What is color clipping

I know that most photos have some part with Out of Gamut colors not reproduceable by CMYK offset. And Photoshop says those colors will be clipped when converted from RGB to CMYK. I want to know what exactly Clipping means. What happens if I convert (using Relative color) and print the image with out of gamut colors? Will the out of gamuts look to totally different colors or do they squiz to the closest CMYK match? I am questioning whether it is necessary to painstakingly try to readjust each out of gamut colors for images that will end up on a catalog.

also try giving Bruce Fraser a read on out of gamut color and soft proofing in Photoshop (dated but still very relevant)...

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    Thanks, everyone.
    Opening the image in ProPhoto colorspace completely eliminates the blue clipping. When I compare two instances of an image in PS after assigning ProPhoto in ACR for one and Adobe RGB in ACR for the other, I see much more detail in the blue channel of the image in PS.
    Yes, then this is a good lesson on gamut clipping and colorspace.
    I tried the workaround but it's much easier to just work in a larger colorspace.

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    Cees Wouda

    This has been an ongoing question of mine too for a long time now. Some people tried to explain, but either they didn't really understand it, or I was too dense to get what they were saying.
    In any case, if you click 'Soft Proof', you can usually see that there are tones present that are *not* being displayed in the Lightroom histogram, but *are* affecting the controls.
    more info here:
    PS - I think the reason it's worse with vivid is:
    * it's contrastier (brighter highlights)
    * it's more saturated.
    Some work-arounds:
    * reduce saturation, and increase vibrance instead.
    * use the RGB curves.
    * change the hue and/or saturation of the red channel (or whichever channel(s) offending most) (in camera calibration section) - you may have to finesse some other coloring to compensate...
    * use split toning to add anti-color to the top end, then change the white balance and/or desaturate to compensate.
    * Edit photo color using DPE (beware it does not allow control of color based on luminosity - maybe v1.0?).
    PS - I wish one could control color based on luminosity in Lightroom too (maybe better still to be able to define an auto-mask based at least partly on luminosity, then you could tweak other things as well...).

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    Blue - VIDEO clips with associated audio available (but not necessarily in sequence)
    Dark Green - AUDIO only
    Light Green - merged clips, nested sequence
    Magenta - Imported Still frames & internally generated elements (Black, transparent video etc)
    Pink - AE dynamic link
    Purple - VIDEO only (inc Closed captions, titles etc) - i.e. NO associated audio
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    Green - AUDIO only
    Forest - merged clips, nested sequence
    Lavender - Imported Still frames & internally generated elements (Black, transparent video etc)
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    However, the techniques of adding code directly to movie
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    AS 2 is perfectly useful and good so learn that or learn AS3
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    David Stiller (that is his blog) posts here often and is a
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    You can find one explanation at Janee's tutorials: http://www.myjanee.com/tuts/elements/elemask.htm
    Since PSE does not support layer masks per se, the clipping group simulates a layer mask and hence Janee's name for it, "elemask" (cute, huh?)
    Here are 2 examples:
    In this example I wanted to blur the background leaving the flower in focus:
    1. Duplicate the Background layer and apply a Gaussian blur to the new layer.
    2. Add an adjustment layer below the blur layer (any kind of adjustment layer will do), but do not make any adjustment - just click OK.\
    3. Group the blur layer with the adjustment layer. On the adjustment layer paint the subject with black
    to mask out the blur, paint with white to restore the blur.
    Of course you can use other tools on the adjustment layer besides the paint brush, e.g., make a selection and fill with the black or white. In some cases it might be easier to first fill the adjustment layer with black and then paint with white.
    In this example (not actually a mask but still demonstrates a clipping group) I wanted to crop the picture into a leaf shape.
    1. Use the leaf from the Custom Shape tool to draw out the leaf, creating a new layer.
    2. Move the leaf layer below the picture layer.
    3. Group the two layers.
    Note that in order to move a layer below the Background layer you have to rename the Background layer to anything else (layer 0 in my example).

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    The supported formats, from http://www.apple.com/ipad/specs/, are :
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    discoboy03 wrote:
    I was wondering if there is a way to tell where a clip in the timeline came from. Sometimes a project will have footage from other projects and bins. I would like to find out what bin a specific clip is in from the timeline.
    Stringray has got your answer (Reveal Master Clip aka Shift-F) but, just to save you some pain, if the clip in question is from another project, that function will fail.
    One of the limitations of FCP is that it does not track that master/affiliate clip information across projects. If you drag a clip from another project - even if it's open in FCP currently - it becomes a master clip in the timeline (and project) you've dragged it to. (Normally, a clip dropped into a timeline is an affiliate clip, with the master clip residing in the Browser.)
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  • What is color burn layer?

    I was reading one of techniques for removing blue haze from pictures.
    The initial two steps were as follows:
    1. Click on your color burn layer
    2. Select all and copy the color burn layer only to the clipboard
    I have never used "color burn layer".  So I have no idea what "color burn layer" is and how to create it.
    Please asvise me how to creaste color burn layer.
    I have photoshop CS5 (with Windows 7).

    It is not a tutorial.   Somebody asked the question in a photo forum. 
    I now lost the original webpage but I copied the anwer as follows:
    Click on your color burn layer
    Select all and copy the color burn layer only to the
    Open a Hue/saturation adjustment layer but make no corrections just press OK.
    Alt click on the Hue/adjustment layers mask this will make the screen go white.
    Edit> paste... this will paste the color burn layer to the mask.
    We must reverse the mask now so press Ctrl+I or Image>Adjustment>Inverse
    Click on the adjustment part of the hue/saturation or Alt click on the mask again.
    Now reduce saturation by moving the saturation slider to the left.
    My question is how to careate color burn layer in CS5 photoshop.

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    Thank you for your help.

    The following information will be helpful for you.
    [Business Object Repository |help.sap.com/saphelp_40b/helpdata/en/7e/5e128f4a1611d1894c0000e829fbbd/content.htm]
    [Repository Browser |help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70/helpdata/en/60/d6ba75ceda11d1953a0000e82de14a/content.htm]
    [Business Object Repository|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/c5/e4ac87453d11d189430000e829fbbd/frameset.htm]
    Assign Points if helpful.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Naveen Dasari.

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    Hi anim8ed,
    The green and red show you the positive (green) and negative (red) change in sales for the current period you are viewing in comparison to the previous period.
    Hope that helps.

  • Red color clips after export to H.264

    Dear friends,
    I am very new to try use Color. I sent seq. from FCP to Color, changed some clips use Color FX, and than back to FCP.
    After export seq. from FCP to H.264 for web, some of the clips appeared red.
    Thanks for any answer.

    Do you mean red render bars or the clips are actually Red? With Color you should avoid H.264 until after any rendering. ProRes or Uncompressed are the best codecs to bounce between Color and FCP.
    Creator of Call Box training series for FCP and Color.

  • What is color range?

    Hi. Can you please tell me what color range is?
    Is that the similarity or the closest color of a color?
    For example "Yellow" So the color range of a yellow is orange or red? or might be light yellow?

    "Color range" is not any kind of technical term. It could mean just about anything (or nothing). You might have it confused with "color gamut," a semi-technical term popularly tossed around these days having to do with so-called "color managment" (calibration). Color gamut refers to the theoretical set or range of colors that can be produced in a particular "color space" or "color model" (CMYK, RGB), or process (device, printing method).
    The main point of it is that, for example, there are many colors that an additive color model (RGB; a system that glows--generates its own light) can display that cannot be even closely simulated by a subtractive color model (CMYK; a system which merely reflects the light that falls upon it and which is completely dependent upon the pigments used). So because each device involved in graphics has its own "color gamut" a system is used to translate the color values called for in one device to the "nearest match" or "most approprite" that can be produced in another. There are, of course, various arguments and technical considerations which present multiple algorithms for doing that.
    Pantone is a proprietary commercial brand name. It's a company that originally produced spot-color inks for offset printing, and a "matching system" for consistently mixing them, dating back to long before graphics computers.
    CMYK is an abreviation for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key (Black); the four ink colors used in "process color" printing. You probably remember from childhood the concept of "primary colors" (red, blue, yellow) being able to mix "any other" color (red and yellow for orange; yellow and blue for green; red and blue for purple). Well, just think of CMYK as the more accurate, formalized, standardized "primary colors" used in full-color commercial printing.
    It's not really about "Pantone and CMYK"; it's about spot-color versus process-color. Do a Google for that. There is so much material out there about this, it's a wonder there is still so much confusion about it.

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