Word 2013 Hangs on Open Reviewing Pane

Since the latest update (15.0.4569.1508), Word 2013 hangs whenever the Reviewing Pane is opened. 
Opening Task Manager and then switching back to the application releases the hang. Closing then opening the Reviewing Pane restores normal operation. So, there is a work-around, but it's a pane.. errr... pain. :)

I suggest you perform a clean boot to determine if background programs are interfering with Word 2013:
We always troubleshoot or determine what conflict is causing the problem by performing a clean boot. If clean boot doesn't help figure out the cause, please refer to this link below:
You should have installed the latest Update, then go to Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> View installed updates, try uninstalling the update, check if the issue will persist.
Melon Chen
TechNet Community Support

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    I have a problem with Word 2013 on Windows 8.
    Every time I save a document, the program hangs until the file is written to disk. Things works fine afterwards until the next save. It happens with documents
    of all sizes, 200KB, 500KB, 1MB.
    While this happens the "saving to disk" progress bar at the bottom of the window takes several seconds to complete. During this time, the whole application hangs.
    The problem suddenly appeared. Automatic updates is disabled. I have updated since but the issue remain.
    Please advise.

    Gentlemen,  I have been experiencing the very same issue.  I'm running MS Office Word 2013 via my subscription to Office 365, which, in turn, was acquired in August 2014 when I purchased Microsoft's Surface Pro 3.  You'd think that if my hardware
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    This is intolerable.  Microsoft needs to attend to this, or else, as with another comment earlier, I will be forced, due to the loss of productivity and waste of time (and sometimes loss of very good thoughts I'd written down and now could not recapture
    or reconstruct), to go to WordPerfect.  
    I'm not terribly anxious to go try out various unofficial, non-sanctioned little patches or fixes, and risk fouling up my computer setup even worse (given that I am not an expert anyway and might mess up the suggested fix).  We need to hear something
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    Many thanks

  • Word 2013 slow to open documents from SharePoint 2013

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    Word 2013 running on a Windows 8.1 client is take 2 or more minutes to open a document from SharePoint 2013. Excel takes less then 10 seconds from the same site in SharePoint.
    I have remove all proxy configuration from IE, clear the Auto Detect Settings. Added the URL's to the intranet zone and disabled all IE addons. I have also performed a reset on IE, reinstall of Office and tried a number of workstations. All have the same
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    Any ideas?

    Hi Craig,
    For troubleshooting your issue, please take steps as below:
    1.Open IE, go to "Tools > Internet Options > Connections > Lan Settings" and uncheck "Auto Detect Proxy".
    2.From the File tab in Word application, select Options and then click on Advanced and then in the Display section of the dialog, check the box for
    Disable hardware graphics acceleration.
    3.Edit the registry at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Word.Document.12\shell\Open and deleting the ddeexec key.
    Also please have a look at the article:
    Best Regards,
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • Microsoft word 2013 is not opening

    when iam trying to open microsoft word 2013 it  is not opening and  it is saying that " cant open a word because dialog box is open so, please close the dialog box" how can i resolve this problem?

    We may first check whether Winword.exe runs in the background even after closing Word documents. To do this, close all Word documents, press Ctrl + Shift +Esc to open the Task Manager, then check if you can see Winword.exe under
    Processes tab in Task Manager list. If so, right click on WinWord.exe and select
    End Process.
    If above doesn't fix the issue, we may also try the Troubleshooter in the following KB article to fix the issue. The troubleshooter fixes many problems that can prevent Word from starting. See:
    Please let me know the result.
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • Word 2013 hangs every time I save a file

    I have Word 2013 (15.0.4481.1508) on Windows 8 as part of Office Professional Plus (15.0.4481.1001) 64-bit. I'm saving to an SSD that seems to work fine. (Games load in seconds, all drive benchmarks report good performance.)
    Every time I save a document however, Word rejects all user input (I cannot continue typing) until the "saving to disk" progress bar at the bottom of the window indicates that the file is done being written to disk. This takes several seconds to
    complete during which the application is unresponsive.
    Things continue works fine afterwards. It happens with documents of all sizes; 20KB, 100KB, 200KB. It feels as if saving was done on the main GUI thread, as opposed to a background worker.
    I made it my habit back in Office 2010 to save every 5-10 seconds -- after every sentence -- but now I can't do that anymore because of this slowdown.
    Please advise.
    Daniel "3ICE" Berezvai

    Hi Danien,
    Apart from Word, have you tried the other applications? Such as
    Excel and the other Office applications
    Will this behavior also happen?
    -a. If this behaivor also happen when save in Excel and other Office applications, this might be an Office specific problem
    -b. If this behaivor only happen to Word, then it is a Word specific problem
    For situations a & b, 
    try repair Office as a quick fix;
    check the activated add-ins, disable them and start the applications again to determine if this could be caused by the 3rd-party add-ins;
    For situation c, try start Word with the command line switch:
    WinWord.exe /a
    The /a switch will prevents add-ins, settings and global templates (including the Normal template) from being loaded automatically.
    -c. If this behavior also happen when save in Office applications and NotePad and WordPad, then this should be a hardware compatibility issue
    Max Meng
    TechNet Community Support

  • Excel 2013 hangs on opening a file on network

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    a trusted location  and disabled hardware acceleration. Nothing is working. What else can I try to troubleshoot this issue?
    On a side note and I'm not sure if this is helpful but when they tried opening the file, I never saw the temp file created like I do when you open any Office document.

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    users account I copied the file to her desktop and it opens with no problem. The permissions are the same on all similar level folders yet the user can open Excel files from them with no problem and even larger than the problem files.
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    may be a physical issue though from my experience the one folder 'seems' to have the most trouble in opening the Excel files.
    Also tried disconnecting the network drive then reclogging to let the scripts recreate it. No luck with that approach either.

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    cheers, Hans

    open it in safe mode, does Office 2013 work normally?

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    Has anyone see this before.
    I have disabled all add-in on my machine and started Word in safe mode. All the same.
    I am able to open it in Protected Mode or in the option to Open and Repair.

    An outside source is sending in Word documents in docx format. Each time we try to open one of the files, Word with error out and close.
    What does the error say? Have you ever checked the event log? Anything useful there?
    (If you would like us to help analyze the logs, you can send the log file to this email account:
    [email protected] and inform us here. Please use the link of this thread as the subject.)
    As far as I know, when a file is opened in Protected View, all active file content, such as ActiveX controls, add-ins, database connections, hyperlinks, and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macros, is not enabled.
    Since you are able to launch these files in Protected Mode, probably some of the mentioned file content in these old version of files are causing the issue. You might want to troubleshoot on this aspect, check whether these files contain any of the mentioned
    content. Remove them, then try again, or have a check with a plain text document from the same source and see if issue persists.
    Ethan Hua
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • Microsoft Word (2013) is Flaky When Opening Files from OneDrive (thru Windows Expolorer)

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    not help.
    Are there any fixes that we can try?

    Does this only happen to Word documents? What about other type of Office application files?
    What do you mean by "do not open the first time"? Will it usually open when you try it once more?
    Please first check the event logs and see if there is anything useful recorded there about this issue.
    If you would like us to help analyze the logs, you can send the log file to this email account:
    [email protected] and inform us here (the email subject should be the link of this thread).
    Ethan Hua
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • "This command is not available because no document is open" when opening Word 2013

    Whenever I launch Word 2013, the error message "This command is not available because no document is open" appears.  This causes an issue that prevents a program called SNAP used for education from working properly.  I've been able
    to work around the error message itself by disabling the start screen for Word 2013, so it opens straight into a blank document, but SNAP still does not work.
    I've not been able to make any headway researching the issue.  It seems most people run into this error scripting or coding, and it's usually that they try to save a document or something before they actually make the document.
    I don't know that it's relevant, but this is occuring on a 32-bit Windows 7 box.

    Hi, I work with SNAP Technical Support and this is a known issue with Cengage's KPDO add-in.
    Cengage Keyboarding's Add-In to Word prevents the SnapPlayer application from communicating with Word. This add-in will
    need to be disabled.
    may see the following error in the log when this occurs:<Exception>System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
    (0x80080005): Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error: 80080005.at
    SnapPlayer.Skills.Applications.Word.Launch() in D:ProjectsVisual StudioSnap PlayerSnapSkillsApplicationsWord.vb:line 234
    Disabling the add-in will resolve the issue.

  • Unable to open embedded Microsoft Excel 97-2003 worksheet in Microsoft Word 2013 docx document?

    Below is the steps to reproduce this issue.
    1. Open Microsoft Word 2013, create a blank Word document.
    2. Insert Ole object of type Microsoft Excel 97-2003 worksheet or Microsoft Word 97-2003 document.
    3. Save the document as Docx format and close the document. (Saving as Doc format works fine)
    4. Open the saved Docx format in Microsoft Word 2013, now try opening the Ole object.
    5. Error message is thrown as below image.

    This issue might be caused by the third-party software/add-in on your machine, interfering with the OLE process (the technical thing that lets you create/edit an object from an outside application inside Word).
    Based on my tested with my local environment (Office 2013 & Windows8.1), if I enabled some Excel Com add-ins with Microsoft Excel 97-2003 worksheet, I would get the same error when I embedded it to Microsoft Word 2013 DOCX file. Then, I go to Excel>file>options>add-ins.
    Then down the bottom select COM Add-ins from the drop down menu and hit go. Uncheck everything. After that, I could embedded the Microsoft Excel 97-2003 worksheet well.
    Please try the suggestion and hope it's helpful.
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • Right click with mouse in Word 2013 does not give the list with translate and synonyms etc

    since i upgraded to windows 8.1 right click on words in word 2013 does not open the regular list where you can tap on synonyms and translate. 
    it does work if i touch the screen.
    i moved to mouse mode but it does not help 
    can anyone help...
    i am starting to hate windows 8.1 and word 2013 because of this feature not working

    I have tested in my computer and it worked well.
    Normally when we type a wrong spelling, right clicking the word does not give a list with translate and synonyms.
    Check to make sure your spelling is right.
    if the issue persists, Start Word in safe mode to check the issue:Hold "Ctrl" key and click into the program.
    It is also recommended that you do a repair for your Office suites in
    Control panel>Program and features>Office>Change>Repair
    Tylor Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Microsoft word 2013 freezes momentarily every few minutes

    Hello Microsoft Technet
    I am having a problem with word, which consists of it basically not responding whenever i type something. Currently i am working on a document of 1300 words, not tried out whether or not it happens in other documents, but nonetheless, i will try my best
    to describe the problem accurately:
    It can be after writing a whole paragraph, or after a single word, that the program stops responding. It believe that at this point, it is still active, but computing a lot of things? i dont know, but whenever it "freezes" the small | (line) thing
    showing where i am currently typing continues to blink as if it was waiting for me to type, but i am unable to click anything. I cant naviagte the document, not even click the save button or use keyboard shortcuts. Then after a few moments, sometimes a minute
    or two, the document will slowly type whatever i have been pressing while the document was "frozen". "for instance, i am typing a senten"         (it freezes) and i do not notice this, so i continue typing only to see
    for instance, i am typing a senten|       then after a while, it will write a few of the letters in chunks at a time:
    for instance, i am typing a sentence here, whi|
    for instance, i am typing a sentence here, which should be an exa|     if i tehn notice it freezing, i may type random things and wait for it to look something like this:
    for instance, i am typing a sentence here, which shokkkkkjlllllllggghhhhh|
    I have hardware acceleration and pixel (thing) in advanced options turned off. Thank you for at least trying to understand my weird problem. Any help is much appreciated!

    First of all, please try to copy all the words in that document to a new document, work on the new one for a while, check if the problem persists.
    The step above helps determine whether the issue is related to one specific document or it's caused by Word 2013.
    1. If the problem only occurs to one specific document, I suspect it's somehow broken. Try to use the "Open and Repair" feature in Word 2013 to open the file and check if the issue persists:
    In Word 2013, click FILE -> Open -> Browse to the file location -> Select the document -> Select "Open and Repair" from the Open button.
    You can also copy the existing words to a new document to keep working with it.
    2. If the problem occurs to other documents too, then something in Word 2013 seems to be the culprit.
    I suggest you run Word in safe mode to determine whether the issue is related to some 3rd-party add-ins:
    Press Win + R, type "winword.exe /safe" in the blank box, press Enter.
    Open the document from FILE -> Open, check if the problem persists.
    If no, I suggest you go to FILE -> Options -> Add-Ins to disable the suspicious add-in to verify which one caused the issue.
    If none of the steps above helps, I want to collect the event logs to find the cause of the issue:
    Press Win + R, type "eventvwr" in the blank box, press Enter.
    Browse to Windows Logs -> Application. Check the error about the freeze issue, you can send me the logs to help analyze the problem.
    To protect your private information, please send the logs to our email address:
    [email protected]
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • Suddenly can't open MS Word 2013 attachment by clicking on it.

    When I try to click on an attachment that is a Word document, Word 2013 will try to open, but then says it has encountered an error and needs to close. There is an option to repair, but that doesn't work. This has never happened before and I don't believe that I've changed any settings. Furthermore, I can open Word attachments just fine when they come over my gmail and I can pull up any Word document that I have saved on my computer. Therefore, I don't think it's a problem with MS Word. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I really like this email program. I'm running Windows 8.1 if that means anything.

    I appreciate your thoughts. What doesn't make sense is that it worked fine before and I haven't made any changes to my anti-virus program. Now, I'm having an additional problem with the program hanging up every time I write an email. I tried experimenting with safe mode and I still have the same problem. I have a couple of add ons. Do you think that could be the problem?

  • Can not open Word 2010 docx in Word 2013 from Outlook 2013 mail

    I got a mail on outlook with a word 2010 attachment in docx format.
    Open this attachment with double click will show only the welcome screen with the text Open in protected mode.
    With process monitor I could that word 2013 in an endless loop and tries to create the registry key
    "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Word\Options\Vprsu" in an loop.
    The result is always ACCESS DENIED.
    When I create this key manually there will be an loop to create the registry key
    The result is always ACCESS DENIED.
    When I create this key manually. Word show the attachment immediatelly.
    Closing Word and open the attachment again will delete this registry key and the cycle starts again.
    Is there a hotfix available that will repair this?
    I think this is an error in word 2013 protected view.
    Disabling the protected view will help, but is not an good solution.
    Is there any other workarround?
    Screenshot from process monitor:
    Best Regards,

    This issue may occur if the default file associations for Word are damaged. You may repair Office 2013 to restore the file associations and check if that helps. Refer to the link below for more information. You may restart
    the computer once the repair is done.
    Note: Close all Office applications before you perform the repair.

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