Impact delete Statuses from existing status profile

Hi experts,
What is the impact to the existing trade promotion plan if in configuration delete the existing statuses from  the existing status profile?

Hi Mini,
We had to do this after we went live and it had a wide variety of consequences.
I will just assume that this is not being done when already in production.
a) If you have built some logic in the search based on the user status you will have to redo that
b) Any logic which was done around authorization or status drop-down field control on UI has to be redone.
c) Of-course if there was any reporting already done on the status then thats another point for you.
Other than this the data integrity of the existing Promotions is affected.
I hope this information will be helpful for you in making a cautious decision.

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    First error comes when you deleted Group header but Group UI is there.
    For Second one, check the names of UI elements different or not.

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    Maybe the issue is related to the default behavior in Outlook.
    How about try the following:
    Best regards,
    Rex Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Ok. Once thru all the tabs you reach Travel & Expenses.
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    Using your way, we can not change the flag with mass maintenance.
    You can just add a new one or delete an existing one.
    What I would like to do is :
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        OBJNR                          = iv_guid
        STSMA                          = 'ZV001'
      XNOAUTO                        =
      X_NOACTIVITY                   = ' '
       OBJECT_NOT_FOUND               = 1
       STSMA_NOT_FOUND                = 3
       ERROR_OCCURRED                 = 4
       OTHERS                         = 5
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    Thanks and Regards,

    I am not so clear about your requirement, would you please try to make it clearer.
    Which transactions are you assigning the status profile to?
    And what is the "categories" do you mean? As I could guess it is the item within the status profile, isn't it?
    For example you have a status profile defined as
    10 xx01
    20 xx02
    30 Maintenance
    40 xx03
    50 Approvals
    60 xx04
    Is it like the above? Or else, please clarify.

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    Can I change this status profile with out deleting let me know.
    --Naveen Inuganti.

    Hi Naveen,
              As per the System Flow for SAP CRM whenever a Buisness Partner Gets Created and a Status gets Assigned to the Buisness Partner,Thee system does not allow to Delete the Status for that Buisness Partner whereas it allows only to update the Status for that Buisness Partner by Changing the Status only,
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    Use of Staus Profile for BP:
    With this activity you can create a status profile for your own status (user status). The following has been established in the status profile:
    You establish in which sequence the user statuses are run through. This is also established by the status number. If you do not assign a status number to a user status, this status can always be set. However, there can only ever be one user status with an active status number. When you assign a status number to a user status, you have to assign a lowest and highest status number. These limit the status number interval, from which the following user status can be selected.
    Via Object Categories you assign at least one object category to the system profile.
    You define the initial status that is activated when the object is created.
    Which user status is automatically activated when a business transaction is carried out
    Which business transactions are allowed or forbidden when a particular status is active
    In the status profile you can define a transaction that is executed by the user status, with the result that one or more system and/or user statuses can be set or deleted.
    Hope it answers your Query...
    Thanks and Regards,

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    Hi  robert,
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    There is perform which moves the values to VBAP field.
    This PRCTR field is stored in VBAP (i.e., SO line item table)
    Hope it works.

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    You can only change the user status profile in the equipment provided no status value has been set. Once a status value is set (maybe as intital status) the field is closed for input and no change can be made to the profile.
    Please use [Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)|Enterprise Asset Management (SAP EAM); forum for PM/CS specific topics

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    I just got an error, I think you might have the same.
    This SAP note will help on the problems.
    Note 1030498 - Maintenance Optimizer - IBase is not active
    Actually, 1030498 solved everything. It is in this note 1024932 - Maintenance Optimizer: Collective Note.

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    It is not possible to change the profile once any status value has been activated. Changing the profile could introduce inconsistent status settings as the new profile would not necessarly contain the status values of the older profile. There would then be a mismatch between active/deactivated status values and what status values were defined in the new profile.
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    Hi Osbaldo,
    As far as I know, you will not be able to change the status profile with already implemented all incidents.

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    Once Status profile is set for WBS element, system is not allowing to change the same.
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    Moreover I will like to know the Table details in which Status profile details are kept for a WBS Element.
    Thanking you all.

    You can change the status profile on 'Control' tab of Project Definition. But this change will be effective for new WBS elements. I dont think you can change status profile for existing WBS. You will have to delete and re-create them.
    Status proflie for WBS is stored in JSTO table. Get OBJNR for WBS from PRPS table and insert in JSTO table to get status profile.

  • Status profile for Userstatus

    Hello all,
    can any one share with me any custom configuration doc for user statuses.
    [email protected]
    thanks and regards,
    Muralidhar Prasad.C

    Below are some customization for status management:
    Status Management
    Status Management allows you to control whether documents are visible to particular user groups. The system uses status management in the approval process.
    The status management service must have been activated for the repository in which the documents are stored. This setting is made by an administrator.
    The system sets the status automatically if you carry out an action, for example, if you send a document to be approved before it is published (see Publishing with an Approval Process).
    The status of a document is displayed in its Details dialog box. A document can have the following statuses:
    In Progress
    Only visible to authors (users with write permission) and users with the service permission Approver Administration.
    For Approval
    Only visible to authors (users with write permission), approvers, and users with the service permission Approver Administration.
    Only visible to authors (users with write permission), approvers, and users with the service permission Approver Administration.
    Visible to all users with read permission.
    Only visible to authors (users with write permission) and users with the service permission Approver Administration.
    Status Management in Business Transactions
    You can use the general SAP Status Management when processing business transactions.
    You can document the current processing status of an object (for example, a sales order), using status management. The current object state can consist of a combination of individual statuses. Any number of statuses can be set for an object.
    The system statuses Open and Do not distribute and the user statuses Quotation created and Do not print can be active simultaneously in a quotation.
    Each status fulfills two functions:
    ·        It informs you that a specific status has been set (for example, the quotation was released).
    ·        It specifies which step you can or cannot take next (for example, release is allowed).
    If a business transaction is executed, this can set or delete one or several statuses for the relevant object. The switch between status and transaction can be portrayed as follows:
    Statuses are portrayed in the system in two different ways:
    ·        As 30 character text
    ·        As 4 character abbreviation (only in status profile)
    Both methods of portrayal are language-dependent.
    There are two types of status:
    ·        System status: Status that is a status set by the system, which informs the user that the system has executed a specific business transaction on an object. You can only influence this status if you execute a business transaction that changes the system status.
    If you release a quotation, the system automatically sets the system status to Released.
    However, there are also some system statuses in CRM that the user can set or reset as he wishes, for example, Do not distribute. These statuses are defined in the CRMC_STATUS_PROC table.
    ·        User status: Status that you set, that you can create as additional information to the existing system status. You define a user status in a Status Profile that is created in Customizing for business transactions. You can define and activate as many user statuses as you wish. A status profile can then be assigned to the following in Customizing for business transactions:
    ¡        To a transaction type (for header status)
    ¡        To item categories (for item status)
    A status profile can be assigned to several transaction types and item categories.
    System status and user status influence the business transactions in the same way.
    The header status is independent of the item status. One exception is the status Completed. If all items have the status Completed, the header status is also set to Completed.
    A business transaction is not a static object, but it has its own life cycle, which starts when it is opened and ends when it is completed. During this time, different business transactions change the business transaction. It is, for example, forwarded for release or set to completed.
    There are four system statuses that represent the life cycle of the business transaction:
    ·        Open: has been recently created and not yet processed (for example, contract from the Internet)
    ·        In process: administrator is clearing up questions
    ·        Released: contract is complete and legal. Follow-up processes can be started (printing, billing, distribution, releases and so on)
    ·        Completed: All actions directly linked to contract are completed
    ·        Closed: all actions indirectly linked to the contract are closed (for example, from R/3: batch run to actual costs)
    If you want to display and maintain the user statuses, you need to have maintained a status profile and assigned it to the relevant transaction types and item categories. To do this, go to Customizing and choose Customer Relationship Management  ® Transactions ® Basic Settings  ® Status Management. You have made the assignments in the activities Define Transaction Types and Define Item Categories.
    You can set and delete a status. Statuses that can be set and deleted always reflect the current document situation. However, the system only displays the statuses for setting that can actually be set, with reference to the current transaction status.
    The following functions are available to you at header level:
    ·        Display of system and user status
    ¡        You have maintained a status profile: The system displays the user status that is assigned a status number, as well as the user status without a status number. The system statuses are displayed separately from the user statuses.
    ¡        You have not maintained a status profile: Only the system statuses are displayed.
    The statuses that are not active are displayed for selection. During selection, the corresponding system status is executed according to the settings in the control table.
    ·        R/3 transfer and R/3 status: Display of distribution status to SAP R/3 and other statuses for the business transaction in SAP R/3
    ·        System status / user status: detail view of the individual status area with the option of setting and resetting the status
    ·        Total item status: Overview of statuses at item level, such as inquiry, quotation, rejection and block status. The individual status lines are only shown if they are relevant for this transaction type
    The following functions are available to you at item level:
    ·        System status / user status: you can set and reset statuses with restrictions.
    ·        Block / reason for rejection: you can reject an item or set a billing block. You must select a reason in both cases. You can also set a delivery block and credit block
    Specifics for CRM Enterprise and Interaction Center
    The following functions are also available to you:
    ·        You can lock or cancel all items at header level. You can set a billing block or cancellation for all items. This is a kind of “fast setting” of the flag at item level.
    ·        You can display the distribution status to SAP R/3 at item level.
    Specifics for the SAP GUI
    You can display a status analysis. If you would like to analyze a problem individually, and would like to know for example why the system does not display a specific status for setting, you can use the status analysis to call up a technical analysis function.
    Specifics for Channel Management
    The channel manager can set all user status values, while partners can only set the status values that are relevant for them. This relevance is determined via Channel Management-specific authorization keys. You can find further information in the Implementation Guide under Customer Relationship Management ®Transactions ® Basic Settings ®Status Management ® Define Status Authorization Keys..
    Check out the relevant link:
    Rewards points for useful answers.

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