Spacing in SO10/SE71

I defined a letter with a Footer on an test machine and a production machine. This is works as expected except the footer. The spacing between the letters in the footer differs from the test machine to the production machine.
Where can I find the configuration for the spacing?

Hi Henning Schindler,
as long as you use the same font, there shouldn't be any difference.
but maybe i have some points to check for you.
As SO10 Texts can be maintained in each system (Test or Prod) it might be caused by using different fonts. Do you use the same fonts?
I dont think you can change the spacing. Are you using a standard font?
Did some 1 change the font and did not transport it to production?
Are there just differences in the print preview, or are there really differences in the print output?
Are you using same print device on Prod and Test? Are they maintained the same?
Or are you using different printers for Production and Test.
Sometimes the print preview is a bit messed up, but the print output is fine.
I know its possible to change fonts, or create your own fonts - unfortunatelly i dont know where
Stefan Seeburger

Similar Messages

  • Print preview for so10 differs btw dev n prd

    Hi experts,
    how come the preview of so10 between prd n dev is different even the line spacing n font is the same
    i use dot matrix printer to preview

    Hi ester,
    1. how did u transport the standard text
       from DEV to PRD?
    2. Probably the contents of standard text
       are different in DEV and PRD.
       Other wise its not possible.
    3. In SO10
       The STYLE and FORM (Default is SYSTEM)
       may not have been transported to PRD
      ( in case its ur own style and form)
    4. Maybe the SYSTEM FORM is different
      in both servers.
    amit m.

  • In Pages 5.1 how do I change the default spacing after a paragraph? I used to be able to do this with the inspector. I no longer see the option.

    In pages 5.1 I was wondering how to change the line spacing after a paragraph.

    This is from the online Pages Help . You have the option to the Help in your Pages Help menu
    Adjust line spacing
    You can adjust the spacing between lines in a paragraph, and change the amount of space before or after a paragraph.
    Click in the paragraph whose spacing you want to change, or select one or more paragraphs.
    In the Text pane of the Format inspector, click Style.
    Click the disclosure triangle next to Spacing, then choose an option from the pop-up menu:
    Lines: Choose when the distance between ascenders (parts of letters that extend to the top of the line) and descenders (parts of letters that extend below the line) should stay the same. The space between lines is proportional to the font size.
    At least: Choose when the distance between lines should remain fixed (but not to overlap if the text gets large).The distance from one line to the next will never be less than the value you set, but it may be larger for larger fonts to prevent overlapping text lines.
    Exactly: The distance between the baselines.
    Between: The value you set increases the space between the lines, instead of increasing the height of the lines. By contrast, double-spacing doubles the height of each line.
    Click the arrows next to the spacing field to set the amount of space for the option you chose.
    To adjust the amount of space before and after the selected paragraph, click the arrows for Before Paragraph and After Paragraph

  • Set top and bottom inset spacing values in Text Frame Options via jsx script

    I am looking for a way to set the top and bottom inset spacing values only to 2 points in Text Frame Options via a .jsx scrpt.
    For years, I have used a script that sets Preferences, such as:
        opticalMarginAlignment = false;
        opticalMarginSize = 12;                // pts
    I would like to add the code to this same script that would make Top = 0p2 and Bottom 0p2 but leave Left and Right as 0p0.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Here is the full .jsx file that we now use to set preferences.
    Ideally, this could be modified to include setting any text frame created to have 0p2 inset Top and Bottom, but 0p0 Left and Right:
    //An InDesign CS2 JavaScript
    //Sets the application text defaults, which will become the text defaults for all
    //new documents. Existing documents will remain unchanged.
        alignToBaseline = false;        // align to baseline grid
        try {
    //        appliedFont = app.fonts.item("Times New Roman");
            appliedFont = app.fonts.item("Helvetica");
        catch (e) {}
        try {
            fontStyle = "Medium";
        catch (e) {}
        autoleading = 100;
        balanceRaggedLines = false;
        baselineShift = 0;
        capitalization = Capitalization.normal;
        composer = "Adobe Paragraph Composer";
        desiredGlyphScaling = 100;
        desiredLetterSpacing = 0;
        desiredWordSpacing = 100;
        dropCapCharacters = 0;
        if (dropCapCharacters != 0) {
            dropCapLines = 3;
            //Assumes that the application has a default character style named "myDropCap"
            //dropCapStyle = app.characterStyles.item("myDropCap");
        fillColor = app.colors.item("Black");
        fillTint = 100;
        firstLineIndent = "0pt";
    //    firstLineIndent = "14pt";
        gridAlignFirstLineOnly = false;
        horizontalScale = 100;
        hyphenateAfterFirst = 3;
        hyphenateBeforeLast = 4;
        hyphenateCapitalizedWords = false;
        hyphenateLadderLimit = 1;
        hyphenateWordsLongerThan = 5;
        hyphenation = true;
        hyphenationZone = "3p";
        hyphenWeight = 9;
        justification = Justification.leftAlign;
        keepAllLinesTogether = false;
        keepLinesTogether = true;
        keepFirstLines = 2;
        keepLastLines = 2;
        keepWithNext = 0;
        kerningMethod = "Optical";
        kerningValue = 0;
        leading = 6.3;
    //    leading = 14;
        leftIndent = 0;
        ligatures = true;
        maximumGlyphScaling = 100;
        maximumLetterSpacing = 0;
        maximumWordSpacing = 160;
        minimumGlyphScaling = 100;
        minimumLetterSpacing = 0;
        minimumWordSpacing = 80;
        noBreak = false;
        otfContextualAlternate = true;
        otfDiscretionaryLigature = true;
        otfFigureStyle = OTFFigureStyle.proportionalOldstyle;
        otfFraction = true;
        otfHistorical = true;
        otfOrdinal = false;
        otfSlashedZero = true;
        otfSwash = false;
        otfTitling = false;
        overprintFill = false;
        overprintStroke = false;
        pointSize = 6.3;
    //    pointSize = 11;
        position = Position.normal;
        rightIndent = 0;
        ruleAbove = false;
        if(ruleAbove == true){
            ruleAboveColor = app.colors.item("Black");
            ruleAboveGapColor = app.swatches.item("None");
            ruleAboveGapOverprint = false;
            ruleAboveGapTint = 100;
            ruleAboveLeftIndent = 0;
            ruleAboveLineWeight = .25;
            ruleAboveOffset = 14;
            ruleAboveOverprint = false;
            ruleAboveRightIndent = 0;
            ruleAboveTint = 100;
            ruleAboveType = app.strokeStyles.item("Solid");
            ruleAboveWidth = RuleWidth.columnWidth;
        ruleBelow = false;
        if(ruleBelow == true){
            ruleBelowColor = app.colors.item("Black");
            ruleBelowGapColor = app.swatches.item("None");
            ruleBelowGapOverprint = false;
            ruleBelowGapTint = 100;
            ruleBelowLeftIndent = 0;
            ruleBelowLineWeight = .25;
            ruleBelowOffset = 0;
            ruleBelowOverprint = false;
            ruleBelowRightIndent = 0;
            ruleBelowTint = 100;
            ruleBelowType = app.strokeStyles.item("Solid");
            ruleBelowWidth = RuleWidth.columnWidth;
        singleWordJustification = SingleWordJustification.leftAlign;
        skew = 0;
        spaceAfter = 0;
        spaceBefore = 0;
        startParagraph = StartParagraph.anywhere;
        strikeThru = false;
        if(strikeThru == true){
            strikeThroughColor = app.colors.item("Black");
            strikeThroughGapColor = app.swatches.item("None");
            strikeThroughGapOverprint = false;
            strikeThroughGapTint = 100;
            strikeThroughOffset = 3;
            strikeThroughOverprint = false;
            strikeThroughTint = 100;
            strikeThroughType = app.strokeStyles.item("Solid");
            strikeThroughWeight = .25;
        strokeColor = app.swatches.item("None");
        strokeTint = 100;
        strokeWeight = 0;
        tracking = 0;
        underline = false;
        if(underline == true){
            underlineColor = app.colors.item("Black");
            underlineGapColor = app.swatches.item("None");
            underlineGapOverprint = false;
            underlineGapTint = 100;
            underlineOffset = 3;
            underlineOverprint = false;
            underlineTint = 100;
            underlineType = app.strokeStyles.item("Solid");
            underlineWeight = .25
        verticalScale = 100;
    //Units & Increments preference panel
    //Must do this to make sure our units that we set are in points. The vert and horiz
    //units that get set default to the current measurement unit. We set it to points
    //so we can be sure of the value. We'll reset it later to the desired setting.
        horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;    // Ruler Units, horizontal
        verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;        // Ruler Units, vertical
    //General preference panel
        pageNumbering = PageNumberingOptions.section;    // Page Numbering, View
        toolTips = ToolTipOptions.normal;                    // Tool Tips
    // Not supported in CS4
    //    toolsPalette = ToolsPaletteOptions.doubleColumn;    // Floating Tool Palette
        completeFontDownloadGlyphLimit = 2000;                // Always Subset Fonts...
        try {
            //Wrapped in try/catch in case it is run with CS4 and earlier to avoid the error
            preventSelectingLockedItems = false;                // Needed for CS5+
        catch (e) {}
    //Type preference panel
    with (app.textEditingPreferences){
        tripleClickSelectsLine = true;    // Triple Click to Select a Line
        smartCutAndPaste = true;        // Adjust Spacing Automatically when Cutting and Pasting Words
        dragAndDropTextInLayout = false;    // Enable in Layout View
        allowDragAndDropTextInStory = true;    // Enable in Story Editor
        typographersQuotes = true;            // Use Typographer's Quotes
        useOpticalSize = true;                // Automatically Use Correct Optical Size
        scalingAdjustsText = true;            // Adjust Text Attributes when Scaling
        useParagraphLeading = false;    // Apply Leading to Entire Paragraphs
        linkTextFilesWhenImporting = false;    // Create Links when Placing Text and Spreadsheet Files
    // Missing following (Font Preview Size, Past All Information/Text Only)
    //Advanced Type preference panel
        superscriptSize = 58.3;                // Superscript, size
        superscriptPosition = 33.3;            // Superscript, position
        subscriptSize = 58.3;                // Subscript, size
        subscriptPosition = 33.3;            // Subscript, position
        smallCap = 70;                        // Smallcap
        inlineInput = false;                // Use Inline Input for Non-Latin Text
    //Composition preference panel
        highlightKeeps = false;                    // Keep Violations
        highlightHjViolations = false;            // H&J Violations
        highlightCustomSpacing = false;            // Custom Tracking/Kerning
        highlightSubstitutedFonts = true;    // Substituted Fonts
        highlightSubstitutedGlyphs = false;    // Substituted Glyphs
        justifyTextWraps = false;                // Justify Text Next to an Object
        abutTextToTextWrap = true;                // Skip by Leading
        zOrderTextWrap = false;                    // Text Wrap Only Affects Text Beneath
    //Units & Increments preference panel
        rulerOrigin = RulerOrigin.spreadOrigin;                    // Ruler Units, origin
    //    These are set at the end of the script after all the changes have been made
    //    horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;    // Ruler Units, horizontal
    //    verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.inches;        // Ruler Units, vertical
        pointsPerInch = 72;                    // Point/Pica Size, Points/Inch
        cursorKeyIncrement = 1;                // Keyboard Increment, Cursor Key
        baselineShiftKeyIncrement = 2;    // Keyboard Increment, Baseline Shift
        leadingKeyIncrement = 2;        // Keyboard Increment, Size/Leading
        kerningKeyIncrement = 20;            // Keyboard Increment, Kerning
    //Grids preference panel
        baselineColor = UIColors.lightBlue;    // Baseline Grid, Color
        baselineStart = 48;                        // Baseline Grid, Start
        baselineDivision = 6;                    // Baseline Grid, Increment Every
        baselineViewThreshold = 50;                // Baseline Grid, View Threshold
        baselineGridRelativeOption = BaselineGridRelativeOption.topOfPageOfBaselineGridRelativeOption;    // Baseline Grid, Relative To
        gridColor = UIColors.lightGray;            // Document Grid, Color
        horizontalGridlineDivision = 12;    // Document Grid, Horizontal, Gridline Every
        horizontalGridSubdivision = 12;            // Document Grid, Horizontal, Subdivisions
        verticalGridlineDivision = 12;            // Document Gird, Vertical, Gridline Every
        verticalGridSubdivision = 12;            // Document Grid, Vertical, Subdivisions
        gridsInBack = true;                        // Grids in Back
        documentGridSnapto = false;                // snap to grid or not
        documentGridShown = false;                // show document grid
    //Guides & Pasteboard preference panel
        marginGuideColor = UIColors.violet;                // Color, Margins
        columnGuideColor = UIColors.magenta;            // Color, Columns
        bleedGuideColor = UIColors.fiesta;                // Color, Bleed
        slugGuideColor = UIColors.gridBlue;                // Color, Slug
        previewBackgroundColor = UIColors.lightGray;    // Color, Preview Background
        minimumSpaceAboveAndBelow = 72;                    // Minimum Vertical Offset
        guideSnaptoZone = 4;                            // Snap to Zone
        guidesInBack = false;                            // Guides in Back
    //Dictionary preference panel
        composition = ComposeUsing.both;    // Hyphenatin Exceptions, Compose Using
        mergeUserDictionary = false;    // Merge User Dictionary into Document
        recomposeWhenChanged = true;    // Recompose All Stories When Modified
    // Missing (Lang, Hyph, Spelling, Double Quotes, Single Quotes)
    //Spelling preference panel
        checkMisspelledWords = true;                    // Find, Misspelled Words
        checkRepeatedWords = true;                        // Find, Repeated Words
        checkCapitalizedWords = true;                    // Find, Uncapitalized Words
        checkCapitalizedSentences = true;                // Find, Uncapitalized Sentences
        dynamicSpellCheck = true;                        // Enable Dynamic Spelling
        misspelledWordColor =;                // Color, Misspelled Words
        repeatedWordColor =;                // Color, Repeated Words
        uncapitalizedWordColor =;    // Color, Uncapitalized Words
        uncapitalizedSentenceColor =;    // Color, Uncapitalized Sentences
    //Autocorrect preference panel
        autoCorrect = true;                            // Enable Autocorrect
        autoCorrectCapitalizationErrors = false;    // Autocorrect Capitalization
    // Missing (Language, Misspelled word pairs)
    //Display Performance preference panel
        defaultDisplaySettings = ViewDisplaySettings.typical;    // Preserve Object-Level
        persistLocalSettings = false;
    // Missing (antialiasiing, greek below
    //Story Editor Display preference panel
        textColor =;                // Text Color
        backgroundColor = InCopyUIColors.white;            // Background
        smoothText = true;                                // Enable Anti-Aliasing
        antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.grayAntialiasing;    // Type
        cursorType = CursorTypes.standardCursor;    // Cursor Type
        blinkCursor = true;                                // Blink
    // Missing (Font, Size, Line Spacing & Theme)
    //File Handling preference panel
        includePreview = true;                        // Always Save Preview Images with Doc
        previewSize = PreviewSizeOptions.medium;    // Preview Size
        preferPDFWhenPasting = false;                // Prefer PDF When Pasting
        copyPDFToClipboard = true;                    // Copy PDF to Clipboard
        preservePdfClipboardAtQuit = false;            // Preserve PDF Data at Quit
    // Missing (Enable Version Cue)
    //    Optical margin (hanging punctuation, outside margins)
        opticalMarginAlignment = false;
        opticalMarginSize = 12;                // pts
    //Wrap Up (do at end of script)
    //Units & Increments preference panel
    //Must do this to make sure our units that we set are in points. The vert and horiz
    //units that get set default to the current measurement unit. We set it to points
    //so we can be sure of the value. We'll reset it later to the desired setting.
        horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.picas;    // Ruler Units, horizontal
        verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.inches;    // Ruler Units, vertical
    //    These two flags are turned off to avoid the error message about
    //    missing image links when InDesign opens an ad. This can especially
    //    be a problem when doing batch processes.
        checkLinksAtOpen = false;            // checkbox: true/false
        findMissingLinksAtOpen = false;        // checkbox: true/false

  • "Line Spacing" vs. leading

    How does "Line Spacing" in static or dynamic text fields
    (explicitliy set in the "Formatting Options" window) compare w/
    "leading" when creating a text field w/ AS?
    Is a "Line Spacing" setting of 10 the same as my_fmt.leading
    = 10;?
    In a Flash 7 file I'm trying to get the spacing between lines
    in an AS-created text field to be closer than default, but it seems
    that leading can be a positive value. But if a similar static field
    looks good w/ Line Spacing set at 0, why is there no equivalent w/

    To clarify... If the query row is omitted from the
    indexed/array notation, then isValid() and <cfparam />
    produce different results.
    In the attached code example below, the query row was omitted
    intentionally to illustrate.
    Two possible solutions are:
    1) Make isValid() throw an error (so that they both throw an
    2) Make <cfparam /> not throw an error (so that they
    both do not throw an error)
    I feel the behavior should be consistent. Does anyone feel
    otherwise? If the behavior should be consistent, then which
    solution, or other solution, is preferred?
    Let's discuss!

  • Permanently save line spacing in a multi-line text field

    Me: Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro, Windows Vista
    (I think the people who will be using the form have Reader 7 on Windows)
    I work in a doctors' clinic, and we use phone message sheets to document conversations between the patients/us/nurses/doctors, and I scanned the form and made it into a fillable PDF for our secretaries to fill out more quickly. The "message" area has pre-printed lines on it, and the multi-line text field I placed there needs to match up to the lines. I used the Rich Text Formatting options to set it to "Exactly 24 Points," but I can't get it to KEEP the formatting permanently. The only way I could get it to save the formatting in that field was to put a space in it and then save it, and then give that to the 2 phone secretaries. It works perfectly the first time, but instead of just closing/re-opening the file to start a new message, one of the secretaries highlights everything in the "message" field and deletes it... which deletes the line spacing formatting. I've told her
    b numerous
    times to leave that starting space in the field, but she "forgets" so all of her messages look messed up. So is there a way to force that line spacing
    ???? Here's a shrunken screenshot of the field -- I wish I could just erase the lines altogether so the spacing wouldn't matter, but the secretaries type/print the message out, then the nurses/docs write on the page with pen so the lines have to stay.

    You can set the font size of the text. Then play with the underlines in the original document to match the needs of the font that is used. Print to a new PDF and then use replace pages to put the new page into the form without changing the form fields. I was able to do this with a word processing document by adding underlining in the document with 12 pt and setting the font to 12 pt in the text field. You can play with the font, the border of the field, and the underlining in the original document to get the desired result. Is this optimal, probably not. However it does the job.

  • Indesign CS3 : Inset spacing preview in text box not there anymore.

    In Indesign CS2, I could see a "preview" of the inset spacing of my text boxes in "Preview Mode (W)".
    In Indesign CS3, I can't see it anymore unless I move my text boxes (the preview of the inset spacing of my text boxes shows only when I move the boxes).
    This is bad, because I can't see really fast which boxes have inset spacing and which ones don't.
    Please help me!

    Normal Mode hides all of those things. But Preview Mode shows all of those things (unless otherwise selected in the "View" menu).
    I need to see the inset spacing of my text boxes in Preview Mode without having to move them.
    Here is an image of my text box in Preview Mode (guides, invisible characters, etc. are visible, but not the inset spacing):
    Here is an image of my text box in Preview Mode while I move my box. As you can see, the inset spacing shows:
    I need the inset spacing to show all the time in Preview Mode.

  • Problem  with Fonts for my Dunning form using SO10

    Hello Gurus,
    I have developed a Form for Dunning and have assigned 2 different standard texts (using SO10) for 2 dunning levels and I assigned the same paragraph format for both.(in my case P5 is paragraph format). I am using the same printer to print both the forms but the <b>font on the printout is different for both</b>....
    Could you please tell me what might be the reason for it and how do i resolve it?
    Thanks in Advance

    When u r using the <b>INCLUDE TEXT</b>..
    and if you are using the <b>STYLES</b> then the style formats will be applied to the <b>FIRST INCLUDE</b> onli..
    for the <b>second INCLUDE</b> the default format of the <b>FORM</b> will be applied..
    After first INCLUDE implicitly the STYLE FORMATS will be switched of..
    again Include the style after the first include .. then u will get the required output !!
    reward if it helps u..
    sai ramesh</b>

  • I have "upgraded" from Pages 2.0.2 to Pages 5.5.3 and can no longer customize my line spacing. Does anyone know if there are more than 4 options for line spacing?

    Is it possible to customize line spacing in Pages 5.5.3? My previous Pages 2.0.2 allowed me to choose spacing in 0.1 increments, but as far as I can tell Pages 5.5.3 only offers four options. Very limiting for creative documents.

    Hi Margaret,
    Does this work for you?
    And 0.6
    Or 1.6
    Please call back if this does not help.

  • How can I change or reduce the line spacing to single in a "multiple lines of text" column in a list?

    We keep many logs in a simple list format. One of the columns requires a description using the "multiple lines of text" default column. Sometimes the person making the entry needs to complete about 20-30 lines of text. Users are requesting we reduce
    the amount of space advanced between lines to save space and be more concise. Is there a way to reduce the line spacing for the column entries to single spacing without code?
    Maree N Percival

    We determined that the site column settings were incorrect for allowing single spacing, we changed the site column setting from "Enhanced rich text (Rich text with pictures, tables, and hyperlinks)" to  "Rich text (Bold, italics, text alignment, hyperlinks)"
    and it is now keeping the text in single spaced lines.
    <label for="onetidRichText">Specify the type of text to allow:</label> 
    <input id="onetidRichTextPlain" name="RichText" title="Plain text" type="radio" value="PLAIN" />
    <label for="onetidRichTextPlain">Plain text   </label>
    <input id="onetidRichTextCompatible" name="RichText" title="Rich text (Bold, italics, text alignment, hyperlinks)" type="radio" value="COMPATIBLE" />
    <label for="onetidRichTextCompatible">Rich text (Bold, italics, text alignment, hyperlinks)</label>
    <input id="onetidRichTextFullHtml" name="RichText" title="Enhanced rich text (Rich text with pictures, tables, and hyperlinks)" type="radio" value="FullHtml" />
    <label for="onetidRichTextFullHtml">Enhanced rich text (Rich text with pictures, tables, and hyperlinks)</label>
    Maree N Percival

  • Line Spacing in text field.

    I have added many text fields to my pdf document. Some of them need following:
    Adjust the line spacing between two lines.
    Make the text "justified".
    I can not find any way to accomplish these things. Can anyone tell me how to do these things?

    Are you talking about check box "Allow Rich Text Formatting" in the Text Field Properties dialog box? I have it checked.
    But still it does not give me ability to adjust line spacing or "justify"ing the text.

  • Line spacing (leading) when converting web page to PDF with Acrobat Pro 8.1.2

    I recently upgraded from Acrobat Pro version 7.0.9 to version 8.1.2 (Windows XP Pro). In many cases, when I "Convert current web page to an Adobe PDF file" using the Adobe PDF toolbar in Internet Explorer, the spacing between lines is much larger with version 8 than it was with version 7. Has anyone else observed this? Is there any way to control leading?

    Is the plugig the same as an add-on because all of my Acrobat Add-ons are active?
    Name                Adobe PDF
    Publisher           Adobe Systems, Incorporated
    Status              Enabled
    Load time           0.25 s
    Name                Adobe PDF Reader Link Helper
    Publisher           Adobe Systems, Incorporated
    Status              Enabled
    Load time           0.01 s
    Navigation time     0.00 s
    Name                Adobe PDF Conversion Toolbar Helper
    Publisher           Adobe Systems, Incorporated
    Status              Enabled
    Load time           0.06 s
    Navigation time     0.00 s
    Name                Adobe PDF
    Publisher           Adobe Systems, Incorporated
    Status              Enabled
    Load time           0.00 s



    goto se03 -> change object directory entries
    select object entry->select change object directory entries
    select execute-
    create new object entry
    select r3tr form followed by form name
    below from package to package
    specify $tmp to <package>
    then click execute
    reward points if useful

  • How do I change the spacing between letters of a FONT

    I have a Jpanel that I am writing TEXT on.
    I am using the graphics.drawChars(...) method, with a monospaced font.
    I would like to "Squeeze" the letters together, to get more letters per line.
    (still monospaced, just make them all 1 pixel closer to each other)
    I tried calling the drawChars method for each character, recalculating the
    x and y coordinates each time, but it is WAY TO SLOW.
    If I call drawChars with the whole string, it defaults to the normal spacing of the font.
    any ideas on how to do this?
    [email protected]

    It is also a VT emulator that I am working on.
    At first I was using DrawChar and updating a line at a time, but the customer does not
    like the font (the biggest that fits on the screen) so I am trying to FORCE a larger font
    onto the screen by squeezing the letters closer.
    As soon as I went to calling drawChar or drawString for each char, the performance
    dropped to unacceptable levels, since it is making 80 calls for each of the 24 lines,
    rather then just one per line.
    DrawChars calls DrawString, so the results from using them are the same.
    I created my own FontMetrics, and changed the Width methods,
    but the calls to drawString and drawChar seem to not use the font metrics.

  • Bug in Code View font spacing - very annoying...

    I encounter a really annoying bug in the last version of Dreamweaver CC. The font in Code View is too spaced in the new version...
    See below for screenshots from CS6 and CC to see the difference.
    I'm using the font Courier New 9pt in both version...
    Please advise.
    Dreamweaver CS6
    Dreamweaver CC - Notice the font spacing

    I've managed to change the font to "Source Code Pro" in the Regeditor here: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC\Font Preferences.
    Style, the font is not as good as it was with Courier New... And Courier New is not working... I'm looking to have a normal Courier New in CC... Or at least anothe similar font... Not light as Source Code Pro...
    See screenshots below:
    Source Code Pro In CC
    Courier New in CS6
    Courier New in CC..

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