2544="" Version11="0" RetireRsnCd2="" ItemTypDescription="" ItemStatusDescription="" ItemMfgDescription="" ItemModelDescription="" MessageId="58" KeySw2="false" KeyId2="" OkToEnterSw2="false" MeterreadInstrCd2="" MeterreadInstrDetails2=""><FatyCharacteristic><FatyCharacteristicHeader ActivityType="M-EXCHAN" LastCharacteristicTypeCode="" LastSequenceNumber="0" CopyToFaTypeCode=""/></FatyCharacteristic><FASteps><FAStepsHeader FieldActivityID="8254362466" LastStepSeqNumber="5" ActivityType="M-EXCHAN" FATYPECHANGESW="false" WFaStatusBefore=""/><FAStepsRow FieldActivityID="8254362466" StepSequence="1" FAStepTypeAction="RM" SpawnedFAID="" AccountID="" CustomerContactID="" StepUpdateEntity="SPM" SPItemHistoryID="" SPMeterHistoryID="" ServicePointID="" ItemID="" MeterReadID="" MeterID="" MTR_ID="" Version="1" DeviceTestID="" FaStepTypeInfo="Remove meter" StepIDLabel="SP/Meter History ID" StepID="" FaStepInfo="No SP/Meter History Information"/><FAStepsRow FieldActivityID="8254362466" StepSequence="2" FAStepTypeAction="CM" SpawnedFAID="" AccountID="" CustomerContactID="" StepUpdateEntity="MTR" SPItemHistoryID="" SPMeterHistoryID="" ServicePointID="" ItemID="" MeterReadID="" MeterID="" MTR_ID="" Version="1" DeviceTestID="" FaStepTypeInfo="Define meter's retire dt (opt) (Optional)" StepIDLabel="Meter ID" StepID="" FaStepInfo="No Meter Information"/><FAStepsRow FieldActivityID="8254362466" StepSequence="4" FAStepTypeAction="CF" SpawnedFAID="" AccountID="" CustomerContactID="" StepUpdateEntity="CFG" SPItemHistoryID="" SPMeterHistoryID="" ServicePointID="" ItemID="" MeterReadID="" MeterID="" MTR_ID="" Version="1" DeviceTestID="" FaStepTypeInfo="Reconfigure meter (opt) (Optional)" StepIDLabel="Meter ID" StepID="" FaStepInfo="No Meter Information"/><FAStepsRow FieldActivityID="8254362466" StepSequence="5" FAStepTypeAction="IM" SpawnedFAID="" AccountID="" CustomerContactID="" StepUpdateEntity="SPM" SPItemHistoryID="" SPMeterHistoryID="" ServicePointID="" ItemID="" MeterReadID="" MeterID="" MTR_ID="" Version="1" DeviceTestID="" FaStepTypeInfo="Install meter" StepIDLabel="SP/Meter History ID" StepID="" FaStepInfo="No SP/Meter History Information"/></FASteps><FACharacteristics><FACharacteristicsHeader FieldActivityID="8254362466" LastCharacteristicTypeCode="" LastSortSeq="0" LastSequenceNumber="0" ListDefaultForFlag="" ActivityType=""/></FACharacteristics><ServicepointTypeCharacteristic><ServicepointTypeCharacteristicHeader SPType="E-COM" LastCharacteristicTypeCode="" CopyToServicepointTypeCode=""/></ServicepointTypeCharacteristic><ServicepointMult><ServicepointMultHeader ServicePointID="8254362974"/></ServicepointMult><ServicepointEquipment><ServicepointEquipmentHeader ServicePointID="8254362974" LastItemIDEquipment="" LastInstallDate=""/></ServicepointEquipment><SPCharacteristics><SPCharacteristicsHeader ServicePointID="8254362974" LastSortSeq="0" LastCharacteristicTypeCode=""/></SPCharacteristics><ServicepointGeo><ServicepointGeoHeader ServicePointID="8254362974" LastGeographicTypeCode=""/></ServicepointGeo><ServicepointOpa><ServicepointOpaHeader ServicePointID="8254362974" LastFsClCode="METER"/><ServicepointOpaRow ServicePointID="8254362974" FieldServiceClass="METER" OperationsArea="NORTH" Version="1" Description="Northern operations area"/></ServicepointOpa><AlternateAddress><AlternateAddressHeader PremiseID="8254362902" LastPremiseAltAddressID=""/></AlternateAddress><Plf><PlfHeader PersonID="" PhoneTypeFlag="" LastSequenceNumber="0"/></Plf><PremiseCharacteristics><PremiseCharacteristicsHeader PremiseID="8254362902" LastCharacteristicTypeCode="TXCOUNTY" LastEffectiveDate="1950-01-01"/><PremiseCharacteristicsRow PremiseID="8254362902" CharacteristicType="ELEVAT" CharacteristicValue="&lt; 500" EffectiveDate="1950-01-01" Version="1" AdhocCharacteristicValue="" CharacteristicValueFK1="" CharacteristicValueFK2="" CharacteristicValueFK3="" CharacteristicValueFK4="" CharacteristicValueFK5="" SearchNavigationKey="" NavigationOption="" Table="" InfoProgramName="" TypeofCharValue="DFV" CharValueDescription="At or below 500 feet" CharValForeignKeys="" CharValFKInfo="" CompoundPKSwitch="false" CharateristicValue=""/><PremiseCharacteristicsRow PremiseID="8254362902" CharacteristicType="PZONE" CharacteristicValue="1" EffectiveDate="1950-01-01" Version="1" AdhocCharacteristicValue="" CharacteristicValueFK1="" CharacteristicValueFK2="" CharacteristicValueFK3="" CharacteristicValueFK4="" CharacteristicValueFK5="" SearchNavigationKey="" NavigationOption="" Table="" InfoProgramName="" TypeofCharValue="DFV" CharValueDescription="Zone 1" CharValForeignKeys="" CharValFKInfo="" CompoundPKSwitch="false" CharateristicValue=""/><PremiseCharacteristicsRow PremiseID="8254362902" CharacteristicType="TAKE PT" CharacteristicValue="WEST STORAGE" EffectiveDate="1950-01-01" Version="1" AdhocCharacteristicValue="" CharacteristicValueFK1="" CharacteristicValueFK2="" CharacteristicValueFK3="" CharacteristicValueFK4="" CharacteristicValueFK5="" SearchNavigationKey="" NavigationOption="" Table="" InfoProgramName="" TypeofCharValue="DFV" CharValueDescription="Western storage facility" CharValForeignKeys="" CharValFKInfo="" CompoundPKSwitch="false" CharateristicValue=""/><PremiseCharacteristicsRow PremiseID="8254362902" CharacteristicType="TAX CITY" CharacteristicValue="SF" EffectiveDate="1950-01-01" Version="1" AdhocCharacteristicValue="" CharacteristicValueFK1="" CharacteristicValueFK2="" CharacteristicValueFK3="" CharacteristicValueFK4="" CharacteristicValueFK5="" SearchNavigationKey="" NavigationOption="" Table="" InfoProgramName="" TypeofCharValue="DFV" CharValueDescription="San Francisco" CharValForeignKeys="" CharValFKInfo="" CompoundPKSwitch="false" CharateristicValue=""/><PremiseCharacteristicsRow PremiseID="8254362902" CharacteristicType="TAXSTATE" CharacteristicValue="CA" EffectiveDate="1950-01-01" Version="1" AdhocCharacteristicValue="" CharacteristicValueFK1="" CharacteristicValueFK2="" CharacteristicValueFK3="" CharacteristicValueFK4="" CharacteristicValueFK5="" SearchNavigationKey="" NavigationOption="" Table="" InfoProgramName="" TypeofCharValue="DFV" CharValueDescription="California" CharValForeignKeys="" CharValFKInfo="" CompoundPKSwitch="false" CharateristicValue=""/><PremiseCharacteristicsRow PremiseID="8254362902" CharacteristicType="TXCOUNTY" CharacteristicValue="SAN FRANCISCO" EffectiveDate="1950-01-01" Version="1" AdhocCharacteristicValue="" CharacteristicValueFK1="" CharacteristicValueFK2="" CharacteristicValueFK3="" CharacteristicValueFK4="" CharacteristicValueFK5="" SearchNavigationKey="" NavigationOption="" Table="" InfoProgramName="" TypeofCharValue="DFV" CharValueDescription="CA - San Francisco" CharValForeignKeys="" CharValFKInfo="" CompoundPKSwitch="false" CharateristicValue=""/></PremiseCharacteristics><PremiseGeoTypes><PremiseGeoTypesHeader PremiseID="8254362902" LastGeographicTypeCode="LAT/LONG"/><PremiseGeoTypesRow PremiseID="8254362902" GeographicType="LAT/LONG" GeographicValue="12.0000000 341.0000000" Version="1" GeographicValueFormat=""/></PremiseGeoTypes><MeterIDs><MeterIDsHeader MeterID="5706658023" LastMeterIDTypeCode=""/></MeterIDs><MeterCharacteristics><MeterCharacteristicsHeader MeterID="5706658023" LastSortSeq="0" LastCharacteristicTypeCode=""/></MeterCharacteristics><MeterEquipment><MeterEquipmentHeader MeterID="5706658023" LastInstallDate="" LastItemIDEquipment=""/></MeterEquipment><Registers><RegistersHeader MeterID="5706658023" EffectiveDateTime="2000-01-01-00.00.00" LastReadingSequence="2"/><RegistersRow RegisterID="5706658420" MeterID="5706658023" EffectiveDateTime="2000-01-01-00.00.00" Seq="1" UnitofMeasure="KWH" TimeofUse="" RegisterConstant="1.000000" ConsumptiveSubtractive="S" HowToUse="+" NumberofDigitsLeft="5" NumberofDigitsRight="0" FullScale="0E-7" ReadOutType="" Protocol="" Tolerance="0.00000" Version="1" ChannelID="" IntervalRegisterType="" UnitofMeasureDescription="Kilowatt hour" TimeofUseDescription="" IntvDescription="" Interval="false" RegisterInformation="KWH, format 5.0, 1.000000" HighLimit="11198.000000" LowLimit="6099.000000" RegistryType="Register"/><RegistersRow RegisterID="5706658670" MeterID="5706658023" EffectiveDateTime="2000-01-01-00.00.00" Seq="2" UnitofMeasure="KW" TimeofUse="" RegisterConstant="1.000000" ConsumptiveSubtractive="C" HowToUse="P" NumberofDigitsLeft="5" NumberofDigitsRight="0" FullScale="0E-7" ReadOutType="" Protocol="" Tolerance="0.00000" Version="1" ChannelID="" IntervalRegisterType="" UnitofMeasureDescription="Kilowatt (demand)" TimeofUseDescription="" IntvDescription="" Interval="false" RegisterInformation="KW, format 5.0, 1.000000" HighLimit="17.000000" LowLimit="9.000000" RegistryType="Register"/></Registers><RegisterReading><RegisterReadingHeader MeterReadID="" LastReadingSequence="0" MeterConfigurationID="" ServicePointID=""/></RegisterReading><ItemCharacteristics><ItemCharacteristicsHeader ItemID="" LastSortSeq="0" LastCharacteristicTypeCode=""/></ItemCharacteristics><ItmEquipment><ItmEquipmentHeader ItemID="" LastInstallDate="" LastItemIDEquipment=""/></ItmEquipment><SAInfo><SAInfoHeader/><SAInfoRow ServiceAgreement="0778437788" CISDivision="CA" SAType="E-COM D" AccountID="0778437464" SAStatus="20" StartDate="2000-01-05" CustomerRead="N" RateSchedule="E-DIST" ServicePointID="8254362974" SASPID="0778437246" ServiceAgreementID2="0778437788" StartDateTime="2000-01-05-00.00.00" StartMeterRead="570665832616" HowToUseSP="+" StopMeterRead="" Version="1" UsePercent="100" SubType=""/></SAInfo><AccountInfo><AccountInfoHeader/><AccountInfoRow AccountID="0778437464" BillCycle="M-D1" SetUpDate="2001-04-27" CurrencyCode="USD" AccountManagementGroup="" AlertInformation="" ProtectBillCycle="false" CISDivision="CA" MailingPremiseID="8254362902" ProtectMailingPremise="false" CollectionClass="COM/IND" InternalCreditReview="false" CustomerClass="C" BillPrintIntercept="" NoDepositReviewSwitch="false" BudgetPlan="" Version="1" ProtectDivision="false" AccessGroup="***" MainPersonID="0927469422" AccountName="Shelby and Sons" PersonBusiness="B" PersonLsSlFlag="N" PersonLsSlFlagDescription="None" PersonLsSlDescription="" AffectCreditRatingBy="1000" AffectCashOnlyScoreBy="0" CurrentAmount="0.00" PayoffAmount="0.00" DisputedAmount="0.00" ArsAmountDisputed="0.00" ArsAmount0ToXDays="0.00" ArsAmountXTo30Days="0.00" ArsAmount3160Days="0.00" ArsAmount61OlderDays="0.00"><Plf2><Plf2Header PersonID="" PhoneTypeFlag="" LastSequenceNumber="0"/><Plf2Row PersonID="0927469422" Sequence="1" IntlPrefix="" PhoneNumber="(415) 733-0091" Extension="" PhoneType="BUSN" PhoneTypeFlag=""/></Plf2><BillInfo><BillInfoHeader/></BillInfo><PaymentInfo><PaymentInfoHeader/></PaymentInfo></AccountInfoRow></AccountInfo><FcOpt><FcOptHeader/><FcOptRow OptionType="AFCD" Sequence="1" Value="APPTFRCD"/><FcOptRow OptionType="AFRC" Sequence="1" Value="Y"/><FcOptRow OptionType="AMAC" Sequence="1" Value="Y"/><FcOptRow OptionType="AMAP" Sequence="1" Value="Y"/><FcOptRow OptionType="AMRS" Sequence="1" Value="N"/><FcOptRow OptionType="ANAP" Sequence="1" Value="Y"/><FcOptRow OptionType="APPD" Sequence="1" Value="5"/><FcOptRow OptionType="JACL" Sequence="1" Value="com.splwg.wfmi.workforce.SPLWFMSystem"/><FcOptRow OptionType="MSEQ" Sequence="1" Value="CI_WFM_MSGID_SEQ"/><FcOptRow OptionType="SPRV" Sequence="1" Value="CI_SPLMWM"/><FcOptRow OptionType="TODO" Sequence="1" Value="TD-FARSP"/></FcOpt></ExtractFAInfoDetails></ExtractFAInfoService></ExtractFAInfo></SOAP-ENV:Body >
    i am still getting the status as 'E' in the NDS table..........any clue on it because o fthe XAI sender..
    what is expected to be seen in XDS table.
    Edited by: user652581 on May 11, 2009 4:02 AM

  • Quality and WorkForce Management ACD data and some problems

    I installed the Quality / Adv Quality Mgt. and than i installed workforce management services. I have access panels each service no problem. But, I constantly getting the following mail from WFO and I do not know how to solve
    The Capture Service is failing to capture ACD data.
    Action: Contact technical support.
    Other problem; I can't see anything about my agents, teams or etc. when i open WFO web management page or Quality Manager Administration.
    For example on WFO web management page, left pane, Agents menu, i can't see my CXX agents.
    Last one, i need to WFO and Qualit Management Recording using documentation (how to use both programs ?)

    Documentation is here :
    It would appear you haven't set up the SQL connection as directed in chapter 3 of the install guide.

  • Workforce Management in CRM

    Anybody has any experience working with Workforce Management in CRM?
    How to install/activate this component in CRM? There is limited documentation as to how to activate it.

    Hi Gary,
    If you maintain working hours of a employee, you wil be able to see it in the Resource planning. It would be visually depicted in the Resource planning. Non-working hours of a day would be greyed out.
    Best Regards,
    Pratik Patel
    <b>Reward with Points!</b>

  • Datasources for CRM Workforce Management

    Hello Dear Experts,
    I am trying to activate the Datasources from the business content for CRM Workforce Management (0CRM_WFM) but the extractions do not work : I have the message "Datasource not supported by the extraction program.
    Has anyone already worked with that content? And do you know if there is some customizing in CRM or WFM to activate correctly the datasources?
    The help and forums are not very rich for that domain : does anyone have some docs?
    Thanks for your help.

    May help you

  • Workforce Management in Retail Industries?

    Dear community,
    Ever heard from SAP Workforce Management for Retail ?
    Please post here if you are interested in this topic and what are your expectations.

    Hello Björn,
    SAP Workforce Management for Retail is a labor scheduling application intended for retailers to schedule their resources within the store locations. A forecast and demand are calculated based off of historical sales and transactional data to ensure the accurate number of resources are scheduled based on a trended forecast. A schedule is optimized to the workload demand based on employee work rules, availability, and various calculation rules. iTime Clock captures actual punches through a browser-based clock. Additional information can be found on SAP WFM in the Wiki under SAP for Retail -> Shopper Experience.

  • Manage Course Follow up link SAP LSO

    Dear Experts,
    I have a query regarding the Manage Course Follow up link in the SAP Portal. I am using only Classroom training delivery method.
    In this standard webdynpro application there are 6 steps to be followed to complete the follow up process:
    1. Select Course
    2. Confirm Attendance
    3. Evaluate Participants
    4. Transfer Qualifications
    5. Review and Save
    6. Complete
    I have a requirement of only following the first, second and finally the last step. I need to skip the intermediate steps. So how can these be hidden and the screen displayes only the 3 steps required?
    Can u please suggest how can i acheive this?

    Hi Steve,
    Please check the IMG
    Training & Event Managementl --> Employee Self Service >Business Ad Ins (BADIs) for ESS> BAdI: Set Up Customer-Specific Attendance Cancellation Reason
    This will clarify your Query.

  • Schedule Service Orders autom. with workforce management

    Hi all!
    We are using CRM5.0 with Workforce Deployment to implement some schedule rules to service orders.
    I have some questions that I'd like to have an answer:
    Does anybody know whether it is possible to trigger an automatic scheduling of Service Orders with the Workforce Management rules? How can it be made using ABAP code (trigger by PPF actions)?
    The idea would be to add weights to the service order subject.
    For example, if:
    . Employee A has 2 tickets assigned to him related with "New products", which has weight 4 -> Workload 8
    . Employee B has one ticket assigned to him with subject code "New contract" with weight 10 -> Workload 10
    Then if a new service order appears, it should be scheduled automatically to employee A.
    Thank you!

    Check whether RFC destinations are created for WFM  in SM59. Since u want to synch employees from CRM to WFM,choose ALL BUSINESS PARTNERS(MESG) as the subscription object and select all business transactions as replication objects in publication.
    Make sure, u create the logical system before u create site for WFM in SMOEAC.
    Lemme know if u have any questions.
    Sudhan Shan

  • Utilities Application Mobile Workforce Management (MWM)

    Where can I find Utilities Application Mobile Workforce Management (MWM) architectural doumentation and download?

    Where can I find Utilities Application Mobile Workforce Management (MWM) architectural doumentation and download?

  • Workforce Management - Adherence Report

    Good afternoon,
    I have been running the 'Agent Adherence' report (by day) in Workforce Management, and on certain agents the Total In Service Time is longer than the Total Login Time. 
    The field dictionary for Cisco Unified Workforce Optimization defines Total In Service Time as "the total time (in seconds) during the period the agent was in a state ready to take an ACD call or was handling an ACD call".  Is it correct to assume an agent must be logged in to either be in a state ready to take an ACD call or to be handling an ACD call?  If so, then how is it possible for Total In Service Time be a greater time than Total Login Time (which is defined as the total login time for an agent during an interval)?

    Hi Jason,
    The problem is that WFM doesn't currently have support for Not Ready reason codes (it's on their feature request list). So the way these exceptions have to be adhered to is for the agent to logout as opposed to go Not Ready. Which is a pain because it seems to be in conflict as to how most contact centres I've dealt with in the past deal with off-phone work (generally they like to keep the agent logged in and use Not Ready reason codes so that Staffed Time for reports is accurate).

  • SAP Workforce Management (WFM) Required...

    Hello All,
    My client has the requirement for SAP Workforce Management (WFM) to be done in terms of Rostering and Scheduling. Can anyone help me with how to go about it ?  If you have any documents, it should be great...
    Thanks in advance..

    There was addon toll called SAP Multiresource Scheduling, with an integration to HR, and with graphical interface to allocate or process resources. just google it with MRS tool.

  • Workforce management standard extractors

    Hi Team,
    Please provide the standard extractor for "Workforce Management".
    Thanks for your replies.....

    Hi Ramanjaneyulu,
    Thanks for your fast reply...
    I am able to find the mentioned datasources in the below link...…
    But unfortunately I am unable to find the datasources in RSA5. Please explain where to find these datasources in the source system.

  • Cannot show node Workforce Management Core

    Hi all,
    I'm using Netweaver 2004s, ECC 6.0, cProjects 4.0, WFMCORE relase 200
    I config as document cProjects_40_Config_EN.pdf
    In Tcode spro I cannot see node Workforce Management Core in Collaboration Projects/Resource Mangement but I see node Workfore Deployment.
    I have just reactived Business Function EA-PLM and EA-HR but it still cannot show node Workforce Management Core.
    Please help me solve problems.
    Thank you in advance

    Dear Vivek,
    My server is IDES.
    Your document mentions about Organizational Areas but I cannot find in tcode spro.
    When I run cProject. It show some error:
    + Communication with the WFM Core system is not possible
    + Unable to establish with connection with LiveCache
    Please help me!
    Thanks in advance

  • Workforce management: what features offered by BCM?

    Hi everyone,
    What can be ensured in terms of workforce management in BCM?
    Are any of the following features enabled in BCM :
    • Modelling and forecasting of staff requirements
    • Upload of actual results from main system and comparison of forecast versus actual (feedback loop)
    • Handling of seasonal variations and special events
    • Management of shift patterns and staff rotas
    • Administration of staff absence
    • Capability for agents to self-serve when booking absence
    • Integration with the HR system
    Many thanks,

    Hi Eli,
    Workforce mananagement features are only available thru partners. Vendors like Verint, Nice and Teleopti have existing integrations towards BCM. They are able to read BCM data and they can provide out-of-the-box staffing, shift planning and forecasting capabilities and tools on top of the data. In addition one can make own custom analysis e.g. with SAP Business Objects BI tools based on BCM data. BCM contains all necessary volume data (agent work done and contact volumes) for forecasting and planning purposes. However BCM doesn't model e.g. shifts.
    Best regards,

  • HowTo create IT2002 from a training and event managed course?

    Hi there,
    I have been digging the way to automatically create the IT2002 for an employee following a course (managed through the training and events module)
    I cannot still find when the IT gets created.
    I setup the system to enable integration, setup events type, create the event, book the employee, fix the event, and even add qualifications, but still the IT does not get created.
    Is there any report I need to run in order for the system to recognize the event participation and therefore create the presence on IT2002?
    I have read on some threads that the IT gets created when you firmly book the employee for the event but it does not work for me. Should it work this way?
    Thank you very much for any input.

    If you mean by dynamic action the actions you get automatically performed after a PA infotype update, it is not what I am looking for.
    What I need to know is how I setup the Training and event module to automatically create the IT2002. No other PA infotype is required.
    Let me know if you mean something different.
    Thanks for the reply
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            Miguel Guardo

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