End-users creating asset instances

Hi. I need to implement a subscription page, with end-users posting data that needs to be saved as assets. The obvious solution is to create 2 templates:
- The first template with a <satellite:form> that sends data to the second template
- The second template that can be called externally, that receives data and creates the new asset (in delivery environment)
The second template needs to a WCS user. Its data can be retrieved from a properties file. The user can have permissions only to create our asset type.
Is that the best solution?

You can use Asset API or Remote Content Post in second template to create asset instances using the submitted form Info.
In FirstSiteII Remote Content Post is used to save visitor data as flex assets.
For Asset API examples you could consult Developer's guide.

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    first of all we need to look at what is catalog management before proceding with product and product catalog.
    You use this business scenario to create a centralized product catalog that contains product descriptions, multimedia objects, pricing, and associated literature. The catalog enables quick and easy customer access to timely and personalized product information, structured in such a way that most meets your customers needs.
    Product catalogs are implemented in sales processes and are of particular importance in CRM Web Channel for presenting your products in the Web shop.
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    this is not the thing that product and product catalog are completely different entity.
    Product catalog :   A grouping together of products from your product master data, in a structured hierarchy.
    You use product catalogs to group together products to present them in the Web shop, Interaction Center, or in other forms of media, for example printed format or CD-ROM.
    You can create various catalogs for your products in the product master and use them according to a validity date. For example, you could use certain products for the summer season, and other products for the winter season.
    You can also tailor your product catalog to meet other needs by creating catalog variants. For example, you can create a catalog in English with the prices displayed in US Dollars.
    so by above definition it is very much clear that products are actually assign to the catalog,i will give you an analogy that museum is a kind of catalog and you add different pictures to the museum,in the same way you add product to the product catalog according to the acatlog variant.
    Now how you assign product to product catalog
    Product Assignment
    You assign products manually or automatically to a catalog area, depending on the catalog type. The product ID, product description, and status of all products is displayed, as is the information as to whether the item contains accessories or if it is a configurable product.
    You have created products in your product master in SAP CRM under Accounts and Products
    You select a catalog area in your product catalog, and edit the item list by assigning products to the area.
    Manual Assignment
    You can assign products manually on an individual basis or by copying a catalog area. You tend to choose manual product assignment for marketing-oriented catalogs that are subjected to editorial controls.
          Individual assignment
          In this case you select the catalog area in which the product should be assigned, manually search for the product in the product master, and assign it to the area.
          Copying items from catalog areas
          You select an area or subarea from another catalog and copy it to your new catalog. The system copies all products from the copied area to the new catalog, as long as they belong to the distribution chain assigned to the target catalog variant. From these products, you can then manually determine which products from the copied area you want to keep and which items you wish to delete.
    The following is true for manually assigned products:
          You can activate or deactivate items on an individual basis.
          You can edit the list of accessories for manually assigned products. The system determines which accessories are maintained for the product in the product master and displays them in the item area of the catalog. You select which accessories should be displayed for the product in the catalog and activate them.
          Manually assigned products can be included or removed from catalog views on an individual basis.
    Automatic Assignment
    You can assign products automatically to a catalog by transferring product hierarchies from your product master to the catalog areas. The categories, items, attributes, and documents contained in the product hierarchy are copied to the new catalog.
    You use automatic product assignment mainly for functional catalogs, where products can be copied with very few changes, from the product categories of the product master. It enables a standardized characterization of your products in the catalog.
    The following is true for products assigned to the catalog using product hierarchy transfer:
          Product categories which make up the hierarchies become catalog areas in the catalog.
          Product categories in the product hierarchy must be assigned to the distribution chain to which the target catalog variant is assigned. Otherwise the category is not transferred. The same applies to the items, texts, and documents assigned to the category.
          Items are always active and cannot be individually activated or deactivated.
          Accessories maintained for transferred product in the product master are automatically included and displayed in the catalog.
          Transferred items cannot be individually included in catalog views or removed from them. Instead all items of the hierarchy are always contained in the view.
          Lists of characteristics for transferred categories and items can be automatically created when transferring product hierarchies. The transferred values are included in the item overview of the product catalog.
    how to create a product catalog
    just have a look at this link
    your query regarding the products you have uploaded from the R3,now as above i said how you maintain and create the product catalog ,you just assign the products uploaded from the R3 to the product cataloag created in CRM.
    more detail info you can see in these links
    if you read carefuly what i have said,it is pretty easy to implement ,you will see it yourself
    guess it will help you
    do revert back in case of any doubt
    best regards

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    I ran across the same error today. Since it's been over a month, I assume you've fixed it already or decided you didn't need it at all? What was your fix?
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    <Argument name='viewId' value='User'/>
    When I added that to my createView call, the "Missing view id" error went away, and the user are gets created.
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    <Argument name='viewId' value='User:$(accountId)'/>

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    Thank a lot.
    Kind Regards

    Why you want to create the Asset master at the time of MIGO.
    Posting MIGO is end user activities and Creation of Asset is of Super User, he have to assign cost center plant etc in master which will not be known by the end user and can create lot of problem in later stage.
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    Hi Marc,
    Very nice app. I tried to create a new template with success.
    -- http://dgielis.blogspot.com/
    -- http://apex-evangelists.com/
    -- http://apexblogs.info/

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    Well let me start by saying that maintaining hard coded lists in a report definition is a bad idea and should be avoided if at all possible.
    This of course means that it isn't always possible... In fact I have a few of my own reports that suffer from the same situation. Here is the way I handle it to make the list maintenance as easy and error free as possible.
    #1) I created a new Report Custom Function. Let's call it  NamesToGroups. The function will look like this... (Crystal Syntax)
    Function (stringVar PersonName)
    SELECT PersonName
    "Gustavo Achong",
    "Catherine Abel",
    "Kim Abercrombie",
    "Humberto Acevedo",
    "Pilar Ackerman",
    "Frances Adams",
    "Margaret Smith",
    "Carla Adams" :
        "Name of Group 1"
    "Jay Adams",
    "Ronald Adina",
    "Samuel Agcaoili",
    "James Aguilar",
    "Robert Ahlering",
    "François Ferrier",
    "Kim Akers",
    "Lili Alameda",
    "Amy Alberts" :
        "Name of Group 2"
    "Alberto Baltazar",
    "Wayne Banack",
    "Darrell Banks",
    "Norma Barrera",
    "Gytis Barzdukas",
    "David Bartness",
    "Karel Bates" :
        "Name of Group 3"
    CASE"Donald Blanton",
    "Linda Burnett",
    "Michael Blythe",
    "Gabriel Bockenkamp",
    "Michael Bohling",
    "Eli Bowen",
    "Lester Bowman",
    "David Bradley" :
        "Name of Group 4"
    Default : "Unknown Name"
    Note that the list setup makes it easy to see who's in what group and makes it easy to add new people to the correct group...
    #2) Now you can simple use the function in a formula. Lets call it NameGroups and the formula would look like this...
    #3) Now NameGroups is available for grouping or selection purposes or just to add as a formula on the design surface.
    #4) If you are using CRS or BOE the function can be saved to the repository for use in other reports as well
    Now any time a new name needs to be added, the user can access the "Report Custom Functions" are of the Formula Workshop and add the name to the function, which in turn, will be propagated through the rest of the report. It's also easy to see how the function is actually working so that new groups can also be easily added.

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    Hi DenisonDoc,
    There is no option right now to set properties globally primarily for Text fields. You may make sure fields doesn't contain anything.
    Select all the text filed from the form and right click any of the selected field make sure all of them are selected choose properties --> Appearance there you can choose Font Size and Font type.
    - End users cant change size and type of font. It is up to designer.
    Ajlan Huda.

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    Thanks Paul for your reponse
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    Which table/object should I create a form on to enable users to register.
    (APEX 3.1.2)
    kind regards

    Hi Mel,
    I just set up custom authentication for the last application I developed. The user table is pretty simple and you can easily hash the passwords. I even developed a process where a person can change their own password and the process email them of any such changes. Course, that requires an email address to be a column in the user table.
    There is a relatively new Apex book out titled Pro Oracle Application Express. It has a lot of good information concerning custom authentication. It takes you through the whole process, step by step. Also, the book is excellent in itself and definitely worth having. It has a lot of good information in it.
    Tony (not Tony Miller, another Tony, he he)

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    Sandee Cohen wrote:
    Phillip Jones said:
    After the uproar from Users about Standard being little more than Apple's Print to PDF; there hasn't been a Standard version for Mac since version 6. So many people were use the features in Acrobat 5  to create Forms that could be filled out by Reader. when the bought 6 Standard they were ready to hang the CEO of Adobe in effigy. When 7 came out is was Pro only.
    I'm confused.
    The current version of Acrobat comes in Standard, Pro, and Extended Pro versions. Only the Pro version is on the Mac. But that doesn't mean that the Mac community wouldn't have wanted the Standard version of Acrobat.
    The Standard version is hardly a mimic of Apple's Save to PDF. The most important features of Standard is to enable Rights in Reader as well as add comments, form fields. etc.
    The only thing that Standard does do are the pre-press and production features of Pro.
    However, given the difference in price ($450 vs. $300) there is ample reason for business on the Mac OS to buy Standard--if they could buy it.
    I didn't say PC users.
    I should have said Mac users. Because the Print system and sytem by which Mac users view anything is based on the PDF engine. The Mac sytem can do anything Standard Standrd could do. although in order to placate Adobe the pdf engine used is a version or two behind. If the Mac OS could do everything Acrobat could do there would be no reason for Adobe to provide Acrobat Or Reader for Mac.
    And you basing your assumption of what Standard can do a PC. Standard on Mac is basically Mac's Print to PDF  wrapped in an Adobe Package. It shad no ability to confer rights to reader (that didn't come to Acrobat Mac until Version 8) and was unable to to create forms. The current version of Acrobat PC comes as Standard, Pro, And extended. There never has and never will be an extended pro version for Mac (that adds the ability to create XML based forms) They don't have the interest. To adobe is little more than a Play toy. Because Windows has so much clout They can dictate what they want. Apple not so much. One advantage Mac does have is that Forms creator is built in. on PC its an adon (it free but an addon or was).
    Now back in OS 9 days and Acrobat 5.x Acrobat for Mac and PC were equal. except to have the print press features Mac users had to pay an addition $200.00.  (It exactly as you described in your last sentence - except Acrobat 5.x without the printpress and The Acrobat 5 without Print press was $299.00 and $499.00 with Print press.) I know I've used Acrobat since version 3.

  • Unable to Create End User in Apex 4.0.2

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    It processes the action BUT on the following page, for the row created representing the new user, the Account Type says Workspace Administrator and not End User. If I log in with the new user I see developer tabs at the bottom.
    How do I create an End User?
    I obtained APEX by downloading Oracle Express 11g if that helps.

    Custom Authentication is behaving like an End User account, which is good - no developer tabs at the bottom. I used something similar to Chapter 11 of the Advanced Tutorials guide:
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION acl_custom_auth (
    p_username IN VARCHAR2,
    p_password IN VARCHAR2)
    FOR c1 IN (SELECT 1
    FROM acl_employees
    WHERE upper(userid) = upper(p_username)
    AND upper(last_name) = upper(p_password))

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    Roles are decided by IT managers. Suppose if Persons who are working in shopfloor or production side
    give authorization to Production order create , change and Confirm like that etc
    1. In role maintenance (transaction PFCG), choose the Authorizations tab page.
    2. To change the authorization data for the transactions assigned to the role, choose Change Authorization Data or Expert Mode for Profile Generation. Otherwise, a dialog box appears in expert mode (see Regenerating an Authorization Profile After Changes).
    Please take telp from Basis person also refer this link,

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    Table RSZELTDIR will give you the CKF and RKF but will not tell who has created. The user entry you will find in table RSZCOMPDIR.
    So first go to second table display result by restricting to user name for which you want to delete the CKF and RKF. Select all the component ID and Put in first table and restrict the selection to CKF and RKF .
    Tripple k

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    Actually, this one kind of surprised me. I tried:
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    ID                                                 NUMBER
    DESCR                                              VARCHAR2(10)
      3  FOR EACH ROW
      4  BEGIN
      5     :new.descr := UPPER(:new.descr);
      6* END;
    Trigger created.Then, in anothe session I did:
    1 row created.Then in the first session:
      3  FOR EACH ROW
      4  BEGIN
      5     :new.descr := LOWER(:new.descr);
      6* END;
    Trigger created.
    Just to prove no commit happened
    no rows selectedI was expecting to see
    ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified
    or something similar. So in session 2 I did:
    Commit complete.
            ID DESCR
             1 ONE
    1 row created.
            ID DESCR
             1 ONE
             2 twoSo, the new trigger is working. Now change it again:
      3  FOR EACH ROW
      4  BEGIN
      5     :new.descr := UPPER(:new.descr);
      6  END;
      7  /
    Trigger created.and back to session 2
    SESSION2 > INSERT INTO t VALUES (3, 'Three');
    1 row created.
            ID DESCR
             1 ONE
             2 two
             3 THREESo, it looks like whichever trigger is current at the time of the insertion or updation seems to control what gets in the database.

Maybe you are looking for

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