HT201363 music purchased under old ID

I purchased music from Itunes using my daughters ID, but when the computer the music was purchased on crashed, all music from that old account was lost. She no longer has the email address associated with that old ID. How do I get her present email address assigned to the old Apple ID so a new password can be received and all the purchased music recovered?

You should have had to convert your AOL to a new account at some time.
When you purchase a song, the iTunesID is embedded in the song file (in this case yoru AOL ID). If you try to play a protected song with that account and yrou computer is not authorized, iTunes will pop up a window with the account name prefilled.
Just change it to your current iTunesID (which should be the converted account) and password.

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    You may still be able to reset the password to your old Apple ID via
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    See also Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device.

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    SIgn out of old ID and sign in with new ID
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    I repeat here a post I made elsewhere: I hope that it helps you, and, if it does, please post the info elsewhere.
    You can get this problem solved!
    I encountered this problem yesterday, when I tried to play some songs in my ITunes library on a new computer; this is an ITunes library that I had moved from my old computer.
    I called Apple Support, and the excellent Tech person began looking into the problem.
    Meanwhile, while I was waiting for him, I Googled the problem (which I should have done first): lots and lots of people (I discovered) have bumped into this same frustrating problem.
    Yes: the problem arises when you move to a new computer with an ITunes library that includes songs you bought, way back when, using an AOL ID.
    Apple Support contacted ITunes. And ITunes tracked down my AOL account, and then issued me (that is, me and Apple Support) a new Apple ID. There are two or three additional steps; they are not hard, but you need the combo of help from Apple Support and ITunes. The key thing is getting the new Apple ID, which you must have, and which, once it has done its work, you then can ignore..
    I can now listen to everything--and I am signed in to ITunes using my current, usual Apple ID.
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    iTunes: Missing folder or incorrect permissions may prevent authorization
    This should help, Becky.

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    You should avoid using multiple accounts.  There is no need to create a new account when buying a new computer. The people in the store just don't ask you if you already have one and make a new  one.  You cannot merge accounts and problems arise when trying to keep track of purchases, such as you are now experiencing.
    Contact iTunes Store support staff through the report a problem links in your account history or,
    iTunes Customer Service Contact - > Get iTunes support via Express Lane > iTunes > iTunes Store

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    Have you tried to deauthorize your computer (via the Store menu), then re-authorize it?
    Can you still login to other Apple services, such as the support website, using your Apple ID?

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    Have you tried....
    Using the old ID and password? Sign into the old ID and use that password to delete the account.
    Using the new password and see if it will accept that one?

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    Insert image

    Music from sources other than the iTunes store should already be on your computer in the iTunes library. They had to come from there to begin with to get on your phone in the first place.
    Media is not part of the backup. Re-sync the media from your computer to your new phone.

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    Hey there,
    Have you authorized your new computer yet? To do this, head to Store and click on Authorize computer. Then enter your account name and password in and see if that helps.
    Here is a bit more on authorizing and de-authorizing computers in iTunes.
    [About iTunes Store authorization and deauthorization|]

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    Even if you no longer recieve email on the account, e.g. it was an address at a company you no longer work for, the email address and password combination should still function as a valid Apple ID enabling you to access past purchases.
    See HT5787 - Apple ID: If you forget your password

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