Droid Eris / Droid Incredible

To former Eris owners who have switched to the DINC,  can you tell me which you like better, the Eris or DINC?  I'm so sick of the freezing & lagging of the Eris; if I click one contact, it calls another; slow internet, etc.  Please tell me the DINC is better.  Does it have any problems mentioned or other problems similiar to the Eris or problems in general?  It's almost time to change phones & I really like the DINC but I'm also looking at the Samsung Fasinate.   If most of you are saying the Eris is better, then the Fasinate it is.  If I didn't need a phone so bad, this Eris would of been placed under the tires of my 4x4 pickup & driven over long by now.  Thanks all!

You are going have to Google search xda developers for the first question. It is hush hush here.
I know of someone with a stock Eris and they had no problems with the update.
Couple of threads for the second question.
Take a look at the pdf in the last post.

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    The phone handles eclair, and even froyo just fine. There is just too much junk added in and I think was somewhat poorly written. The general speculation is that some phones had different components that didn't jive with the software and that's why some had so many issues and some had none. I have a custom froyo rom on my Eris with the bloatware removed and the phone absolutely flies, not to mention with moderate usage I can get a full 24 hours of battery life on a single charge. I will probably still replace it due to the blown speaker, but I love this phone.

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    redsox44344 wrote:
    My Eris won't start up anymore due to some internal virus or something. Since verizon doesnt hold droid eris's anymore, would I get an incredible instead through the warranty?
    If you have a virus,you can actually over come that.Just wipe out everything in the phone. Back up the most important stuff you have (pics,video,texts..etc).  Also you can download the free app called Lookout. That'll scan for virus. Warranty will send you a refurbished device. My guess would be that you would get the motorola droid.

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    See this web page for system requirements, and an experimental version that might work on the Droid Eris: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mobile/Platforms/Android#System_Requirements

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    I need help I just changed my blackberry storm for the Droid Eris.
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    It isn't the phones fault. It is due to an under amped battery. It is a strong phone that needs more juice. I would be hard pressed to believe the motorola droid or any other android phone has a huge difference in battery time. If there is a huge difference you don't use the phone as much as some of us do then. I purchased the 1750 battery from seido. Would have got the next one up the 3500 if it had been the price it is now. I recommend buying two and an external charger. I am getting ready to buy another 1750 and charger. This will increase the life of the battery for two reason primary reasons. Proper time for charging and the fact it isn't in use makes the charging cycle much better and effecient. I work in a hospital and get my phone searching quite often, from one netowork type to the next. I can get a solid 12 hours with 20% left at thend of the night when I get home. I have FB chat up litterally all the time bloo, I don't twitter that much but I get updates. I get mail pushed via gmail now. I do use wi-fi off and on as well. Since I'm in doors I don't actually leave the gps on, waste of power in general. Any of the newest smartphones have an underpowered battery. BB doesn't use use the web in the same fashion as android does and it isn't multitasking which is one of the big killers ont he phone. Use a task killer, select the improtant apps to ignor and make sure it cancels stocks and mp3 store, waste of cpu there. You can maximize the power you get with the battery you have, but the 3500, will add a small bit of thickness, but who really wants a hardworking model for a phone. She (the phone) just doesn't feel the same. Sorry to ramble so much, but it gets me when people say it is the phones fault or HTC is the cause. I disabled sense UI for a week and used the open UI that android has. I lost an hour and a half on the average daily, so I have to say from doing that and then turning it back on and getting the missed time back sense UI isn't the cause. I didn't notice any extra pps running when I used the open UI so I have no idea why it acted that way. It coudl have been caused by background jobs that the Sense UI uses but wasn't since it wasn't enabled and the services still ran, now that I mention that I need to check that out. It is the wrong battery fo the job, plain and simple. Replace your moto droid batteries and you will see a huge difference too. You can charge the new batteries for less time(4 hours or less pending on charger) and they will say full, but you get bad results when you short change your batteries charge time. To get the most out of my batteries, I charge them for a full 8 hours, the reason I am getting another battery and ext charger with dock.(http://store.androidcentral.com/mobi-products-cradle-w-spare-battery-slot/5A100A6693.htm) and the battery I am getting (http://store.androidcentral.com/seidio-innocell-1750mah-extended-battery/8A37A6399.htm) or the bigger battery (http://store.androidcentral.com/seidio-innocell-3500mah-extended-battery/8A37A6374.htm) You can find better prices but these are for reference. A note on airplane mode: It disable all radios in the phone. You will not receive calls and txt/mms messages. Basically it turns your phone into a PDA. You can enable the wi-fi for access. Since I replaced my battery I don't do it that often but sometimes I find it neccesary to use airplane mode for some of the remote desktop use I do on my phone.

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    I understand how important it is to stay connected with friends and family, and Facebook makes it that much easier. I'm here to help.
    One thing you can try is clearing out the cache memory on the device for the Facebook app. Go to setting > Applications > Manage Applications > look for the Facebook app and select the clear cache option. 
    If clearing the cache doesn't help then try removing the Facebook app and re-downloading it.
    Hope these suggestions help. If you need further assistance please post back and I'll be more than happy to further assist.

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    Being inpatient I installed the upgrade software that I got off the internet before the official one came through in May. I am trying to find an app i had on the phone before that but it doesn't show up in the market. I read it's because I have an unofficial version of the software.
    How do I get the official. What version should I have on my phone? Right now it says I'm up to date.
    Currently my phone is running
    Firmware version 2.1
    Baseband version 2.41.0402.02
    Kernel Version 2.6.29-564a4a15
    htc-kernel@and18-2 #1
    Build number
    2.26.6305.4 CL140744 release-keys
    Software number 2.26.605.4

    Get it here http://androidforums.com/htc-droid-eris/92096-verizons-ruu-official-2-1-droid-eris.html This is the official 2.1 rom from verizon, which is identical to the 3rd leak version. There is also a "market fix" app in the market, but that may just be for those pesky root users.

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    You might want to call vzw tech support on that one, just to make sure everything is in order.

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    Firefox should normally show up in the "Downloads" section of the Applications settings, like other apps. If it's not there, then there must have been a problem during installation. If it appears that Firefox is installed but is not listed in the settings, the only way I know to fix it is to do a "Factory reset" of all data on the phone. Sorry!

  • Droid Eris Erased Contacts

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    I can understand how important it is to have a working phone!  I would be happy to assist with getting your contacts back onto your device.
    Were your contacts syncing with your Google/Gmail account?  If so, all you need to do is go to Settings and sync the Gmail Contacts back.  Instructions and screen shots are included in the link below:
    Gmail Synchronization - HTC DROID Eris ADR6200
    Let me know how this works out for you!

  • Droid Eris touch screen not working

    I have the droid eris. I got it off a friend and its been working just fine and all of a sudden the touch screen stopped working. i tried taking the battery out and putting it back in and it still doesnt work. i cant slide and unlock nor are any other touch buttons working. any solutions?

    Hello cfarrell856,
    Without a touchscreen, you don't have a phone! We need to get your phone fixed quickly! There is an alternate master reset that you can perform without a working touchscreen. I will include a link with the steps. If the reset does not fix the issue, then it's hardware related and you will need to activate another device. Let's hope the reset fixes it!
    Click here and follow the "Alternate" method: http://support.verizonwireless.com/clc/devices/knowledge_base.html?id=27431
    Thank you!
    Katie H
    VZW Support
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • Droid ERIS Problems and needing to change to a new phone

    I have upgraded to the Droid Eris early this year around March, now at the time Verizon only had the Motorola DROId and the ERIS. I read reviews on the Eris and for the most part they were fair to good most people complained about it beingslow and freezing. So with that in mind I went to the Verizon store to upgrade mainly because my LG DARE just was going bad. I was  told of the ANDROID update 2.1 that was supposed to fix a lot of the problems that the ERIS was having. My ERIS had all of those problems and then some.So I waited and waited 2.1 dropped and the phone got worse freezing issues, calls to people I didn't call, and slow performance. I read all the tips to help like app killer downloads going into "settings" and kill the running apps. But with all that this phone still kept getting the SAME problem.So I have contacted Verizon several times and of cource I get the standard "You have a 1 year warranty to replace the phone with the same phone" so after that I decided to go back to Verizon and change out the phone with another ERIS. It came within 3-5 days and I started it up and the same problems happened again. It's like I never turned in my other ERIS. This is very frustrating now I know I had 30 days to return
    my phone If I was dissatisfied, but I was led to believe that the android 2.1 update would fix my phone but it hasn't. And exchanging my phone hasn't helped either. So I am VERY DISSATISFIED with this phone! I need a solution I would like to return this phone and upgrade it to the DROID X mainly because the reviews and most customers I've talked to say that it's a better phone. I don't feel I should have to pay full retail price nor do I want to ad another line to my bill. I would like to pay the 2 year contract price of $199 with the difference taken out of my return of the ERIS. I've been a loyal customer with Verizon ever since they were CELLULAR ONE! I've never missed a bill or had a late payment. I think that I should be an acception for this because Verizon know that the ERIS is not a good phone they don't even carry it in the store anymore.
    Someone let me know something.

    Try doing a hard reset on the device. Hope this helps!
    From the home screen, touch the applications tab(located in the lower-left).
    Touch Settings.
    Touch Privacy.
    Touch Factory data reset.
    Touch Reset phone.
    Touch Erase everything.

  • DROID ERIS help

    I bought a droid eris from online and went to verizon trying to switch phones and they told me the esn was reported as "lost or stolen" and now i cant get in contact with the guy i bought it from. So now i'm out 100.  Is there any way to bypass the "lost or stolen" thing with verizon, or is it possible to get a old broken droid eris with a different esn and go about it that way? Please help!

    acekob8 wrote:
    I bought a droid eris from online and went to verizon trying to switch phones and they told me the esn was reported as "lost or stolen" and now i cant get in contact with the guy i bought it from. So now i'm out 100.  Is there any way to bypass the "lost or stolen" thing with verizon, or is it possible to get a old broken droid eris with a different esn and go about it that way? Please help!
    Each phone has a specific ESN number. So using someone else's ESN wouldn't work because that ESN is made for that one. Just think of it as one ESN per phone and not being able to use it on another phone.
    Where did you buy the phone from? Craigslist? Ebay?  You may want to consider possibly filing a police report against the person. 

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