RFBIBL00, trading partner

in program rfbibl00, for transaction FBV1,  i want to fill the field 'trading partner'.
In transaction FBV1, this field can be found by going to a line item and choose menu-item 'Extra, Trading partner'.
When filling  bbseg-vbund , i get error message 'Field Bseg-vbund does not exist in screen SAPLF040 0330'.
When filling bbkpf-vbund, i get error 'No batch input data for screen SAPLF040 0100'.
Any hints on how to proceed are welcome,

You may be giving the wrong posting key. You are going to screen 330 which is for GL accounts. I don't think you can enter a trading partner for a GL.

Similar Messages

  • Adding Trading Partner to Coding Block subscreen

    Hello All,
    The company that I work for have a need to add Trading Partner field to Coding Block subscreen to allow manual and in batch population of this field.  I have added Trading Partner to all custom coding block subscreens via transaction OXK1 but the field is still not available in FB01 when 'More' button is clicked in the document item.  It needs to be there because the standard SAP interface program RFBIBL00 expects it there for Account Type S.
    Could you please let me know how I can make this field available in the Coding Block subscreen?
    Thank you so much!

    Please check in field status group, see if you set the field "visible"

  • Error msg . while creating a GR w.r.t. PO --"ENTER A VALID TRADING PARTNER"

    Hi ,
    While  creating a GR w.r.t. Purchase Order (MB01)  getting a following msg:
    In Vendor Master : Partner function  has the vendor details
    OA     Ordering Address     
    VN     Vendor     
    PI     Invoice presented by     
    Any thread would be helpful .

    Hi ,
    THere is no entry in field :Trading partner LFA1 -
    ALso the vendor has acccount group : RMIT  :  Remit to Address
    PArtner functions are maintained in vendor master viz. OA ,VN , PI .

  • Trading Partner for open item document prior to BCS implementation

    Dear Experts,
    We have just introduced BCS in our company currently. One of the difficulties the user are facing is that the open item (many of them - thousand open item with different currencies and exhange rate) prior to the introduction of BCS does not contain Trading Partner. This ended up that the adjustment on the Trading Partner has to be done in BCS regularly. The amount in value of adjustment is not fixed - since there could be subsequent payment that will clear the open item.
    I understand that TP cannot be changed once posted. Have read a lot in the SAP portal and forum.
    Question: Based on your experience, it there a way that I can overcome this problem? Could SAP somehow allow TP to be assigned to open item document prior to implementation of BCS?
    I hope I can get some answer, otherwise, our user has to diligently continue to put the adjustment until all the open items are cleared.
    Thank you.

    Check whether the document type you are using to post is allowed to enter the trading partner.
    To check use the TCODe OBA7  and select the relevent document type. then select the check box enter trading partner under control data.
    and also check the customer you assigned for that posting key 01 is got assigned trading partner in the master record or not(TCOD XD02/XD03).

  • Copy Trading Partner to Asset line items from Vendor line items in F-90

    Dear Friends,
    I want to copy trading partner field from Vendor line item to other line items like Asset and Tax in T.code - F-90
    Client want to use Transaction type - 100
    Is it feasible?
    Thanks in advance

    1) substitution - tcode OBBH
    2) open FI - menu FIBF tcode BF44
        - event 1120 or 1130

  • Trading partner error

    can any body tell me the solution that in vendor balance report one of the property trading partner is missing of one particular vendor i saw the date of creation of vendor master in r/3 it was already been updated, then in bw side i checked  the master data
    i found an error i fixed it up but sitll it is dhowing hash can any body tell me that will this record will updated in the next load or before

    After making required changes to the master data in Bw side, did you run the attribute changerun program?
    Try running the attribute change run program which may help you.
    For running attribute change run, go to se37 and run the program  "RSDDS_AGGREGATES_MAINTAIN".
    give your infoobject as input and execute.
    hope this helps,

  • GL Account Balances by Trading Partner

    Hi All,
    Our client has a requirement wherein he wants to know if there is any standard report through which we can find out the GL Account Balances by Trading Partner i.e. the user wants to see the GL account Balnces Broken down by trading partner.
    We have tried Dynamic Selection in F.08. But it does not help.

    Hello Rohit,
    Thanks for your reply. Actually we have tried this option and we found that the Report that we are getting is giving us the Consolidated Figure for all the Trading Partner selected.
    What we wanted to know is supposed if a Particular GL account has a sale of USD 3000 then system should be able to give us the break up as below Trading Partner A-1000, Trading Partner 2000, i.e. we want the GL account balance to be bifurcated by Trading Partner.
    Is there any standard report to achieve the same or else we need to look into the BW to achieve the same.
    Thanks ans Regards

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    Hi All,
    Can anyone help me identify the reasons why I am not able to view trading partner data when I run FBL3N t-code to view the line items of my GL stock account?
    Many Thanks in Advance for your help,

    Hi ,
    When I am able to view the Trading partner details when I run customised program (which pulls data from customised table). May I know the reason why I am not able to find out the same details when I run FBL3N T-code?
    In the given case, I pulled out details of stock by trading partner by running a customised program. I expected the same by running FBL3N for Stock GL account. But the details of trading partner is missing for many line items
    Many Thanks in Advance for your help,

  • Error validating TP...AIP-11052: Writing following objects: Trading Partner

    I am getting following error validating trading partner. I have double checked the TP setup, everything looks fine. I had earlier successfully validated, later added a document type and trying to re-validate.
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    Does anyone have any clues??

    Make sure you do not have active configuration which is using this agreement.

  • Error -: AIP-16012: Parameter: trading Partner is unique for object Trading

    Hi Gurus,
    When I go to rename the b2b server under trading partners, I receive the following error:
    An error occurred when updating the trading partner.
    1. Error -: AIP-16012: Parameter: trading Partner is unique for object Trading Partner Identification
    2. TradingPartner.TradingPartner - Error -: AIP-11052: Writing following objects: Trading Partner Identification failed due to following constraint violation: TRADINGPARTNERIDENTIFICATION_UK. UNIQUE CONSTRAINT VIOLATION
    3. PartyIdentificationType.TradingPartnerIdentificationType - Error -: AIP-11052: Writing following objects: Trading Partner Identification failed due to following constraint violation: TRADINGPARTNERIDENTIFICATION_UK. UNIQUE CONSTRAINT VIOLATION
    4. Value - Error -: AIP-11052: Writing following objects: Trading Partner Identification failed due to following constraint violation: TRADINGPARTNERIDENTIFICATION_UK. UNIQUE CONSTRAINT VIOL
    This occurs after I purge the b2b and even manually delete the trading partner that has the name that I require to change the server to (required for quality assurance testing). When I check the identifiers, there are two name ones (one of them is the one I am trying to change to) but I cannot delete any of them as it is grayed out.
    Any thoughts?
    Edited by: Gerald M. on Nov 30, 2009 8:50 AM -addtional info

    Solved the issue, I manually delete entries in b2b.tip_tradingpartneriden_aud and b2b.tip_tradingpartneridentifica_t.
    Is this safe to be doing this?

  • AIP-52251:  Error identifying remote trading partner at MLLP Exchange with

    used HL7 over MLLP, one trading partner is EAI(B2B Localhost), another is EchoServer(a java application, the hostname is is4-nb4.corp.ha.org.hk). used a script to enqueue message. like below:
    enqueue_options dbms_aq.enqueue_options_t;
    message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t;
    msg_handle RAW(16);
    ipmsg b2b.IP_MESSAGE_TYPE;
    xml_clob clob;
    msg_id number(10);
    subscribers dbms_aq.aq$_recipient_list_t;
    select message_seq.nextval into msg_id from dual;
    xml_clob := '<?xml version="1.0" ?><ADT_A01 xmlns="http://www.edifecs.com/xdata/200" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" XDataVersion="2.0" Standard="HL7" Version="2.3.1" CreatedDate="2005-08-16T16:52:26" CreatedBy="ECXEngine_826" GUID="{1A2726C6-B00E-DA11-8F7A-080020C8D296}"><MSH><MSH.1>|</MSH.1><MSH.2>^~\&amp;</MSH.2><MSH.3><HD.1>EDI</HD.1></MSH.3><MSH.4><HD.1>PWH</HD.1></MSH.4><MSH.5><HD.1>EchoPac</HD.1></MSH.5><MSH.6><HD.1>PWH</HD.1></MSH.6><MSH.7><TS.1>20050804162010</TS.1></MSH.7><MSH.8 xsi:nil="true"></MSH.8><MSH.9><MSG.1>ADT</MSG.1><MSG.2>A01</MSG.2></MSH.9><MSH.10>TEST007</MSH.10><MSH.11><PT.1>#Property(ProcessingID)#</PT.1></MSH.11><MSH.12><VID.1>2.3.1</VID.1></MSH.12><MSH.13 xsi:nil="true"></MSH.13><MSH.14 xsi:nil="true"></MSH.14><MSH.15>AL</MSH.15><MSH.16>ER</MSH.16><MSH.17>#Property(CountryCode)#</MSH.17><MSH.18>ASCII</MSH.18><MSH.19><CE.1>ENG</CE.1></MSH.19></MSH><PID><PID.1>1</PID.1><PID.2 xsi:nil="true"></PID.2><PID.3><CX.1>A0000010</CX.1></PID.3><PID.4 xsi:nil="true"></PID.4><PID.5><XPN.1><FN.1>TEST, Patient 01_10</FN.1></XPN.1></PID.5><PID.6 xsi:nil="true"></PID.6><PID.7><TS.1>20001001</TS.1></PID.7><PID.8>F</PID.8></PID><PV1><PV1.1>1</PV1.1><PV1.2 xsi:nil="true"></PV1.2><PV1.3 xsi:nil="true"></PV1.3><PV1.4 xsi:nil="true"></PV1.4><PV1.5 xsi:nil="true"></PV1.5><PV1.6 xsi:nil="true"></PV1.6><PV1.7 xsi:nil="true"></PV1.7><PV1.8 xsi:nil="true"></PV1.8><PV1.9 xsi:nil="true"></PV1.9><PV1.10 xsi:nil="true"></PV1.10><PV1.11 xsi:nil="true"></PV1.11><PV1.12 xsi:nil="true"></PV1.12><PV1.13 xsi:nil="true"></PV1.13><PV1.14 xsi:nil="true"></PV1.14><PV1.15 xsi:nil="true"></PV1.15><PV1.16 xsi:nil="true"></PV1.16><PV1.17 xsi:nil="true"></PV1.17><PV1.18 xsi:nil="true"></PV1.18><PV1.19><CX.1>10010</CX.1></PV1.19></PV1></ADT_A01>
    subscribers(1) := SYS.AQ$_AGENT('b2buser', null, null);
    message_properties.RECIPIENT_LIST := subscribers;
    ipmsg := b2b.IP_MESSAGE_TYPE (msg_id, null,'EAI','EchoServer','Echo_ADTA01_Process', 'ADT_A01', '2.3.1', 1, xml_clob, null);
    dbms_aq.enqueue(queue_name => 'b2b.IP_OUT_QUEUE',
    enqueue_options => enqueue_options,
    message_properties => message_properties,
    payload => ipmsg,
    msgid => msg_handle);
    show errors;
    then go to the B2B Report tab, can see two message like below
    EAI EchoServer MLLP - 1.0 HL7 - 2.3.1 Echo_ADTA01_Process WaitFA 2007年11月12日 星期一 下午05:51:37
    Acknowledgement Invalid 2007年11月12日 星期一 下午
    and in the log file, like this:
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.exchange.mllp.MLLPExchangePlugin:decodeIncomingMessage Could not find a Trading Partner with MLLP ID = is4-nb4. Please check the Trading Partner Identification section of your Trading Partner
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (ERROR) Error -: AIP-52251: Error identifying remote trading partner at MLLP Exchange with MLLP ID is4-nb4
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.exchange.mllp.MLLPExchangePlugin.decodeIncomingMessage(MLLPExchangePlugin.java:247)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.processIncomingMessage(Engine.java:1177)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.incomingContinueProcess(Engine.java:2030)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.handleMessageEvent(Engine.java:1962)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.processEvents(Engine.java:1920)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener.onMessage(MsgListener.java:463)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener.run(MsgListener.java:335)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.exchange.mllp.MLLPExchangePlugin:decodeIncomingMessage identify trading partner by MLLP Id failed for is4-nb4 with ExceptionError -: AIP-52251: Error identifying remote trading partner at MLLP Exchange with MLLP ID is4-nb4
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (ERROR) Error -: AIP-52251: Error identifying remote trading partner at MLLP Exchange with MLLP ID is4-nb4
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.exchange.mllp.MLLPExchangePlugin.decodeIncomingMessage(MLLPExchangePlugin.java:257)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.processIncomingMessage(Engine.java:1177)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.incomingContinueProcess(Engine.java:2030)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.handleMessageEvent(Engine.java:1962)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.processEvents(Engine.java:1920)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener.onMessage(MsgListener.java:463)
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener.run(MsgListener.java:335)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:handleExceptionBeforeIncomingTPA Enter
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:XXX: handleInboundException Enter
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:XXX: handleInboundException Error message is Error -: AIP-52251: Error identifying remote trading partner at MLLP Exchange with MLLP ID is4-nb4
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:XXX: isFARequired Enter
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:XXX: isFARequired {From=is4-nb4, FromIP=, FARequired=true, protocolVersion=1.0, ToIP=, Port=4911, Message-Id=1194861102002-1207274363, protocol=TCP, To=is4wingw02}
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:XXX: isFARequired returning true
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:XXX: handleInboundException Error Set
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:XXX: createAndSendFA Enter
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:XXX: createAndSendFA processed by HL7
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.document.hl7.HL7DocumentPlugin:createFA Enter
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.document.hl7.HL7DocumentPlugin:createFA Not creating an ACK for an incoming ACK Message
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:XXX: createAndSendFA B2BMessage is null
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:XXX: createAndSendFA Exit
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:XXX: handleInboundException FA Sent
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Enter
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Leave
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:handleInboundException Updating Error Message: Error -: AIP-52251: Error identifying remote trading partner at MLLP Exchange with MLLP ID is4-nb4
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:updateWireBusinessToErrorState Enter
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:updateWireBusinessToErrorState Wire message found
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:updateWireBusinessToErrorState enum not null
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:updateWireBusinessToErrorState Updating wire message error information
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:updateWireBusinessToErrorState Updating wire message protocol message id
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:064: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:updateWireBusinessToErrorState Updating wire message payload storage
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:080: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:updateWireBusinessToErrorState Creating new business message
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:080: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertMsgTblRow Enter
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:080: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertMsgTblRow BusinessAction for the given name null null
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:080: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:updateWireBusinessToErrorState Updating business message error information
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:080: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:updateWireBusinessToErrorState Exit
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:080: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:handleInboundException Updating Native Event Tbl Row
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:080: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:updateNativeEvtTblRow Enter
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:080: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:updateNativeEvtTblRow msgInfo.id = 1194861102002-1207274363
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:096: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:handleInboundException notifying App
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:096: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Engine:notifyApp Enter
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:096: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) notifyApp:notifyApp Enqueue the ip exception message:
    <Exception xmlns="http://integration.oracle.com/B2B/Exception" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <errorText>Error identifying remote trading partner at MLLP Exchange with MLLP ID is4-nb4</errorText>
    <![CDATA[Machine Info: (is4wingw02)
    Error -:  AIP-52251:  Error identifying remote trading partner at MLLP Exchange with MLLP ID is4-nb4  ]]>
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:096: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Engine:notifyApp Exit
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:096: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:handleInboundException Updated the Error Message Successfully: Error -: AIP-52251: Error identifying remote trading partner at MLLP Exchange with MLLP ID is4-nb4
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:096: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:XXX: handleInboundException Exit
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:096: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:handleExceptionBeforeIncomingTPA Exit
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:096: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:incomingContinueProcess Exit
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:096: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:handleMessageEvent Exit
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:111: Thread-10: B2B - (INFORMATION) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processEvents Exit
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:111: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Enter
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:111: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Transaction.commit()
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:111: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Leave
    2007.11.12 at 17:51:43:111: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.data.MsgListener:onMessage Exit
    here said not find the remote partner, but in B2B server, can ping Echoserver.
    what is wrong?

    Hello again,
    I have tried all different combinations with the IP addresses and host names, but to no avail. Then I changed the Trading Partner Identification Type from MLLP Id to Sending Application (one of the customer requirements is to be able to identify the Trading Partner by the combination of Sending App/Sending Facility, since they are running multiple HL7 applications on one host). However, I still see the same error in the log file - for some reason, B2B is still trying to identify the Trading Partner by the MLLP Id. Redeploying the configuration didn't help, the requested identification type is ignored.
    Please help! If needed, I can send the B2B log file, but maybe I'm missing something obvious.
    BTW, the customer has installed the patch for bug 6439217 on October 10th. The B2B version is
    Thanks in advance!

  • Trading partner - cleared document

    Hi All
    I would like to change trading partner in posted document. is it possible.if not please suggest me how to change this?

    to do the trading partner corrections it is better to create new document type with "enter trading partner"
    you can dr/cr with same gl code with correct trading partner one line and with wrong trading partner other line..

  • Issue with the field (Trading Partner) in the BW report

    The Info Object 0PCOMPANY (Trading Partner) is having a reference char 0COMPANY in the BW system so the data for the field Trading partner text will be pulled from 0COMPANY_TEXT data source.
    I have checked in the info object 0PCOMPANY in the tab master data / Text under text table properties it has checked in the medium length text exists.
    Even i have checked with R/3 consultants and found the data for all of trading partners but i am not clear where i have to investigate on this issue.
    Now the values for the field Trading Partner were not displayed in the report i have checked the properties of the field and found display as Standard: key and text.
    Any help will be appreciated in advance.

    set the propety "display" to medium text for this charateristic either in the BEx report itself either in the query definition.
    Ensure that the text are well loaded (run tran RSDMD with this IObj in norder to display master data)
    Only having meduim texts will prevent you to display "key and texts" in reports.
    You could enhance your IObj and enable short/long texts as well; in the transfer rules just load the medium text in short (truncate its length to 20) as well as in the long text.
    hope this helps...

  • In XML Gateway Responsibility How to add User defined Trading Partner type.

    We have a requirements to add user defind Trading Partner Type apart from the default trading partner type.
    How to do this? If any one know , kinldy let me explain it

    I looked it up in the mean time ...
    The docs state that you only can use simple data type or java.util.list or AttributeList (which is a wrapper for any viewRow). So I guess you have to somehow flatten your complex data type or create a custom VO which holds it.
    Scroll down to 11.2.3


    Dear Friends
    We are on ECC 5.0, we have activated document splitting on BUSINESS AREA basis..
    As for new requirement for consolidated financial reports, we have also added TRADING PARTNER(vbund) field for document splitting ..
    We have define companies(trading partner), assign them to relevant customer and vendor master.
    Also have tick INTER COMPANY POSTING AND TRADING PARTNER field in document types(OBA7)
    in documents, with vendor and customer relevant line items trading partner is coming automatically..
    for G/L related line items we want that trading partner should come automatically through document splitting ..
    please note that we cant assign trading partner with G/Ls in chart of accounts as same G/Ls can be used with different different trading partner at the same time..
    Kindly help me in this issue..

    Document Splitting is too complex a concept for Substitution.  If you have to just copy the Business partner to the missing lines, then you can use substitution.  But if you have more than one BP in any entry and the transaction has to generate entries accordingly to balance it, substitution cannot do that.
    If you are trying to split on any field other than Business Area, Profit Center and Segment, it involves a lot of work in terms of configuration and development.  You have to develop your custom routine to enable splitting on your selected field (VBUND) in your case.
    If I remember right, there is a consulting note which explains a brief summary of what is to be done for having Document splitting on custom fields.  You can try searching Service Market place.

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    Dear QuickTime users, I am trying to cut out sections of video from previously exported from FCP 6 .mov files. I am using QuickTime 7 as a fast solution to cut out sections to shorten the videos as I need just excerpts. As a result, the ending of eac

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    Hi, We have implemented the Oracle BAM We can run continuous BAM service and report on web about 1-2 weeks. Then the BAM report on web service don't update new reports. After i check error messages in EventEngine.log. There are below messag

  • NVIDIA Quadro 4000 and PSD cs5 and Suitcase Fusion 4

    Are they not compatible and causing caushes on Mac OS X 10.6.8? or Suitcase Fusion 4 has issue with both? Here is the crash report. Process:         Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 [1251] Path:            /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS5.1/Adobe Photoshop CS5

  • Inserting flv file in Dreamweaver CS4

    When I insert a flv file using Dreamweavr CS4 using asp (Windows XP, SP3 and IE8), I only get two additional files generated (FLV-PlayerProgressive.swf and a skins file.  I get no other files generated, either in my root folder of a Scripts folder.