Planning areas were hidden

Hi ,
Yester day I have seen so many planning areas but today while I was gone thriugh BPS0 Tx I didn't find any Planning area only one area is there without any level also..What happened ..I am not getting the reason..Could you please tell me what may be the
reason ...

Hi Swathi
Can you share us how could you solve this problem....
Many thanks

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  • Loading data from Cube to Planning area

             If I am loading data from a cube to a planning area using transaction TSCUBE,
    does the system load data into planning area for the combinations that exist in the cube or does it load for all CVCs?
    For example,
    I have my CVC as Plant, Material, Customer
    If there are 4 CVCs in the POS that were previously generated as
    If the cube has data like this:
    (doesnot have the last combination), then if I use TSCUBE transaction to load data to Planning area from this cube,
    is the data loaded as
    Only for the 3 combinations that exist in the cube and not load anything for the last one
    is the data loaded as
    Load all 4 combinations and send 0 as the cube doesnot have this combination?
    Hope I am clear on this question.

    Thanks a lot Vinod, Srinivas and Harish. The reason why I am asking you is that we have a scenario where we get this situation.
    We initially get data from R/3 to BW to APO like the below:
    Later when the customer is changed or bought out by somebody C1 is changed to C2. Some times when the business doesnot know who the customer is initially they just put C1 as dummy and then after sometime replace it by C2. Then the new record coming in is as follows:
    BW can identify changes in transaction data  but not in Master data. What I mean by this is when Qty. 10 changes from 10 to 20, the system can identify it in deltas.
    If the customer (master data) changes to C2 from C1, the system thinks it's a new record all together then if I use delta loads, it gets me the following:
    If I am looking at Plant and Material Level, my data is doubled.
    So we are planning to do a full load that works like this:
    1. Initial data like the below:
    The CVC is created and the planning area has Qty.10
    Then we delete the contents of cube and do a full load into the cube with changed customer
    This time a new CVC is created. Then we have another 10 loaded into Planning area.
    If the system loads all CVCs, then the it would send
    If the system loads only combinations in cube,
    then it loads
    But the system already has another 10 for Customer C1 duplicating the values.
    We are trouble in the second case.
    We had to go fr this solution instead of realignment as our business has no way pf knowing that C1 was replaced by C2.
    Hope I am clear.

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    Hmm... It looks like they are gone forever now then. I can't think of any other way of getting them back apart from restoring from an iTunes or iCloud backup. Somebody else might be able to help but I think they're gone forever. I don't know why they were wiped from your iPod but it could be something to do with security. In the future I would recommend syncing to iTunes or iCloud to prevent it from happening again. You can always make a reservation at the Genius Bar and see what those guys can do because it seems that they are still there, they are just 'hidden' from view.
    P.S I'm sorry for the late reply

  • Load data from infocube to DP planning area

    Hi All,
    I have loaded the data from info cube to DP planning area keyfigures with the transaction /SAPAPO/TSCUBE.
    the data copy was successful and there were no error messages. However, the keyfigure values in planning book are shown exactly as double the values of infocube key figures for all the periods.
    I repeatedly loaded data several times and the behaviour was same.
    We didn't implement any BADI in standrad /SAPAPO/TSCUBE program.
    Could any one please give some hints what would be the reasons for this problem.

    I am not sure on how you check the Live Cache data for DP but based on your testing I can say that the old data is not overwritten by the new data in the Live cache. I cannot say the root cause for this however I can suggest you the remedy. To avoid this issue, you zero out the values of the key figure before loading from the Cube.
    For this you have to run a macro which copies zero for the entire horizon and then load the cube. First test this in test system, if it works (it should work), then to make it simple create a batch job with two steps, first step would run this macro and the second step will load the data from cube. you can run this job whenever you want to load the data

  • APO DP - loading from InfoCube to planning area

    I am using APO DP V5.
    I have the following situation:
    1. I am extracting sales history data at the end of each day from a connected ECC system into an InfoCube, using delta logic, so in the Cube I just have the new sales history transactions (despatches) for the day
    2. I am then loading data from the Cube to my DP planning area via transaction /SAPAPO/TSCUBE
    I assume I must have the 'add data' flag set for each key figure in this transaction, to ensure I see the consolidated sales history in the planning area.
    Is this the 'best practice' approach for regular loading of sales history? I assume it's better to have a 'delta' approach for the Cube, for improved performance.
    Thanks, Bob Austin

            Good questions!
    1. What does the 'period' really refer to? Is it referring to the date of a particular key figure? Or the 'date of data being added to Cube'?
    A: Both are same
    The date is generally the date in your cube like the calendar day, month etc. This date is again based on a time stamp in the format DDMMYYYYHHMMSS. The calendar day is part of this field as DDMMYYYY. Also the system recognizes the changes by the same time stamp. So, if a customer changes the qty 05/15 at 3.30 pm, then the time stamp is 15052007153000. The calendar day in your cube or your key figure date is 15052007 and the delta is recognized by the changes in time stamp, between last load at the current system time. So , you are talking about the same time field.
    Check in your system if this is the same case you got. let me know if not.
    2. Suppose original dispatch qty = 100 (two weeks ago), and 'today' the customer returns a qty of 60; how does system handle this - I would want this posted to the original date of two weeks ago.
    A: The data from your ECC system is generally brought to an ODS first. The reason is we overwrite the data there if there is any data that has the same key. If your key for the ODS is Customer and division. Then you overwrite the customer qty for that division whenever the value changes. If you need it by time, lets say per month, include it in the key. The system over writes the value for that month only. For next month, it's a new record.
    In your case, if the qty. is 100 2 weeks back and now it's 60, if the time stamp is not in key, the system overwrites it to 60 and you have only 60 when you load it to your ODS and thereby to your PA as it overwrites. Delete the delta in your ODS and it shows the same 100 again. Then load it to PA. This is not a good option. The alternative is to include time stamp like calweek in your ODS key and load it over to cube. That way you have two records.
    I hope I answered all your questions.  Please feel free to ask more. I would love to answer that way I can also brush things up that were unused.

  • MPS run, planned orders were created for all levels ?

    Hello PP members
    I ran a small scenario
    material    MRP Type     Low Level    SG           M/T Type
    A      M0         000             40              FERT
    B               PD              001              40             HALB
    c               PD              002               10             ROH
    Maintained PIRs(MD61) for material A, and ran MD41( Single Item Multi level Planning)
    As material A is an MPS item, I was expecting that it should create planned orders only for material A, but in this MPS run it created planned orders for material B & C. (Looked into MD04, where I see planned orders were created
    for all the levels)
    As per the MPS run, it will plan only for one level of BOM (in this scenario for material A)
    Any suggestions, why planned orders were created for material B & C
    please clarify

    Just check
    System must have created a dependent requirement planned order and not the planned order for requirement you put in demand management for B and C
    i.e. if you enter a demand in MD61 for B and C, run the transaction, system will not consider this requirement during MPS run. MPS run will consider the requirement if the requirement for the child is comming from parement where parent is MPS item.
    Hence you need to run MRPm for B amd C if teh requirement(not dependdent requirement from A) is to be considered.
    I hope you are clear
    Edited by: Rajesha Vittal on Jan 28, 2008 8:06 AM

  • Extending the DP Planning area time horizon

    Hi gurus,
    we would like to extend the DP planning area horizon now. the current planning area storage bucket profile and the time series for the planning area are only until 01.03.2012, i want to extend the horizon beyon this ..what is the exact procedure for this..
    do i need to change the storage bucket prfl horizons first before extending or..pls advice..

    I am sorry for the delay but i think you were talking about "time bucket does not exist" when you have said time buckets missing.
    If my assumption is correct, then the inconsistency is from the livecache side. There will be a missing time grid in the livecache.
    The programs which may delete this time grid is /SAPAPO/TS_LCM_REORG and execution of tcode /sapapo/om17. If these were running during that time then this inconsistency will be caused. Most probably i have seen this error only during extraction. When extracting data, the system creates a so-called timegrid for reading data. This timegrid is deleted at the end of each activity. But if during the extraction, the timegrid is deleted due to some other programs or process, the error 'Time bucket does not exist' will occur.
    I think /SAPAPO/TS_LCM_CONS_CHECK may detect the error but it will be resolved if you run /SAPAPO/TS_LCM_REORG now.
    I hope the above information helps.
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Error while trying activate planning area

    Hi APO Gurus,
    I am faced with a problem of not being able to activate a planning area although my live cache is operational. This is a fresh installation of APO and when I view the Model (000) and Active Version (000) I see the message at the bottom saying - "Live Cache is not available" although my Live Cache is active and operational
    Further, when I tried to activate the PA I got an error message Internal Error [/sapapo/OM_TS_CHANGE_TG].
    I get a dump with the following message on trying to save the active version with changes
    Runtime Errors         DBIF_RSQL_TABLE_UNKNOWN
    Date and Time          03.04.2009 11:39:44
    Short text
    A table is unknown or does not exist.
    What happened?
    Error in the ABAP Application Program
    The current ABAP program "/SAPAPO/SAPLDM_LC_SQL" had to be terminated because
    it has
    come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
    What can you do?
    Note down which actions and inputs caused the error.
    To process the problem further, contact you SAP system
    Using Transaction ST22 for ABAP Dump Analysis, you can look
    at and manage termination messages, and you can also
    keep them for a long time.
    Error analysis
    A table is referred to in an SAP Open SQL statement that either does not
    exist or is unknown to the ABAP Data Dictionary.
    The table involved is "/SAPAPO/ORDKEY " or another table accessed in the
    How to correct the error
    Probably the only way to eliminate the error is to correct the program.
    Please check the entries in the system log (Transaction SM21).
    Internal call code.........: "[RSQL/OPEN//SAPAPO/ORDKEY ]"
    If the error occures in a non-modified SAP program, you may be able to
    find an interim solution in an SAP Note.
    If you have access to SAP Notes, carry out a search with the following
    Your inputs will be of great help
    Vijay Swaminathan

    Dear Vijay Swaminathan,
    The short dumps with error DBIF_RSQL_TABLE_UNKNOWN have occured because the two important SQL tables /SAPAPO/ORDKEY and /SAPAPO/ORDMAP were missing in liveCache.
    This problem has occured because liveCache has not been initialized  correctly.
    To rectify the problem please initialize the liveCache with transaction LC10. After liveCache is initialized successfully the two required SQL  tables will be created in liveCache by the report  /SAPAPO/DELETE_LC_ANCHORS that has been specified as liveCache init follow up report (see transaction LC10   > button 'Integration'   > tab 'Administration report').
    Please also ensure that the checks indicated in the second tab of transaction /SAPAPO/OM13 shows green lights.
    This should solve the problem.

  • Issue with loading a Planning Area using TSCUBE

    Hi All:
    I tried to load the data in production PA into QA PA (two different systems). 
    Steps I followed were:
    1.  Create a DataSource of the Production PA
    2.  Download the data from the DataSource into an Excel spreadsheet for specific range of date.
    3.  Then save the excel in .csv format.
    4.  Create a DataSource in QA and load data from .csv file. checked for data
    5.  Created an InfoCube matching the PA and loaded data from DataSource in QA.
    6.  Created CVC based on this InfoCube.
    7.  Loaded the PA in QA system using this InfoCube.
    I found that the PA had data for all the KF excepting the Sales History and Invoice History.  I checked the InfoCube and it had hsitory data.  Not sure why history is not loaded.  I have Proportional factor in the Infocube and I have mapped the UOM to the sales history.
    Not sure why.  Could anyone pl. help understand?
    Thanks much in advance.

    Did you map the key figure of the cube to the key figure in the planning area?

  • Error Reading Planning Area

    Hello Gurus,
    While executing a macro via an activity on a background job, the job is cancelled with an error message Error Reading Planning Area. Macro is calculating certain Key figure
    We then run Consistency Check for planning area but no inconsistency and errors were found. We also check the macro and it is on GREEN LIGHT status. We reexecute but it still fails.
    Kindly help on how to go abaout this error as we need this macro working.
    This job with the macro is working for quite a long time and it is the first time it fails and encountered the said error.
    Any help will be gladly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,

    Check your planning area and see if it has been initialized to the right dates. Its possible your planning book and macros are reading a differenty date and the planning area is not initialized till that date
    Check your macros in the macro workbench (/sapapo/advm) to see what dates are on the macros. If you run the macro interactively you should be getting the same error
    reinitialize the planning area.. pl search the forum for some recent posts on the program involved
    Also check when your planning area was initialized last. you might have to set the initialization requently based on your planning books and other processes

  • Planning area data not matching with backup cube / PSA

    Hi friends,
    while loading data from planning area to backup cube , for the key figure ( result of a macro),the data in planning area is not matching with PSA as well as with cube.
    At the same time Data is matching at total level but not at disagregated level. And many times it disagregate in equal Proportion in cube/psa.
    Pls its urgent.
    Pts for sure.

    make sure you have replicated the extraction of the data source. This is needed to ensure your backup cube gets the current data as in the planning area
    if you got to /SAPAPO/SDP_EXTR then you can see this button
    you can set this up as a program scheduled to run before the updation of your cube
    As for the disaggregation, test at what level you are choosing your characteristic? ( i suppose you can choose the level)
    Are you extracting at a detailed level or at the aggregated level
    Is your macro saving the data into a Keyfigure or is it an auxilliary KF or something?

  • Planning area data not updated in infocube in APO system

    Hi all,
    User is uploading a flat file using addon program to an infocube 1, from this infocube data for  sales forecast KF is getting transferred to a planning area KF using standard program RTS_INPUT_CUBE.  I can see the updated data in Planning book (which refer the same planning area) data views. In planning book the sales forecast data is also getting copyied to second KF 'Arrangement FC' and its correct.
    Now there is a infocube 2 (second) which is getting data directly from this planning area (infocube also contains both KFs). But When i checked this infocube 2 , the updated data is availabe in Sales forecast KF , but arrangement forecast KF is having old data only and user is running query on second KF , so he is getting wrong report.
    Since there is no data flow for this infocube 2, and it is getting data from planning area, I feel its remote infocube.
    I have also found the datasource for this planning area but don't know how to move further to find why data is not updating properly? Please help on this.
    I have information that 2 weeks before data was properly updated, but this time data is not updated,
    system version  is SAP SCM 4.0

    Hi Vivek
    it is advisable to run the background jobs when the planning books are not being accesses by the users to prevent such inconsistencis. Hence i would advise you to run the jobs durng non-working hours. and if you have a global system, then you may restrict to run the jobs based on regional levels.
    in addition, it is also a good practice to run consistency jobs before and after your have completed the background jobs. i hope you are using process chains to execute the sequeuce of jobs. if yes, then you can add consistency check jobs in the process chains.
    some of the consistency check reports are :
    /SAPAPO/OM17 - liveCache Consistency Check
    /SAPAPO/TSCONS - Consistency Check for Time Series Network
    /SAPAPO/CONSCHK - Model Consistency Check
    and so and so forth..
    you can find these conssistency jobs under APO Adiminstration --> Consistency checks in APO.
    let me know if this helps.
    Rgds, Sandeep

  • Some fields are getting hidden in contract..

    Hi All,
    I have a problem while creating contract in ME31K.
    Start of Validity period validity period end fields are getting hidden in ME31k.
    Field selection group for the contract document type is WKK and these fields in this group are 'required entries'.
    I don't understand how come these fields are disapearing in contract..
    Can anybody please figure out the problem...
    Thanks in advance

    In ME31K, these date fields will be usually not showed on the initial screen. While creating contract, after entering vendor, agreement type, agreement date, organizational data, we will be taken to the next screen where in we need to fill validity start date and end date.
    In ME33K we can see this information under Header - > Details menu path.
    If these dates are not available in the details tab, you might need to create a transaction variant from "SHD0" transaction. Please check under details tab and if not available create try to create a transaction varaint.
    Hope this helps you !!!

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    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    Apps for the Mac and apps for the iPad are different and they can't be installed on the other one. Also, the iPad apps you purchased are on the App Store, and the Mac apps you purchase are on the Mac App Store, so you can't get your iPad apps on the Mac App Store.
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    I have configured 3 pension plans and plan status for 2 plans are losed and one is open. I have set up everything correctly. But I am not able to see under Tcode HRBEN0001. Can anubody give me lights on this?
    What I understood is closed status will not reflect via HRBRN0001. Am I right or wrong?

    Hi Sarah,
    Yes, that person is eligible for that plan whose plan status is open. But when I am going through HRBEN0001 for that category of employee, I am not able to see that plan. I checked all configuration. Everything looks like OK. Can you please tell what I am missing?

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