Quarter report requirment

I am preparing a report containing quarter,business unit and its revenue.
My requirment is that i want to display data like,
Q1                       xxx   232222
Q2                       yyy   233321
Q3                       eee   433345
9month data                 12112222                              //this 9 month data is Q1Q2Q3
Q4                       rrrr    233222
12 month data                                                          //this 12 monnth is Q1Q2Q3+Q4
any idea how to do it???

I take it your quarter values are coming from a dimension object?
Then create a new dimension report variable as follows:
quartergrouping=If Quarter InList("Q1";"Q2";"Q3") then "9 months" else "12 months"
Put this variable in the table before quarter and insert a break on it.
You will now have a total line after Q3 and one after Q4.
If you use runningsum(revenue) in this line, it will show the total of Q1,Q2 and Q3 in the line after Q3
(the 9 months total) and the total of Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 after Q4.
Hope this helps,

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    We have a very specific issue. Reporting the Fiscal Period( in our
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    Char1 Char2 0CALDAY 0FISCVARNT 0FISCPER Quantity
    X  ......  y .....10/22/07 ....Z1 ....           43’2007 .......10
    X .......  Y .....10/22/07 ....Z2 ....          Q3’2007 .......20
    The issue is how do I report the Quantity in a query in Quarter Q3 as
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    configuration of Fiscal Year Variant configuration Z1 and Z2)
    The same is very simple when I have infoprovider with CALENDAR Time
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    Char1 Char2 0CALDAY 0CALWEEK 0CALQUARTER Quantity
    X ........ y .......10/22/07 .......43’2007 .......Q3’2007 .......10
    X ........Y .......10/22/07 ....... 44’2007 .......Q3’2007 .......20
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    To solve this issue, One option that we are thinking of Using 0CALQUARTER to represent the
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    THE example 1 can be as follows.
    1A> Example of using 0CALQUARTER along with 0FISCVARNT and 0FISCPER
    X .......y .......10/22/07 ..............Z1 .......43’2007 .......Q3’2007 ..............10
    X .......Y .......10/22/07 ..............Z2 .......Q3’2007 .......Q3’2007 ..............20
    In this case we would populate the 0CALQUARTER by the actual Fiscal
    Quarter and then can use both as per example 2 above. But this is not a
    smooth option since we have various other info providers to join and
    report based on solely Fiscal Quarter etc…
    I am certain that this issue have already been solved by somebody as this bound to happen in any finance application.
    Would appreciate if we can get some light on this regarding the data modelling, reporting etc.
    Arun G.

    You have yourself suggested a solution, which is fine,
    Other option is to have a new characteristic Fiscal Qtr in all the infoproviders ans update the same using a routine in the updaterule depending on the fiscal year variant.
    for eg. for transaction with variant Z1 in one case you can say if fiscal week 01 between 01 to 13 the Fiscal Qtr should be update with1 and if it is between 14 to 26 then update fiscal qtr with 2 and so on.
    For other Variants Z2 you write a different login in the routine ans so on.
    so for all the data irrespective of the variant you will have the qtr as either 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 and you can report on this fiscal qtr.
    assign points if it helps.
    Venkata Devaraj

  • Any tips at this Reporting requirement gathering stage?

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    2. weekly,       (2 of the sources) 
    3. monthly      (2 of the sources) 
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    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Amanda,
    Actually, I’d split the process into those stages:
    1.     gathering report forms that users want to have and a frequency of report generation.
    2.     collection information on available sources of data
    3.     analysis: do the sources will provide all data for forms required – simultaneously the list of reports that would be possible to create is made. Here you can take into account not only availability of resources, but also budget/time/work force limitation. It’ll determine the scope of implementation.
    4.     Conceptual model (with parallel excersises in BW).
    •     If some reports (and data in them) are completely different, don’t having common information, then consider creating separate data providers. 
    •     If some reports (and data in them) have something in common, then consider creating separate data providers with a multiprovider on them.
    •     If all data are linked to some key(s) (for example a document number), then consider creating a single cube
    •     Determine time granularity (are your weekly, monthly and quarterly data may be derived from the daily data? If yes, maybe these data (except daily) are redundant. If not, then probably these data supply some additional information to daily? – consider merging this additional info into daily cube (or probably through separate ODS or cubes).
    So, it’s a somewhat an answer to Q2 and Q5.
    Q3. You may load data just before (say a several days) the reports generation.
    Q4. See above about single cube. Additionally, the rule of thumb is to have more little dimensions than few huge dimensions. Consider spreading out your chars into different dimensions. If you’ll be able to have all data in a single cube, it would give you an enormous flexibility in building reports (especially, not mandatory ones, but ad-hoc reports on demand).
    Also you can visit www.saptips.com site. I downloaded “Tips on Implementing a BW-Based Management Reporting Solution (and Getting Your Users to Use It!)” but cannot find it in inet. If you want I can send it to you along with “SAP BW projects: dos and donts” (ppt-demo and transcript).
    Best regards,

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    ii. Does BI provide any of the answers provided in i. (above) through its business content objects? If so, can you discuss how BI provides each of the solutions? (I will apprecaite a discussion for the "finance team" and not neccessarily for the IT team)
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    Thanks and Happy Holiday.

    From a reporting perpective, what does the finance department need from BI to say that BI is a worthwhile investiment?
    Normally Financial reports needed for the customer will be P&L, Balance sheet, Cashflow statements and the AR, AP and also Controlling and the Turn over Ratios to know about the financial funding stage about their organization based on their functional requirements.
    ii. Does BI provide any of the answers provided in i. (above) through its business content objects? If so, can you discuss how BI provides each of the solutions? (I will apprecaite a discussion for the "finance team" and not neccessarily for the IT team)
    Better to talk to your FI CO team for this to understand better at ECC functional level to know what would be the best extractors that you can report on. BI content is already there for almost FI CO reports.
    and everything mentioned clearly in that why , how , what.
    iii. If all the requirements of a finance department are already available with a newly installed BI, then
    what are the typical functions of a BI consultant to a finance department? i.e. why will a finance department find the need to bring in a BI consutant to advise them on how best to use BW in their environment?
    Though the Finance team has every Extractor at ECC side its only BI consultant who has to work on Modeling , Extraction, Reporting Part for BEx Reports. You have to Map the Fields even though its BI Content some of the Customized objects like Routines, Formulas would be there for each and every project .
    iv. How does the above discussion pertain to CO. i.e. If your discussion above is strictly for FI, can you address i, ii, iii for CO?
    Hope it helps

  • Standard Report requirement

    Hi Guys
    In my current implementation i have one report requirement.
    Iam giving lot of benefits to my employees. I like to capture all the expenses employee wise.
    I have already uploaded the employee personel number and during transactions we are entering the personel number
    But we i go and check the report, in the dynamic selection the personel number is not available
    Is it possible to take a standard report based on personnel number. If i give a personel number - i should get all the expnese gl accounts done for that employee
    Warm Regards

    I have a suggestion.
    Create Employees as Employee vendors in Accounts payable.While creating vendor master, In the accounting information tab, assign the personel no.You have a separate reconciliation account for this employee vendors.
    Make Payments to vendor by using T.code F-53 . You can view the report of all employees to whom payment was made.
    You can view the standard reports to see the payments made to the employees.
    S_ALR_87012103 - List of Vendor Line Items
    S_ALR_87012083 - List of Vendor Open Items for Printing
    Please let me know if you need more information.
    Assign points if useful.
    Sridhar M

  • Report requirement from BW

    Hi ,
    I need to execute the scenario in bw for report requirement.
    the report requirement is:
    The Fields are material, Batch, internal char, char value.
    Here the logic is the field Internal char no have values vintage,Bill of entry and the field char value have 222, 333-7876 for correponding field.
       Material        Batch          Internal Char no.         Char vlue
       2009822       58938         Vintage                        222
                                               Bill of entry                  333-7876
    They need bw report like
    Material             Batch          Vintage             Billof entry
    2009822           58938           222                  333- 7876
    Can any one give idea.

    Hi Satya,
    Follow the below given steps,
    1) Goto rows area and right click to create new formula variable.
    2) In the edit step of your formula, remove the default description and put a &, you will get different options. select the new text variable.
    3) Give the variable name, description and select the type as replacement path.
    4) On the next screen select your characteristics i.e. Internal cost type (first char).
    5) on the next screen select replace variable with Key or text value whichever you want.
    6) Here we are done with heading part.
    Now for defination of formula variable,
    1) Right click on Formual variable tree and create a new variable.
    2) Select type as replacement path and on next screen select the other characteristics i.e. Internal cost value i.e. 222.
    3) Again on next screen replace variable with key.
    4) Finally select Dimension indicator as Number.
    5) We are ready to use the variable. In the defination part use newly created variable.
    Now you will get the output in exactly required format.

  • Report requirement, for count before the input selection.

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement:
    And in infoprovider we have :
    in 07.2011, 10 records were created.
    in 08.2011, 40 records were created.
    in 09.2011, 50 records were created.
    in 10.2011, 70 records were created.
    User enters month interval like 07.2011 - 10.2011
    and wants outout like:
    Calmonth:... 07.2011....08.2011.......09.2011.......10.2011
    Count  : ........30010.......30050...........30100..........30170
    Means.in report  07.2011 should show all the count upto 07.2011,
    Similarly 08.2011 show all counts upto 08.2011 month. And in same way others also.
    Since input is  07.2011 to 10.2011, so report is considering  only data between this range only.
    How do i get count before 07.2011 in report and meet report requirement.
    Please suggest and let me know if more information is required.

    Hi Jitender,
    It is not possible to generate the query columns dynamically in the output based on the user input.
    For getting the aggregated value what you can do is, create a customer exit variable on fiscal period and restrict it from some starting period till user entered period.
    In your example let us say you have data from 07.2009 then your customer exit variable will have range from 07.2009 till 07.2011. Use this variable in a RKF with count as key figure and period as customer exit variable here you will get the output as 30010.
    For getting the next columns you can change the period range by using offset. But you will have to create different columns beforehand in the query design itself. The only thing you can do is based on the user input different columns will be populated even you can keep the dynamic text using text variable so that you will get dynamic period heading but dynamic creation of columns is not possible.

  • For financial report requirment can we consider secondary cost element cost

    For financial reporting requirment can we consider secondary cost element cost to profit and loss a/c

    In our senario _ cost is booking cost centers and revenues booking concern profit centers .
    for Financial reporting requirment can I include secondary cost to profit and loss a/c
    what is the impact on the report
    exp: salary booking in primary cost,than Per hour man hour cost computed by costing dept for allocate to concern department
    it is cost center activity price we specify in kp26 at the time of pm order confirm it will confim the activity quandity price will from planning area only,  so for salaries in primary g/ls already captured, if we consider secondary it may double booking
    srinivasa reddy

  • Reporting requirements to Filter on query results

    Hi Everyone,
    Part of our reporting requirements for Billing Data is to display all Invoices Created till the 15th of the Month. Users want to trend analyze Invoice created till 15th of each month for last 6 months. The report has a time filter to get Invoices for last 6 months.
    How do we further filter all Invoices created till 15th of each month?
    Thanks for all your answers in Advance.

    I think the best way would be - create an infoobject containing the day  (from your date). Then you use calmonth and the new infoobject as time characteristics and restrict both (calmonth on the calmonth, calmonth - 1,...) and "day" as fix filter value for 1 to 15.
    This will work.
    If you can't extend you cube, you should try it with an virtuel cube where you use your original cube as source. the virtual cube contains the new infoobject "day".
    Edited by: Jürgen Sauer on Apr 11, 2011 9:35 AM

  • Rebate reporting requirement

    Hi Gurus,
    We have report requirement related to rebate, where in we need to show the follwing field in the output.
    Rebate No:
    Total Accruals posted:
    Accruals reversed:
    Credit note amount.
    Can any one throw some light in which table and field the values are stored.

    Please find the relevant tables
    T6B1 Rebate : Rebate Agreement Types
    T6B2 Rebate : Group of permitted Condition Types/Tables
    T6B2F Rebate : Permitted Condition Types/Tables per Group
    Ram Pedarla

  • Project System Restructuring -- Reporting Requirement

    Hi All,
    Due to Restructuring in our client.Our Project System is adopting the following method and asking for BI input on this please let me know if anyone has come across this situation.
    Projects are going to move from one Company Code to another Company Code. So they are closing the existing projects in Old Comp. Code and new projects are being created in New Comp. Code . In doing so they are closing the Old Projects(say  P1 u2013 total budget 100) consumed 60 and then new project they will create with remaining balance 40. (say P2). Also
    Reporting Requirement :
    Then when they run the report for the New Project P2 then it should bring the information of P1 also.
    Please let me if it is  possible to achieve this.

    interesting, load previous data in a cube completely for all the previous years and have the new data load in another cube and create a multiprovider to join them. and in your selection for wbs use both data selection...thats all i can think of on top of my head..

  • OBIEE Reporting Requirement

    OBIEE Reporting Requirement
    I have the following OBIEE reporting requirement that I am needing assistance with:
    I have to produce a report from the following table.
    A1234     |     1000     |     A
    A1234     |     2000     |     B
    B1234     |     1000     |     C
    C1234     |     0     |     D
    D1234     |     2500     |     E
    E1234     |     0     |     F
    Report Layout:
    Category     | Category A | Other Category | Category A & Other Category |
    Earned     |     100 |     120     | 100 |
    Unearned     |     150 |     150     | 200 |
    So the report above basically displays a count of the customers who have earnings or no earnings in the 2 categories which are "Category A" and "Other Category." Other Category is everything else grouped together except Category A i.e. (B, C, D, E, F). The 3rd column is counting customers who are in both column 1 and 2. I have modeled the repository for the 1st 2 columns but am stuck with how to come up with the 3rd column. Repository has been set up as follows:
    Fact: Distinct Count of CUSTOMER_ID
    CASE WHEN Category = A THEN Category A
    ELSE WHEN Category <> A THEN Other Category END
    In Answers I have 2 calculated columns:
    FILTER(Customer Count) USING Earnings > 0 (Earned)
    FILTER(Customer Count) USING Earnings <= 0 (Uneared)
    How can I solution this to get the 3rd column of Category A & Other Category? Thanks in advance.

    Yes that is correct. Below is the expected output I am trying to get to.
         | Category A | Other Category | Category A & Other Category |
    Earned       | 100         | 120                 | 100                                    |
    Unearned   | 150           | 150                 | 200                                    |

  • Template for Report Requirements

    I am looking for a template which can be used to capture report requirements. Please email if you have one.

    Not sure what exactly you need, but you can check this forum as well:
    Business Intelligence Applications

  • Combined debt reports required for 'associated' customers showing amountof

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    Yes we have applied 11i.AZ.H.2. I am getting several errors still that we trying to resolve
    One of them is
    Uploading snapshot to central instance failed, with 3 different messages
    Error: An invalid status '-1' was passed to fnd_concurrent.set_completion_status. The valid statuses are: 'NORMAL', 'WARNING', 'ERROR'FND     at oracle.apps.az.r12.util.XmlTransmorpher.<init>(XmlTransmorpher.java:301)
         at oracle.apps.az.r12.extractor.cpserver.APIExtractor.insertGenericSelectionSet(APIExtractor.java:231)
    please assist.

  • User report requirement, need advise

    I have a report requirement to get damage codes for equipment build month against no. of months in service.
                           damage codes                  equipment month(no. of equipments built)
                        (cy200601 to cy200603)     cy200601 cy200602 cy200603
                                       1                               1                                      
                                       2                               2     `         2              
                                       3                               3               1               1
    i have damage codes, notification month in notifications cube and no. of equipments in equipment cube.  these damage codes should calculate for number of months in service against equipment built month.
    in my report i am filtering the report by equipment built month(cy200601 to cy200603) and  notification month (cy200601 to cy200603)   then i will be getting the report as above.
    user request is to get the damage codes by number of months in service like he want to filter by equipment built month and number of months in service(equipment built month- notification month)   i don't have a field no. of months in service.
    with the current report what i am getting is for equipment built month 300601 i will be getting damage codes for 3 months in service, but for equipment bui;lt month 200602 i will be getting damage codes for only 2 month in service,  and for equipment built month 200603 i will be getting damage codes foronly one month.
    how can i acheive this. Is there any option to get this in the query level if not what are the options.

    I have a report requirement to get damage codes for equipment build month against no. of months in service.
                           damage codes                  equipment month(no. of equipments built)
                        (cy200601 to cy200603)     cy200601 cy200602 cy200603
                                       1                               1                                      
                                       2                               2     `         2              
                                       3                               3               1               1
    i have damage codes, notification month in notifications cube and no. of equipments in equipment cube.  these damage codes should calculate for number of months in service against equipment built month.
    in my report i am filtering the report by equipment built month(cy200601 to cy200603) and  notification month (cy200601 to cy200603)   then i will be getting the report as above.
    user request is to get the damage codes by number of months in service like he want to filter by equipment built month and number of months in service(equipment built month- notification month)   i don't have a field no. of months in service.
    with the current report what i am getting is for equipment built month 300601 i will be getting damage codes for 3 months in service, but for equipment bui;lt month 200602 i will be getting damage codes for only 2 month in service,  and for equipment built month 200603 i will be getting damage codes foronly one month.
    how can i acheive this. Is there any option to get this in the query level if not what are the options.

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