ZEN Sleek 30 gig died.

My Zen Sleek 30 gig that I've had for over a year now just died tonight. No power, no recovery mode.... nothing. Anyone had this problem or know how to take care of it's I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

No other version, other than the Sleek Photo (also 20Gb) has been announced.

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    Hello Again Jason,?I apologize in advance for being a pest, but it didn't dawn on me until after I replied to your e-mail that I had one more question about playlists on the go, and I would be very grateful for any help you can give me.
    Is there a way to add songs to an exsisting playlist without using a computer??????????Sincerely,?????????Tony_L

  • My Zen Sleek Only works with USB 1.1 not 2

    For Reference ( http://forums.creative.com/creativelabs/board/message?board.id=dap&message.id=953 )
    So I figured out that when my Zen Sleek is connected to any USB port on my computer, (it's USB 2.0) it doesn't work.
    It works in that I can browse the files, etc..etc.. but when i try to copy a song or some songs, it will crash after the first song is transfered.
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    Confirm you've installed the Media Player 0 updates KB902344 (http://download.microsoft.com/downlo...4-x86-INTL.exe) and KB8922(http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/d...08-FD6E7827CD8) on your XP system. I experienced the same transfer issues you report until after KB902344 installation.

  • Zen Sleek Harddisk Problem

    Hi All,
    This is the first time I've ever encountered this and it has me worried. The past few times I turned on my Zen Sleek it went into recovery mode. I figured I would do a disc cleanup, but that doesn't seem to be working. It sat for /2 hour without saying the disc had been cleaned. Anyway, I went to reload the firmware and then I ran into the harddisk problem. It won't let me reload the firmware and I can't get out of recovery more. I've shut down, rebooted, and paper clipped a dozen times & I'm still in recovery mode. Any sugesstions? I've only had the thing for 9 months and I've never dropped it. I would be a real shame and very disappointing if it died already. Any help is appreciated.

    To be honest, you've already lost all the data because the dri've it's on has failed. Kinda like how your data on a CD is basically gone if you bust the CD in half.
    As for why the dri've died, lots of things can kill a hard dri've. Excessi've vibration, shock, ESPECIALLY drops while the unit is on. And possibly the #2 hard dri've killer: jogging with the player. Or maybe it was a dud, it happens, that's why we have a warranty.
    Gi've Customer Support a call, they'll want to do some troubleshooting to be sure, and then they can set you up for service. You can also email in if you don't have time to call, on the support page of this website.
    Good luck!
    DaleMessage Edited by Dale-CL on 0-02-2006 05:0 PM

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    This happened yesterday, when on one bar of battery, my Sleek, around the afternoon froze while starting up and I could not restart it because I did not have a paperclip on me. After I get home hours later, I charge my Sleek since the battery died. And, now, today... I am at this rather strange problem.
    And, my Sleek hasn't given me problems since I bought it a year ago besides the occasional lockups on one-bar of battery.

    Creative Zen Sleek Photo and Zen Sleek
    . Detach the Zen player from your PC , and ensure that the Zen Sleek is turned off.
    2. Connect the power supply to the player.
    3. Hold down the Play/Pause button while inserting a paper clip into the Reset hole
    underneath your player, beside the data/power connector. Keep on holding the
    Play/Pause button while you release the Reset button. The Rescue Mode screen will
    then appear.
    4. After the recovery mode has started, release the Play/Pause button
    It will display the following options.
    Clean Up
    Scans the player and removes invalid links from its music library.
    Does not affect music files themselves.
    Format (All)
    Caution! Erases all content!
    Save a copy of your player's content before formatting.
    Reload OS/ Firmware
    Caution! Erases your player's firmware.
    DO NOT select the Reload Firmware option unless you have access to a PC and you have downloaded the necessary firmware to install.
    Reboot Reboots the device.

  • Zen Sleek Harddisk prob

    Does anyone know how much it costs to have the hard disk replaced on the Zen Sleek? I bought the 20 gig player last Christmas and it froze up on me a couple of weeks ago. Cannot get it out of recovery mode. I am a little ticked off that a 250.00 player would just stop working and of course my warranty has expired. The only solutions that I can find are:? smack the thing around till it works again and send it in for repair. I am hesitant to beat up my mp3 player and I really don't want to mail the thing off to who knows where for repair. Any ideas? Thanks?un-happy camper:angry:

    Yes I have. I have hit that reset button soooo many times. I tried thumping on it too, but, I am afraid I might do it too hard. At this point thought I am not sure what I have to lose.Shannon

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    Any help will be gratefully received.

    Dave, I tried to send email to [url=mailto:[email protected]">[email protected][/url]?but it's bouncing back. Can you pl post your correct ID? I'd like to get the procedure for Zen Sleek Photo Installation on Vista. Thanks?

  • Zen Sleek Photo and Podca

    I just bought a Sleek Photo to replace my very nice (small capacity) Creative Muvo Sport. My first few hours have been disappointment. Rather than listen to music, my plan was to partition a 4-5 gigs for data backup, and leave the rest for podcasts, and some music.
    Although Creative has broken the code on music, they have forgotten about the podcast market. Ideally their software would allow automatic importation of podcasts that could be programmed to be listened to once, and then automatically deleted. They could allow a specially flagged folder to offer this destructi've feature. And an instant delete button sequence could remove any podcast you didn't want to finish.
    Unfortunately, podcasts are treated like music... there forever. This make deleting and keeping track of listened to podcasts a problem.
    I'd also like to see that the 4+ gigs of space accessible without going to dri've mode. It's such a waste of time. Perhaps Creative could allow the podcasts to be copied to, and listened to in this dri've space leaving their music software features in the protected music space?
    Finally, it would nice to watch movies. I am surprised that Creative doesn't offer a $0 firmware upgrade to facilitate that.

    Hey Chickybabe,
    I also own a Zen Sleek photo, and while I haven't had any of the problems you have mentioned with Napster; one problem you should watch for (currently experiencing it for the 2nd time!) is trying to play your music from Napster and not being able to because you get a message saying that "No license to play this track". And it's a huge problem, as it doesn't just affect one song, but your ENTIRE library. I fixed it once and am trying to find out how to do it again. Once I do, I'll probably leave Napster, but I will probably have to download ALL my music again.

  • Zen Sleek Freezing Is

    When I first had my Zen Sleek it seemed to work like a charm, very happy with it's performance; untill one day I was putting music on it, and when all the transfering was done I un-plugged it and it frooze. I tried the recovery mode and that did not work, it simply was stuck on the screen of "Updating Library", I know the right way of entering the Recovery Mode, press and hold Play/Pause and stick a paper clip into the hole on the bottem side for around 5 seconds or more. But that did not work, so I called and the Phone service was not able to help me, so we came up with the idea of just simply letting the battery die and using it once it had died. I did that, but time after time again after that it still gave me freezing issues, even when transfering music onto my Sleek, the player would freeze and be as good as a rock untill I would unplug and let it die again. Finally fed up, I emailed for help and was given the idea of updating every thing, firmware, player, etc., I did all of these, none of which solved my problem. So I had it, I sent it in for a new one; Got my new player two days ago, reloaded all my music, seemed to work for a few days, let the battery completly drain. Today I plugged it in for a recharge, and while that was going I decided to put a few more albums on that I had got the day before, and as it was transfering the songs onto my player, same thing happend, my Sleek frooze completly, I can't enter Recovery mode at all. I'm stumped, I know my computer is plenty powerful enough to handle this task. But for some reason my computer seems to always put my Sleeks into a froozen mode, that can not be brought out of. My only guess is that Sleeks do not act well when low on battery power and you wish to do file transfering tasks.
    Help please, I'm ready to cry

    Hello there, my goodness I can completely relate to you but unfortunately I have no idea about what to do about it. My Sleek has totally frozen too but on the "Zen Sleek" screen and nothing, let me type that again nothing anyone has suggested has worked. The reset button does not work, i cannot get into recovery or maintenance mode, i can't turn it off i just have to wait until the battery runs down and then recharge it, turn it on again and exactly the same thing happens it remains frozen on the stupid screen. I am so upset, i've had problems with freezing before (although then it was usually when a song was playing and you just had to wait until the battery run down and then recharge and then it was fine after "rebuilding library" and am so tempted to go and replace this with an IPOD...yeah, do the unthinkable, an IPOD....

  • Zen Sleek Photo, the longer I own it, the more irritated I

    I've had mine for maybe /2 years now, and I am starting to desire an MP3 player that actually works smoothly. Sometimes the screen freezes and makes songs skip. Half the time, the sorry software known as Media Explorer freezes and will not let me transfer my music. I tried Media Player for transfers, and it does not even "see" my Zen. And none other of the Creative programs can get around this problem for some reason. Theres a couple gigs of music on my computer that cannot be transferred because of "Unspecified Error"s occurring. I've tried shortening file names, posting on here, numerous resets, and nothing works. Bit rate does not appear to have anything to do with it either, as all the songs that will not transfer do not share a uniform bit rate.
    Next, has Creative ever offered any type of Update for the Zen Sleek Photo?
    To date, I've never seen one. Unless someone can show me otherwise. This appears to be the blacksheep of the family, because there is practically zero support for this thing. I would imagine that the majority of the problems I've had could be fixed with a simple update, but I may try to pee a hole through a rock instead. At least I know thats possible.
    Zune, you're looking pretty good.

    SheriMc wrote:
    I have a Zen Sleek Photo 20GB, software version .5.0 - - My computers (PC and laptop) both recognized my Zen Sleek until Windows SP3 update. Since I have restored both back to before SP3 and WMP. Still not recognized. I've gone to the recovery mode on my Zen and done everything BUT the reformat. Now I've installed SP3 and WMP. Nothing hel
    Creatives website says there aren't any new updates for me. I hesitate to reformat as I don't want to wipe it clean and then still not be able to add music, pictures, etc. The Zen does work great, just isn't recognized. I've read this same problem with other models and tried the suggestions, nothing works. Any new ideas? I dont' want to buy a new MP3/iPod. Thanks
    Have you tried connecting to another computer? not yours maybe friend owns a Vista? You would not have to install ANY Creative software to check.Rear usb ports. Did you have WMP prior to the SP3 update? I know that is a special cord for the player ( i own a sleekphoto) are you using the cord that is made by Creative & not a generic one?The genreics can damage your device. Did you reinstall WMP?You won't need to buy another player since it works.

  • Zen Sleek - MAJOR PROBLEMS Please He

    Hey guys. First post here. Me and my sister are owners of the Creative Zen Sleek (monochrome screen). They worked very well when we first bought them, but a week later my sisters Sleek would not turn on, would freeze on the Creative and Zen Sleek screen, and make weird noises.
    That one was exchanged promptly at the store we purchased it at for a new one. From then (December) till last week, they had worked great. My sister's Sleek had problems yet again. But this time, it wouldn't even get to the Creative or Zen sleek screen. It would just make weird noises. I was pretty apalled at that. Then a week later, the same exact thing happens to my Sleek. I've tried everything with both of them. Resetting via the bottom pin-hole, charging them, etc. I don't understand how all of them have broken. And yes, they have all been treated very well, not dropped, disconnected from the computer at the right time, etc.
    Somebody please give me some advice, I have no idea what to do. I don't want to get new ones, and then have the same problem happen again within a few months. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED mine when it worked, it seemed heads and tails above the iPod. Please help.

    Both my sisters and my Zen Sleek have died. They pretty much won't function at all. If I actually boot it up, and go to play a song, the player will just freeze after a couple of minutes. When I go to recovery mode, I cannot clean the disk, and if I can, it will freeze again. I've re-uploaded the firmware twice already, and the same thing happens. What can I do? I can't accept defeat, and buy a new player, because I have no money. I've babied the player, and have only dropped it 3 times.

  • What to buy? Does the Zen Sleek Photo have line-

    I am looking for a MP3 Player and recorder that has the following:
    . Quality line-in recording capabilities, preferably built in, but if not at least avaible through and attachment or something.
    2. Quality voice recording capibilities to MP3 files.
    3. Variable Sample Rate
    4. Variable Bit Rate
    5. A very good Signal to noise ratio.
    6. At least 2 gig (perferably much more) of dri've space.
    I am not so concerned about Radio capabilities.
    I am not so concerned about size and weight.
    I am mainly using the player/recorder to record classes that are hooked up to a stereo system (hence the
    need for quality line-in recording) as well as classes that are not hooked up to a audio system, hence the need for quality microphone recording.
    I want high quality recordings, but with some flexibilty regarding things like sample rate if file size becomes an issue.
    I would like not to have to constantly upload my recordings to my PC, hence the need for substantial dri've space.
    I am curious about the Creative Zen Sleek Photo (20 GB). It seemed to have a lot of what I was looking for. Is the bit rate adjustable and is there line-in recording for this model?
    Please let me know what products are avaible that have what I am looking for.
    Thank You, Ezra

    Nope, I havent seen any complaints about the MicroPhoto's headphone jack, and I have had no problems with mine.
    You should be fine with it. And keep your eyes open for the sales, I saw Best Buy selling the 8GB for $30.
    Good luck.

  • Zen Sleek install questions, please h

    Hi Everyone. I just bought a 20 gig Zen Sleek. I took it home, opened it up, and tried to install it but it didn't work. The install seemed to go through fine, but then it would never prompt me like it says it will in the manual, and device manager always shows it lacking drivers. I can get it to work fine as a portable storage device, but that's all it does right now.
    When I first got it, I accidentally connected the USB before reading that I wasn't supposed to. I have been through many of the suggestions here (did the thing to ensure MP 0 starts everytime). I am running XP with no service packs (don't ask), and the Zen Sleek has 2.0.03 firmware. I can't use some of the updates people have suggested because I don't have SP . Am I just screwed? Is it time to return this thing and buy an ipod?

    Have you tried downloading the program off Creatives site?

  • Zen Sleek - can you split radio recordin

    I've recently purchased a Zen Sleek, it's been great so far. The radio recording function is working very well but I want to be able to split the recordings so I can leave it to tape a show/gig from the radio then trim the long recording to select the tracks I like so they can then be accessed as individual tracks in the music library. Is this in any way possible? I used to use mini-discs and this was always possible with the "track mark" function.
    Thanks for any help.

    I think that you will only be able to do this back on your PC after you have finished making the recording.

Maybe you are looking for

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