Airport Extreme 802.11n Wi-Fi

I updated my Mac OSX to 10.6.8  when I tried to install the Airport Utility Software the error message stated the software on the disk version 2.0 was not supported by the Mac OS X 10.6.8.  Does anyone know where I can upload the supported Airport Utility Software?  I found the update software on the apple website but it would not install because I do not have any Airport Software installed.  Thanks for any help. 

What type of AirPort do you have, Express, Extreme or original? Reply with the model number.

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  • How do I connect my Airport Extreme 802.11n to Epson 645 Printer?

    I can't figure out how to connect my Airport Extreme 802.11n to my Epson 645 Printer.  Can anyone help me?  Thanks!

    You may want to try reinstalling Mavericks. Airport Utility installed by Mavericks may no longer connect to your older AEBS (though I've not heard that.) Installing the Old AirPort Utility (Version 5.6) on Mountain Lion |
    Reinstall Lion, Mountain Lion, or Mavericks
         Boot to the Recovery HD: Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the
         COMMAND and R keys until the Utilities menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and
         after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears.
         Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
         Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions: Upon startup select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu.
         Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions as follows.
    After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the main menu.
         Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion, Mavericks: Select ReinstallLion/Mountain Lion, Mavericks from
         the Utilities menu, and click on the Continue button.
         Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible because it is
                    three times faster than wireless.

  • Setting up Time Capsule with existing AirPort Extreme 802.11n and AirPort Express.

    I already have and am using an AirPort Extreme 802.11n with an AirPort Express. I want to set up a Time Capsule 802.11n. Which is the best way to configure this?

    ... Which is the best way to configure this?
    The answer depends on what you need the TC to accomplish. If all you need it to do is perform Time Machine backups, simply have it join your existing network in client mode. It would be if it were to connect to your existing router (presumably your Extreme), not through an "extended" wireless network (presumably your Express).
    If you need the TC to "extend" your network so as to serve additional wireless clients, you can do that also. Configure it to "extend" the network created by your Extreme.
    As you can see it's quite versatile.

  • I have a pc running windows 7.  I got an Airport Extreme 802.11n Wi-Fi and the printer is now plugged into the Airport.  The wireless router works fine but the printer shows as offline in control panel and in word. The printer is a HP LaserJet CP1525nw.

    I have a pc running windows 7.  I got an Airport Extreme 802.11n Wi-Fi and the printer is now plugged into the Airport.  The Airport works fine but the printer shows as offline in control panel and in word. The printer is a HP LaserJet CP1525nw.

    +For now I have it set to Share Public IP address - Is this correct for my Network Setup with The Airport Extreme being the only router being used ?+
    This would be the correct setting if the AirPort Extreme is connected to a simple modem (one ethernet port).
    *Settings I have Enabled*
    5 GHz name indicates that you have elected to use the option to assign a separate name to the 5 GHz network. This will allow you to "tell" compatible computers to connect to that network, rather than the slower 2.4 GHz network
    Use Wide Channels is recommended for 5 GHz operation.
    Interference Robustness often does more harm than good and should not be used unless you know you are in a area with a lot of wireless networks and you feel that your network is experiencing interference issues from a nearby network.

  • Not able to see disk connected to AirPort Extreme 802.11n

    I just installed my AirPort Extreme 802.11n Wireless Base station. Wireless internet works like a charm, however, I cannot see my external hard disk when it is connected to the base station (amber light blinking and when checking the problem, I am told that "Disk needs repair"). When connecting the hard disk directly to the PC, I have no problem seeing the data. Any tips or tricks out there... ?
    AirPort Extreme 802.11n   Windows XP  

    I finally got my 500 GB Western Digital MyBook USB drive to work by reformatting it to HFS+ format.
    Of course, before I could do that, I had to copy all my files onto another hard drive. That job took a day to accomplish.
    I work with Poser, and have a lot of content installed... We're talking thousands of files.
    Once the drive was reformatted to HFS+ format, I copied everything back over. That took another day. Then I connected to the AEBS.
    The USB drive was immediately recognized. It was incredibly easy to access the USB drive on my PCs. It required no effort on my part, except to supply the password.
    In the end, I've decided this effort is a failure.
    The drive is way too slow for my needs. Also, one of my vital Poser utilities (CorrectReference Pro) will not work properly with the USB drive on the AEBS.
    I am currently in the process of copying all those files over to two external USB hard drives attached to my other PC.
    Then I plan to unmount my 500 GB MyBook drive, and reformat it back to NTFS. I'll let the Notebook PC have it on a direct connection again.
    I have a couple "junk" External Hard drives that are 160 GB. Maybe I'll use one of those as an Airport disk...
    But I won't be using the Airport disk for anything important. It's too slow.

  • Connecting AirPort Express to AirPort Extreme 802.11n

    The following steps helped me set up an AirPort Express base station connected to a set of wireless speakers with my new AirPort Extreme 802.11n base station. I’m posting this because the process was not entirely intuitive, at least not to me.
    I’ll assume you have set up the AP Extreme base station to connect to the internet and run your home network and that you are connected to your wireless network.
    Make sure you set-up the AP Extreme base station to broadcast in 802.11n + 802.11b/g modes, i.e. both at once. You will also have to check he setting that allows the newtork to be extended.
    Reset the AP Express base station so that in runs on the factory defaults by pressing the reset button with a paper clip. Wait for it to completely restart.
    Launch the AirPort Utility. You should see both your AP Extreme and AP Express base stations in the left hand column. Click on the AP Express base station you just reset. When it asks to switch wireless networks do so. Then hit continue.
    On the next screen select “Connect to my current wireless network” option and hit continue.
    On the following screen select the “Extend the range of my AirPort Extreme or AirPort Express network” and hit continue. Do NOT select the “Join my wireless network” option even though it says this is how you connect to wireless speakers. This is the part that was not obvious to me. When I tried this the AirPort Express base station flashed orange and wouldn’t connect despite waiting 30 minutes.
    Chose the network you wish to extend from the drop down menu. My keychain supplied the password for the network.
    Give your base station a name and hit continue.
    Select the main base station in the list provided. This is the one connected to the internet and hit ok.
    The Airport Utility software will configure the network to accept the AirPort Express base station.
    Now all that’s left is to connect your wireless speakers to the AirPort Exppress base station. You can now play music through AirTunes while being connected to your fast 802.11n network.

    I recently setup an Airport Express in conjuction with my Extreme Base Station. I'm not really understanding how this method enables 802.11n connection speeds (via Base Station) to the internet and also allow streaming music through the Express at 802.11b/g. It's my understanding that if you want to be able to access the internet AND stream music at the same time the Express needs to join the network. In order for the Express to join the network (able to recognize the Base Station)...the Base station needs to be changed from 802.11n only to 802.11n (802.11b/g compatable)....which essentially means your connecting to the internet at 802.11b/g. If your wanting to keep 802.11n only on the base would have to create a seperate network via the Express to stream music. What this means is you CANNOT access the internet and stream music at the same time. You would have to manually change Airport in the taskbar to do one or the other.
    Am I off base here? If I am missing something please let me know...because it would be great to be able to connect to the internet at 802.11n only with a multi-case rate set to 23Mbps vs. the 11Mbps (maximum) of the 802.11b/g compatable option.
    I guess what is confusing me is that my setup is basically the same as what was described above..minus having the "Extended Network" being enabled. How does extending the network change things?

  • Help needed connecting Iomega Minimax Ext HDD to Airport Extreme 802.11n

    Would appreciate if someone can help me with the following task. After researching and trying several things, I have not succeed in resolving the issue.
    I want to connect a Iomega MiniMax Ext HDD (for Mac) to my (Airport Extreme 802.11n + Time Capsule) box using the USB port at the back of my Airport Extreme. Then I want to access the Ext HDD wirelessly as a drive on my Macbook (snow leopard OS). I was told this was possible at the Apple Store...but have failed so far.
    Any suggestions so far

    Hello smitra. Welcome to the Apple Discussions!
    The following are the basic steps for sharing an external USB drive attached to either an 802.11n AirPort Extreme Base Station (AEBSn) or a Time Capsule (TC):
    o Plug the hard disk into the USB port on the back of the base station.
    o Open AirPort Utility, located in the Utilities folder in the Applications folder on a Mac, and in Start > All Programs > AirPort on a computer using Windows
    o Select your base station, and then, choose Manual Setup from the Base Station menu.
    o Click Disks in the toolbar, and then, click File Sharing.
    o Choose “With a disk password,” or “With base station password” if you want to secure the shared disk with a password, or choose “With accounts” if you want to secure the disk using accounts. If you choose to use accounts, click Configure Accounts, click the Add "+" button, and then enter a name and password for each user that will access the disk. For simplicity, I would recommend using the "With a disk password" option.
    o Choose “Not allowed,” “Read only,” or “Read and write” to assign guest access to the disk.
    o Select the “Share disks over Ethernet WAN port” checkbox if you want to provide remote access to the disk over the WAN port.
    You should now be able to find this drive within Finder under the SHARED category.

  • To extend AirPort Extreme 802.11n

    Wanting to extend the range of my AirPort Extreme 802.11n (version 7.4.2)
    I have a Airport Express as trial also a 802.11n. AirPort Utility has a lot of trouble finding the Express. When AirPort Utility does find it and I want to set up the Express I have to switch from the Extreme to the Express. Unfortunate side-effect is that AirPort Utility then looses track of the Extreme and I can't "join" the Express as Utility can't find anything to join.
    As I have the Express on trial of a friend I did the normal reset (button for 10 sec) and even the factory reset (unplug, press reset button while plugging in) however I did notice it still had his settings. Changed those but as I said before it seems for AirPort Utility is is either or instead of both.

    Based on your description, it sounds like the AXn is configured to join the wireless network created by the AEBSn ... not extend it.
    The following would be the basic setup steps for extending a wireless network:
    o If practical, place the base stations in near proximity to each other during the setup phase. Once done, move them to their desired locations.
    o Open AirPort Utility and select the base station that will connect to the Internet.
    o Choose Manual Setup from the Base Station menu, or double-click the base station to open the configuration in a separate window. Enter the base station password if necessary.
    o Click AirPort in the toolbar, and then click Wireless.
    o Choose “Create a wireless network” from the Wireless Mode pop-up menu, and then select the “Allow this network to be extended” checkbox.
    o Next, select the base station that will extend this network, and choose Manual Setup from the Base Station menu, or double-click the base station to open its configuration in a separate window. Enter the base station password if necessary.
    o Choose “Extend a wireless network” from the Wireless Mode pop-up menu, and then choose the network you want to extend from the Network Name pop-up menu.
    o Enter the base station network and base station password is necessary.
    o Click Update to update the base station with new network settings.
    (ref: Page 46 of "Designing AirPort Networks Using AirPort Utility.)

  • I hope this might interest someone. The situation; 3 floors,I am having trouble with an an Airport Extreme, 802.11n on the top floor and a Mac Pro 3.1 on the bottom floor. Not always but often it has trouble seeing the Airport and making a connection. I h

    I'm not sure how to post a message. I hope this might interest someone. The situation; 3 floors,I am having trouble with an an Airport Extreme, 802.11n on the top floor and a Mac Pro 3.1 on the bottom floor. Not always but often it has trouble seeing the Airport and making a connection. I have an older Airport Express, would it help to install it? would it work best if it was installed in the same room? should it be installed half way in between? Get another Extreme? The Mac Book Pro on the middle floor can see 11 networks in the neighbourhood if that might be causing a problem or would if I installed the Express. Thank for your consideration.   

    Thanks for your time ... I appologize for the font and colour, I compossed the question in pages and failed to notice the font colour as grey ... there are a variety of computers of various ages so I think it is using a setting that allows both 5G and 2.4 ... the connection to the Airport is thru a cable modem and cable does run throuhout the house ... maybe those hard wires would be a place to look at ... do you think that putting the 'Express' on the second floor might help ... thanks again ...

  • AirPort Extreme 802.11n as a wireless router and local network switch?

    Good afternoon,
    I'm curious if its possible to have the APE in wireless network mode and connect systems via hard line as well?
    I have an AirPort Extreme 802.11n set to "Create a Wireless Network" mode that is attached directly to a cable modem for internet connectevity. My issue is that while all wireless devices (several iPods, two iPhones and three laptop computers) connect to the APE without issue (and have internet access), when I try to plug in a Windows 7 desktop computer via one of the ethernet jacks, Windows is unable to connect and shows the network as "unidentified," spitting back a private IP address as opposed to a local LAN (this behavior repeats for an Ubuntu Linux box as well).
    Not sure if the APE is misconfigured, this is a Windows 7 issue or if its improper use on my part (though this also precludes me from connecting a gigabit switch to the APE).
    Thank you,

    Properly configured, the AirPort should provide both wired and wireless network client with Internet access.
    At this point, I would recommend that you do the following as a minimum:
    Power-down the modem, AirPort base station, and computer(s).
    Power-up the modem; wait at least 10-15 minutes to allow it adequate time to initialize.
    Power-up the AirPort base station; wait at least 5-10 minutes. Note: The AirPort's status light may continue to flash amber after it has intialized. That is because, there may be some additional configuration items necessary, like setting up wireless security, before the overall setup is completed to get a green status.
    Power-up your computer(s).
    If the above steps do not solve the problem, start over with step 1 above, but then perform the next steps between steps 1 & 2. above.
    Disconnect the AirPort base station from the Internet broadband modem.
    While all of the devices are powered-down, perform a "factory default" reset on the base station. This will get it back to its "out-of-the-box" configuration and make setting it up much easier, especially if you use the "Assist me" process within the AirPort Utility. (ref: Resetting an AirPort Base Station or Time Capsule)
    After the base station resets, go ahead and power it back down.
    Reconnect the AirPort base station to the Internet broadband modem. For the Extreme and Time Capsule, be sure to connect the cable to the base station's WAN (circle-of-dots) port.
    Continue with step 2 in the first set of steps.
    In this basic configuration, the AirPort base station will broadcast an unsecured wireless network with a Network Name (SSID) of Apple Network NNNNNN. Network clients, connected to the base station either by wire or wireless, should now be able to access the Internet through the ISP's modem. Once Internet connectivity has been verified, you can use the AirPort Utility to configure the base station for wireless security and any other desired options. Please post back your results.


    I live in a 5000sq ranch in arizona and have our internet set up in one end of the house. We have an airport extreme 802.11n and it wasnt putting out a good signal to the other end of the house so we got another airport extreme and airport express to expand out network. By the way both are 802.11n and the internet is still not even usable because it is so slow. The only computer that has some sort of speed is the mac tower that is hardwired to the airport. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you could ethernet the two Extreme N routers(try to place the second further into the house) and set the second in bridge mode and set to create its own wireless networrk. Use the manual configuration. The third can join the second, signal should reach and be strong. This must be in bridge mode also.
    there are many different ways to set the configuration for wireless but the bridge mode is a must do.

  • How do I know if my airport Extreme 802.11n needs updated firmware based on heart bleed issue using Mavericks?

    I have Mavericks on oour laptops. I have an Airport Extreme 802.11n WI-FI not sure when I bought it. THe article by Tim Cook and Heartbleed issue is very technical and only mentions Leopard operating system. So do not know if I need to upgrade firmware or not. Not sure I undertand "Back to my Mac" or what to do? Also have an airport express.

    it doesn't
    only the newer AC/tower designed models required the updated firmware

  • Airport Extreme 802.11n gone after firmware update

    Started Airport Utility earlier today, just to check a password. An Apple window came up offering new firmware, 7.1.1, I think. I usually accept these offers without thought, so I let the update run. Now Airport Utility cannot detect the Airport Extreme (802.11n). The support page says to check for software up dates, but there were none.
    What next?

    Hello pmacdd. Welcome to the Apple Discussions!
    First, try quitting, and then restarting the AirPort Utility, and then, try accessing the AEBSn.
    If this doesn't solve the problem, then try connecting your computer directly, using an Ethernet cable, to one of the LAN ports of the AEBSn and then try accessing the device.

  • How do I get a download since I don't have my start up disc for AirPort Extreme 802.11n

    How do I download to start using AirPort Extreme 802.11n.  I can't find my start up disc. and don't see any downloads on Apples website.  Then how do I hook it up to work with my Westell modem?

    Please download and install AirPort Utility 5.6.1 for Windows.  The Windows Firewall and or Microsoft Security Essentials will tend to block the connection from your PC to the AirPort Extreme, so you may need to adjust the firewall settings on the PC or check the Essentials application if connection difficulties occur.
    AirPort Utility 5.6.1 for Windows - Apple Support
    Use the Setup Guide to install and configure the AirPort Extreme
    AirPort Extreme Setup Guide - Support - Apple

  • USB Printing AirPort Extreme 802.11n

    I've upgraded to the new AirPort Extreme 802.11n base station and am having troubles printing to printers that worked fine with my previous AirPort Extreme 802.11g base station.
    Both USB printers are detectable for set-up in the Print & Fax Preference tab and can be printed to when hooked directly to my computer. They are also detectable for set-up in the Print & Fax Preference tab when hooked via the base station.
    So, all set-up and settings are fine. The issue I am having which never occurred before is that the file is sent to the queue but is immediately labeled as stopped and will not print no matter what I try.
    I've configured, reconfigured, reset,you name it but with no luck.
    does anyone have any answers out there. Please help...

    I have had the same issue repeatedly after upgrading to Leopard. I can no longer use my printer (Brother HL-2070N the "network ready one") with my airport extreme router. It used to show up before I updated to 10.5.2, now I can't even get it to show up at all. I reset the base station, unplugged, and then re-plugged in the printer, nothing worked. Then I tried to just delete it from my list of printers and re-add it, but now my computer can't find it! I didn't change anything on my network at all, and I had literally printed something just 10 minutes before I applied the update. Very frustrating for a $180 router.

  • Airport Extreme 802.11n sharing a disk with a -1 on the mount point

    First I have to reboot the device once a day because of the disk that disconnect for no reason like many other on the list ever since I upgraded to 7.2.1 but not sure that as to do with this problem.
    Here's is the deal, I have an Airport Extreme 802.11n with a 500GB shared on the USB port. I want to use my iPhoto Library on the 500GB. It's about 11GB, I have tranfered the library over and iPhoto is asking to choose the library I want to use. When I try to point it to the 500GB everything is greyed out. When I use a terminal and do a df command to show the mount point on my computer, I get
    Why and where the -1 is coming from?
    How can I get /Volumes/500GB only?
    One thing I have noticed about the -1 is when I loose the disk connection it prompt me to disconnect 500GB-1 but sometime even with a -2 and -3.

    can I hook up my printer, scanner and external harddrive through a usb hub?
    Partially, a large number of USB printers will work with the AirPort Base Stations' USB port, but not all. I suggest that you checkout the following iFelix site to see if your printer is compatible. Similiarly, most external USB hard drives should work as well.
    However, devices that rely on two-way communications, like copiers and scanners, won't work when connected to the USB port.

Maybe you are looking for