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  • Help with Kevin Bacon game

    I would really appreciate some help. Yes this is an assignment who in his crazy mind would try to do this just to learn or practice their java. I have some code already done but I ran out of memory. The other thing my code works like the one at Virginia University. I'm awarding 10 dukes I can award another 10 dukes. I'll let you know later, thanks in advance.
    This is the code I have:
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Set;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    * A class that download files , create Maps and search for information with
    * in the maps, giving an output of the actor that share more movies with the
    * input actor that the user gives
    public class DataBase
      private Map map1 = new HashMap( );  // actor
      private Map map2= new HashMap( );   //movies
      private int okactor = 0;
    // Main Method
      public static void main (String args [])throws IOException
        DataBase testing = new DataBase();
        System.out.println("Program was run in Pentium 4 in AUL");
        System.out.println("Starting Time : " + System.currentTimeMillis());
        testing.loadFile("C:\\My Documents\\FIU\\COP3530_Data_Strutures\\program5\\actresses.list.gz");   
        testing.loadFile("C:\\My Documents\\FIU\\COP3530_Data_Strutures\\program5\\actors.list.gz");
        System.out.println(" Ending Time of Downloading:  " + System.currentTimeMillis());
        int infiniteloop = 0 ;
           while (infiniteloop == 0)
                     System.out.println("Number of Actors and Actresses : " + testing.getActorCount());
                  System.out.println("Number of Movies: " + testing.getMovieCount());  
                      System.out.println("Enter a name please");
                      BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
                      String name = in.readLine(); 
                  List listofnames = new ArrayList();
                  listofnames =  testing.mostSharedMovies();  
                  testing.print(name, listofnames);
    //static class actor 
      private static final class Actor
         String name;
         int    data;  // number of shared movies,
                       // determined by computeSharedMovies
         public String toString( )
           { return name; }
         public int hashCode( )
           { return name.hashCode( ); }
         public boolean equals( Object other )
           { return (other instanceof Actor) &&
                    ( (Actor) other ).name.equals( name );
    *Loads the two files files
    *@param String is the fileName to be download
      public void loadFile( String fileName ) throws IOException
           BufferedReader x = new BufferedReader ( new InputStreamReader(new GZIPInputStream (new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(fileName)))));
                String line;
          int start = 0 ;
          ArrayList actorList = new ArrayList();
          ArrayList movies = new ArrayList();
          Actor key = new Actor();
          int p = 0;    //parameters
          int p2 =0 ;
          String you = null ;
          String year = null;
          String trimMovie = null;
          int par1 = 0;    //parameter
          int par2 =0;
          String addingmovie = null;
            while((line = x.readLine()) != null)
                if(line.indexOf("Name") == 0 )
                if(start == 0)
                  if( start >= 1)
                                  if(line.indexOf("-----------------------") == 0)
                                  if(((line.trim()).length()) == 0)
                                  else if(line.indexOf("----") == 0)
                                     else if (line.indexOf("Name") == 0)
                                  else if(line.indexOf("\t") != 0)
                                     p  = line.indexOf("\t");
                                     p2 = line.lastIndexOf(")");
                                     String actor = (line.substring(0,p));
                                       key = new Actor();
                              = actor;                              
                                        you = (line.substring(p, (p2 + 1)));
                                          if (you.indexOf("(TV)") > 0)
                                       p = you.indexOf("\t");
                                       p2 = you.indexOf(")");
                                      you = (you.substring(p, p2 +1)).trim();                                 
                                            if(you.indexOf("\"") == 0)
                                            year = you ;
                                       p = year.indexOf("(");
                                       p2 = year.indexOf(")");
                                       year = year.substring(p + 1 , p2);                                 
                                            if ( ( ((Comparable)year).compareTo("2002") ) >= 0)
                                     you = you.intern();                                                                  
                                     movies = new ArrayList();
                                     movies.trimToSize() ;                    
                                        map1.put(key , movies);
                                                      ((ArrayList)map2.get(you)).add(key) ;
                                                         actorList = new ArrayList();
                                                           actorList.trimToSize() ;                                                          
                                                           map2.put(you, actorList);
                               else if(line.indexOf("\t") == 0)
                                    par1 = line.indexOf(")");
                                    par2 = line.indexOf("\t");
                                    trimMovie = (line.substring(par2, par1 +1)).trim();
                                    trimMovie = trimMovie.intern();                              
                                    String ye = trimMovie;
                                    par1 = trimMovie.indexOf("(");
                                    par2 = trimMovie .indexOf(")");                              
                                    ye = (ye.substring(par1 + 1 , par2));                             
                                     addingmovie = (line.trim());
                                           if(addingmovie.indexOf("(TV)") > 0)
                                           else if ( (((Comparable)ye).compareTo("2002")) >= 0)
                                           else  if(addingmovie.indexOf("\"") == 0)
                                           else if(addingmovie.indexOf("(archive footage)") > 0)
                                                              ((ArrayList)map1.get(key)).trimToSize() ;
                                                          movies = new ArrayList();
                                                          movies.trimToSize() ;
                                                          map1.put(key, movies);
                                                 {     ((ArrayList)map2.get(trimMovie)).add(key);
                                                     ((ArrayList)map2.get(trimMovie)).trimToSize() ;
                                                           actorList = new ArrayList();
                                                        actorList.trimToSize() ;
                                                        map2.put(trimMovie, actorList);
    *Compute the amount of shared movies for all actor compared to the one
    *given from the user
    *@param String actor is the actor that the user wish to search for some
    *other actors/actresses with the most shared movies with him
        public void computeSharedMovies( String actor )
             Actor actor2 = new Actor();
    = actor;
                  okactor = 0 ;
                  Actor actor3 = new Actor();
                  actor3 = actor2;
                      for(int count = 0 ; count < ((ArrayList)(map1.get(actor2))).size() ; count++)
                           String movie = (String)((ArrayList)(map1.get(actor2))).get(count);      
                                for (int count2 = 0 ; count2 < ((ArrayList)map2.get(movie)).size() ; count2++)     
                                          Actor iuu = (Actor)((ArrayList)map2.get(movie)).get(count2);
             Set entries = map1.entrySet();
             Iterator itr = entries.iterator();
                 List x2 = new ArrayList() ;
                 Actor big = new Actor();
        = 0;
                 List list = new ArrayList();
             while (itr.hasNext())
                       Map.Entry thisPair = (Map.Entry);                 
                          Actor actorCompare = ((Actor)thisPair.getKey());                                   
                          if( >
                               list = new ArrayList();
                      else if ( ==
          }//end of if, if actor is in map
                   okactor = 1;
    *Prints the final output
    *@param String actor1 is the actor pick by the user to be search
    *@param List most is the list with all the actors/actresses that had
    *the most shared movies
      public void print (String actor1 , List most)
         if(okactor == 0)
               Actor actorPrint = new Actor();
      = actor1;
               Actor y = new Actor();
               y = actorPrint;
               List  list = new ArrayList();
               list = most;
               int data = ((Actor)list.get(0)).data;
               ArrayList list2 = new ArrayList();
               list2 = (ArrayList)(map1.get(actorPrint));
                  for(int getActor = 0 ; getActor < list.size() ;getActor++)
                           System.out.println(list.get(getActor) + "  :   (" +  data  + "  " + "Shared roles)");
                            Actor name3  = (Actor)list.get(getActor);
                           String na  =;
                             Map map3 = new HashMap();
                            ArrayList ji = new ArrayList ();
                            ji = (ArrayList)map1.get(list.get(getActor));
                    for (int array1 = 0 ; array1 < ji.size()  ; array1++)
                         map3.put( ji.get(array1) , na);
                    for(int count = 0 ; count < list2.size() ; count++)
                           System.out.println("                    " + (list2.get(count))); 
             Set entries =map1.entrySet();
             Iterator itr = entries.iterator();
             Actor  actortoclean = new Actor();
                       Map.Entry thisPair = (Map.Entry);
                       actortoclean = (Actor)thisPair.getKey();     
              = 0 ;      
       else  //else if okactor greater than 0
       System.out.println("THE ACTOR IS NOT IN FILE PLEASE TRY AGAIN") ;
    * Coputes what actors or actresses have the most shared movies
    *return a List with all the actor that have the most shared
      public List mostSharedMovies( )
        if(okactor == 0)
        Set entries = map1.entrySet();
        Iterator itr = entries.iterator();
        List x = new ArrayList() ;
        Actor big = new Actor(); = 0;
        List list = new ArrayList();
          while (itr.hasNext())
                  Map.Entry thisPair = (Map.Entry);
                     Actor o1 = ((Actor)thisPair.getKey());
                          if( >
                               list = new ArrayList();
                           else if ( ==
        return list;
         return null;
    *Gives the amount of actor in the map of actors
    *return an int with the quantity
      public int getActorCount( )
          return map1.size();
    *Gives the amount of movies in the map of movies
    *return an int with the quantity
      public int getMovieCount()
           return map2.size();
    }Kevin Bacon Game
    For a description of the Kevin Bacon game, follow this link . Try the game a few times and see if you can find someone with a Bacon Number higher than 3. In this program you will find all persons with a Bacon Number of 8 or higher. One of these persons is a former President of the United States.
    This is basically a shortest path problem. After that is done, find the large Bacon numbers by scanning the bacon numbers and print out the high-numbered actors and their chains. To print out a high-numbered actor, you should use recursion. Specifically, if some actor x has a Bacon number of b, then you know that they must have been in a movie with someone, call them actor y with a Bacon number of b-1. To print out x's chain, you would print out y's chain (recursively) and then the movie that x and y had in common.
    The Input Files
    There are two data files; both have identical formats. These files are: actors file and actresses file. These files are both compressed in .gz format, and were obtained from the Internet Movie Database. Combined, they are 52 Mbytes (compressed!) and were last updated October 17, 2002. These files are available at
    These datafiles contain approximately 571,000 actors/actresses in a total of 192,000 movies, with 2,144,000 roles. These files also list TV roles, but you must not include TV roles in your analysis.
    Before you run on the large data sets, use the small (uncompressed) file sample.list( to debug the basic algorithms. In this data file, there are six actors, named a, b, c, d, e, and f, who have been in movies such as X, Y, and Z.
    Input File Hints
    Since it is not my input file, I cannot answer questions about it. Here are some observations that I used in my program, that should suffice. You can read the input file line by line by wrapping a FileInputStream inside a BufferedInputStream inside a GZIPInputStream inside an InputStreamReader inside a BufferedReader. You may not uncompress the file outside of your program.
    There are over 200 lines of preamble that can be skipped. This varies from file to file. However, you can figure it out by skipping all lines until the first occurrence of a line that begins with "Name", and then skipping one more.
    There are many postamble lines, too, starting with a line that has at least nine dashes (i.e. ---------).
    A name is listed once; all roles are together; the name starts in the first column.
    A movie title follows the optional name and a few tab stops ('\t'). There are some messed up entries that have spaces in addition to tab stops.
    The year should be part of the movie title.
    Movies made in 2003 or later should be skipped.
    A TV movie, indicated by (TV) following the year, is to be skipped.
    Archive material, indicated by (archive footage), is to be skipped. (Otherwise JFK is a movie star).
    Cameo appearances, indicated by [Cameo appearance], should be skipped.
    A TV series, indicated by a leading " in the title is to be skipped.
    A video-only movie, indicated by (V) following the year is allowed.
    Blank lines separate actors/actresses, and should be skipped.
    In order to compute your answers, you will need to store the data that you read. The main data structures are a Map in which each key is an Actor and each value is the corresponding list of movies that the actor has been in, and then a second Map, in which key is a movie and each value is the list of Actors in the movie (i.e. the cast). A movie is represented simply as a String that includes the year in which it was made, but an Actor includes both the name of the actor, and a data field that you can use to store computed information later on. Thus, ideally, you would like to define a class that looks somewhat like this (with routines to compute Bacon Numbers not listed):
    public class Database
      private static final class Actor
         String name;
         int    data;  // Bacon number ,
                       // determined by computeBaconNumbers
         public String toString( )
           { return name; }
         public int hashCode( )
           { return name.hashCode( ); }
         public boolean equals( Object other )
           { return (other instanceof Actor) &&
                    ( (Actor) other ).name.equals( name ); }
        // Open fileName; update the maps
      public void loadFile( String fileName ) throws IOException
      public int getActorCount( )
      public int getMovieCount( )
      private Map actorsToMovies = new HashMap( );
      private Map moviesToActors = new HashMap( );
      Memory Details
    The description above is pretty much what you have to do, except that you must take extra steps to avoid running out of memory.
    First, you will need to increase the maximum size of the Java Virtual Machine from the default of 64Meg to 224Meg. You may not increase it any higher than that. If you are running the java interpreter from the command line, the magic option is -Xmx224m. If you are using an IDE, you will have to consult their documentation --- don't ask me.
    Second, you will quickly run out of memory, because if you find two movies that are the same, but are on different input lines, the default setup will create two separate (yet equal) String objects and place them in the value lists of two different actors. Since there are 2.1 million roles, but only 192,000 movies, this means that you will have ten times as many String objects as you really need. What you need to do is to make sure that each movie title is represented by a single String object, and that the maps simply store references to that single String object. There are two basic alternatives:
    The String class has a method call intern. If you invoke it, the return value on equal Strings will always reference the same internal String object.
    You can keep a HashMap in which each key is a movie title, and each value is the same as the key. When you need a movie title, you use the value in the HashMap.
    Option two is superior (performancewise) to option #1 and it is required that you use it to avoid memory problems.
    When you maintain the list of movies for each actor, you will want to use an ArrayList. It takes little effort to ensure that the capacity in the ArrayList is not more than is needed, and you should do so, to avoid wasting space (since there are 571,000 such array lists).
    When you construct the HashMaps, you can issue a parameter (the load factor). The higher the load factor, the less space you use (at the expense of a small increase in time). You should play around with that too; the default is 0.75; you will probably want a load factor of 2.00 or 3.00.
    You must be very careful to avoid doing any more work in the inner loops than you need to, including creating excessive objects. IF YOU CREATE EXCESSIVE OBJECTS, YOUR PROGRAM MAY SLOW TO A CRAWL BECAUSE ALL ITS TIME WILL BE SPENT IN THE GARBAGE COLLECTOR OR RUN OUT OF MEMORY COMPLETELY.
    What to Submit
    Submit complete source code and the actors/actresses with Bacon Numbers of 8 or higher. Include the complete paths for each of the actors/actresses (with shared movie titles). Also indicate how long your algorithm takes. This means how long it takes to load, and also how long it takes to run the shortest path computation (not including the output of the answer), by inserting calls to System.currentTimeMillis at appropriate points in your code, and tell me how many actors and movies there are. Also, insert this code (at the end of your program) that tells me how large the VM is:
    Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime( );
    int vmsize = (int) rt.totalMemory( );
    System.out.println( "Virtual machine size: " + vmsize );
    Don't forget to write in the processor speed of the computer you are using. If it's somewhat fast, or provably space-efficient, you can get extra credit. You cannot receive credit for a working program if your program fails to produce a large set of actors and actresses with Bacon Numbers of 8 or higher. Note: the data you will work on and the data the Oracle uses (and the IMDB data) are all slightly out of sync. So you might not be able to exactly reproduce the results, although I was able to get a complete set of Bacon Numbers 8 and higher when I ran my program on October 23, using the Oct 17 files.
    Due Date
    This program is due on Thursday November 14.
    Additional Notes
    The exact sizes of the data files are 36381624 and 18263563 bytes, respectively. If you download and the files are larger, then you messed up the download. Note that if you are using Windows XP, these files might be uncompressed during downloading. If so, you can use this program to recompress the file. If the files are smaller, then the download probably got interrupted before it finished and you will need to retry. Here is a gzipped sample.list for you to test that aspect of your program.
    Running on COTTON in the AUL, which is a 450 MHz Pentium III, and accessing the files over the network as "\\\\couger\\cop3530\\actors.list.gz", (and similarly for actresses.list.gz), and with no other processes running besides notepad, the data files loaded in 180 seconds. You should be able to get faster results on a faster machine. Some of the AUL machines are 1.6 GHz. You should indicate which AUL machine (with processor speed) ran your submission.
    Entries with years such as (1996/I) are optional.
    When writing and reading make sure you are using BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream, as appropriate.
    Sketch of the basic shortest path computation:
    // typically invoked with Kevin Bacon as parameter
    // This is the basic algorithm; there's stuff

    I forgot to post the code, here it is:
    import java.util.LinkedList ;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Set;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.HashSet;
    * A class that download files , create Maps and search for information with
    public class DataBase2 implements Serializable
      private Map map1 = new HashMap((int)515927, (float)0.85 );  // actor
      private Map map2= new HashMap((int)172911, (float)0.85 );   //movies
      transient private Map map3 = new HashMap();   //movie and movie
      transient private int okactor = 0;
      transient static final int INFINITY = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    // Main Method
      public static void main (String args [])throws IOException
        int c  = 0 ;
        System.out.println("Program was run in Pentium 4 in AUL");        
        DataBase2 testing = new DataBase2();   
            ObjectInputStream ii1 = new ObjectInputStream (new BufferedInputStream (new FileInputStream("file2.ser")));
        catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
            System.out.println("FILE NOT ON DISK PLEASE WAIT WHILE DOWNLOADING");
            long x = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long y = System.currentTimeMillis();
            System.out.println("DONE WITH DOWNLOADING, USING NORMAL METHOD " +(y - x)/1000 + " seconds");                       
            System.out.println("The actors count is:  " + testing.getActorCount());
            System.out.println("The movies count is:  "  + testing.getMovieCount());
            System.out.println("END OF DUMPING");      
        if (c == 0 )
            long o= System.currentTimeMillis();   
            testing = testing.fastloading(testing);
            long y = System.currentTimeMillis(); 
            System.out.println("DONE WITH LOADING, FROM SERIALIZED FILES  " + (y-o)/1000 + "seconds");         
            System.out.println("The actors count is:   " + testing.getActorCount());
            System.out.println("The movies count is:   " + testing.getMovieCount());
            Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime( );       
            int vmsize = (int) rt.totalMemory( );       
            System.out.println(" " );
            System.out.println( "The Virtual Machine size is : " + vmsize + " bytes" );
    //static class actor 
      private static final class Actor implements Serializable
         String name;
         int    data;  // number of shared movies,
                       // determined by computeSharedMovies          
         public String toString( )
           { return name; }
         public int hashCode( )
           { return name.hashCode( ); }         
         public boolean equals( Object other )
           { return (other instanceof Actor) && ( (Actor) other ).name.equals( name );}
    *Method to find the bacon number of each actor
    *and also send information, actors greater than 7,  to be print
      public void findBacon()
        ArrayList actorlist = new ArrayList();
        long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Actor actor2 = new Actor();    = "Bacon, Kevin"; = 0;
        Set entries =map1.entrySet();
        Iterator itr = entries.iterator();
        Actor  actortoInfinity = new Actor();
        Set listofMovies = new HashSet();          
                            Map.Entry thisPair = (Map.Entry);
                            actortoInfinity = (Actor)thisPair.getKey();    
                           = 0 ;                     
                   = INFINITY ;      
         Actor actor3 = new Actor() ;      
         LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
         list.addLast(actor2) ;
         Actor out = new Actor();
                    while (list.isEmpty() != true)
                            out = (Actor)list.getFirst();
                        list.removeFirst() ;
                                    for(int count = 0 ; count < ((ArrayList)(map1.get(out))).size() ; count++)
                                            String movie = (String)((ArrayList)(map1.get(out))).get(count);                      
                                    for(int count2 = 0; count2 < ((ArrayList)(map2.get(movie))).size() ; count2++)
                                                    actor3  =   (Actor)(((ArrayList)(map2.get(movie))).get(count2) )  ;
                                            if( == INFINITY)
                                       = + 1;
                                                list.addLast(actor3) ;
                                    if( >= 7)
                                                             }//inner loop                
                     }//outer loop
                 }//while loop
         long time2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
         System.out.println("Done gettig Bacon Number(shortest path): " + (time2 - time1)/1000 + " Seconds");
                    for(int count = 0 ; count < actorlist.size() ; count++)
    *Method used to print the chain of information within
    *each actor with Bacon number of 7 and over
    *it uses recursion to do it
      private void   printPath (Actor target)
        int c = 0 ;  
        Actor actor = new Actor();
            String movies ;
              if ( == 0)
                  System.out.println("-----------------------------END OF PATH-----------------------------");                           
                    for(int x = 0 ; x < ((ArrayList)(map1.get(target))).size(); x++)
                    movies = (String)(((ArrayList)(map1.get(target))).get(x));
                    for (int y = 0 ; y < ((ArrayList)map2.get(movies)).size() ;  y++)
                            actor = (Actor)(((ArrayList)(map2.get(movies))).get(y));
                            if( == - 1)
                                    System.out.println("* " + target + "  acted with " + actor+ " how's BK # is " + + ", both in movie: " + movies ) ;
                     }//inner loop
                   if (c > 0)
                  }//outer loop
    *Gets the actor to print
    *and sends the same actor to
    *PrintInfo method to print
    *its chain
    *@param target the actor to print
      public void print(Actor target)
                            System.out.println(" " );
                                    System.out.println(" " ); 
                            System.out.println(" " );
                                    System.out.println( + "'s Bacon number is: ";
                                    System.out.println(" " );
    *A method to load the Serialization file
    *so it,the file,  can be manipulated
    *@param x the DataBase object to be load
    *with all the files
    *@return the object x with all the file
      public DataBase2 fastloading(DataBase2  target2) throws IOException
                    ObjectInputStream ii1 = new ObjectInputStream (new BufferedInputStream (new FileInputStream("file2.ser")));
                    target2= (DataBase2) ii1.readObject();
        catch(ClassNotFoundException e )
           System.out.println("Error, class exception");
        catch(FileNotFoundException ex)
           System.out.println("Error, the file is not on the disk");       
        return target2;            
    *Method to write the Object DataBase2, created before, into a Serializable file
      public void loadser(DataBase2 ObjecttoLoad ) throws IOException
            ObjectOutputStream oo = new ObjectOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("file2.ser")));
    /**Method use to download files for the first time
    *it creates maps, which contains actor and movies
    *@param fileName it gets the file to be read and
    *used to get the data into the maps
      public void loadFile( String fileName ) throws IOException
          BufferedReader x = new BufferedReader ( new InputStreamReader(new GZIPInputStream (new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(fileName)))));
          String line;          
          int start = 0 ;    
          ArrayList actorList = new ArrayList();
          ArrayList movies = new ArrayList();
          Actor key = new Actor();
          int p = 0;    //parameters
          int p2 =0 ;
          String you = null ;
          String year = null;
          String trimMovie = null;
          int par1 = 0;    //parameter
          int par2 =0;
          String addingmovie = null;
            while((line = x.readLine()) != null)
                if(line.indexOf("Name") == 0 )
                if(start == 0)
                if( start >= 1)
                                  if(line.indexOf("-----------------------") == 0)
                                  if(((line.trim()).length()) == 0)
                                  else if(line.indexOf("----") == 0)
                                      else if (line.indexOf("Name") == 0)
                                  else if(line.indexOf("\t") != 0)
                                     p  = line.indexOf("\t");
                                     p2 = line.lastIndexOf(")");                               
                                     String actor = (line.substring(0,p));                                        
                                             key = new Actor();
                                    = actor;                               
                                             you = (line.substring(p, (p2 + 1)));                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
                                             if (you.indexOf("(TV)") > 0)
                                     p = you.indexOf("\t");
                                     p2 = you.indexOf(")");
                                         you = (you.substring(p, p2 +1)).trim();                                    
                                          if(you.indexOf("\"") == 0)
                                     year = you ;      
                                     p = year.indexOf("(");
                                     p2 = year.indexOf(")");
                                     year = year.substring(p + 1 , p2);                                 
                                           if ( ( ((Comparable)year).compareTo("2002") ) >= 0)
                                           if (map3.containsKey(you))
                                                          map3.put(you, you);                                                                                              
                                     movies = new ArrayList();
                                     movies.trimToSize() ;                         
                                     map1.put(key , movies);
                                                              ((ArrayList)map2.get(map3.get(you))).add(key) ;
                                                              actorList = new ArrayList();
                                                                      actorList.trimToSize() ;                                                                     
                                                                      map2.put(map3.get(you), actorList);
                             else if(line.indexOf("\t") == 0)
                                    par1 = line.indexOf(")");
                                    par2 = line.indexOf("\t");                                                          
                                    trimMovie = (line.substring(par2, par1 +1)).trim();
                                    // trimMovie = trimMovie.intern();                           
                                    map3.put(trimMovie , trimMovie);
                                    String ye = (String)map3.get(trimMovie);
                                    par1 = trimMovie.indexOf("(");
                                    par2 = trimMovie .indexOf(")");                             
                                    ye = (ye.substring(par1 + 1 , par2));                                                               
                                    addingmovie = (line.trim());
                                        if(addingmovie.indexOf("(TV)") > 0)
                                            else if ( (((Comparable)ye).compareTo("2002")) >= 0)
                                            else  if(addingmovie.indexOf("\"") == 0)
                                            else if(addingmovie.indexOf("(archive footage)") > 0)
                                                            ((ArrayList)map1.get(key)).trimToSize() ;
                                                    movies = new ArrayList();
                                                    movies.trimToSize() ;
                                                    map1.put(key, movies);
                                                {   ((ArrayList)map2.get(map3.get(trimMovie))).add(key);
                                                    ((ArrayList)map2.get(map3.get(trimMovie))).trimToSize() ;
                                                            actorList = new ArrayList();
                                                            actorList.trimToSize() ;
                                                            map2.put(map3.get(trimMovie), actorList);
                                      }     //end of last else if          
                        }//end of if
                }//end of while
        }//end of method
    *Gives the amount of actor in the map of actors
    *return an int with the quantity
      public int getActorCount( )    
          return map1.size();
    *Gives the amount of movies in the map of movies
    *return an int with the quantity
      public int getMovieCount()
           return map2.size();
    }//end of DataBase2 class

  • Kevin Lii's Topic List

    Welcome to visit my Topics
    worker occur afcmgf.odf error when apply patch 4334965
    when i apply patch 43worker occur afcmgf.odf error when apply patch 4334965
    tempspace's use ratio didn't reduce after database restart
    Message was edited by:
    Kevin Lii

    As I said in my first post, emptying Safari's cache has no effect, & it is only the the "Back to Topic List" in Discussions that displays this delay. Using the path link (like the "Feedback about Discussions " link at the top of this page) is always as fast as I expect but the "Back to Topic List" one is not.
    The two links are identical except that the "&start=0" index suffix is not included in the "Back to Topic List" link. Since the page that loads for either link is identical, I assume that the index suffix has something to do with the phenomenon, but what that might be I have no clue.

  • Kevin Kirkman

    Have G5 mac and trying to reinstall CS2 photoshop etc.
    My serial number [removed]
    Activation Number which keps changing at each attempt
    Activation Type normal: 93:-12
    Need 20 digit Authorization Code . . .
    Have phoned support . .
    Phone Activation . . 
    They say it is no longer supported.
    Can anyone at Adobe help.

    "Kevin B. Kent" wrote:
    > JIMBO NIC wrote:
    > > Kevin, I appreciate your responce and would love to give you a little more
    > > detail of my application, however, I keep getting a message sent back to me
    > > saying my Email is undeliverable to your address. Is there anything special I
    > > need to do? I tried to just reply and it would not work.
    > > Thanks
    > > Jim
    > my e-mail is in transition and is screwy.
    > I monitor this group if al else fails try me here
    > My e-mail SHOULD be [email protected]
    I lied. There should be a mail. after the @ the rest is the same.
    Kevin.B.Kent.vcf ‏1 KB

  • Question for Andrew, Justin, 355099, Kevin

    On an average how much time each of you spend on this forum daily ?

    For me, there is a fair amount of dead time in the course of a day (i.e. one meeting ends at 11:50, another meeting at 12) where there is time to make a couple of forum posts, but not enough to get any real work done. Same thing goes for commercial breaks if I'm watching TV, times when I need to think about something other than what I'm trying to code at the moment, etc. If I added it all up, it would probably be rather substantial, but it doesn't feel like all that much since its the remnants of my day that would otherwise be spent twiddling thumbs or surfing the web. I will note that my Slashdot time and my OTN time are inversely proportional!
    Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

  • Kevin's role in forums

    Hey, Kevin... are you now the new Todd since he's gone on to become Mr. AE?

    Hi Dave,
    No one could ever hold a candle to the job Todd did in these (and other) forums. While I'm sure you'll see him here from time to time, yes, you should see more of me attempting to take up the slack (impossible as that may sound). Feel free to PM me for any questions you may have and to point me to the juicier posts that can be mined for fixes, feature requests, or whatever you think is important.

  • Kevin Lynch

    I saw this interview with Kevin Lynch on one-and-ipad/
    He actually says that Adobe listens to end-users! He really wonders why Steve Jobs does not want this junk on a Mac.
    Adobe is well aware of all the bugs in Flash, the Flash player, Fireworks and Dreamweaver. They simply pretend there is no problem and are suprised that webdesigners try to move away from Flash as much as possible. And Kevin, in case you have never used Flash on a Mac, it really does crash a lot!
    To me it is simple. If the bugs in CS4 are not fixed then I consider CS5 a free update.
    Microsoft needed a few years to wake up (they seem to slowly get their act together with Win7 and Win7 mobile), but Adobe is the new Microsoft. I wonder how much market share they need to lose before they change their attitude.

    Your take is interesting, and also extremist.
    Lets try using some logic and reason for a minute here...
    85% of the top websites on the internet have Flash content on them.
    The Flash Platform is only growing in popularity, not losing market share in the slightest.  The Flash IDE may be losing market share, but it is not the only tool out there to develop Flash content on.  The Flash Player is still going very strong, and growing.
    With the imminent release of player 10.1 and AIR 2.0, Adobe will officially be on smart phones. The player will be on pretty much every smart phone EXCEPT the iPhone, (or be able to be anyways). The Google phone is selling at an alarming and increasing rate (as of the end of Google's past quarter it was selling 60,000 phones a day, and that number more than doubled over the quarter), which places it in direct competition with the iPhone.  Apple should find themselves losing market share soon enough, especially when people start realizing that they can browse the REAL internet if they hop over to a different vendor.
    To say that Adobe is the new Microsoft is very narrow.  You look at the Creative Suite.... a place that Adobe has fallen short lately, and you could take that viewpoint, certainly.  But if you look at Adobe as a whole, they are pushing the internet, mobile and not, forward with every step.  They started the Open Screen Project, and are constantly teaming up with as many large manufacturers of hardware and software to push that initiative forward.  This is something Microsoft never cared about, and seemingly still doesn't.  Adobe wants the end users experience to be the same regardless of their OS or device, and they are constantly working to make it so.  They have a long way to go, admittedly, but they are on the right path, and, as I see it, are further along than most.
    As I see it, Apple is the new Microsoft.  I am literally waiting for Apple to get hit with antitrust lawsuits.  They constantly break patents, infringe copyrights, and use their muscle as a large corporation to smooth it out.  No-one is better at this than Apple.  You realize they were recently hit with an ironclad patent infringement lawsuit from Kodak?  Also, they have had to backstep on both the iPhone and the iPad launches (legally enforced in the UK, btw) because of false advertisement in their claims. Apple is trying to control every point of their devices, and claiming that its a better experience.
    And, as for the flashPlayer on the Mac......  this has been bruited about for years.  I, myself, have frequently used Apple computers, and have NEVER had a problem.  I know others that have had the exact opposite experience, but also that have had the same experience as me.  Obviously there is a problem, but it doesn't affect everyone, and Adobe has stated REPEATEDLY that they are working on fixing it.  Indeed, with player 10.1, the testing so far has shown that it is dramatically reduced, if not eliminated.
    If you are going to argue a case, do it with facts, not extremist statements that have no backing.  All of the information (except that which is obviously my opinion) in this post has come from blog posts, and has been corroborated by multiple sources. Please show me a study that shows that the flashPlayer has lost ANY market share, let alone something significant.  (Remember that many companies jumped to silverlight early, and then jumped right back because silverlight wasn't up to the challenge. Also remember that over 90% of the video on the internet is still served up via the flashPlayer, because it is, arguably, the best way to serve video online)

  • HT3275 what if it says The backup disk image "/Volumes/TimeMachine/Kevin's iMac.sparsebundle" is already in use.

    in Time Machine what if it says The backup disk image “/Volumes/TimeMachine/Kevin’s iMac.sparsebundle” is already in use.

    First, restart your iMac and Time Capsule. In most of the cases, this should solve that problem.
    If it doesn't work, see >

  • ** (firefox:6083): WARNING **: Wrong permissions for /home/kevin/tmp/orbit-kevin

    Firefox is starting to crash a bunch. I am running pclinuxos and after the last crash I typed "firefox" in konsole and got the following:
    ** (firefox:6083): WARNING **: Wrong permissions for /home/kevin/tmp/orbit-kevin
    What is happening?
    I checked the permission for that folder and it says kevin for user and group, and owner, group and others can view and modify content.
    I have the following extensions:
    downloadhelper 4.8.6
    firefox sync 1.7
    quickprint 0.1.2

    Uups. Now, why didn't I think of that? Last update had 1GB of size installed. pacman -Scc fixed it, of course.

  • Great Technical Support from Jorge and Kevin Smith

    I recently had an "oops" moment and long story short, I had to have Verizon recover my number and add my phone back to my account.  I had talked to five different people within the last 48 hours about this issue and nobody seemed to fully understand my situation until I called again and was greeted by Jorge.  He was so helpful.  He understood my concerns and my "issues" even better than I did.  LOL  We were on the phone for at least 45 minutes, but he stuck with it and contacted who he knew could help which was a Great Winback-Kevin "Mike" Smith.  Two other people told Jorge that what I needed to be done, couldn't be done, so he called on his buddy "Mike" and sure enough "Mike" got everything squared away.  Now, I know I will never do something silly, again and need their expertise, but I know that I will definately remember Jorge and "Mike" if i ever do find myself in a bad situation with my Verizon phone, again.  These two gentlemen definately deserve many, many kudos for thier hard work and dediction to their customers.  This is one happy Verizon Customer right now.     Thanks so much, Jorge and "Mike".  Take care and pat yourselves on the back because you both deserve it immensely. 

    Hello heatherm1,
    This thread was forwarded to the appropriate team for review. Someone should have contacted you in regards to your issue.
    Contact is made through the forums private message feature. You can check your private messages by clicking on the small envelope icon next to your name in the upper right hand corner once you have logged in.
    If I have helped you in any way click the Kudos button to say Thanks.
    The community works together, click Accept as Solution on the post that solves your issue for other members of the community to benefit from the solution.
    - Friendship is magical.

  • Hallo my name is kevin  how i can ictivate my iphone 5 ? i forgot my apple id !!

    hallo my name is kevin  how i can ictivate my iphone 5 ? i forgot my apple id i want to unlock it please MODEL A1428 Iphone 5 black 64GB
    <Personal Information Edited by Host>

    Peter Gillespie wrote:
    PhilipRoy wrote:
    Please go to this website to reset your apple id password
    good luck frined.
    i forgot my apple id
    THIS IS THE WEBSITE for those that have forgotten their apple id. What is the point of your post?

  • The 'Ghost' of Kevin :)

    Hello everyone
    A bit of an 'odd one', this... I've created a site using the 'Gazette' template. Whenever I hit refresh in the browser (and I've tried this on Safari, Firefox and Camino) the original 'World Of Kevin' title appears before my new title reappears. I've checked and double-checked in iWeb and the original title text is definitely removed.
    I've posted an animated gif at to illustrate the phenomenon. Has anyone else experienced this, or perhaps have any possible clues about how to eliminate it?
    Many thanks in advance
    iMac Core Duo 2Ghz 20"   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   1.5 Gb RAM

    Look under the credit file item in iWeb. I think they may be another text or header box with Kevin in it. You can select that item and do a Send to Back command on them to see if the Kevin box pops up. You might also have to do it to the background image also. Not sure. I've had that before and that's how I got rid of it.
    Do you Twango?

  • Thanks Deepak, Brad, Kevin and others. You guys are doing a great job.

    Thanks Deepak, Brad, Kevin and others. You guys are doing a great job.

    SilentFart wrote:
    All i see in this forum is frustrated people who pay for a service they dont really get. Bad customer service, bad connections, endless issues with hardware. No where in my BT contract does it state 'if you have a technical problem, sort it out yourself by spending hour upon hour trawling through forums".
    The "advice" Ms KerryG supplies is no more than whats on the BT websites. Copy & Pasting doesnt represent useful advice.
    Why not keep your back slapping pointless thumbs up good effort all round teamwork, to yourselves while us mugs who keep you in your overpaid jobs struggle on.
    Thnx for nothing.
    The op is entitled to his view on how he see`s his or other peoples problems being sorted, as you are to state your problem.
    What you very rarely see in this or any forum is people who have had help coming back and saying thankyou.
    I also do not think the op believes you keep him in any job ,overpaid or underpaid. He happens to be a BT customer the same as what you are.
    have a nice day with any problem you might have

  • Corrupted Podcast (Kevin & Bean)

    My girlfriend has an iPod Touch which recently has had an issue playing one specific podcast (KROQ Kevin and Bean). The podcast sounds all garbled and is not listenable at all.
    I would say it's an issue with the podcast feed, but my iPhone plays it perfectly. I've tried to re-subscribe to the podcast, but no luck. It's only that podcast, and it's only on her iPod touch. Anybody hear of anything like that?
    The podcast is daily, and the past week, each day has had the same issue, while mine is playing fine.
    Her computer is a MacBook running Mac OS X 10.4.X (most recent version).

    OK, I'll give it a go. You should try again: perhaps a couple of times. It may be that (A) network settings at your end are awry; or (B) settings at their end are broken. Have you contacted the podcast provider?
    You may want to try and delete the podcast and try re-subscribing: if you are worried about losing those you already have, test this in a second account (you do have a second account?). Sometimes these podcasts misbehave, then a few days later reappear.

  • Nice one Kevin

    Oh so glad that the Youtube postings are now being removed, nice job Kevin
    I gave up visiting the forum and the Lounge in particular when abuse started and the Youtube took over.
    Lets get back to how things used to be.
    Hope you guys have had a good Christmas and all the best for the New Year

    You're welcome! Have a Happy New Year yourself, BL!

  • Found "Kevin's" white 20G iPod 12-12-06

    If you lost your iPod on the Vegas strip and you can tell me specifics about your music and/or the serial number; I would love to reunite you with your iPod. Email me at [email protected]
    iPod U2 Special Edition   Windows XP  

    Chris CA, thank you for trying to answer the question...What do you do with a found iPod?
    ...calling 1-800-MYAPPLE...hmnn, well if one can make one's way through the maze of "press 3 for customer service" - then, "press 4 for all other inquiries" - then "press 2 to speak to a representative." There is no, "press 6 if you found or lost an iPod." Now, if you don't get transfered to the "repair department"; that's good, because you will not be able to get passed the automated system, asking for your repair number or case number.
    So, back to calling 1-800-MYAPPLE.
    The second time, I got through to a human being, however, because "Kevin" did not purchase or register his iPod online; they have no record of the serial number, nor do they have any procedure to take down the s/n and enter it into any data base that would help return his iPod to him - eventhough, I have attempted to return it...
    iPod U2 Special Edition   Windows XP   lost and found iPods

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